Review of popular toothpastes and rinses New Pearl

As soon as your baby has teeth, you need to start caring for them. To do this, use special children's toothpastes with safe fluoride or components that replace it, which allow you to carefully care for thin children's enamel without harming the child's health and accustoming him to oral hygiene. It is imperative that children's toothpastes contain vitamins for children's teeth - at a minimum, calcium and fluoride to strengthen the enamel.

To attract the attention of a child, children's toothpastes are produced in beautiful colored packaging, often with surprises and souvenirs inside, and have various natural flavors and colors. Different manufacturers rank their products by age: from 0 to 3 years, from 4 to 8, from 8 to 14, and from 14 they recommend using regular toothpaste for adults. Along with toothpastes, on the shelves of stores and pharmacies you can find tooth gel, foam for baby teeth, and mouth rinses. All this allows parents to take care of their children with ease, and kids have the pleasure of learning to be neat and healthy.

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes

Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes contain various biological additives intended for daily oral care, as well as for the prevention of caries, diseases of the oral mucosa, and periodontal disease. All therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes are divided, depending on the biologically active substances included in their formulation, into several groups:

  • Pastes containing herbal preparations.
  • Salt toothpastes.
  • Pastes used for xerostomia.
  • Toothpastes that reduce tooth sensitivity.
  • Toothpastes containing enzymes.
  • Toothpastes containing various biologically active additives.
  • Anti-caries toothpastes.

Are there any contraindications?

The issue of choosing a toothpaste should be approached carefully, since in some cases there are restrictions on the use of a particular product. For example, in regions with high levels of fluoride in drinking water, the use of pastes containing fluoride is contraindicated. Highly abrasive toothpastes are not recommended for people with hypersensitive teeth. Children should choose their teeth-cleaning products according to the age label, as some toothpastes are dangerous if swallowed.

Toothpastes containing herbal preparations

Pastes containing herbal preparations improve metabolic processes, tissue regeneration, help reduce bleeding gums, and have excellent deodorizing properties.

In addition to the above mentioned components, their composition also includes adult and children’s dental vitamins, extracts, infusions of medicinal plants, salts, microelements, and enzymes. These pastes are intended both for everyday oral care for preventive and hygienic purposes, and for the prevention of caries, periodontal diseases, non-carious lesions, and diseases of the oral mucosa.

The main types of therapeutic and prophylactic additives included in toothpastes are:

  • antiseptics;
  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • other active substances.

Local use of antiseptics as part of oral hygiene products is currently becoming widespread. An antimicrobial drug for topical use must meet a number of requirements: high antimicrobial effectiveness, a wide spectrum of action against representatives of opportunistic microflora of the oral cavity, absence of microbial resistance to the drug and pronounced side effects. The most popular antimicrobial ingredients are chlorhexidine and triclosan.

Chlorhexidine is a broad-spectrum antiseptic. Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the high effectiveness of chlorhexidine against both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. The mechanism of action of chlorhexidine is not fully understood. The literature describes three main side effects of chlorhexidine:

  • superficial staining of teeth and other surfaces in the oral cavity, which is temporary;
  • increased formation of tartar:
  • short-term change in taste sensations.

For a long time, the introduction of chlorhexidine into toothpastes was problematic due to its poor compatibility with abrasives. However, modern industry has made it possible to create a number of systems that allow the introduction of the described ingredient into abrasive pastes.

Triclosan is a broad-spectrum antiseptic, an ester compound, a phenol derivative. Depending on the concentration, triclosan can have a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. The bacteriostatic effect of triclosan is due to the suppression of the absorption of essential amino acids by bacteria. The bactericidal effect is a consequence of disorganization of the cytoplasmic cell membrane. Triclosan has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity and is highly compatible with other toothpaste ingredients. It has become widespread because over a decade of its use, not a single clinical case of the development of resistant strains of bacteria or the development of dysbiosis has been described. Toothpaste with triclosan has an anti-inflammatory effect, promoting the accelerated elimination of gingivitis and suppression of pathological processes in periodontitis.

