The first teeth in babies - symptoms, order of eruption and when exactly teeth begin to cut (85 photos)

Congratulations on your first tooth

First tooth?
Congratulations! This is cool, what can I say, the baby can bite you fully with a smile. Let your teeth grow quickly, let them not bring pain, let every tooth be strong and healthy.

The first tooth is a miracle! Congratulations, what can I say! All things will be used to scratch your gums.

After him, the second will break through, The third will grow up, Let the little one laugh wider, To show all his teeth!

Congratulations on your first tooth! What a miracle, finally! Now they will climb like mushrooms, now you can safely bite and smile beautifully, laugh fervently and try everything to your teeth. I wish you healthy and snow-white teeth that will appear without whims and pain. Let the baby grow up as a happy child, let every day give a lot of reasons for a child’s smile.

Everyone had been waiting for him for so long, they even bought a brush, and today, suddenly, with delight, everyone sees the first tooth clearly.

Dad is happy and mom is happy, we finally got a miracle! You need to bite them urgently, so that they don’t laugh too much!

At night, when sleep descended, magic happened, the first tooth appeared, you should meet it quickly!

You can eat whatever you want, and bite your parents, and charm everyone in the world with an excellent smile!

An important event - your first tooth, we congratulate you, our dear baby.

We wish that teeth cut through without pain, Nipples and pacifiers quickly, so that they do not tear.

Soon, soon you will bite and bite, your first tooth For the whole family - happiness.

Happy first tooth, hooray! This is such a miracle, this is such joy, Yesterday was not yet - And today it sparkles.

Grow up quickly, baby, If you have teeth, everyone will be happy, After all, you still have thirty-one left to grow!

The first tooth, finally, I will congratulate you, I wish happiness, joy, health to the Bunny with his tooth.

Let your child make you happy, let your teeth grow quickly, let them bring no more discomfort to your baby.

And here is your first tooth, we have been waiting for it very, very much! You are our golden child And we laugh with joy!

Now we are all looking forward to Zubika’s “relatives”, To expand your menu And develop your skills!

The first tooth has appeared, Oh, what a beauty! Congratulations to mom and dad, There is joy and bustle in the house.

Let him now gnaw the carrot. This bunny is groovy. After all, teeth are of more use. Be healthy always, dear!

I hasten to congratulate you on your child’s first tooth. An unexpected “bite” is now waiting, Just don’t shout loudly!

Let the tooth grow faster, And the second one will appear right away, So that the baby will disarm you with his smile!


The first tooth - signs and customs

Doctors have determined that the appearance of the first baby teeth should occur approximately between the fourth and seventh month of life. Signs when the first tooth comes out before 4 months promise that the young mother will soon give birth to another baby. To determine the timing of the birth of your second child, you need to pay attention to whether the top or bottom came first. If they are upper, then an increase should be expected in a maximum of a year.

If the appearance of the first incisors occurred after seven months, then this is an excellent sign. Most likely, the child will have either unique talents or superpowers. However, some nationalities have a completely opposite opinion on this matter.

A sign of good fortune and popularity among peers and members of the opposite sex will be a gap between the upper front incisors. Moreover, the longer the gap, the more this sign works.

A bad sign would be a long period of teething, which takes longer than nature predetermines. This process foreshadows that in the future the child will be very demanding and capricious. Most likely, he will suffer from bouts of hysterics and depression.

In very rare (almost isolated) cases, a child’s first tooth appears during pregnancy. They used to say about such newborns that they would not live to see a year, or they would serve black forces. The first tooth, the canine, used to have the same meaning. Modern people have stopped believing such superstitions because statistics do not confirm them.

Molars also erupt approximately in this order:

  • 6-8 years: central incisors and molars.
  • 8-9 years: lateral incisors above and below.
  • 9-10 years: lower canines;
  • 11-12 years: upper canines.
  • 10-12 years: first and second premolars (top and bottom).
  • 11-13 years: second molars – large chewing teeth.

The very last wisdom teeth to emerge. Third molars appear in adolescents between the ages of 17 and 21. However, it is worth noting that these terms are provisional. There are cases where wisdom teeth appeared by the age of 26, but if by 28 they still have not erupted, then there is no point in waiting for them.

