Why is New Pearl toothpaste better than ROCS? Expensive cosmetics that are not worth the money: examination results






We have already written about popular products that were included in the “black list” of Roskontrol. However, it is not only food that harms the body, so we decided to compile a rating of the lowest-quality cosmetics according to experts. It turned out that cheap is not always bad.


The products of the “New Pearl” series have a number of advantages. Consumers speak of the product as an effective assistant in daily oral care.

An affordable price is perhaps the most important advantage of a cleanser. If you have evaluated the capabilities of New Pearl pastes and noted certain pros and cons for yourself, share your opinion in the comments to this article.

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Action of main components

The line of hygiene products includes pastes with preventive or therapeutic properties.

The preventative product contains antibacterial ingredients, including the Optafresh system, which provides protection to the oral cavity from pathogens for 12 hours.

The action of the therapeutic and prophylactic agent is aimed at preventing carious processes, strengthening the protective layer, lightening the enamel, and fighting inflammation in the gum tissue.

The effect is achieved due to the main components of the paste:

  • Papain and pyrophosphate enzyme . Eliminates pigmented deposits on the surface of teeth, whitens enamel.
  • Fluorine . Provides strength to bone tissue, improves metabolic processes, promotes the removal of heavy metals, strengthens enamel, and prevents the development of caries.
  • Calcium citrate, lactate and hydroxyapatite . They have a strengthening effect on the protective layer, preventing bacteria that provoke the development of calcium from entering the oral cavity.
  • Extracts from medicinal plants . Ginseng, sea buckthorn, oak bark, pomegranate, chamomile flower, green teas increase the elasticity of gum tissue, strengthen its structure and prevent inflammatory processes.
  • Xylitol . Restores the acid-base balance in the mouth, prevents the formation of caries and tartar, makes the enamel stronger, and the protective properties of saliva more durable.

Review of popular tools

The “New Pearl” range of toothpastes consists of 28 types of products for the adult category of customers and 7 varieties for children’s hygiene.

Having studied numerous reviews, we have identified the most popular pastes from the line of the presented brand. Let's look at them in detail.

New pearls total 12 enamel restoration

The action of the paste is aimed at reducing sensitivity, eliminating microcracks in the enamel and saturating it with all substances necessary for health.

The product contains the following components:

  • Patented Optafresh system. Helps suppress bacterial production, eliminates bad breath for the whole day.
  • Hydroxyapatite. An analogue of substances that form enamel. Fills microcracks, compacts the protective layer. With regular use, it blocks the dentinal canals, which significantly reduces sensitivity.
  • Active fluorine. Prevents the development of carious processes, works to strengthen the solid structures of the oral cavity.
  • Polyvinylpyrrolidone. Designed to destroy substances that form plaque and mucous deposits on the surface of bone organs. Effectively cleanses the oral cavity.
  • Sodium monofluorophosphate. It has a strengthening effect on hard tissues and increases the resistance of teeth to aggressive acids.

The manufacturer offers a hygiene product with the aroma of cloves and cinnamon (cinnamon), which allows the buyer to choose a paste based on their taste preferences.

The paste is approved for use from 14 years of age. Cost - 65 rubles.

New pearls total 12 Whitening by nature

Thanks to this cleaning product, teeth become naturally white. The action of the paste is aimed at removing dark spots on the surface of the enamel, providing fresh breath for 12 hours.

The product does not have a harmful effect on gum tissue. The composition includes a number of effective components:

  • Optafresh system. Powerful antibacterial effect.
  • Papain. Destroys deposits of any consistency, whitens.
  • Polyvinylpyrrolidone. Dissolves the protein-lipid complex of plaque, removes toxins from the surface of the bone organs of the oral cavity, promotes tissue regeneration, and reduces bleeding gums.
  • Active fluorine. It has the property of preventing carious processes and strengthening hard tissues.

The paste is flavored with cloves and cinnamon. Price - 70 rubles.

New pearls Gentle whitening

The paste serves as a preventative against plaque formation.

The product eliminates pigmented deposits, has a polishing effect on enamel, prevents the appearance of yellow plaque, and provides natural whiteness.

The main active ingredients are:

  • Calcium carbonate. Provides proper mineralization and strengthening of enamel, effectively cleanses the oral cavity.
  • Sodium monofluorophosphate. Increases the density of hard tissues and makes them less vulnerable to the effects of destructive acids.

The product contains no abrasives, which makes it safe for the structure of the protective layer. You can buy pasta for 50 rubles.

New pearl garnet and mint + whitening

The hygienic product provides reliable protection against caries, prevents the formation of a bacterial film and the formation of stones, and gently lightens the enamel without harming its structure.

