The best toothpaste according to Control Purchase and Roskontrol

The beginning of any person's day probably begins with washing and brushing his teeth. We use oral cleansers not only in the morning, but also in the evening, so choosing a quality brand of toothpaste is no less important than regularly brushing your teeth. However, most of us purchase this product spontaneously, guided solely by advertising promises. But are commercials and assurances from television dentists really that effective? To ensure the quality and safety of toothpastes, we turned to materials from independent studies by Control Purchase and Roskontrol. Based on laboratory test data, our rating of the best toothpastes was compiled.
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How to choose the right toothpaste.

August 10, 2022



  • How to choose toothpaste
  • Top 7 toothpastes recommended by dentists
  • Parodontax Classic
  • Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair
  • Elmex Protection against caries
  • ROCS PRO Moisturizing Moisturizing
  • Curaprox Enzycal 1450
  • Sensodyne Instant effect
  • INNOVA Intensive restoration and brightening of enamel

When they talk about a beautiful smile, they mean, of course, beautiful and healthy teeth. We all go to the dentist when caries or other dental problems appear. But how to properly care for your teeth at home? There are hundreds of toothpastes on the shelves of stores and pharmacies: which one should you choose? Let's listen to the opinions of dentists.

Let's start with the fact that toothpaste has several tasks: protecting teeth and gums from plaque, preventing caries, freshening breath, whitening teeth, reducing their sensitivity, and even treating some dental diseases.

Therefore, the main rule when choosing a toothpaste is to take into account your own needs, that is, the toothpaste is selected individually, to suit your problems with teeth and gums. Your dentist will help you with this.

Prevention of caries

Caries is the most common disease in the world. This is a pathological process of destruction of hard tooth tissues. It begins with a white spot and ends with pulpitis and various septic processes with inevitable tooth loss.

The main cause of caries is bacteria that produce acids. They wash fluoride and calcium out of the tooth tissue and weaken it. Frequent consumption of sweets accelerates the development of carious bacteria: carbohydrates are a favorite environment for their reproduction. Teeth with thinned enamel are also at risk: through microcracks, bacteria penetrate into the dentinal tubules and begin to destroy the tooth from the inside.

The most important stage in effectively combating caries is early diagnosis of the problem and, of course, prevention. Remove plaque at least once every 12 hours, and visit the dentist every 6 months!

In addition to caries, the TOP 5 most common dental problems are:

  1. Raid.
  2. Unpleasant smell.
  3. Sensitive enamel.
  4. Bleeding gums.
  5. Color change.

How to choose toothpaste

All toothpastes can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Hygienic.
    They cleanse the oral cavity, refresh and mineralize tooth enamel.
  2. Medicinal.
    Such toothpastes, in addition to cleansing the oral cavity, also help get rid of some problems with teeth or gums.

Medicinal toothpastes should be selected according to the following criteria:

  • increased sensitivity of teeth - the paste should contain special mineral complexes (primarily fluoride);
  • gum disease, bleeding - look for antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components that neutralize bacteria;
  • for the prevention or removal of plaque and tartar - toothpaste must contain mineral complexes, abrasive components and plant enzymes;
  • toothpaste against caries - these are mineral complexes, various extracts (for example, grape seeds, etc.);
  • Teeth whitening pastes help clear teeth of pigmentation and return them to their original shade.

But do not forget that toothpaste is not a treatment, but home care, which is needed as a prevention and control of existing dental problems.

Read also How to treat stomatitis: 7 effective drugs The best drugs for the treatment of stomatitis in adults and children.

What is better to choose to restore gums?

Brushing teeth with damaged gums is necessary only with a properly selected product. Factors that provoke damage to the mucous membrane:

  • Mechanical.
  • Bacterial.
  • Hereditary.

Damaged tissues may begin to bleed, become inflamed, and hypersensitivity often occurs. Pastes should have an antibacterial and healing effect. Some products also perform the function of preventing the formation of tartar. Below we look at the best options:

  • Forest balm.
  • Parodontol Active.
  • ROX Bionics.
  • Splat "Lavandasept".
  • President Exclusive.

