"Lucky Dozen" or rating of the 12 best toothpastes

Toothpaste can safely be called an essential item: it is the basis of self-care. But how to choose the right oral care product and which products to choose? We have compiled a rating of the best of them, based on reviews of real customers, personal sales statistics of KrasotkaPro and open data from the Yandex search engine.

The criteria by which we evaluate toothpastes of each brand:

  • Cleansing.
    After all, this is the main task of toothpaste.
  • Perform additional functions.
    There can be many such functions: whitening, strengthening gums, enamel, etc.
  • Compound.
    It should definitely be safe. The more natural ingredients it contains, the better.
  • Taste and smell.
    They should be pleasant and not cause discomfort.
  • Texture.
    It should be medium, not too thick and definitely not runny.
  • Comfort to use.
    The paste should not bake or burn the oral cavity.
  • Price.
    Of course, it's always nice to save money, but we are looking for the best price-quality ratio.

The rating of toothpastes is formed thanks to a system of points that we awarded to each brand for its product.

By quality:

  • 1 point for effectiveness: giving teeth cleanliness and a feeling of freshness;
  • 0.5 points for each additional function;
  • 1 point for good composition;
  • 1 point for pleasant or neutral taste and smell;
  • 1 point for optimal consistency: not too thick and not too thin;
  • 1 point for ease of use: there should be no discomfort.

By cost:

  • 4 points for costs up to 100 rubles;
  • 3 points for a cost from 100 to 250 rubles;
  • 2 points for a price from 250 to 400 rubles;
  • 1 point for a price over 400 rubles.

By popularity:

  • 6 points for more than 30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 5 points for 24,000-30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 4 points for 18,000-24,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 3 points for 12,000-18,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 2 points for 6,000-12,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 1 point for less than 6,000 queries in Yandex per month.

It was the number of all points scored that determined the place of each product in the ranking; all this is reflected in the final table. In the meantime, learn more about each product.

PresiDENT Smokers

This is a product from Italy, and the manufacturer positions it as a paste for smokers with the safest elements in its composition: lime, parsley, bamboo charcoal, etc. But the product also copes well with other types of contaminants, such as coffee stains or fatty food residues.

The presence of a solid concentration of fluoride allows you to properly protect the enamel from residual elements of resins, drinks or food. Users in their reviews note that after using this paste, teeth become a couple of shades lighter.

Of course, its use will not give the effect of professional cleaning, which is carried out by dentists, but a positive result is noticeable already on the second or third day of use.

It is also worth noting that there are no abrasive elements in the composition, so the paste is suitable for people with sensitive teeth. Users also note freshness in the mouth after use, which is especially important for sociable smokers.

Pros of pasta:

  • Ideal for cleaning heavily soiled teeth;
  • the positive effect is noticeable after the second day of use;
  • pleasant aroma and freshness after use;
  • natural and balanced composition;
  • no abrasive elements.


  • it is difficult to find a product in Russia;
  • a large number of fakes.

The approximate price of the paste is about 250 rubles.


Another German representative of the rating, but for adults. Paradontax is considered not only the best product for daily oral hygiene, but also one of the safest toothpastes. Specialists from many dental clinics leave extremely positive reviews about this product and recommend it in every possible way, without any selfish intent.

One of the main features of the safest toothpaste is its rich and balanced composition: chamomile, sage, echinacea, ratania and other beneficial elements. Such variety can be found in other products, but the cost of the paste will be noticeably higher.

Consumers respond very warmly to Paradontax. The paste does the job perfectly and has a number of other beneficial effects. In addition, the price tag for the product cannot be called “biting”.

Pros of toothpaste:

  • for daily use;
  • rich and balanced composition;
  • fights inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • prevents bleeding gums;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • There are options with and without fluoride;
  • attractive price for the available characteristics.

No cons found.

The approximate price of the paste is about 180 rubles.