Funny congratulations on the first tooth to a girl or boy

Now I want to congratulate the Baby on his first tooth, Now the cute Bunny can bite through the carrot. Let the entire row of baby teeth grow quickly, let nothing bother you, let your eyes sparkle with joy.

I congratulate the family, you have a toothy one. Zubik was the first to appear, this is just awesome! Let the rest of the teeth come in soon, so that the menu can be expanded. To make it more fun.

Congratulations to our wonderful, wonderful and beloved baby. We wish that all the teeth in your life erupt as easily and painlessly as this first baby tooth. I wish that our baby’s whole life will be as easy, happy and unhindered. Let him be the happiest and most successful person. I wish him health, prosperity and many new discoveries in our big and wonderful world.

More congratulations in prose →

I congratulate you on such an important event now. The very first tooth came out, Remember the wonderful hour. Let the baby be healthy, his teeth chatter loudly, and he will never upset you in a bad mood.

With the first tooth, guys, This is an important stage, Now the child will gnaw. Get ready... everything. Let your teeth grow without pain, let your bunny not get sick, let every day be cooler, more interesting and beautiful.

I hasten to congratulate your family on the first tooth, wish health and strength to the mischievous baby. Let him smile nicely, Showing off his tooth, Let the cheerful life-lover give you joy and happiness. Let the rest grow up without tears and without pain, So that the disorder does not touch these mischievous eyes.

So suddenly and unexpectedly, the first tooth appeared, Let's wish the new recruit: And the second one, so that it works out! In the meantime, learn, dear, to chew successfully with a tooth, and carrots, and nuts, and all the cookies, of course. This tooth is the most important, it means that you have grown, congratulations and wish the rest to grow quickly!

And here is your first tooth, we have been waiting for it very, very much! You are our golden child And we laugh with joy! Now we are all looking forward to Zubika’s “relatives”, To expand your menu And develop your skills!

Congratulations on your first tooth, This is a joyful moment, Now I want to eat everything: Fruits, sweets, omelet! Let your teeth grow faster, We know: the norm is thirty-two, Smile more boldly And say words!

How beautiful your baby is, He is strong and cool, I congratulate you, You have your first tooth. Even if he is alone for now, But the hour is not far off when he will make you and me happy with others. I wish that teeth appear without pain, May your baby be strong and healthy.

How to celebrate the first tooth and what is customary to give as a gift

Signs when the first tooth comes out, almost everyone agrees that a spoon made of silver should be presented as a gift for such an event. Such a gift must be given at the moment when the first incisor is cut. In the old days, godparents had to buy such a gift and tap it on the protruding edge of the tooth. Such a gesture meant that soon the baby would try a new food, for which he would need to use this cutlery. Today, parents can also buy a spoon.

Having performed such a ritual, the baby is predicted to have strong and problem-free teeth throughout his life. Also, such a gift promises the little person a happy future and consistency in it.

To avoid pain during teething, the silver cutlery must be cooled and applied to the inflamed gums. This action will greatly reduce pain and help the baby calm down.

Our ancestors tried to pay as much attention as possible to their child during this period of his life. It was believed that black spirits could take advantage of a weakened state.

The benefits of silver for a baby

In addition to the ritual purpose of a valuable item, this is the first personal cutlery that serves its intended purpose. The spoon should not contain sharp edges or protrusions, and should be small in size so that it is convenient for the baby to use without injury. Subsequently, he will eat on his own, and a comfortable spoon will become an indispensable assistant during meals.

As mentioned earlier, silver is a metal with high bactericidal properties. Therefore, using this item, the mother maintains the baby’s health.

Traditions of different countries

The first tooth is a bright event in the life of a child and his parents. In ancient times, it was believed that this was a transitional period for a baby, when he could be exposed to all sorts of dangers. That is why the child was given all kinds of amulets: items made of coral or a necklace made of nine strips of red silk tied in knots. Now in many homes it is customary to give a silver spoon to the “nibbler” on this significant day. This is usually done by his godparents.

