Toothpaste for periodontal disease and bleeding gums

From this article you will learn:

  • best toothpaste for bleeding gums,
  • selection of toothpastes for periodontal disease,
  • Which toothpaste – Parodontax, Lacalut, etc. helps better.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Therapeutic toothpaste for gums should contain special components that will reduce pain and bleeding when brushing your teeth, as well as a number of anti-inflammatory components. There are now a huge number of anti-inflammatory toothpastes on the market, which are very difficult for the average consumer to navigate. For example, despite the fact that all these toothpastes are positioned as “anti-inflammatory”, in fact they will act differently on such a symptom as bleeding gums.

Toothpaste for bleeding gums should first of all contain astringent components such as aluminum lactate or zinc lactate. The effectiveness of which you will notice after 1-2 applications. As for other components, anti-inflammatory toothpastes for periodontal disease usually include antiseptic chlorhexidine (0.05-0.25%), mineral salts, allantoin, bisabolol, thymol and eugenol, phenyl salicylate + medicinal plant extracts.

Bleeding gums -

One of the most famous remedies for inflammation and bleeding gums is Parodontax gum toothpaste. Below we will give detailed reviews of it, but in our rating it is far from 1st place. The rating was compiled based on an analysis of the composition of the products, as well as thanks to the 10 years of work experience of the author of the article - a periodontist (documents on advanced training of the state standard in the Periodontology program - can be viewed in the editorial section).

Also in this article we will look at the side effects of long-term use of toothpastes with antiseptics. You will be surprised, but in patients with cardiovascular pathology, they can even lead to increased blood pressure. It is also not unimportant that the use of toothpastes with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is not compatible with antiseptic rinses with chlorhexidine solution. And we justify all this with references to clinical studies.

Choosing a toothpaste for gums – summary

If the main symptom of gum inflammation is bleeding, it is better to use pastes of the Lacalut and President brands, because they contain components such as aluminum lactate and zinc lactate. The latter very quickly reduce bleeding gums, but keep in mind that such toothpastes (as well as toothpastes with the antiseptic chlorhexidine) are ideally undesirable to use for more than 2 weeks. And after this period, it is worth switching to toothpaste without antiseptics and antibiotics, for example, Paradontax toothpaste.

But precisely during the period of acute manifestations, in order to quickly relieve inflammation in the gums, special gum rinses can be a good addition to anti-inflammatory toothpaste. Many of them contain high concentrations of anti-inflammatory components, which can eliminate bleeding gums even faster (than if you use only one toothpaste). Such rinses are also divided into those that can be used for a short course, and those that can be used on an ongoing basis.

Important: next, a very important point for patients who are going to use anti-inflammatory toothpaste for gums - in parallel with antiseptic mouth rinses with chlorhexidine solution. Clinical studies (source) have shown that chlorhexidine can be inactivated by the oral hygiene component sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which is present in most toothpastes.

This is of great importance because... rinsing the mouth with chlorhexidine solution is usually recommended after oral hygiene (morning and evening). Studies have found that after brushing your teeth with a paste containing sodium lauryl sulfate, ideally 2 hours should pass (at least 30 minutes, but this is not enough) so that lauryl sulfate does not affect the effectiveness of chlorhexidine. Therefore, if you are going to rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine at the same time, we recommend buying toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS).

Question No. 1. Is it true that whitening toothpastes are harmful to teeth?

True, if you use cheap, highly abrasive pastes. The abrasive particles they contain scratch tooth enamel like scouring powder scratching a kitchen stove. There are five levels of paste abrasiveness in total. On the packaging it is marked with the index RDA (Radioactive Dentin Abrasion) and indicates the particle size.

When choosing a whitening paste for adults, you should know that its optimal level of abrasiveness is RDA 70-120. Among such pastes, LACALUT White (abrasiveness index - RDA 120), SPLAT whitening Plus, SILCA Arctic White (abrasivity index - RDA 85), PRESIDENT White have proven themselves well. Pastes with a high level of abrasiveness (120-160) should be used to clean pigmented enamel no more than twice a week. Dentists use a range of pastes, for example, PRESIDENT White Plus.”

