Why is New Pearl toothpaste better than ROCS? Expensive cosmetics that are not worth the money: examination results






We have already written about popular products that were included in the “black list” of Roskontrol. However, it is not only food that harms the body, so we decided to compile a rating of the lowest-quality cosmetics according to experts. It turned out that cheap is not always bad.

Colgate Triple Action

This product can hardly be called a hygiene product. This manufacturer's toothpaste does not meet safety standards, which means a complete disregard for consumers and a lack of concern for their health.

The product contains much less fluorine than the manufacturers stated, and therefore not only does not cope well with disinfection, but also does not maintain the quality of the enamel.

“Made with us” and on Yandex.Zen

In 2011 (St. Petersburg) it expanded its collection of toothpastes and released 7 new products for adults and children under the “New Pearl” and “Lesnaya” brands. The aluminum packaging of toothpastes was replaced with plastic ones, and additional packaging of 50 ml toothpastes in a pencil case was released. Work has been carried out to modernize the basic recipes in order to improve consumer properties and select new, brighter flavors.

  • Toothpastes “New Pearl”

The company offers products in the mass and mid-price segments under the New Zhemchug, Lesnaya and Zhemchug brands. According to experts, the Company's market share in 2011 in physical terms was 9%, distribution of New Pearl toothpaste was 47%.

Results of 2011.

Sales of toothpaste in 2011 amounted to 659,267,000 rubles, which is 6% less than the 2010 level. The share of toothpastes in all Nevskaya Cosmetics products was 9.6%.

In 2011, two toothpaste production sites merged. All toothpaste production facilities are located on one site. The former OMA premises were renovated and repurposed as a warehouse for storing raw materials for the production of toothpastes.

The production capacity of aluminum tubes has also been completely curtailed. The last tube production line has been sold. The entire range of creams and toothpastes has been packaged in plastic tubes. The tube shop premises were renovated and repurposed as a warehouse for finished products of toothpaste production.

During the reconstruction of toothpaste production, a new Olsa digester (Italy) was purchased, designed to cook 3.5 tons of toothpaste at a time.

Main development directions for 2012. In 2012, the company plans to release more than 50 new products and improve more than 100 products in its current range. These improvements will concern the modernization of recipes, improving the tastes and aromas of products, and transferring them to packaging that is more convenient for consumers. A significant part of the new products will be launched in the mass price segment, with a price accessible to the broad masses of consumers.

The “Oral Care Products” collection will be replenished with 5 new products in the segment of inexpensive toothpastes for adults and children. It is also planned to enter the growing segments of the oral care market, incl. professional dental care. In order to increase economic efficiency and improve the consumer properties of products, work is planned to improve the tastes and ergonomic properties (shape stability when extruded, whiteness, shine, etc.) of toothpastes.

For 2012 it is planned to organize the production of mouth rinses.

For the production of toothpastes, it is planned to purchase a machine for automatically sealing boxes.

Series of toothpastes “New Pearl”

“New Pearl” is a popular brand with a 30-year history, which has won the trust of consumers and dentists, and is represented by a large collection of high-quality toothpaste for adults and children, the quality of which is not inferior to the world’s leading analogues. The series products are manufactured using modern ingredients and formulations based on advanced technologies. All toothpastes in the collection have a balanced cleaning base and a pleasant taste: mint, menthol, anise and cinnamon for adults, strawberry, watermelon, orange and apple for children.

Toothpaste “New Pearl” will cope with any problems that may threaten your teeth: it will protect against caries and gum disease, prevent tartar and increased sensitivity of teeth, give freshness to your breath, and provide an antibacterial and whitening effect. This is why New Pearl toothpaste is chosen by millions of people today; it has truly become a “people's brand”.

"New Pearl Gentle whitening"

  • "New Pearl Gentle whitening"

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste for adults and children over 12 years of age.
Cleansing microparticles carefully remove stains from the surface of teeth and polish the enamel. The paste maintains the natural whiteness of the enamel and prevents yellowing. Does not destroy the enamel structure, because does not contain peroxides or harsh abrasives. "New Pearl Whitening"

  • "New Pearl Whitening"

Prevents yellowing of teeth and restores their natural whiteness.
Contains a special system of components that control the formation of tartar. "New Pearl Total 12 + Gentle whitening"

  • "New Pearl Total 12 + Gentle whitening"

Two-color gel-based paste.
Whitens gently and does not contain peroxides or oxidizing agents. Provides proven 12-hour protection against bacteria that cause bad breath and maintains long-lasting fresh breath. A special antibacterial complex inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath. A modern whitening complex polishes tooth enamel, prevents the growth of tartar and plaque formation. Active fluoride prevents the occurrence of caries by protecting the enamel from harmful acids. "New Pearl For Children Raspberry"

  • "New Pearl For Children Raspberry"

Gel therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste with a bright raspberry flavor for gentle care of the teeth of children from 1 year to 6 years. Designed with optimal fluoride content for children, it protects against caries. Gently cleans teeth of plaque without damaging the enamel. The bright taste of raspberries makes brushing your teeth a pleasure.