In Armenia, the owner of the first milk tooth already needs to choose his future profession. The holiday is called “atamatik” and looks like this: the baby is seated in front of all sorts of objects that illustrate one or another type of activity. If a child reaches for a hammer, he will become a carpenter; if he reaches for a phonendoscope, he will become a doctor.

But in some Turkish families, the appearance of the first tooth is celebrated with a rich feast among relatives. And they always follow the tradition: everyone is served kutya, and a piece of sugar or a gold decoration is hidden in one of the dishes. Whoever gets the “surprise” must give the baby all kinds of clothes.

A child’s first tooth is a holiday for everyone!

A child’s first tooth is one of the most anticipated events by parents in the life of a little toddler. And this is despite the unpleasant sensations that both the baby and his parents experience along with him.

When can we expect the first tooth? On average, according to the pediatrician's table, it should appear in the range of 4 to 8 months. True, there are cases when this happens both earlier and somewhat later; this already depends on the individual development of the child and the general condition of his body. By the way, although this is very rare, there are children who are already born with several teeth, which should not be too surprising. If the child still has no teeth by the end of the first year of life, you should consult a doctor.

Everyone knows that the appearance of a child’s first tooth is quite difficult and painful - with pain, an abundance of saliva and frequent whimpering. And although nature has taken care of natural pain relief, the baby can behave quite badly. The main symptom of the appearance of the first tooth is excessive salivation. But if a child starts drooling at three months, you should not think that teeth are on the way; at this age, glands are still forming, which fill the baby with saliva. And since the little one cannot swallow them all, they simply flow down his chin. The first tooth in a child can also simultaneously cause fever, a slight runny nose and other diseases, since during teething the child’s immunity decreases somewhat and he is more susceptible to various viruses and diseases.

There are approximate tables that describe the stage-by-stage appearance of teeth in children. But you shouldn’t get too attached to them, because, as already mentioned, each organism is individual, and not all kids will strictly follow the timing and stages of the appearance of a particular tooth. If the child’s central incisors were not the first to erupt, this is not a problem, the body just decided that it would be better this way.

Young children's teeth need to be protected and cared for from the very beginning. The first tooth is already a signal that you need to buy a toothbrush. For such kids, it is not quite standard yet, more like a large elastic band, but it already performs its functions. In addition, by constantly chewing this brush, the child not only cleans his tooth, but also massages the gums, which is very useful when teething.

As already mentioned, a child’s first tooth is an event expected by parents, so it is not surprising if the mother wants to make a small celebration on this occasion. The traditions of different peoples associated with the appearance of teeth are also interesting. So, for example, in Bashkiria, every toddler has a dental father - this is necessarily a stranger who should be the first to see the baby’s tooth. In some villages in Georgia, a mother, having noticed the baby’s first tooth, must take the child out into a crowd of people, silently give it into the hands of those around her and wait until someone sees the child’s tooth. This person is then given bread specially prepared for this occasion. Almost no one remembers where this tradition came from and what it means, but if this is accepted, then women need to do this. And on the island of Sri Lanka, the appearance of the first tooth symbolizes that the baby has moved from infancy to childhood.

Who should give the spoon?

In modern impulsive and active life, strict adherence to all the rules for performing a particular ritual is often neglected. This is partly due to ignorance and lack of necessary knowledge, partly - deliberately, since this or that event is not given the appropriate significance.

Therefore, if we talk about the gift of a spoon for the first tooth, any relative can give it, including parents, godparents, friends or colleagues. It often happens that different people present the baby with several silver spoons at once. There is nothing reprehensible in this, the main thing is that the gifts are made sincerely, from the heart, with love and care for the little man.

If you strictly follow the canons and traditions, the godparents (mother or father) should present the spoon for the first tooth.

Is it possible to store baby teeth?

There is nothing wrong with storing your child's lost teeth. There is a custom according to which relatives are obliged to keep all the lost teeth of a person until death in order to bury them with him. People believed that the soul would not find peace in the afterlife until it found all its teeth left in this world. It is easier to destroy lost teeth, but you can also store them.

