Rox Kids toothpaste for children 4-7 years old Raspberry and Strawberry 1+1

Pastes for teenagers


Italian paste for the care of molar permanent teeth. It has an excellent composition: a high concentration of fluorides (more than 1300 ppm), an average level of abrasiveness. Has a pronounced mint taste. There are no harmful substances in the composition.

But the price is not particularly encouraging: 50 ml of paste costs more than 140 rubles, but everyone decides for themselves what is better: either spend money on a high-quality paste, or then waste time, nerves and money on visiting the dentist.

The best children's toothpaste: which one to buy

A good children's toothpaste should not contain preservatives or abrasive substances that can damage the fragile enamel of baby teeth. But it may contain various minerals. It is advisable for the child’s dentist to select the toothpaste based on the condition of the child’s oral cavity. After consulting a doctor, you can decide on a specific brand of toothpaste for children. The following products are in demand in our online store:

  • Splat Kids.
  • ROCS Kids.
  • Weleda with calendula.
  • Levrana "Orange".
  • Theodent Kids.

Let us describe the features of each of them.

Splat Kids

A good toothpaste for children aged 2 to 6 years. It is made on the basis of natural ingredients, that is, without the inclusion of preservatives and synthetic substances. It is absolutely safe and does not cause complications, even if the child accidentally swallows a little paste.


  • convenient tube;
  • safe composition;
  • large selection of flavors.

If you believe the reviews of doctors and buyers, Splat Kids has no downsides, except that it costs a little more than regular pastes.


A good children's toothpaste intended for children from 3 to 7 years old. The composition includes xylitol and amino fluoride at a concentration of 500 ppm. These substances prevent the development of caries and gum inflammation, and also normalize the microflora of the oral cavity.


  • several tastes;
  • fluorides in the composition;
  • cleans well of plaque.

If we talk about the disadvantages, some users note the rapid consumption of the paste.

Weleda with calendula

A good baby toothpaste that is made only from natural ingredients. Even if swallowed, it is completely safe. It can be used starting from the eruption of baby teeth.


  • no preservatives or dyes;
  • suitable for newborns;
  • strengthens the enamel of baby teeth.


  • not used if you are prone to allergies;
  • costs more than many other children's toothpastes.

Levrana "Orange"

A toothpaste for children, which consists of almost 100% natural ingredients, so it can be used to brush the teeth of children of any age. If a child swallows a little of it, he will not have stomach problems. The paste cleanses teeth well of plaque, and there are no abrasive substances that could scratch the enamel.


  • safe composition;
  • pleasant taste.


  • does not contain fluorine and calcium;
  • ends quickly.

Theodent Kids

Therapeutic and prophylactic paste intended for children over 3 years old. It is prescribed for caries at the stage of enamel demineralization. The composition includes minerals that ensure its strengthening. This paste is also recommended for those who have braces.

You need to use it as follows: apply the composition to your toothbrush and brush your teeth thoroughly for 2 minutes. After this, apply a little more paste to the brush and distribute it over your teeth without rinsing. During this procedure, the enamel is saturated with useful substances.


  • reduces tooth sensitivity;
  • helps stop the development of caries;
  • returns enamel whiteness;
  • does not contain harmful components;
  • has a pleasant chocolate taste;
  • Suitable for wearing braces.

Theodent Kids has one significant drawback: it costs much more than regular pastes. However, it is not necessary to use it all the time. You can do this in courses, the duration of which is determined by the doctor.

Caries is often diagnosed in children, so it is advisable to make every effort to prevent this disease. In addition to pastes, you can use additional products to ensure oral hygiene - rinses and balms: Levrana “Blueberry”, ROCS “Active Calcium”, “Albadent for Children”, etc.

Also, do not forget about other caries prevention measures. Monitor your child’s diet, limit the consumption of sweets, teach him to brush his teeth properly and rinse his mouth after each meal. Bring him to the dentist for examination at least 2 times a year. Children under 3 years of age can be seen by a doctor every 3-4 months.

Pastes for children from 6 to 12 years old


German gel with a pleasant mint-citrus taste. The composition contains sodium fluoride and amino fluoride: the dosage of these components is quite high. The product protects teeth from caries and saturates the enamel, and also allows you to cure caries that is in the so-called “white spot” stage.

A 50-ml tube of paste will cost 120 rubles.