Side effects of toothpastes with antiseptics -

We urge you to be careful when using toothpastes that contain the antiseptic chlorhexidine (especially if its content is 0.1% or higher). Providing an antimicrobial effect on certain types of pathogenic bacteria, chlorhexidine leads to a total change in the ratio of different types of microorganisms in relation to each other. Scientific studies (source) found that with long-term use of toothpastes with chlorhexidine, the number of bacteria in the oral cavity increased, which were characterized by more active production of lactic acid.

Accordingly, this led to an increase in the content of lactic acid in the oral fluid (saliva), and a shift in pH to the acidic side. At the same time, this led to a decrease in the buffer capacity of saliva, which reduces the ability of saliva to neutralize acids secreted by cariogenic bacteria. This is important because the acidic pH of oral fluid promotes demineralization of tooth enamel (leaching of calcium) and, accordingly, increases the risk of developing caries.

Important for patients with cardiovascular pathology

Unfortunately, these are not all the side effects of chlorhexidine. The fact is that this antiseptic disrupts the ability of oral bacteria to convert nitrates (contained in foods) into nitrites. This bacterial activity is called “nitrate-reducing,” and it is one of the mechanisms that allows our body to maintain normal blood pressure. Nitrites produced by bacteria enter the blood, helping to lower blood pressure.

Accordingly, a decrease in the production of nitrites by oral bacteria will lead to an increase in blood pressure, which is especially dangerous for people with existing cardiovascular pathology. These data are confirmed by scientific research - “The increase in plasma nitrite after a dietary nitrate load is markedly attenuated by an antibacterial mouthwash. Nitric Oxide" (2008), authors – Mirco Govoni, Emmelie Å. Jansson, Eddie Weitzberg, Jon O. Lundberg. And if you wish (via the link above), you can familiarize yourself with this study using a browser translator.

Varieties of the drug for adults

Products for adults are aimed at eliminating signs of gingivitis, periodontitis, and caries. All products are characterized by a therapeutic effect. The choice of a particular paste is made taking into account the dental problems characteristic of a particular person. It is possible to use several series of Parodontol pastes in a complex (one preparation in the morning, and another in the evening). Let's take a closer look at the composition and features of each line of products.

Healing herbs

The drug provides gentle oral care. It contains extracts of medicinal herbs that prevent the exacerbation of signs of periodontitis. The product has not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive effect: it creates a protective film on the surface of the teeth that protects the enamel from damage by bacteria.

The Medicinal Herbs series also includes silicon dioxide and calcium carbonate, which strengthen enamel and enrich dentin with essential minerals. The drug does not contain fluoride.

Sea minerals

The gel includes minerals that strengthen the bone tissue of the teeth. The paste contains fluoride as an active ingredient. The substance strengthens dentin and has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth in general. Sea salt prevents the formation of hard and soft deposits on elements.


The product is specially designed for the care of sensitive teeth. After using the drug, the enamel's reaction to temperature and chemical stimuli decreases. A distinctive feature of the gel is the presence of a soft abrasive system, which promotes the formation of abundant foam while brushing your teeth. This foam allows you to remove food debris and soft plaque without much mechanical effort. The drug does not contain fluoride, which is very important for people who are intolerant to this substance.

Triple action

From the name of the series it is clear that it has a complex (triple) therapeutic effect: it stimulates the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the mouth, restores the whiteness of the enamel and prevents the formation of stone. The gel is able to eliminate existing hard deposits on the enamel due to their softening and subsequent removal.

With regular use of products from the “Triple Action” series, it will be possible to achieve normalization of the microflora of the mouth. The product also does not contain fluorine or aggressive substances.

Antibacterial protection

The main active ingredient in the gel is triclosan, which is characterized by a powerful antibacterial effect. And the drug also includes fluoride and herbal extracts that have a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Periodontal “Antibacterial protection” has a complex effect: protects the enamel from caries, helping to strengthen it; stimulates the regeneration of soft tissues of the mouth; minimizes signs of inflammatory processes. The drug instantly inhibits the activity of bacterial flora and the effect of its use is noted after just a few days of therapy.

Parodontol "Active"

The drug contains the following active ingredients:

  • Hydroxyapatite is a unique substance used to stimulate the repair and growth of bone tissue. It is also able to penetrate microcracks in the enamel, filling them and preventing the destruction of dentin.
  • Yarrow extract – characterized by powerful hemostatic, astringent and bactericidal properties.
  • Nettle extract – has a strong anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Parodontol "Green tea"

In addition to the plant extract, the gel is enriched with vitamins A and E, which restore damaged oral mucosa. The extract itself contains B vitamins, which are necessary to strengthen the gums.