Many sentimental mothers love a beautiful box where they put the tag from the maternity hospital, the first cut strand and the baby’s baby teeth. There is no mystical background to such a collection; this is just one way to capture your child’s infancy and childhood.

Something worth knowing!

Sometimes, a few weeks after the appearance of a permanent or baby tooth, a bluish lump may appear in that place. This is not a pathological phenomenon, it is not accompanied by inflammation and does not pose a danger to the child. This is just an accumulation of bloody fluid that can be released with a light incision if it is too large and bothers the baby.

If there are white and brown spots, stripes, pits or depressions on the first milk teeth, then this is considered a violation. Enamel hypoplasia occurs due to pathology during fetal development in the womb. This disorder appears in children whose mother suffered from constant toxicosis, severe stress, herpes infection, kidney disease, rubella, toxoplasmosis, high fever due to acute respiratory infections and pneumonia.

Silver spoon on the first tooth: a sign

The custom of giving a silver spoon for the eruption of the first baby tooth appeared a long time ago. It is believed that if you tap a tooth with such a spoon, then all subsequent ones will be strong and beautiful, and the baby’s life will be successful. The responsibility to give a silver spoon rested with the child’s godparents, or, in their absence, with close relatives.

In some families, such a useful accessory was given almost at the birth of a baby. And the spoon was given to the baby to play with when the teeth were just starting to break through: it was believed that the cool silver would relieve pain, at the same time kill pathogenic bacteria and smooth out gum inflammation. In part, all these phenomena are confirmed by modern medicine. You just need to make sure that the spoon is really silver, made of the highest quality metal and not leave the child to play with it alone.

How to choose a spoon depending on the gender of the child

Jewelry retail chains and private workshops offer a wide range of silver spoons of different sizes and designs. You just need to choose a product to your liking. However, an individual gift looks more interesting and significant. Children's silver spoons and personalized engraving, patterns or symbols will not only decorate the gift, but will also transform it into an address one.

You can individually design a product intended for a boy or a girl. For future men, this is a strict pattern with the image of a bear, a car, and other things, and for the baby, the future lady, preference is given to ornate monograms, floral patterns, butterflies, and dolls. Some design the engraving in the form of a portrait of a baby.

It is important to note that if the child is baptized, it is desirable to have Christian attributes on the product (cross, face of Jesus, angel). The main thing is that the small spoon is not overloaded with an abundance of patterns, symbols, etc. Conciseness should be observed.

When should you see a doctor?

The timely appearance of the first tooth in an infant confirms that the baby is developing normally. But sometimes in the process situations arise that indicate pathology. Parents are obliged to identify them in a timely manner and contact a specialist.

Mom and dad should be concerned about:

Even if the child does not have any suspicious symptoms, and the parents are worried about his teeth, it is best to consult a pediatrician to dispel your doubts and calm down.

Mechanical methods (relevant for infants):

  1. Give your baby all sorts of teething aids. Rubber “rodent helpers” can be bought at any children's store or pharmacy; they are filled with gel or liquid specifically for a cooling effect. However, teethers must sometimes be put in the refrigerator and then given to the child to chew on.
  2. Bottles and pacifiers also satisfy your baby's chewing needs. These attributes should be made of high-quality silicone or latex, preferably in an orthodontic form, so as not to disturb the child’s bite.
  3. Finger brushes, which are placed on an adult’s finger for massage in the baby’s oral cavity. In addition, by the strength of your bite you can determine how soon the first tooth will appear.
  4. Massage the gums with a damp gauze pad. A gauze swab must be moistened in cold but boiled water and massaged into the baby’s mouth, this will help relieve itching and cleanse the child of germs.

What to do with your child's first lost baby tooth?

Parents who are not particularly superstitious keep them as a reminder of their child’s childhood. To do this, you can sew a special bag or buy a beautiful box. In addition, sometimes parents make a special album for the baby, in which they describe the most significant moments in the baby’s life, including the change of teeth. Moreover, they can be put into such an album and stored for many years.

If you are superstitious enough, you can prepare a whole ritual for your child, which the child will definitely remember for the rest of his life. Perhaps your son or daughter, upon becoming adults, will pass on the tradition to their children. So, below you will find the most popular and interesting signs that will help you make the right decision.