Extracts of medicinal plants are represented in a fairly wide range. These include herbal antiseptics, antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, and compounds with immunocorrective properties. Toothpastes with plant extracts can have a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, stimulating, wound-healing effect, as well as normalize tissue trophism. Toothpastes may contain extracts of chamomile, sage, nettle, St. John's wort, kelp, mint, calendula, eucalyptus, as well as tea tree oil and some others.

The composition of toothpastes also includes potassium and sodium tetrapyrophosphates, zinc and aluminum compounds, potassium nitrate, strontium chloride and sodium citrate.

Soluble pyrophosphates prevent the mineralization of dental plaque and reduce the amount of supragingival tartar by 32-45%.

Potassium nitrate, strontium chloride and sodium citrate help eliminate tooth sensitivity. The use of such toothpastes by patients with periodontal diseases is especially important, when the pathology results in exposure of the necks of teeth, as well as the formation of wedge-shaped defects.

Zinc and aluminum compounds prevent the precipitation of dyes on the surface of the enamel and slow down the rate of formation of tartar. Toothpastes containing these compounds are usually recommended for smokers and prescribed after professional teeth cleaning.


Lesnaya toothpaste from Nevskaya Cosmetics contains pine chlorophyll-carotene paste, which includes chlorophyll, carotene, balsamic resins, and tocopherol. Chlorophyll preparations have long been known and used in medical practice. They help stop bleeding and activate tissue regeneration processes and have a deodorizing effect.

In 1995, the RA Influenza Institute conducted a study of the antiviral activity of Lesnaya toothpaste. Based on the research results, the following conclusions were drawn:

  • the presence of antiviral activity of the chalk-based toothpaste “Lesnaya” against a number of respiratory viruses has been shown;
  • using at least 1 g of toothpaste per toothbrush and brushing teeth for at least 2 minutes leads to the inactivation of respiratory viruses, which ensures the sanitization of the oral cavity and the peripharyngeal ring and will prevent the development of the disease.


Toothpaste “New Pearl Seven Herbs” contains a whole complex of medicinal plant extracts.

  • St. John's wort extract has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, epithelializing and astringent properties.
  • Stinging nettle extract has a hemostatic and epithelializing effect, reduces the release of wound exudate, and increases basal metabolism.
  • Peppermint extract helps reduce pain sensitivity and has an antiseptic effect.
  • Chamomile extract has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-allergic effect and accelerates tissue regeneration processes.
  • Salvia officinalis extract provides an astringent, anti-inflammatory, and disinfectant effect. It is widely used for long-term and poorly healing wounds and oral ulcers.
  • Calendula officinalis extract, due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory, epithelializing and regenerating effect, is often used for gingivitis, stomatitis and cracks in the corners of the mouth.
  • Echinacea extract has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect.


Having studied and analyzed the clinical effectiveness of eucalyptus extract, I developed a new toothpaste formula - “New Pearl Eucalyptus”. This extract has a pronounced local anesthetic, vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, which makes it possible to successfully use it in the treatment of periodontal diseases. In addition, this paste perfectly freshens breath.


“Novinka” toothpaste is one of the best domestic toothpastes both in terms of hygienic (cleansing) and taste properties, and in terms of therapeutic effects on oral tissues. It contains: carotene, vitamins C and K, tocopherol, chlorophyll. The paste has a good cleansing effect, helps reduce inflammatory processes in the periodontium, eliminates bleeding and increases the regenerative activity of the oral mucosa.


“Chamomile” toothpaste contains hydroalcoholic infusions of St. John’s wort and chamomile, has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent effect, and has good cleansing and taste properties.


Sputnik toothpaste contains spinach extract and aqueous-alcoholic infusion of eucalyptus. Spinach extract contains significant amounts of vitamins C and P and chlorophyll. The composition of eucalyptus infusion includes essential oils and tannins. The paste has a good therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and periodontal disease.