Active ingredients:

  • Pyrophosphates. Prevents the formation of hard deposits and quickly breaks down soft bacterial film.
  • Sodium monofluorophosphate (useful properties described earlier).
  • Pomegranate extract. Acts as an excellent antioxidant. It has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, promotes proper hydration, improves blood flow, and has a tonic effect.

Thanks to its low abrasiveness and pleasant taste, this type of paste has joined the ranks of the most popular representatives of the Nevskaya Cosmetics brand. Cost - 80 rubles.

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Read here about the types of wall-mounted toothbrush holders.

At this address https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/zubnyie-shhetki/rocs-vidyi-osobennosti-i-tsenyi.html you will find consumer reviews about Rox toothbrushes.

New pearl ginseng

Ginseng is an excellent stimulator of protective mechanisms and metabolic processes in gum tissue.

The drug stimulates tissue to regenerate, accelerates the healing of damaged areas of the mucous membrane, has a tonic effect on the gums, and serves as a blocker of carious processes.

The paste also prevents the appearance of foul odor from the mouth. Allowed for use from 7 years of age.

Main active ingredients:

  • Ginseng extract. Tissue strengthening and stimulating substance. Stimulates the epidermis to regenerate and prevents aging of the dermal layers.
  • Calcium carbonate. Effectively cleanses the oral cavity of plaque of varying consistency and provides the enamel with useful minerals.
  • Calcium citrate. Saturates the protective layer of the tooth with necessary substances, reduces sensitivity.

Price - from 35 rubles.

New pearl green apple + whitening

The components of the paste prevent the growth of solid deposits, provide whiteness, and gently polish the protective layer. Eliminate pigmented spots and fight the formation of bacterial film.

The paste has a pleasant green apple flavor with hints of mint. Abrasiveness is reduced.

Active ingredients:

  • Sodium pyrophosphate. An excellent remover of stones and plaque.
  • Sodium fluoride. Prevents the dissolution of minerals in the protective shell of teeth, ensures the prevention of the formation of carious cavities, and develops resistance to acids.

You can purchase the product for 75 rubles.

New pearl green tea and mint + whitening

After using this type of paste, the condition of the gums improves, swelling and inflammation decrease. The components of the product work to whiten the enamel without having a destructive effect.

The gel-like mass does not contain oxidizing agents and has a pleasant mint flavor combined with green tea.

Active ingredients:

  • Sodium pyrophosphate. Plaque blocker.
  • Green tea extract. The best antioxidant that heals gum tissue, relieves swelling and prevents inflammation.

The average cost is 80 rubles.

New pearl whitening

This cleansing composition prevents the formation of tartar, dissolves particles of bacterial film, and perfectly cleans, brightening the enamel.

Regular use prevents the appearance of yellow plaque, so the paste is ideal for smokers and coffee lovers.

Active ingredients:

  • sodium pyrophosphate;
  • sodium monofluorophosphate.

Price - 75 rubles.

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In this publication we will tell you how to choose the right toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

Here https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/zubnyie-pastyi/lion.html you will find detailed information about the Japanese Lion toothpaste.

New pearl medicinal herbs

The hygiene product includes extracts of medicinal herbs: echinacea, peppermint, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, sage, the action of which is aimed at strengthening gum tissue and preventing bleeding.

The products replenish the structure of the teeth with the necessary amount of calcium and strengthen all tissues of the oral cavity.

The paste contains:

  • complex of extracts;
  • calcium citrate;
  • calcium carbonate.

In pharmacies across the country, the cost of the paste varies within 35 rubles for a small tube.

New pearl propolis

It has a strengthening effect on the protective shell, relieves inflammation of the gums, and effectively cleanses the oral cavity without affecting the balance of beneficial microorganisms.

The product has gained popularity due to its astringent and antiseptic properties.

Active components:

  • Propolis. Anesthetic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Calcium carbonate.
  • Monosodium phosphate.

Price - 72 rubles.

New pearl daisy

The cleansing composition reduces the risk of carious cavities, has a strengthening effect on the structure of enamel and gum tissue, heals wounds and has an analgesic effect.

With regular use, it quickly breaks down bacterial plaque, eliminates the enamel's sensitivity to external irritants, and has a pleasant mint taste.

Active ingredients:

  • Chamomile extract. Softens oral tissues, eliminates irritation and blocks the development of allergic manifestations.
  • Calcium citrate.
  • Calcium carbonate.

The cost varies between 65 rubles.

New pearls with resin

Sea buckthorn oil and resin eliminate inflammatory manifestations in the oral cavity, restore the full functioning of the walls of blood vessels in the gum tissue, regulate water balance, and reduce pain.