"SPLAT Professional Maximum"

This is a product from a domestic manufacturer, aimed primarily at eliminating bad breath. Judging by user reviews, the product copes with this task perfectly: you are guaranteed fresh breath for 6-8 hours after use.

In especially difficult cases, the manufacturer recommends using a special gel from the same series for greater results. Then you can forget about bad breath for almost a day, but the cost of such service will more than double.

In addition, the presence of effective, and at the same time completely safe, natural ingredients allows you to thoroughly clean your teeth and get rid of plaque. Smokers and coffee lovers leave mostly positive reviews regarding the removal of yellowness.

The paste does not have an abrasive effect, so you don’t have to worry about the integrity of the enamel and gums. Whitening is implemented at a minimal level, but it is felt after a couple of days of use. The only thing that consumers sometimes complain about is the pronounced mint taste, and that would be fine, but due to the high concentration of mint in the composition, there is a noticeable tingling in the mouth. So for particularly sensitive people it is better to look for another, softer option.

Benefits of the paste:

  • excellent stability – up to 8 hours;
  • effective cleaning, including the elimination of yellow discoloration on teeth;
  • suitable for sensitive teeth (if pronounced mint does not bother you);
  • attractive price for the available characteristics.


  • concentrated mint can sometimes burn the mouth.

The approximate cost of the paste is about 180 rubles.

Advice for consumers

  • When choosing oral care products, consider the condition of the teeth, gums, oral mucosa, and the strength and density of the enamel.
  • Develop the healthy habit of brushing your teeth twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.
  • When eating foods containing acids: fruits, juices and other acidic foods, brushing your teeth is necessary no earlier than half an hour after a meal. Otherwise, the risk of enamel damage increases significantly.
  • To properly brush your teeth, you need to spend at least five minutes. Otherwise, it will not be possible to ensure maximum effectiveness of the protective and cleansing components of the toothpaste.

New items

ClearaSept Fluor Remineralization of tooth enamel


  • High-quality whitens
  • Restores enamel
  • Destroys bacteria
  • Safe for children and adults


  • Not recommended to use too often

From 320 ₽

An advanced new product from a well-known company. Whitening toothpaste with many functions. Cleanses the oral cavity, destroys bacteria and perfectly restores enamel. Recovery occurs through the process of remineralization, which includes the renewal of the surface layers of the tooth.



  • Pleasant taste and aroma
  • Suitable for daily use
  • Can be used by children
  • Freshens breath


  • High price

From 250 ₽

A new toothpaste will give you fresh breath and quickly whiten your teeth. The soft abrasive allows you to use the paste on a daily basis without harming the enamel. The ginseng contained in the complex is designed to tone the gums and protect them from harmful influences.

For sensitive teeth

Biorepair Total Protection Repair, for comprehensive protection of teeth and gums


  • Actively fights the appearance of caries
  • Comprehensive protection
  • Restores enamel
  • Prevents the appearance of plaque


  • Can be used effectively only during periods of absolutely healthy teeth, as it causes sensitivity
  • Expensive

From 640 ₽

High-quality paste, according to experts. During use, the crystals penetrate microcracks in the enamel and clog them. Thus. The composition prevents the appearance of caries.

ROCS Sensitive Restoration and whitening


  • Freshens breath
  • Cleans efficiently
  • Pleasant taste
  • Lightens teeth


  • Small tube

From 200 ₽

High-quality toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Gently whitens and cleanses the oral cavity without causing pain. In addition, the active components restore the enamel, reducing sensitivity. And the natural flavor will help freshen your breath for a long time.

SPLAT Professional Sensitive


  • Does not contain synthetic dyes
  • Smells nice
  • Effectively cleans sensitive teeth
  • Gentle impact


  • The refreshing effect lasts for a short time

From 120 ₽

An enamel-restoring paste that is perfect for sensitive teeth. It acts roughly like a “filling”, closing microcracks in the teeth with its components. Has antibacterial and antiseptic effects.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

The best way to brush your teeth

Hello, I would like to know what is better tooth powder or toothpaste?