Children's toothpaste "Buratino" contains extracts of chamomile, yarrow and cloves, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and is recommended for gingivitis.


Children's toothpaste "Nutcracker" is prepared on the basis of calendula extract, the main components are carotene, lyconin, essential oils, organic acids. The paste has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and has phytoncidal properties.


“Paradontax” is a toothpaste made on the basis of natural substances, prevents the development of bleeding and inflammation of the gums, inhibits the development of bacteria without disturbing the normal microflora of the oral cavity, neutralizes the acidic products of the breakdown of sugars, helps strengthen the gums and teeth, and gives a long-lasting feeling of cleanliness and freshness. The paste contains: peppermint, myrtle, sage, chamomile, ratania, sodium bicarbonate, which allows this paste to be used for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases.

From all of the above, we can conclude that therapeutic and prophylactic pastes are recommended for widespread use in the complex treatment of periodontal diseases and the oral mucosa.

A wide range of

The New Pearl line of oral care products includes 28 adult, 7 children's toothpastes, as well as five types of rinses.
Pastes are presented in preventive and treatment-and-prophylactic groups. Preventive, in turn, are divided into antibacterial, whitening, and therapeutic and prophylactic - into anti-caries and anti-inflammatory.

Each toothpaste has not only been tested in the manufacturer’s laboratory, but also tested by independent experts from Roskontrol. According to their data, GOST standards regarding taste and smell are fully met. All microbiological parameters were normal.

Very good cleaning properties and safety (no irritation of mucous membranes and various allergic reactions) have also been confirmed. The focus group highly appreciated the organoleptic characteristics of all pastes.

Salt toothpastes

Salt toothpastes contain various salts and mineral components that improve blood circulation, stimulate metabolic processes in the periodontium and oral mucosa, cause an increased outflow of tissue fluid from the inflamed gums, and have some analgesic effect.

Salts help dissolve mucus, prevent the formation of soft plaque, and promote detachment of microorganisms from the surface of tooth enamel.


The composition of the Balsam toothpaste includes healing brine from the Kuyalnitsky estuary, famous for its unique properties. The paste contains a complex of microelements that have a positive effect on periodontal tissue and promote better cleaning of the oral cavity.


“Yubileinaya” toothpaste contains brine from the Morshyn mineral water source, the only one in the world with a high potassium content with an optimal content of sulfate-magnesium components. This combination of chemical elements has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the oral mucosa and periodontal tissues, improves trophism and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect.

Toothpastes used for xerostomia

With xerostomia or decreased salivation, the activity of antimicrobial defense decreases and the degree of development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity increases.

In such conditions, it is advisable to use toothpastes with low foaming properties and the absence of irritating components, with the addition of enzymes (lysozyme, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase).

To accelerate the regenerative processes of the mucous membrane, biologically active components are introduced into toothpastes - enzymes, oil solutions of vitamins A and E, carotoline.

An example would be the following toothpastes: Biotene, Weleda Salf, Zendium.

Therapeutic rinses

New pearl oral rinses are enriched with natural ingredients: oak bark, sage, chamomile, pine needles. Their purpose is to destroy harmful bacteria where the brush cannot reach. This is an indispensable tool for those who wear orthodontic plates, braces, and dentures. The average price is 110-140 rubles.

The Total 12 herbal-free mouthwash does not contain triclosan, but a patented Optafresh ® complex, which keeps fresh breath for 12 hours (clinically proven), as well as xylitol, which improves the absorption of mineral substances by teeth, and polyvinylpyrrolidone. The advantage of this mouthwash is the absence of dry mouth after use.

Rinses with oak bark, pine needles and herbs additionally strengthen and heal gums, reducing their bleeding and relieving inflammation. At the Department of Dentistry of the St. Petersburg State Medical University, it was practically proven that a rinse with chamomile reduces inflammatory processes in the mouth by 70%.

Toothpastes and rinses of the New Pearl series are designed to provide a comprehensive solution to customer problems - from whitening to combating inflammatory processes in the mouth. They are suitable for several age categories, focusing on the characteristics of each of them.

