Rox toothpaste product series: reviews from users, composition and rules for using hygiene products

When the compound described above interacts with the salts that make up saliva, its mineralization occurs—hardening. At the exit we get tartar.

Why does this happen? All paths converge to one reason - poor oral care. Skipping a daily mandatory procedure, brushing too quickly and inattentively, not having dental floss and mouthwash on hand, overusing products with coloring pigments and smoking - and plaque, and a little later, tartar is ready!

How to know if you have tartar

Look in the mirror, paying attention to the condition of your teeth from the inside. The fact that at first glance the enamel seems clean and quite light is not yet an indicator. Calculus is a cloudy white, yellowish or almost black deposit between the teeth or at the bottom of the gums.

It would be good if these unpleasant formations caused only aesthetic displeasure. Their presence threatens the formation of gum pockets, where the remnants of eaten food will accumulate, exposing the base and, as a result, diseases of soft and hard tissues.


Preventing the appearance of tartar involves careful oral hygiene and timely consultation with a specialist.

It is important to choose the right toothbrush. Its fibers should be neither too soft nor too hard. The toothpaste should also be of high quality. There are special toothpastes that contain substances that destroy deposits on teeth. After it, you can use auxiliary means - oral irrigators, rinses, dental floss.

It is worth paying attention to bad habits and diet. More fruits and nuts, clean still water and less sweets and starchy foods, quitting smoking are beneficial changes not only for the oral cavity, but for the whole body

Ways to get rid of plaque and tartar

As has already been said, there are no miraculous ways to end plaque forever. Everything depends only on careful oral hygiene with the right brush and paste.

As for the stone, simple cleaning will not help. Contrary to your ideas and the assurances of brands, not a single toothpaste can cope with a stone that has ALREADY appeared. Here, only professional teeth cleaning from a hygienist will come to the rescue. By the way, dentists recommend undergoing this procedure once every six months.

Previously, cleaning was only mechanical, which is why it was quite unpleasant. Modern dentistry is ready to offer you various options, including an ultrasound procedure with minimal discomfort.

But after brushing, it’s time to choose the right toothpaste for yourself.

Types of ROCS toothpastes

ROCS toothpastes are divided into lines according to the following principle: for each age there should be its own paste, which takes into account the structural features of the teeth at one stage or another.

  • Baby – from 0 to 3 years
  • Kids - from 3 to 7 years
  • Junior - from 6 to 12 years old
  • Teens - from 8 to 18 years old
  • Adult line from 18 years old

When creating products, the physiological characteristics of the human body at different age periods and various problems of teeth and gums are taken into account. The ROCS assortment includes pastes both for the daily care of healthy teeth and for the prevention of caries and the development of periodontal diseases.

For teeth and gums that require special care (sensitive enamel, smoker's teeth, wearing braces, etc.), you can also choose a suitable product from the brand's collection.

ROCS toothpastes are available in different flavors: from traditional mint to chocolate mousse, which turns brushing your teeth from a routine process into a pleasure.

Toothpaste against plaque and tartar: what to look for

Nowadays, there is a huge selection of anti-plaque products. In most cases, such toothpaste may contain:

  • pyrophosphates;
  • fluorides;
  • zinc compounds;
  • citric acid salts;
  • triclosan (as an antibacterial component).

Studies show that with the use of anti-tartar agents, the risk of plaque formation is reduced by approximately 50%. However, it is worth remembering that they will not solve existing problems and it is pointless to use such toothpastes to soften existing stone, especially if it is under the gum.

Is it possible to get rid of tartar at home?

At home, you can solve the problem of dental plaque on your own. To do this, it is enough to change the brush (professional electronic brushes cope well with plaque), spend more time on oral hygiene, and use a mouthwash after brushing in courses. Since plaque is the first cause of stone formation, such attention will be an excellent prevention

If we are talking about already petrified plaque, folk methods and advice from the Internet can only visually reduce the problem. At the same time, for a cosmetic and, moreover, temporary improvement, you pay for the health of your teeth, the quality of their enamel and the high probability of relapses.

A dentist can help you get rid of tartar most effectively and safely. Modern techniques are gentle on enamel, help to thoroughly remove plaque and stone, and also prevent its recurrence.

Some tips for choosing the right paste

  1. Products with several active ingredients work well.
  2. You can give preference to a paste that both removes film and prevents the formation of solid deposits to be on the safe side.
  3. It’s not bad when natural ingredients are included in the product. The substances will promote healing and maintain overall oral health.
  4. The components of an ideal toothpaste may include vitamin complexes, panthenol, alloin, and minerals. For the same reason as in the previous paragraph.

What is tartar?

Tartar is formed from bacterial plaque, but has a different texture. Tartar is more difficult to remove than plaque. As dentists explain, dental plaque is a mixture of saliva, bacteria, food debris and acids that bacteria secrete when processing sugar and starch. The stability of the dental plaque structure is ensured by the sticky matrix. Despite its stickiness, most plaque can be easily removed with a toothbrush, paste and floss, but in the absence of regular oral hygiene it hardens and turns into tartar. Only a dentist or hygienist can remove tartar; a toothbrush and floss are powerless against it. Both plaque and tartar irritate the gums, causing inflammation and causing the development of gingivitis and periodontitis.