German dentists vouch for the excellent quality of the product.

"ELMEX Junior" (Elmex)

Paste with fluoride, which strengthens enamel and protects against caries. Released. A high dosage of fluoride ensures the elimination of caries in the initial stage of the “white spot”.

The cost of the product is 150 rubles per 75 ml tube.

"PresiDENT Junior" (President Junior)

Italian pasta with a pronounced lime flavor. A product with a good composition, which is slightly worse than the two previous samples. Fluorine is present in compounds that are not the most effective: its dosage is preventive rather than therapeutic (950 ppm).

Contains no sodium lauryl sulfate, sugar or parabens. However, the Italian manufacturer with an impeccable reputation has long established itself exclusively on the positive side, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of the product at all.

Why does caries develop in baby teeth?

Caries is a consequence of the proliferation of cariogenic microbes in the mouth. They enter the oral cavity along with the pacifier, through a mother's kiss or a spoon with food when she tests it for temperature. The child’s immunity is weak, and the tooth enamel of baby teeth is still developing, so they are less resistant to external factors, including cariogenic bacteria.

If you don’t take care of your baby’s oral hygiene, germs will actively multiply. They feed on carbohydrates and release harmful acids that corrode the enamel and wash away minerals from it: fluorine, calcium, magnesium, etc. Areas of demineralization are formed, indicating the first stage of carious lesions.

This process can be prevented through caries prevention, part of which is brushing your teeth using a toothbrush and toothpaste. Moreover, special means help stop the progression of the pathology if you start using them at its first stage. Such toothpastes contain various minerals, primarily fluoride and calcium, and are called therapeutic and prophylactic. Many people believe that they are harmful to children. Let's find out if this is really the case.

Pastes for children aged 3-8 years


A paste that contains one of the fluoride compounds, which prevents the appearance and further development of caries. The substance strengthens tooth enamel and creates a thin film on the surface of the teeth (only 30 seconds of active brushing is enough for its appearance). Thanks to this, fluoride saturates the tissues for several hours after brushing: this is of no small importance, since many children do not spend enough time brushing their teeth.

Has a mild abrasiveness (RDA 25). In terms of cost, the product can be classified as an average price category (50 ml packaging costs from 120 rubles).

The product has received approval from German dentists.

"PRESIDENT Kids" (President Kids)

Italian cleaning gel with xylitol and fluoride. The good composition did not affect the increase in cost: the product is sold at an affordable competitive price. Children will definitely like the taste of cola and will make brushing their gums and teeth more enjoyable.

The amount of fluoride and the level of abrasiveness (RDA 50) are within the normal range for children of this age.

"SPLAT JUNIOR (Splat Junior)

A domestic paste that includes, in addition to aminofluoride and calcis, enzymes that have a positive effect on the protective characteristics of the oral mucosa.

The inclusion of calcium and fluorine at the same time is a rather controversial move by manufacturers. If you look at this issue from a chemistry point of view, then the breakdown of these substances into ions occurs with the help of water, which is in any paste. If both components are present, their ions bind together to form salt right in the tube: such a mixture does not contain any useful substances that strengthen and protect teeth.

The composition does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, which is very harmful to the body, but is often used by paste manufacturers to improve cleansing properties and better foaming properties.

The product costs around 120 rubles for 55 ml.

"Silca Putzi" with orange flavor

The paste can be used to clean any teeth: temporary milk teeth and permanent molars. The composition contains sodium fluoride, but it is worth considering that for children under 5 years of age, the use of fluoride is justified only if carious formations are detected. If there are no carious formations and there are no prerequisites for its development, it is better to opt for a product with calcium.

The product is imported, but this does not affect its cost: the price is very affordable (a 75 ml tube costs around 60 rubles). The product is of very high quality, which is why it was approved by German dentists.

"ROCS Kids" (Rocks Kids) with barberry aroma

Russian paste does not contain fluoride, which makes it indispensable for use by children living in regions with high concentrations of this element in water.

The composition contains one of the most effective calcium compounds, which strengthens tooth enamel well, and a polyhydric alcohol, called xylitol, which neutralizes acids.

Excellent composition, which is no worse than imported analogues. However, all the existing advantages are canceled out by the very high price, especially when you consider that the paste was made in Russia - around 200 rubles for a small 45-gram tube. Why such a high price? Perhaps an explanation can be obtained from the manufacturer.

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