The products in this series help each customer solve their dental problem or prevent its occurrence.

Toothpastes that reduce tooth sensitivity

Toothpastes to reduce the sensitivity of tooth enamel contain biologically active components:

  • potassium nitrate,
  • potassium citrate,
  • sodium citrate,
  • strontium chloride,
  • hydroxyapatite.


Potassium chloride, which is part of Sensodyne F toothpaste, has similar properties.

These compounds, when interacting with the organic substances of the enamel, create a protective barrier that prevents pain reactions to temperature or chemical stimuli (hot, cold, sweet, sour), as well as to mechanical stimuli (when brushing teeth).

Components included in some toothpastes, such as Remodent (3%), calcium glycerophosphate (0.13%), synthetic hydroxyapatite (2 to 17%), help reduce the increased sensitivity of enamel by closing the entrance holes of the dentinal tubules.

This group also includes toothpastes such as Oral-B Sensitive, Lacalut Sensitive.

Toothpastes containing enzymes

Toothpastes containing enzymes are hygiene products with a high cleansing effect; they dissolve soft plaque, food debris, and nicotine plaque, thereby improving the hygienic condition of the oral cavity.


White-pink toothpaste contains a complex of proteolytic enzymes that dissolve soft plaque well and also reduces inflammation in the periodontium and oral mucosa.


“Special” toothpaste, in addition to enzymes, contains substances that help remove not only food debris, soft plaque, but also nicotine plaque from smokers. The increased cleansing effect of the paste is associated with the ability of enzymes to dissolve the protein-lipid bases of soft dental deposits without negatively affecting the tooth enamel.


“Smile” toothpaste contains urodan, magnesium sulfate and magnesium peroxide: all these components are capable of dissolving soft dental deposits, providing a good cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect.


The Enchantress toothpaste contains, in addition to enzymes, a hydroalcoholic infusion of nettle and polyvinylpyrrolidone, which is a good paste for removing soft and pigmented plaque and helps reduce inflammation in the periodontium.

It follows from this that toothpastes containing enzymes are recommended for oral hygiene in the treatment of periodontal diseases and oral mucosa in the acute phase.

Toothpastes containing various dietary supplements

Toothpastes containing biologically active additives have anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects, which allows them to be used in the treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis and other diseases of the oral mucosa.


Prima toothpaste contains vitamin B5 and has anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects.


Boroglycerin toothpaste contains 10% boroglycerin, which provides it with active antiseptic, bacteriostatic, bactericidal, fungistatic and fungicidal effects. The paste is advisable to use for acute and chronic candidiasis, stomatitis, glossitis and cheilitis, as well as for inflammatory periodontal diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis and idiopathic periodontal diseases).


“Yagodka” toothpaste contains 7% boroglycerin, which also provides an antiseptic effect against Staphylococcus aureus. It is recommended to use it 3-4 times a day in the treatment of candidiasis.


“New Pearl Extra” is the first toothpaste that contains kelp seaweed extract, which enhances the body’s immune response. In a study conducted under the guidance of Professor Yu.A. Fedorov, it was found that this paste significantly reduces the severity of periodontitis due to the natural extracts included in the formulation.

A word to consumers

Reviews from consumers who use one or another toothpaste from the New Pearl series.

I have problem gums, and before, when I brushed my teeth, I constantly bled, and an unpleasant salty taste immediately appeared in my mouth. Before, dentists told me to rinse with oak bark, but I was still lazy, because it takes a long and tedious time to steam it in a water bath.

I live alone and I don't have the patience to deal with all this. But then I somehow saw New Pearl Oak Bark paste, and it was inexpensive.

I bought it to try and after a week I felt that my gums hardly bleed. And a month later I forgot about this problem - I came across such a miracle paste!

Alexey Petrovich

The enamel on my teeth tends to darken very quickly. Maybe it's because I'm a coffee lover. I used to buy pasta from another manufacturer - ROCS, it is also not bad, but its price is crazy! Now it’s more than 300 rubles per tube.