Parodontol "Cedar"

The complex includes the following components: cedar, pine, juniper extract. The paste contains fluorine and calcium gluconate, which reduce the sensitivity of enamel to external irritants and protect teeth from destruction. Plant components relieve inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues and provide a long-lasting feeling of fresh breath.

Parodontol “With Echinacea”

The drug is intended for people prone to frequent relapses of stomatitis and gingivitis. Among the main substances in the gel are calcium gluconate and echinacea, which together have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and immunomodulatory effects. The product is also recommended for people living in regions with high levels of fluoride in water.

Prof series

The line of products is characterized by therapeutic and prophylactic effects. A distinctive feature of the series is that it has enhanced taste and cooling properties. Pastes from the Prof line provide fresh breath for a long time (12 hours) and help lighten the enamel by several tones.

Let's look at the main types of products belonging to the Prof series:

Paste for sensitive teeth

  • Antibacterial protection – NEW. Maintains normal pH balance in the oral cavity and increases the resistance of tooth enamel to pathogenic microorganisms. Protection against caries is also achieved thanks to the unique formula of the drug, which includes fluoride, triclosan and plant extracts.
  • Ginger+Lime. The last component of the paste contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for oral health. The components protect teeth from premature carious destruction. Ginger is responsible for moisturizing the mucous membranes and providing long-lasting fresh breath. The ingredient has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.
  • Ginger + mint. The drug is recommended for people with darkened enamel. The whitening effect of the product is ensured by a unique abrasive system included in the product. With regular use of the drug, the severity of gum inflammation is reduced by 50%.
  • Gum protection + Health. The product contains hyaluronic acid and bisabolol. In combination, the components have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The product has a unique whitening system called 3D effect. It has a gentle effect on enamel and removes food debris and bacterial plaque from the internal and visible surface of the crown.
  • On silver water. The paste is designed to combat infectious dental diseases and prevent their recurrence. The preventive effect of the product is ensured by the fluoride content in the composition. Thanks to a special polishing system, plaque removal from enamel occurs gently and safely.

Representative of the Parodontol line of toothpastes from the Prof series.

Important instructions for use –

The cause of gum inflammation is soft microbial plaque and hard dental deposits.
If you decide to reduce inflammation in the gums only with the help of toothpaste (without removing plaque from the dentist), you will only get a temporary effect. You should not use toothpastes for inflammation in the gums or for bleeding gums on an ongoing basis, because they only mask the symptoms of inflammation. And in fact, the inflammation will continue, but only imperceptibly, leading to the gradual destruction of the periodontal attachment and the appearance of tooth mobility. Therefore, the best thing you can do for your gums is to have your teeth ultrasonic cleaned by your dentist. This procedure will remove supra- and subgingival dental plaque, which is the cause of gum inflammation. The use of anti-inflammatory toothpastes for periodontal disease (without removing dental plaque) will lead to sluggish chronic inflammation. At first it can only be gingivitis, which over time will certainly turn into chronic generalized periodontitis, in which tooth mobility and suppuration from periodontal pockets are already observed.

Let's sum it up

Pastes for the treatment of gum disease only eliminate some signs of inflammation. If the cause of periodontitis and periodontal disease is tartar, areas of over-occlusion, or any specific type of infection, the disease will not go away. The use of medicinal pastes and self-medication will only blur the clinical picture of the disease and complicate the diagnosis.

The negative point in using such products is that they can mask serious gum diseases, removing symptoms such as redness and swelling. As a result of this use, a person goes to the dentist only at that stage of the disease when the teeth become mobile. You should not fight bleeding gums for a long time only with the help of pastes. When you go to the dentist, treatment may be limited to just removing tartar. No toothpaste will help you treat your gums if you brush your teeth incorrectly and use a low-quality toothbrush. If your gums bleed and hurt when brushing, use a brush with soft bristles, which will make the procedure more comfortable.

Pay attention to the composition of toothpastes; if they contain antiseptics, they should not be used for more than two weeks. Otherwise, dysbacteriosis will occur, against which the fungus grows very well. After completing the cleaning, it is advisable to hold the cleaning solution in the oral cavity for 1-2 minutes and prolong the effect of the active components on the inflamed tissues.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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