Parodontax Classic

Parodontax is a therapeutic toothpaste for gum problems. If you notice that your gums are bleeding while brushing or flossing, don't wait to see your dentist. He will find out the cause and recommend toothpaste to strengthen the gums - in particular, Parodontax. This paste effectively cleans plaque along the gums, making them adhere more tightly to the teeth. Parodontax paste contains sodium bicarbonate, which helps in the prevention and treatment of gum diseases. But remember that the course of treatment with Parodontax paste is no more than two weeks.

Parodontax Classic
GlaxoSmithKline, GSK, UK

This toothpaste effectively fights bleeding and gum inflammation - one of the first signs of a disease that can lead to tooth loss.
Its unique formula contains mineral salt bicarbonate and extracts of chamomile, echinacea, sage, ratania, myrrh. from 66

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The most expensive pastes in the world 2022 and their prices

There is a category of pastes that is not available to the average citizen of any country. They contain only high-quality components that can deal with problems as quickly as possible. It's time to name the two most expensive pastes in the world, which cannot be found in regular stores.

Royal paste

The Latvian company Elier Cosmetics presented an expensive gift to the Queen of England in honor of her anniversary. Details of production and composition remained secret, but the cost really struck the imagination - it amounted to 50 thousand euros.

Each person, if desired, can order a unique product directly from the company, but he must be prepared to pay a fortune for one tube.

Theodent 300

The second most expensive paste in the world is called Theodent 300. The manufacturer has developed in detail not only the cleaning formula, but also took care of the attractive appearance. The product is packaged in a white tube decorated with real gold.

One of the most expensive pastes in the world is Theodent 300 at a price exceeding 100 euros per tube

With systematic use of the paste, the condition of the teeth improves, the formation of dark spots and tartar decreases, and the gums stop bleeding and are restored. If you are a lover of not only high-quality products, but also value aesthetics, then you will have to pay at least 100 euros for it.

Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair

This is a low-abrasive toothpaste made in Italy, which contains zinc-substituted hydroxyapatite, an analogue of a substance found in bones and teeth. If you regularly brush your teeth with Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair paste, you can quickly restore tooth enamel and make it more resistant to various damages. Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair eliminates increased sensitivity of teeth. And although this paste is low abrasive, it perfectly removes plaque. Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair saturates the enamel with minerals and is free of parabens and SLS. Among the disadvantages are the cost and the lack of fluoride in the composition.

Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair
Biorepair, Italy

Protects against the development of caries, mechanical damage, as well as the appearance of erosion on the enamel.
Creates a protective barrier that prevents the formation of plaque and tartar. Ideal for those with sensitive teeth. Helps in maintaining natural whiteness. They become strong, sensitivity decreases, and a healthy shine appears. from 370

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Perioe Pumping Citrus


  • Very convenient to use
  • Foams well
  • Pleasant taste
  • Good dosage system
  • Rich citrus aroma


  • Expensive

From 590 ₽

Pasta in a very unusual package. It is a soft gel that effectively cleanses teeth of plaque. Special bubbles envelop each tooth, making it less accessible to various infections or caries. The convenient bottle holds 3 regular tubes.

Colgate Total 12 Professional Cleansing (Gel)


  • Soft structure
  • Effectiveness
  • Reduced fluoride content
  • Refreshing taste


  • Does not include whitening ingredients

From 123 ₽

Convenient gel paste for everyday use. It is one of the best in its price category. Perfect for both home use and travel. Provides stable oral protection for a long time. Breaks down plaque and eliminates signs of gum inflammation.

SPLAT Special Zero Balance


  • Suitable for people prone to allergies
  • Has no taste or smell
  • Keeps your breath fresh for a long time
  • Cleans well


  • May not be as effective as some analogues

From 230 ₽

Hypoallergenic toothpaste, which does not contain any essential oils, fragrances, or other similar components. Contains natural antiseptics that block the possibility of pathogenic bacteria. Counteracts caries and periodontitis.

