Baby teeth
Fused teeth are one of the rarest anomalies in the development of the dental-jaw system, consisting in the connection
ENT organs, being an outpost of the immune system on the path of infection entering the body, are the first to encounter
The nose of a child, the nasal mucosa in children The nose of a young child is relatively small, nasal
04/14/2021 Today it is difficult to imagine restorative dentistry without computer programs. Manual production of dentures by casting
Causes of tooth loss Treatment options for complete edentia - 2 implants on one jaw -
More and more people are thinking about how to take care of their teeth and gums at home.
The term "tonsillitis" comes from the Latin name for the tonsils or tonsils. These are special paired round-almond-shaped
Most people have experienced acute toothache at least once in their lives. And of course
Lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes) is an acute or chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes, which can be caused by:
How many teeth should a child have? By the age of three, a child usually has already formed