At some point I had absolutely no money for it and I bought a simple NJ Whitening toothpaste. But it turned out to be difficult! The product cleans my teeth perfectly and I have not known for a long time what darkened enamel is. I am very pleased and want to say THANK YOU to my new savior!!!!


I would like to thank those who make NJ Propolis toothpaste. This is the best I've ever used. It leaves a very pleasant feeling in the mouth. My gums stopped hurting, and the dentist didn’t find any new holes in my teeth. I believe that this is only thanks to Pearl Propolis!

Tatyana Yuryevna

Anticarious toothpastes

Anti-carious toothpastes strengthen the mineral tissues of the tooth and prevent the formation of plaque. This is achieved by introducing fluorine, phosphorus and calcium compounds into toothpastes. In toothpastes, to saturate hard tooth tissues with fluoride ions, it is necessary to use weak concentrations of fluoride, not exceeding 2% in the tube. Toothpastes containing 1-3 mg of fluoride per 1g of toothpaste are effective.

Studies of the caries-preventive effect of fluoride-containing toothpastes have shown that their use reduces the increase in caries in children by 15–35%.

The most active anti-carious effect of fluoride and pastes containing it manifests itself during the period of maturation of tooth enamel, i.e. in childhood. Later, the anti-caries effectiveness of fluoride-containing pastes is significantly reduced. Thus, it is advisable to use them to prevent dental caries, mainly in childhood. The use of fluoride-containing toothpastes in our country is associated with some peculiarities. A huge space with different climatic and geographical conditions and uneven fluoride content in drinking water and food products in certain areas of the country does not allow the widespread and widespread use of fluoride-containing toothpastes, since they can get into areas and areas where the human body is already sufficient or large amounts of fluoride are supplied. In this case, fluoride-containing toothpastes are not only useless, but their use can be harmful. In this regard, fluoride-containing toothpastes should be prescribed by a doctor individually, depending on the specified conditions of the region of the country. It is advisable that the purchase of toothpastes in different regions of the country be coordinated by dentists.

Most toothpastes contain fluoride. Despite all the positive qualities, fluoride-containing toothpastes do not have an anti-caries effect in 30-35% of cases. In this regard, other medicinal pastes have been developed that help strengthen tooth enamel. Most toothpastes contain dissolved fluoride and are used as an effective component for the prevention of caries.

When their concentration is up to 1500 mg/kg of toothpaste, they are considered harmless. Fluorides suppress the metabolism of bacteria contained in dental plaque, and therefore their ability to form acids that have a destructive effect on tooth enamel. In addition, fluorides inhibit the formation and spread of bacterial plaque. Fluorides also mineralize the hard tissue of teeth, thereby increasing their resistance to caries, increasing the resistance of teeth to acids. Amine fluoride is recognized as the most effective compound. It adheres better to teeth and is more effective than sodium fluorophosphate and sodium fluoride in inhibiting the formation of acids contained in dental plaque. The effect of fluorides is especially effective at a relatively low acid value (pH) of toothpastes.

In pastes presented on our market, the declared content of fluorine compounds is 0.8-0.9%. According to WHO recommendations (1984), the optimal concentration of fluoride ion in toothpastes should be 0.1%. Effective toothpastes contain 1-3 mg of fluoride per 1 g of toothpaste. Toothpastes for adults contain from 0.11% to 0.76% sodium fluoride or from 0.38% to 1.14% sodium monofluorophosphate. In children's toothpastes, fluoride compounds are found in smaller quantities (up to 0.023%).

The combination of sodium fluoride and calcium- and silicon-containing substances in the composition of some abrasive toothpastes represents a special fluoristat system.