Elmex Protection against caries

Thanks to the presence of amino fluoride in the composition, Elmex toothpaste protects teeth from caries, remineralizes, reduces solubility and strengthens enamel. "Elmex Protection against caries." After brushing your teeth with Elmex paste, a stable layer of calcium fluoride is formed on the surface of the teeth - it is this barrier that protects the teeth from the negative effects of acid.

Elmex Protection against caries

Colgate Elmex Anti-Caries Toothpaste with highly effective amino fluoride remineralizes, strengthens enamel and protects teeth from caries.
Designed for daily oral hygiene to provide long-term protection against caries, reduce solubility and strengthen tooth enamel. The amino fluoride contained in Colgate Elmex Anti-Caries Toothpaste forms a stable layer of calcium fluoride on tooth surfaces that provides long-lasting, highly effective protection against acid attack. from 175

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How to brush your teeth correctly

Photos from open sources

Advice for consumers

  • When choosing oral care products, consider the condition of the teeth, gums, oral mucosa, and the strength and density of the enamel.
  • Develop the healthy habit of brushing your teeth twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.
  • When eating foods containing acids: fruits, juices and other acidic foods, brushing your teeth is necessary no earlier than half an hour after a meal. Otherwise, the risk of enamel damage increases significantly.
  • To properly brush your teeth, you need to spend at least five minutes. Otherwise, it will not be possible to ensure maximum effectiveness of the protective and cleansing components of the toothpaste.

ROCS PRO Moisturizing Moisturizing

ROCS PRO Moisturizing Moisturizing toothpaste contains bromelain, a plant enzyme that effectively removes pigmented plaque on enamel and prevents its formation. This toothpaste is recommended for those who suffer from excessive dry mouth. Xerostomia (this is what dry mouth is called) contributes to the appearance of caries, causes problems with gums, stomatitis, etc. Due to insufficient saliva production, the mineralization of teeth also worsens. The special composition ROCS PRO Moisturizing improves the situation with moisture in the mouth, stimulating the secretion of saliva, and forms a special protective film on the mucous membrane. This low-abrasive toothpaste contains no surfactants or aggressive substances. But in general, some ROCS toothpastes may contain SLS, so read the ingredients carefully.

ROCS PRO Moisturizing Moisturizing
ROCS, Russia

Professional toothpaste ROCS “PRO Moisturizing.
Moisturizing" is designed specifically to solve and prevent problems such as periodic or constant dryness in the mouth. The unique composition of this toothpaste contains a special aromatic composition that gently stimulates saliva production. This allows you to provide a greater level of comfort and delicately resolve the problem, regardless of the causes of dryness. In addition, ROCS “PRO Moisturizing. Moisturizing" fully performs therapeutic and preventive functions, helping to maintain a high level of oral hygiene. The paste protects against caries, ensures fresh breath, normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity, etc.; does not contain fluorine, sodium laurisulfate, parabens. from 112

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The best whitening toothpaste for smokers –

As a dentist, I can tell you about an alternative whitening option that is especially suitable for smokers, strong tea or coffee drinkers, as well as patients with rapid formation of bacterial and pigmented plaque. This method will be much more effective than using conventional abrasive whitening toothpastes - even the best ones rated above. It will work for you if you have an Oral-b electric toothbrush (or if you are ready to buy one).

The working head of an electric toothbrush is exactly like the head that a dentist uses to polish teeth. In standard mode, the nozzle makes not only more than 8,000 rotating movements per minute, but also at least 20,000 pulsating movements. The pulsations allow you to loosen plaque, which is then removed with rotational movements. Patients using Oral-B electric toothbrushes develop much less plaque or tartar on their teeth than when brushing with a regular manual toothbrush.

Electric brush Oral-B –

You will whiten your teeth much faster if you use an abrasive whitening toothpaste with an electric toothbrush. Those. you are essentially receiving a dentist's tool that the latter uses for professional oral hygiene in the dental office. But! There are several rules here. For example, if you use toothpaste with RDA 100, then you can safely use it 2 times a day for 1-2 months, using an electric brush in the standard “Daily Cleaning” mode (from 8000 to 10,000 rotational, + 20,000 pulsating movements).