The first baby tooth fell out: signs

There are several signs associated with the loss of a child’s first tooth. One of the customs, widespread in European countries, came from the Middle Ages. The first tooth that fell out, like all subsequent ones, had to be burned or destroyed in any other way.

It was believed that after death the soul is not able to find peace until it finds all its fallen teeth in the world. The tradition of destroying baby teeth will save the human soul in the future from the painful need to find them.

In addition, superstitious people quite often burn fallen milk teeth so that they do not fall into the hands of sorcerers and become an object for damage or the evil eye.


Medicinal methods (relevant for children of any age)

Of course, it is difficult to cope during such a period without effective drugs, because... Mechanical methods are not always able to relieve pain and are even more powerless in the face of heat. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers a variety of gels, syrups, tablets, ointments and other products for internal and external use. Let's look at the main categories and most popular drugs:

  1. Gels, drops and ointments for topical use that relieve inflammation, destroy pathogenic microorganisms and instantly relieve gum pain - Cholisal, Dentol Baby, Dentinox, Kamistad Baby, Baby Doctor first teeth, Kalgel, Solcoseryl.
  2. Antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs for internal use - Dantinorm baby (homeopathy), Nurofen syrup (other children's syrups with ibuprofen), Efferalgan syrup (other children's syrups with paracetamol), Dentokind tablets (homeopathy), Riabal syrup.
  3. Antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs for rectal use - Efferalgan suppositories (other suppositories with paracetamol), Nurofen suppositories (other children's suppositories with ibuprofen), Viburkol suppositories.

Congratulations on your first tooth

First tooth? Congratulations! This is cool, what can I say, the little one can bite you fully with a smile. Let your teeth grow quickly, let them not bring pain, let every tooth be strong and healthy.

An important event - your first tooth, we congratulate you, our dear baby. We wish that teeth cut through without pain, Nipples and pacifiers quickly, so that they do not tear. Soon, soon you will bite and bite, your first tooth For the whole family - happiness.

Congratulations on your first tooth! What a miracle, finally! Now they will climb like mushrooms, now you can safely bite and smile beautifully, laugh fervently and try everything to your teeth. I wish you healthy and snow-white teeth that will appear without whims and pain. Let the baby grow up as a happy child, let every day give a lot of reasons for a child’s smile.

More congratulations in prose →

The first tooth is a miracle! Congratulations, what can I say! All things will be used to scratch your gums. After him, the second will break through, The third will grow up, Let the little one laugh wider, To show all his teeth!

At night, when sleep descended, magic happened, the first tooth appeared, you should meet it quickly! You can eat whatever you want, and bite your parents, and charm everyone in the world with an excellent smile!

The first tooth, finally, I will congratulate you, I wish happiness, joy, health to the Bunny with his tooth. Let your child make you happy, let your teeth grow quickly, let them bring no more discomfort to your baby.

The first tooth has appeared, Oh, what a beauty! Congratulations to mom and dad, There is joy and bustle in the house. Let him now gnaw the carrot. This bunny is groovy. After all, teeth are of more use. Be healthy always, dear!

Everyone had been waiting for him for so long, they even bought a brush, and today, suddenly, with delight, everyone sees the first tooth clearly. Dad is happy and mom is happy, we finally got a miracle! You need to bite them urgently, so that they don’t laugh too much!

With the first tooth, the baby is out of diapers! Let your strong tooth grow and gnaw on everything, even a turnip! And others will follow him, Even, natural, white teeth, standing in a row, Gnawing, biting, eating everything!

Happy first tooth, hooray! This is such a miracle, this is such joy, Yesterday was not yet - And today it sparkles. Grow up quickly, baby, If you have teeth, everyone will be happy, After all, you still have thirty-one left to grow!

I hasten to congratulate your family on the first tooth, wish health and strength to the mischievous baby. Let him smile nicely, Showing off his tooth, Let the cheerful life-lover give you joy and happiness. Let the rest grow up without tears and without pain, So that the disorder does not touch these mischievous eyes.