TOP toothpastes for removing plaque and tartar

In the rating of toothpastes that will help get rid of plaque on enamel and prevent the formation of tartar, we have collected products of various compositions, actions and costs. Here you can choose a product for gentle whitening, mineralization, you will find a paste with a completely natural composition and an offer for the little ones. Our goal was to talk about the variety of products and components that will help make teeth not just lighter, but also improve both their health and the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Reasons for education

Dental calculus is also dangerous because it is not immediately detected. Depending on the location of deposition, the stone can be supragingival or subgingival. The first option is more common and is easier to identify during the initial examination at the dentist. The location of the hardened plaque in this case is above the gum, around the crown of the tooth. In the second option, the plaque is located inside the gum and adheres tightly to the tooth. Until it begins to cause discomfort and health problems, it is quite difficult to identify it.

You can suspect a problem based on the following signs:

  • The appearance of persistent bad breath.
  • Increased sensitivity of some teeth.
  • Swelling, pain, discomfort of the gums, especially between the teeth.
  • Changing the shade of tooth enamel, the appearance of stains on it.
  • Bleeding gums.

There are several reasons for the formation of stone on teeth.

Among them:

  • Insufficient oral hygiene.
  • Lack of preventive measures.
  • Incorrectly selected toothbrush (too soft or, conversely, hard).
  • Malocclusions and other orthodontic problems.
  • Smoking.
  • Abuse of sweet foods and sugary carbonated drinks.
  • Too little or no solid food in the diet.
  • Drinking too little water per day.
  • Endocrine disorders and metabolic disorders.

The most pressing cause of stone formation is insufficient dental hygiene. Hygiene is often neglected by children and teenagers, so it is important for parents to remind them of the need for brushing and to visit the dentist regularly.

Tartar color

The color of tartar depends on how long ago it was formed and where it is located. Experts note that tartar located above the gum line is usually yellow or brownish in color. Dentists call it supragingival calculus. It often forms where more saliva accumulates in the mouth, such as on the inner surfaces of the lower incisors and on the outer surfaces of the molars. Subgingival tartar, as its name suggests, forms below the gum line and is dark brown or greenish-black in color. It should be understood that, regardless of its location, any tartar darkens and increases in size over time.

Positive effect

High speed and effectiveness of using ROCS SENSITIVE “Instant Effect” toothpaste is achieved through three directions of influence:

  • instant sealing of small defects in enamel and tubules of unprotected dentin, reducing tooth sensitivity;
  • mineral restoration of natural (own) tooth structures due to the high bioavailability of calcium glycerophosphate, as a source of ionic forms of phosphate and calcium;
  • restoration and protection of hard dental tissues by activating one’s own physiological processes, which is achieved due to the high content of xylitol and magnesium in the paste.

ROCS SENSITIVE toothpaste Instant Effect, in addition to quickly eliminating tooth sensitivity*:

  • does not injure tooth enamel and dentin;
  • normalizes and improves the composition of oral microflora;
  • effectively protects against caries*;
  • smoothes the surface of teeth, restores their shine;
  • has a whitening effect by restoring the natural healthy state of the enamel;
  • freshens breath;
  • has low abrasiveness (RDA = 40, which is lower than that of pastes for regular daily hygiene).

*Confirmed by clinical studies.

Unlike other similar compositions, this paste does not contain pyrophosphates, fluorides, sodium lauryl sulfate, peroxides and aggressive abrasives.

Products for children and teenagers

ROKS cleaning compositions take into account the characteristics of children's enamel. At 2 years and 14 years old, you cannot use the same paste: the product must contain different components for an active effect on the enamel and gums. ROCS toothpaste is designed for several categories: from little ones to teenagers.

Rocs Baby

The series is recommended for children from 0 to 3 years old. Most parents positively assess the effect of ROKS toothpaste on children's teeth. Pleasant taste and aroma delight young “cleanies”.


  • the compositions are safe, non-toxic, and do not cause negative reactions even if accidentally swallowed;
  • the soft base thoroughly removes plaque and does not scratch the enamel;
  • no harmful dyes;
  • compositions prevent caries;
  • protect gums from inflammatory processes;
  • normalize the microflora of the oral cavity.

Three types of cleansing compositions with plant extracts are presented:

  • with chamomile. Against gum inflammation;
  • with linden. For painful teething;
  • PRO Baby. Protects gingival tissue from inflammatory processes, suppresses the development of cariogenic bacteria.

Kids from 3 to 7 years


  • gently whitens enamel;
  • the concentration of active substances is higher than in the Baby series;
  • does not contain fluorine;
  • pleasant taste (fruit ice cream and barberry);
  • good cleaning from plaque;
  • prevents caries.

Kids from 4 to 8 years old


  • cleansing products contain amino fluoride, an active substance that saturates the enamel with minerals that prevent caries;
  • aminofluoride is a valuable component with high protective properties and is safe for children;
  • compositions prevent gum inflammation;
  • do not contain harmful components;
  • suitable even for allergy sufferers;
  • original taste of berries, citrus, chewing gum, vanilla.

ROCS School 8–18 years old

The series contains the active complex AMIFLUOR. The composition of the paste is designed taking into account age. For schoolchildren, choose this option: “children’s” pastes are ineffective, and it is too early to use adult products.


  • protection against caries, inflammatory processes of gum tissue;
  • increase in enamel strength;
  • delicate cleaning of the dentition;
  • original flavors: double mint, cola plus lemon, strawberry.

Black tartar

Black tartar consists of the same substances as lighter versions of these plaques, but also includes a number of other substances that enter it from oral fluids. All tartar is mineralized dead bacteria and salivary proteins, but subgingival deposits also come into contact with blood and gingival fluid that circulates between the teeth and gums in the periodontal sulcus, or periodontal pockets. As researchers from the Moscow State Medical and Dental University write. A.I. Evdokimova, the mechanism of secretion of gingival fluid is not completely clear, but its quantity and composition change with the accumulation of plaque and gum inflammation.

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