If you use a more abrasive toothpaste with an RDA 120 along with an electric brush (for example, LACALUT White or PRESIDENT PROFI Smokers toothpastes), we would recommend using such toothpastes only once a day for 3-4 weeks, or 2 once a day, but not more than 2 weeks. This treatment will significantly increase the effectiveness of removing moderately pronounced pigmented plaque from teeth, but will not cope with strong pigmented plaque and densely attached mineralized plaque (small tartar).

The most effective way is

The most effective way is to use a professional teeth cleaning product that is used by a dentist during professional oral hygiene. The paste is called Detartrine Z, although there is also regular Detartrine (which is different in that it does not contain zircon granules and is therefore slightly less effective). You can buy it in online stores, sometimes you can even find it on Ozon. These are professional pastes that can not only perfectly remove pigment plaque, but also cope with even small tartar.

Polishing pastes of the “Detartrine” series (France) –

The volume of the paste is 45 g, and this amount will last you for at least a year or two, given that you won’t have to use it more than once every couple of months. Cost from 2000 to 3000 rubles. The following is very important: this professional teeth polishing paste should and can only be used at low rotation speeds of the electric toothbrush head (for example, in the “for sensitive teeth” or “polishing/whitening” modes). There are no pulsating movements in these modes. In addition, it is best to use the “Precision Clean” type of nozzles - see photo above.

Detartrine Z paste contains zircon grains, which very well remove even a pronounced layer of pigmented plaque, and even small hard dental deposits. This is an ideal option for smokers and those who drink strong tea or coffee. But if you have a very thick layer of pigmented plaque or massive tartar, then such home whitening will not help you and you will need to see a dentist in any case.

A less effective way is to use a regular whitening toothpaste with an abrasiveness of 150-200 RDA instead of this polishing paste (for example, “PRESIDENT Black” or “PRESIDENT PROFI PLUS White Plus”). This can be done no more than once a month and only at low speeds of an electric brush - either in the “For sensitive teeth” or “Polishing/whitening” mode. More information about how the procedure is carried out is in the article at the link below.

→ Removing pigmented plaque at home

Curaprox Enzycal 1450

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste Curaprox Enzycal 1450 effectively fights caries and saturates the enamel with minerals. The paste contains substances that improve the state of local immunity, destroy pathogenic bacteria, clean teeth as much as possible and remineralize enamel. Curaprox Enzycal 1450 toothpaste contains 0.145 ppm of fluoride (bioavailable) - this, according to WHO recommendations, is enough to protect teeth from caries (and fluoride is the most reliable method of caries prevention). Curaprox Enzycal 1450 toothpaste contains special enzymes that improve the protective properties of saliva and eliminate pigmentation on teeth. The paste does not contain parabens and SLS, and also serves as a prevention of oral dysbacteriosis. Among the disadvantages are the price of the paste and the presence of cow's milk proteins, so allergy sufferers need to be careful.

Curaprox Enzycal 1450
CURADEN, Switzerland

CURAPROX Enzycal 1450 is a therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste to strengthen enamel.
It supports local immunity of the oral cavity, enhances the antibacterial, remineralizing, cleansing effect of saliva. Suitable for daily cleaning, restoring enamel after whitening and protecting teeth from caries while wearing braces. from 411

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What toothpaste to brush your teeth with: markings

To make it easier for consumers to navigate a wide range of pastes, each product is equipped with the following markings:

  • Active - refers to medicinal dental pastes. They contain antibacterial substances that suppress the activity and proliferation of pathogens in the oral cavity. That is why it is recommended to use such preparations for cleaning teeth for no longer than a month.
  • White - this marking indicates that the product has a brightening effect. It is better to use whitening pastes three times a week so as not to damage the enamel.
  • Sensitive - means aimed at strengthening. Excellent for people with hypersensitivity. This is the best option for long-term use.