Heartfelt birthday greetings to a boy (1 year old) in your own words

Today is a big holiday for your family - you, baby, are a whole year old! This day became the most important for us, because you appeared - our dear little man. I would really like to wish you to enjoy every moment, appreciate your loved ones and take care of your friends. Parents, in turn, will try to do everything to make their childhood carefree and rich in impressions! Look at every new day with a smile and boldly take small steps towards great achievements. Never forget to dream and believe in miracles, because they are all around us, and you are the main proof of this. Do good deeds and give this world joy and love!

I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, congratulate you, dear, glorious (name), on your birthday. You are only one year old, but how much you have achieved during this time! You have learned to walk, talk, listen and understand adults, laugh joyfully and are trying your best to become an independent guy! Parents are very proud that they had a brave and smart son! And even more grandiose victories and achievements await you! The main thing I want to wish you is to be happy, because the greatest joy is to see your child cheerful and satisfied. The whole world is open to you, don’t be afraid to meet it halfway!

Happy Birthday Baby! You have become a year older, grown up and are trying to understand and explore this diverse world! Today, all day long everything will be just for you: a sea of ​​warm words, congratulations and favorite toys. After all, your appearance is a great happiness for all of us. May your childhood be the happiest one that you can remember with joy in the future. Smile also brightly, and laugh loudly and sincerely, be open to new things and do not be afraid to move forward, despite fear, because there is still a lot of incomprehensible, unknown, but so interesting things ahead. And we promise to help and support you on this exciting journey.

Today we congratulate the sweetest and most beautiful baby on his birthday. You were born just a year ago, and you have already changed the lives of your parents completely. You gave love and joy to many people around you without realizing it. We are confident that in the future you will grow up to be a worthy, good person with the right guidelines and views on the world. And now remain the same carefree child, enjoy new things and events, play to your heart’s content, go for walks and smile more often. We love and value you very much, may all adversity pass you by, may your health be strong, and may you be surrounded by the most devoted people!

Happy first holiday, our dear little man, happy birthday! A year is a wonderful date; you are just beginning your journey into an immense life. We wish you to grow up as a healthy, happy and cheerful baby, standing firmly on your still small legs. Let new experiences bring you sincere joy and a smile. Always learn new things and believe in yourself, because you can do anything you want. Love your parents and trust them - these are the closest people! We love you very much and hope that you will fulfill all your wildest dreams. Be brave and good, do not offend the weak and share goodness with others!

Customs for the loss of the first milk teeth

Attention! Vanga's terrible horoscope for 2022 has been deciphered: 3 signs of the Zodiac will face trouble, only one sign can become a winner and gain wealth... Fortunately, Vanga left instructions for activating and deactivating the destined.

To receive a prophecy, you need to indicate the name given at birth and the date of birth. Vanga also added the 13th sign of the Zodiac! We advise you to keep your horoscope secret, there is a high probability of the evil eye of your actions!

The most common ritual is the gift of a silver spoon. It is given as a gift by godparents, according to other signs - the one who first saw the tooth should buy it. A silver spoon should be the first cutlery the baby uses to eat, it will attract good health, happiness, wealth and good luck.

Now the sheet is removed. Whichever thing the baby takes first, that will be his profession.

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A baby whose milk elements begin to change does not need painkillers. Adults think that the procedure of changing units is extremely unpleasant for the child, but before the tooth begins to loosen, the roots in it dissolve.

The loss causes discomfort, but the teeth do not hurt. A wound remains in place of the organ, which bleeds a little. Children easily tolerate a change in bite.

Losing teeth can be a shock to little ones, so parents should explain to them that this is normal, and new healthy teeth will soon grow and remain forever. At the age of 7-14 years, the oral cavity needs careful hygiene, and after removal, the following rules must be followed:

To help with loosening, you can give your child hard fruits and vegetables: apples, pears, carrots. Dried fruits in small quantities are also suitable.