"New Pearl Junior ICE Lemon"

  • "New Pearl Junior ICE Lemon"

Modern two-color gel therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste is intended for comprehensive care of the teeth and gums of children and adolescents from 7 to 12 years of age. Effectively cleanses the oral cavity and reduces the risk of caries. Thanks to the gel base, it has reduced abrasiveness and carefully cares for the developing tooth enamel. Lemon extract, rich in vitamin C, strengthens and tones gums. The bright taste of juicy lemon and mint gives clean and fresh breath.

"New Pearl for sensitive teeth and gums"

  • "New Pearl for sensitive teeth and gums"

Gently and effectively cares for teeth and gums with increased sensitivity.
Gently removes plaque without irritating the enamel, gums and mucous membrane. Promotes healing of the smallest abrasions and wounds in the oral cavity. A complex of calcium, potassium and fluorine strengthens enamel and prevents caries, reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings, blocking pain impulses. Green tea extract has anti-inflammatory, astringent and antimicrobial effects, and tones weakened gums well. "New Pearl Pomegranate and mint + gentle whitening"

  • "New Pearl Pomegranate and mint + gentle whitening"

Preserves the natural whiteness of the enamel without disturbing its structure, since it has a gel base and does not contain peroxides or oxidizing agents.
Pomegranate extract has an astringent, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, healing and general strengthening effect on the gums due to the presence of tannins, organic acids and antioxidants. “New Pearl Honey and Rosehip + whitening”

  • “New Pearl Honey and Rosehip + whitening”

Rosehip extract has a vitaminizing, bactericidal and tonic effect on the gums, keeping them healthy.
The delicate taste of flower honey combined with mint gives long-lasting freshness and purity to your breath. "New Pearl Pine Balsam"

  • "New Pearl Pine Balsam"

The first therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste for comprehensive care of teeth and gums with a proven effect in the prevention of colds and flu.
Suitable for the whole family, including children from 3 years old. Effectively cleanses, has an antiseptic effect, promotes wound healing and reduces inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. It is a necessary remedy for combating colds during periods of increased viral activity (autumn-spring). The paste does not contain fluoride, has a characteristic pine taste and gives freshness to your breath. It is especially recommended for regular use from the age of 25, since it is from this age that atrophic processes in the gums begin.

Coniferous chlorophyll-carotene paste reduces gum bleeding, has an antiseptic effect, promotes wound healing and reduces inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, and ensures the prevention of periodontal disease. Regular use of the paste allows you to reduce the infectious activity of influenza and herpes viruses by 4 times, and adenovirus (ARI, ARVI) by 3 times*.

*Proven by the State Research Institute of Influenza, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, using a cell culture model

"New Pearl Cedar Complex"

  • "New Pearl Cedar Complex"

New therapeutic and prophylactic dual-use toothpaste: to strengthen gums and protect against caries.
The high content of Siberian cedar nut oil gives the paste special healing properties. The oil is a unique source of a complex of vitamins and antioxidants: E, F, B, D, as well as beneficial fatty acids and microelements. Helps reduce inflammation and bleeding of the gums, nourish and soften periodontal tissue, slow down age-related changes in the gums and oral mucosa. Thanks to the complex use of fluorine and calcium compounds, the paste provides the best protection against caries.

"New Pearl Ginseng"

  • "New Pearl Ginseng"

Contains ginseng extract, which has a tonic effect on the gums. To prevent periodontal diseases, the paste can be used from 7 years of age. And for people over 30 years old, it is recommended to use it regularly. Ginseng extract stimulates protective mechanisms and metabolic processes in the gums, accelerates tissue regeneration, and promotes rapid healing of wounds.

"New Pearl Medicinal Herbs"

  • "New Pearl Medicinal Herbs"

Effectively removes plaque and cleanses the oral cavity, prevents periodontal inflammatory processes, helps protect teeth from caries, keeping them strong and healthy. Does not contain fluoride, especially recommended for regions with high fluoride content in water. Extracts: echinacea, peppermint, nettle, St. John's wort, calendula, sage and chamomile strengthen gums, reducing their bleeding.

SPLAT Medicinal herbs

According to the manufacturers, this paste will help everyone cope with gum problems. The product attracts consumers with its pleasant consistency and impressive size tube, the cost of which is very affordable.

A product made from medicinal herbal extracts will help get rid of plaque on teeth or bad breath. But in return, it will “give” a sore throat and the urge to cough.

Perhaps this is a consequence of the fact that the manufacturer, using dishonest marketing tactics and attracting attention with “eco-friendly” pictures on the tube, shamelessly uses ingredients that are unsafe for the human body.

Grandma Agafya's recipes

A paste with a whitening effect, made on the basis of propolis and capable of relieving problems with gums and eliminating the appearance of tartar, does not have the declared properties.

This is confirmed by an independent examination conducted by Roskontrol specialists. Violations of production technology were identified in the product taken for analysis. The consistency of the product and the fluorine content do not meet the requirements.