The paste is an ideal hygiene product for sensitive teeth. Often used as applications that improve the condition of bone organs and gums. There are no dyes or flavors in the composition, so the product will appeal to lovers of natural ingredients.

Active ingredients:

  • Silica. Polishing abrasive. Gently cleanses enamel.
  • Resin extract and sea buckthorn oil. Regenerating components.
  • Potassium citrate. Reduces discomfort during hygiene procedures, eliminates hypersensitivity.
  • Polyvinylpyrrolidone. Dissolves dental and mucous deposits, has an effective cleansing effect, increases the trophism of periodontal tissue, heals mucosal lesions, and reduces bleeding gums.
  • Calcium citrate.

Price tag: 85 rubles.

New oak bark pearl

Powerful strengthening and cleaning of teeth. With regular use, the risk of developing caries is reduced, and microbes are completely destroyed.

For inflammation of the mucous membrane and the presence of catarrhal, aphthous and ulcerative lesions, this paste is considered the most effective regenerating agent. Has a pleasant mint taste.

Active components:

  • Extract from oak bark. It has astringent, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties.
  • Sodium monofluorophosphate.
  • Calcium carbonate.

The price barrier is 55 rubles.

New pearls power of the sea

An excellent healing agent for gums. Reduces bleeding, blocks the formation of a bacterial film, and prevents the formation of a specific layer on the teeth, formed from food particles and salts.

The pasta has a Mediterranean flavor. The composition contains the following components:

  • Sodium fluoride.
  • Potassium pyrophosphate. Prevention of plaque.
  • Sodium pyrophosphate.
  • Triclosan. Destroys microbes concentrated in dental plaque, provides all-day protection against the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, forms strong enamel and healthy periodontium, and keeps teeth and gums in excellent condition.
  • Kelp. Heals the tissues surrounding the teeth.

The average price in the capital is 73 rubles.

New pearl seven herbs

Effective prevention of caries. The walls of gum tissue vessels are restored due to mint, nettle and calendula.

Inflammation is relieved using the healing properties of chamomile, St. John's wort, sage and echinacea. The paste provides the oral cavity with pleasant freshness throughout the day. Prevents rotting in the hard tissues of the tooth.

Active Products:

  • Herbal extracts.
  • Silica. Polishing agent.
  • Sodium monofluorophosphate.
  • Pyrophosphates.

Price tag - from 29 rubles.

New pearls total 12 + whitening

A powerful product for restoring natural whiteness. Removes dark spots from the surface of the protective shell, keeping your breath fresh all day long.

The paste has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums. It contains:

  • sodium monofluorophosphate;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
  • Patented Optafresh system.

Cost: 67 rubles.

New pearl calcium

A storehouse of calcium. Makes enamel stronger, provides reliable protection against rotting of hard tissues, and completely heals the bone structures of the oral cavity.

The paste is recommended for regions with high fluoride content in water. Even young children are allowed to use the product.

The composition predominates:

  • calcium carbonate;
  • calcium citrate.

Price - 65 rubles.

New pearl fluorine

Reliable enamel strengthening agent. Prevents pathological processes in the oral cavity, removes deposits, and provides fresh breath.

Blocks the production of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. The paste is recommended for areas with low levels of an important element in water for the body.

The composition is based on the following components:

  • sodium monofluorophosphate;
  • calcium carbonate.

You can buy a cleanser for 38 - 50 rubles.

Children's pearls Magic fruits

An excellent product for daily care of baby teeth. Strengthens the protective shell, increases acid resistance, and prevents the formation of carious cavities.

Completely replenishes the lack of calcium in the structure of bone tissue, gently cleanses bacterial accumulations on the surface. Every child will like the taste of the paste (melon, watermelon).

The product contains a minimal amount of fluoride, which makes it optimal for children.

Main leaving pastes:

  • sodium monofluorophosphate;
  • calcium carbonate.

Cost - 50 rubles.

The video presents a user review of the New Pearl toothpaste with calcium.

General rules of use

Brushing your teeth with “New Pearls” should be done 2 times a day. During hygiene procedures, the enamel is cleaned with smooth sweeping movements. Squeeze out a small amount of gel from the tube, as excessive foam will interfere with the process of cleansing the oral cavity. After completing the procedure, it is recommended not to spit out the paste immediately in order to increase the effectiveness of the product used.

“New Pearl” is a drug that is popular among customers due to its variety of flavors and affordable price. Before purchasing a product, it is important to study its contraindications, since each line of products solves specific dental problems. For babies, a children's line of products has been developed that is safe in case of accidental swallowing and gently cleanses the enamel.

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