Different countries had their own signs and ways of getting rid of the first teeth that fell out. The majority performed the ritual with all the dental units that left the baby at the age of 6-14:

Signs came from antiquity, and almost all nations have them. It is believed that if a tooth is lost or thrown away, this promises the child an early departure from the parents’ home or life outside the homeland. In England they believed that a tooth not set on fire prophesies the appearance of dog fangs in a baby. In Rus', a child had to “give his milk tooth to the mouse”, replacing it with a new one. Mothers believed that this also accelerates the growth of other indigenous elements.

In some European countries, it was long believed that after death the soul cannot rest until it finds its milk teeth. Their parents prudently burned them so that they would wait for their owner in the next world. This ritual also protected children from the evil eye and bad thoughts.

Many mothers are sentimental about such things, putting the first ultrasound picture, a tag from the maternity hospital, or a lock of hair in a box. If a tooth has left its owner, parents often do not know what to do with it. Just throwing it away is too simple and at the same time difficult, because changing the first tooth is a whole event.

A few centuries ago, it was believed that storing such things was a bad omen. People believed that witches and sorcerers could secretly steal children's teeth for all sorts of conspiracies and rituals. Nomadic peoples, for example, buried children's teeth, believing that this would not only protect the child from damage, but would also bring him happiness in later life. Today, the view on this issue has changed dramatically.

Each country has its own signs and superstitions associated with the main event in a child’s life. Sometimes, the customs of peoples are radically different from each other. If your baby has such an important event, you have the right to act in accordance with any traditions.

American traditions

In America there is a belief about a mysterious fairy who flies at night and takes away baby teeth. To do this, they are placed under the pillow, in the hope of finding a long-awaited coin in return. Perhaps this tradition can be considered one of the most famous and widespread.

English traditions

More complex traditions developed among the northern English. There it was believed that a lost tooth must be burned. Firstly, this eliminated the possibility of using it for the purpose of inducing witchcraft and damage, and secondly, they believed that a stronger and healthier one would take the place of the burnt tooth.

Another equally interesting English tradition associated with these things states that a baby tooth must be destroyed in any way so that no animal can swallow it. If this happens, the child will have an ugly smile, or the exact same fangs as those of the animal that swallowed him.

The Slavs had several interesting signs. Most often, the loss was given to the mouse, which was supposed to take it for itself and bring a new one in its place. They also threw their teeth behind the stove and asked the brownie to take them for themselves.

Gypsy traditions

If a child lost a tooth, they either buried it, reciting special spells, or threw it to the moon. It was believed that in this way one could attract good luck, which would accompany the child throughout his life, protecting him from ill-wishers and various troubles.

In Asian countries, there was a funny belief that a new one would grow in place of a lost tooth. At the same time, the fallen upper teeth were thrown onto the roof of the house where the baby lives, the lower ones were hidden under the porch, and the parents repeated a special spell that was supposed to provide the baby with protection from the evil eye.

Mouse, mouse, take away the milk tooth, and bring me a new one, bone and durable.


The first tooth is a test for a child

However, before the first tooth comes out, both the baby and his parents will have to suffer a lot. After all, teething is almost always accompanied by swelling and inflammation of the gums, itching, and then severe pain. The baby's temperature may rise - up to 38C, and bowel movements may be disrupted.

To facilitate the process of teething, today there are effective and safe means. Among them is the dental gel Cholisal. This is a local anesthetic anti-inflammatory agent. Thanks to the gel base, the drug is quickly absorbed into the gums and begins to help within 2-3 minutes after application. The analgesic effect of Cholisal is achieved thanks to the substance choline salicylate. It has a local anti-inflammatory effect, reducing gum swelling. In addition, Cholisal contains a broad-spectrum antiseptic: it significantly reduces the risk of infection in the wound during tooth eruption.

Another advantage of the Cholisal dental gel is that it is not washed off by saliva after application to the mucous membrane of the gums. The analgesic effect of the drug lasts up to 8 hours, it works even when you are feeding the baby. By the way, unlike drugs that contain lidocaine, Cholisal can be used before feeding or before applying to the breast, when breastfeeding. It does not reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings and does not disrupt the process of sucking and swallowing.

Cholisal is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. This means that you will quickly help your child, and he will be able to find peace and good mood. Before use, carefully read the instructions for use of the drug!

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