To reduce the amount of plaque and inhibit the growth of tartar crystals, toothpastes include components such as triclosan, which has an antibacterial effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and a copolymer that promotes the prolonged action of triclosan for 12 hours after brushing. The entry of fluoride into tooth enamel increases its resistance to acid demineralization due to the formation of structures more resistant to dissolution. For complete mineralization of hard tooth tissues and increasing their resistance to caries, in addition to fluorides, other inorganic elements are also necessary. Toothpastes containing potassium and sodium phosphates, calcium and sodium glycerophosphates, calcium gluconate, and zinc oxide have a pronounced anti-caries effect. A similar effect is achieved by toothpastes containing derivatives of chitin and chitosan, which have an affinity for proteins and are able to inhibit the adsorption of Streptococcus mutans, mitis, sanguis on the surface of hydroxyapatite. Components included in some toothpastes, such as Remodent 3%, calcium glycerophosphate 0.13%, synthetic hydroxyapatite (from 2% to 17%), help reduce the increased sensitivity of enamel by closing the entrance holes of the dentinal tubules.

In addition, biological substances are often added to anti-caries pastes: water-soluble vitamins for teeth for children and adults, herbal extracts, medicinal oils, which helps relieve inflammatory processes, i.e. Such pastes have a comprehensive effect on the oral cavity. Thus, anti-caries substances are designed to strengthen and restore hard dental tissue and reduce the solubility of enamel through mineralization.


In our country, Zodiac toothpaste is produced; the paste contains sodium fluoride and sea buckthorn oil, which have anti-caries, anti-inflammatory and epithelializing effects. Therefore, this toothpaste can be recommended for the prevention and treatment of caries in the white spot stage, as well as for periodontal diseases and oral mucosa.


Cheburashka paste contains sodium fluoride, phosphates and microelements; it has an anti-caries effect and can be recommended for both children and adults.


The group of fluoride-containing toothpastes includes “Ftorodent”; it contains sodium fluoride, which allows this paste to be used for the prevention and treatment of dental caries, as well as to reduce hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues; the paste can reduce caries susceptibility by strengthening the crystalline structure of tooth enamel.


Toothpastes “Zhemchug” and “Arbat” are phosphate-containing therapeutic and prophylactic oral hygiene products. These pastes contain calcium glycerophosphate and an antiseptic; the pastes differ only in taste. Both pastes are very effective against caries and hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues: it is known that calcium glycerophosphate, applied topically, helps strengthen the enamel crystal lattice and activates mineralization processes.


Kristall paste is also a fluoride-containing remineralizing hygiene product. In addition to sodium fluoride, the composition contains enzymes: ribonuclease and lysozyme, they contribute to the complete cleansing of the surface of the teeth, hydrolyzing food debris and soft plaque into low molecular weight water-soluble compounds. The paste is effective for caries in the white spot stage and periodontal diseases; it is able to consolidate the results of treatment, normalize metabolic and trophic processes in periodontal tissues and the oral mucosa.


Remodent toothpaste is prepared on the basis of a preparation obtained from animal bones and contains soluble compounds of calcium, phosphate, and a number of macro- and microelements. Studies have shown the paste to be highly effective. Repeated use of this toothpaste leads to an improvement in the structure and composition of tooth enamel, making it more resistant to cariogenic influences, and reduces the permeability of dental tissues and their solubility in acids. The paste is effective for the prevention and treatment of caries in the white spot stage, with increased sensitivity of teeth to external irritants.


Toothpaste “New Pearl Total” effectively fights not only periodontal diseases, but also caries, since the microbial factor is the main factor in both cases. The anti-carious effect is provided by the fluoride included in its composition.


The family of toothpastes has recently been replenished with a new toothpaste, called “New Pearl Total Fresh Stripe”. In addition to triclosan, it contains a special polymer that prolongs the antibacterial effect of triclosan. Thanks to the introduction of a new component, this toothpaste offers long-lasting antibacterial protection.


Blend-a-med toothpaste contains sodium fluoride, which, due to its high biological activity, is well absorbed by hard tooth tissues, providing maximum protection against caries. The fluoristat system of this toothpaste retains calcium in tooth enamel, thereby promoting the restoration of the hydroxyapatite crystal. This paste helps protect teeth from caries and keep them healthy.