There is no universal product that could suit everyone. Compared to toothpaste, powder can be chosen based on the following points:

  1. It is more effective to remove tartar, plaque and other contaminants with a dry hygiene product. Even if the bristles of the brush are soft, the product will still cope with its task.
  2. Tooth powder not only whitens teeth, but also polishes them. After a few cleanings, you can notice the first result; you won’t be able to achieve this effect with paste.
  3. The powder strengthens tooth enamel and improves the condition of gums.
  4. Using the powder, you can normalize the acid-base balance in the oral cavity.

Thus, we can conclude that in many respects tooth powder is superior to toothpaste.

What helps with tartar?

Is it possible to find out which remedy is best for tartar?

The best remedy, according to many dentists, with which you can soften the stone is Belagel-R. It is used for preventive purposes, just apply the product to your teeth for a few minutes, then rinse your mouth and clean.

Which pasta is better?

Tell me, what is the best Russian toothpaste or is it better to give preference to foreign ones?

The best toothpaste made in our country is New Pearl Fluoride. It has a good whitening effect, refreshes the oral cavity, and contains a lot of calcium. The product cost is low. The only drawback that can be highlighted is that some people experience an allergic reaction after use.

Criteria for choosing a toothpaste

  1. Package . The barcode and address of the manufacturer must be indicated. Give preference to products with a secondary cardboard box that contains full open information about the composition and its purpose.
  2. Bleaching and polishing agents. Silicon is one of the safe abrasives. Its particles do not scratch the enamel and polish it to a shine. However, manufacturers rarely add one bleaching agent to their products; as a rule, it is a mix. In addition to silicon, which is included in 90% of all pastes, natural enzymes such as papain and bromelain can be added. Another effective and non-aggressive dark plaque fighter is calcium peroxide. This compound interacts with saliva, resulting in the release of free oxygen, which penetrates the enamel and causes its lightening.
  3. Degree of abrasiveness . To avoid losing teeth in pursuit of a snow-white smile, pay attention to the degree of abrasiveness of the paste. Some toothpastes may indicate a scale of abrasiveness intensity: up to 50% are toothpastes that can be classified as children's, 70% is the optimal value for healthy enamel, and a value above 100% is not suitable for sensitive teeth.
  4. Fluorine content. This is an important component in toothpaste, as it has an anti-caries effect. Fluoride content can be found in many tubes presented in the store, but not everyone gets it. Toothpastes with fluoride are contraindicated for pregnant women, children and those who have impaired swallowing or some kind of nervous muscle diseases. Therefore, it is often replaced with luktatol - an additive that protects teeth from caries no worse than fluoride and does not have such a list of contraindications.
  5. pH level. Must be within the range of 4.5 to 10.5.
  6. Price. Please note that the more natural ingredients, minerals, extracts and enzymes a paste contains, the more expensive it is.

Types of pastes

According to dentists, the best paste is the one that fully meets the needs of a particular person. Modern manufacturers have significantly expanded the range of their products. And now it is not just a means for cleansing plaque, but also an indispensable assistant in the fight against inflammatory processes, increased sensitivity of enamel, initial carious processes and many other problems. This is unconditional progress, but along with it another problem has appeared: an incorrectly selected product may not only not bring the desired result, but also cause harm.

But first, let's discuss the types of pastes. According to GOST 7983-99, all toothpastes are divided into:

  • hygienic,
  • therapeutic and prophylactic.

Hygienic pastes are designed for mechanical removal of food debris and plaque from enamel. They contain no drugs.

Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes are intended for the prevention of various oral diseases: caries, gingivitis, periodontal disease. Such pastes have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.


Products with calcium, including for personal hygiene, are usually recommended for children. Some dentists believe that the content of this element does not in any way affect the effectiveness of the paste, because a decent amount of calcium is contained in human saliva, and it is almost not absorbed during brushing.

However, it is generally accepted that a safe children's toothpaste should always contain calcium. Because this element is very important for the growing child’s body and in any case will not be superfluous.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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