Components of the product

The “New Pearl” line of products includes pastes with preventive and therapeutic effects. In the first case, the effect of using the drug lasts for 12 hours. Therapeutic and prophylactic agents are aimed at preventing carious processes and eliminating pigment spots from the enamel surface. Also, “New Pearl” pastes have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Among the main ingredients in the gel it should be noted:

  • Pyrophosphate and papain enzyme. These components eliminate pigment spots on the surface of teeth and whiten the enamel by several tones.
  • Fluorine. Removes heavy metal salts from the body and strengthens teeth by improving metabolic processes in bone tissue.
  • Lactate, citrate. The drugs form a protective film in the oral cavity and have an inhibitory effect on bacteria that cause caries.
  • Extracts from medicinal plants. These ingredients are absolutely safe for the body of children and adults, but they have several properties: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerating. When creating pastes, the manufacturer uses chamomile, green tea, pomegranate, oak bark, ginseng, and sea buckthorn.
  • Xylitol. Normalizes the pH balance in the oral cavity and strengthens the resistance of the oral mucosa to pathogenic flora. The component also normalizes the protective properties of saliva.

Vilsen Group Aloe Extra Dent

Cheap toothpaste, which looks like curd, has a sickly sweet taste. This product will not be able to freshen your breath, because the product does not foam well and does not clean your teeth well.

After use, an unpleasant burning sensation remains in the mouth, caused by ingredients that are unsafe for the delicate tissues of the oral cavity.

We clean cleanly, without germs and irritation

The cleaning properties of toothpaste are associated with such a characteristic as abrasiveness (Abrasives are small particles of various compounds that mechanically polish tooth enamel). As a rule, calcium carbonate (chalk) or silicon compounds are used as abrasives. You need to understand that calcium carbonate in toothpaste is not a source of calcium and does not have the effect of restoring enamel. During testing, it was found that all samples have a good cleaning effect and meet the mandatory requirements. The best indicator is for Blend-a-med and Lacalut pastes. On the label of the Splat Professional toothpaste, the manufacturer stated a cleaning efficiency of 40.3%, in fact this figure was even higher and amounted to 57%.

Natalya Dmitrieva, Head of the Microbiology Laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Research Institute of Insectology and Maxillofacial Surgery" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ph.D.

“Based on the results of the examination, it was found that all tested toothpastes meet the requirements for them, that is, the total number of mesophilic, aerobic and facultative anaerobic species is normal. No microbial contamination was detected in any sample. None of the pastes are irritating. All samples tested are non-allergenic.”

Toothpaste - for every taste and budget

People always tried to monitor oral hygiene, using the most unusual means. For example, in Ancient Egypt, teeth were cleaned with ash and sand; in ancient Scandinavia, wool and chalk were used for this procedure, and in medieval Europe, even glass and coal. Russia had its own method: tooth enamel was cleaned with eggshells, and then with the resin of coniferous trees. Today we use toothpaste.

The Russian market offers many toothpastes from different countries, manufacturers and price categories. Such a wealth of choice, on the one hand, pleases, but on the other hand, it sometimes confuses us, because choosing the right toothpaste is half the success of preventing, and sometimes treating, caries. As a rule, we rarely read the composition of the paste, recommendations for use, most often we just buy what is intrusively advertised on television and radio.

The Roskontrol consumer rights protection society decided to find out which toothpastes are safe for our health and which do not meet accepted standards. ROCS Double Mint toothpaste Blend-a-med toothpaste “ 3-Effect Soft Freshness / 1-2-3 ”, Toothpaste with a light mint aroma “ New pearls Colgate Toothpaste Triple Action Natural Mint , Professional Series Toothpaste Splat Active/Active , Lacalut Fluor Preventive Toothpaste Aquafresh Maximum Toothpaste .

Sensodyne F

Customer reviews of this paste vary. Some people like this product, but most people agree that this hygiene product is unreasonably overpriced.

The paste does not cope well with plaque, and the teeth do not get the promised whiteness.

After using Sensodyne F, your mouth does not feel fresh. The paste has no aroma or distinct taste, and resembles tooth powder reduced to a paste. In general, the consistency of the mass is very liquid, although the paste does not fall off the brush.

See also:

This is not mayonnaise! 5 brands that you should not buy for the New Year's table

Silka Dent

Beautiful girls who advertise this inexpensive toothpaste and assure that the “triple effect” will be visible tomorrow are unlikely to use this paste to clean their own teeth. The reason for this is the “complex” composition of the hygiene product, which is not beneficial for teeth.

According to consumers, Silka Dent paste is not worth buying, despite its affordable price. You will not be able to remove plaque or achieve fresh breath with such a product.

Healthy teeth are another reason to smile. A smiling person is open to communication, easily finds friends and makes the necessary acquaintances. A high-quality toothpaste that meets standards and is produced without violating technology helps you not to be ashamed of your own smile.

New Pearl Fluorine

Consumers who decide to entrust the health of their teeth to the manufacturer of this hygiene product note that after use, a pleasant feeling of freshness is felt in just a few minutes. It is also not possible to achieve ideal teeth cleanliness.

In addition, after opening, the paste gradually becomes more and more liquid.

Laboratory studies conducted by Roskontrol specialists showed that the prototype did not comply with safety requirements.

See also:

Cheap toothpaste as a powerful savings tool

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