Manufacturers use varying degrees of abrasives in pastes:

  • Coarse – chalk, calcium carbonate. These substances can lead to thinning of tooth enamel. The marking of such pastes is RDA: above 80-100.
  • Delicate ones - silicon dioxide, sodium metaphosphate - are aimed at gentle dissolution of soft deposits. Marking: RDA from 0 to 70.

If the question is which toothpaste can be used to brush your child’s teeth, under no circumstances should you buy products with coarse abrasives. The choice of toothpastes for children should be agreed with the pediatric dentist.

Sensodyne Instant effect

Sensodyne “Instant Effect” medicated toothpaste has a pleasant taste and effectively combats the problem of increased sensitivity of tooth enamel. To get rid of tooth sensitivity, dentists recommend not only brushing your teeth with Sensodyne toothpaste in the morning and evening, but also periodically applying the paste after brushing so that it penetrates deeper into the enamel. Sensodyne gently cleanses teeth and helps restore the oral mucosa. According to reviews from those who use Sensodyne paste, the first improvements occur literally on the third to fifth day of use. Toothpaste contains the optimal level of fluoride (0.145 ppm). Sensodyne can be used by children from 12 years of age to prevent caries. The price of this paste is quite affordable. There are few disadvantages: the paste is runny and does not form enough foam.

Sensodyne Instant effect
GlaxoSmithKline, France

Sensodyne Instant Effect Toothpaste is uniquely formulated to rapidly seal the dentinal tubules and is intended for patients diagnosed with dentinal hypersensitivity who require rapid symptom relief.
from 159

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For bleeding gums

SPLAT Professional Active


  • Low abrasiveness
  • Allows you to brush your teeth more often
  • Whitens quickly
  • Pleasant taste
  • Cheapness


  • Sometimes efficiency may be lacking

From 50 ₽

A gum-strengthening paste that allows you not to think about the possibility of excessive injury. It has a very soft gel structure, which is gentle on teeth and gums. Reliable prevention of a number of dental diseases, including caries and periodontitis.

Lacalut Active Herbal


  • Pleasant taste
  • Soft consistency
  • Ensures gum healing
  • Eliminates bleeding


  • Has no whitening effect

From 200 ₽

Preventive toothpaste for gums, based on a special recipe. Quickly and effectively eliminates bleeding and inflammation of the gums, restoring the health of the human oral cavity. The medicinal herbs contained in the composition provide a high level of protection against various diseases.

PresiDENT Active


  • Easily treats bleeding gums
  • Cleans well
  • Doesn't foam
  • Low abrasiveness


  • Specific taste

From 180 ₽

A remedy for bleeding gums, which contains specially selected abrasives. They are soft enough not to injure the gums even more. But they are also tough enough for high-quality plaque removal. Under the influence of active components, enamel becomes stronger and lighter.

INNOVA Intensive restoration and brightening of enamel

This toothpaste is suitable for those with sensitive teeth. “INNOVA Intensive restoration and lightening of enamel” contains nanohydroxyapatite, calcis component, fluoride, and grape seed extract, which most effectively protect against caries. And the plant-derived component Tannase gently whitens teeth by dissolving pigmented plaque on the enamel. INNOVA toothpaste perfectly relieves tooth sensitivity, seals dentinal tubules, saturates the enamel with minerals, strontium salts effectively solve the problem of sensitivity, penetrating deep inside the tooth. INNOVA, in addition to remineralizing teeth, prevents bleeding gums. This toothpaste contains no SLS, chlorhexidine peroxide, or aggressive abrasives. Among the disadvantages are the high cost and not a pronounced mint taste.

INNOVA Intensive restoration and brightening of enamel

Pastes that do not cause allergic reactions

Modern manufacturers who produce hygiene products use advanced technologies, which makes it possible to develop products that have a powerful effect. Such pastes contain active, potent ingredients and are allergens. To avoid allergic reactions, special products are produced that do not contain aggressive substances. Instead, manufacturers add exclusively natural substances. In the ranking of the best funds of this kind:

  • Weleda "With calendula".
  • ROKS for children.
  • Splat Zero Balance.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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