There are several modifications of the Blend-a-med toothpaste: for children with baby teeth, for teenagers, universal paste and combined toothpaste. The latter, in addition to the fluoristat system, contains antibacterial agents and biologically active drugs, which make it possible to use this paste not only for the prevention and treatment of dental caries, but also for diseases of the oral mucosa and periodontal diseases. A universal paste that can prevent the formation of soft plaque and tartar.


Aqua-fresh toothpaste also contains sodium fluoride, which has high biological activity, providing dental hard tissues with resistance to caries. The toothpaste has a pleasant taste, refreshes and deodorizes the oral cavity.


“Signal” refers to fluoride-containing toothpastes and has a therapeutic and prophylactic anti-caries effect.


Colgate paste contains sodium fluoride, which provides protection against caries and increases caries resistance by restoring the hydroxyapatite crystal. The paste reduces the hypersensitivity of hard dental tissues, refreshes and deodorizes the oral cavity.

Colgate paste contains sodium fluoride, which provides protection against caries and increases caries resistance by restoring the hydroxyapatite crystal.

The paste reduces the hypersensitivity of hard dental tissues, refreshes and deodorizes the oral cavity.

By using therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes, it is possible to regulate the supply of macro- and microelements into tooth tissue, promote the physiological process of “maturation” of tooth enamel and keep teeth healthy for many years. Systematic oral hygiene, regular removal of soft dental deposits have a beneficial effect on the gum mucosa, and its massage, which occurs during brushing, improves blood circulation in the periodontal tissues and activates metabolic processes, which fully ensures the health of the teeth and the tissues surrounding them.

"New Pearls" for children

Among the hygiene products there is a line of pastes for children of different ages.

"Magic Fruit"

Toothpaste for children from 3 to 14 years old. Gently cleanses enamel from plaque and provides protection against caries. It has a pleasant fruity taste with a predominance of watermelon and melon notes. The fluoride content corresponds to age standards. The sodium monofluorophosphate included in the composition mineralizes hard dental tissues, and calcium carbonate removes soft dental deposits.

"Orange aroma"

Suitable for children from 1 to 6 years old. Gently cleans baby teeth, prevents the development of caries and saturates the enamel with phosphorus. The paste is safe if accidentally swallowed. The low abrasiveness of the product protects delicate fabrics from premature abrasion. There is no fluorine in the composition.

"Strawberries without fluoride"

Strawberry children's toothpaste “New Pearl” helps prevent caries, strengthens the enamel of baby teeth and prevents the deposition of tartar. Suitable for children aged 1 to 6 years, safe if swallowed. Does not contain fluoride.

"Junior lemon and mint"

Toothpaste with a gel texture contains lemon extract. Intended for children over 7 years old. Cleans teeth and oral cavity, reduces the risk of caries. Due to its gel structure and low abrasiveness, it does not wear off the enamel.

"Junior apple and mint"

Teeth cleaning paste for teenagers normalizes the pH of the oral cavity, gently cleanses teeth and strengthens their hard tissues. The composition includes tea oil, which acts as an anti-inflammatory, tonic and strengthening agent. Does not contain fluorine, has a pleasant mint-apple taste.

"New Ginseng Pearl"

A dentifrice that mobilizes the oral defense mechanisms. In addition, it accelerates metabolic processes, stimulates tissue restoration and promotes rapid healing of wounds. Prevents the development of caries, eliminates unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. Ginseng extract slows down the aging process of the mucous membrane.

"Pine Balsam"

The first toothpaste that is active against viruses that cause ARVI. Strengthens the periodontium and reduces its bleeding. During periods of increased likelihood of developing viral infections, it acts as a means of combating infection. Helps reduce the activity of influenza viruses, adenovirus, and herpes by 3-4 times. The pine needle extract and chlorophyll included in the composition promote the regeneration of oral wounds, as well as burns and dermatitis. In addition, they have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Suitable for children from 3 years old and adults.

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