16 unexpected ways to use toothpaste at home

Remove stubborn stains from clothes

Got a coffee stain on a light blouse? Or did you stain your shirt with lipstick? Or maybe your pen leaked right in your pocket? If you apply the treasured product to the stain, rub it a little and only then wash the item in the machine, it will be much easier to get rid of such a difficult stain. However, if you let the stain dry out and become old, then even toothpaste will not help you.

By the way

If you put a stain on a colored item, then it is better to bypass this advice: when rubbing, you risk bleaching and washing out part of the dye, which will result in leaving a light stain on the item.

Removing ink and colored pencil stains

When children have a desire to show their creativity, then, undoubtedly, these “artists” use chalk, markers, colored pencils on almost any surface that they see in front of them. This usually means they will eventually ruin your favorite clothes, rugs or walls, as marker and ink stains are difficult to remove.

To make cleaning and stain removal easier, simply apply a little toothpaste to the area with pencils or other artists' supplies, rub a little and let the toothpaste work on the stain for a few minutes, then wipe with a soft sponge.

Refresh your leather surfaces

It is enough to drop ketchup on a light leather sofa or spill a little wine on it - and removing the stain will be problematic. Even if you wipe the surface immediately and the skin does not have time to stain, small particles of dirt will clog into the microfolds of the skin structure and will betray your carelessness. Rub the stain with a toothbrush and a little toothpaste and your skin will look as good as new! The same applies, for example, to white leather boots whose microcracks have been ingrained by street dirt, light-colored gloves or bags with scuffs, as well as light-colored leather car interiors.

Cleaning silver items

Such a familiar and at the same time unusual in its properties toothpaste will help to cope with the “patina of time” formed on silver decorative items, jewelry, and silverware.

There are two options here. You can simply rub the product with toothpaste, leave it for a couple of hours, and then rinse it with clean water. If you don't want to wait, you can tidy up your silverware or jewelry in a similar way to your teeth. Take a used old toothbrush, apply a little paste to it and use your usual movements to brush the spoon, salt shaker or ring. You will be pleasantly surprised to know what real silver glitter is.

Clean silver jewelry or dishes

Silver tends to darken and tarnish over the years, and some people even build a business on professional polishing of silver items. But you can polish them yourself with any fine abrasive, and where can you find abrasive particles finer than in toothpaste? In this case, it is better not to use a brush, but some kind of cloth: a microfiber cloth, a piece of felt, or even a cotton scarf. This method of polishing will take a lot of time, but the shine of heirloom cutlery is worth it!

For tiles and sanitary ware

Mild abrasive properties are what makes toothpaste a worthy competitor to special detergents and cleaning products. If you don’t have any on hand, you can easily clean the tiles in the bathroom with toothpaste. Its use is effective for washing toilets, sinks, as well as chrome-plated, nickel-plated, brass, copper and bronze surfaces of plumbing fixtures.

Polish metal and chrome items

And again we sing an ode to microscopic abrasive particles: barely noticeable grooves on a faucet, small scratches on a metal sink from cleaning with coarse powders or marks from a metal sponge on an expensive stainless steel pan can be easily removed by polishing with a cloth and toothpaste!


There is no point in carrying out all polishing work with gel or baby pastes, since abrasive particles are usually not added to them.

Cleaning pans, pots, kettles

The problem of soot on frying pans and soot on pots and kettles is well known to many. Use toothpaste to clean kitchen utensils. This is another option for its unusual use. Although, in fact, there is nothing unusual here. If toothpaste is effective for tooth enamel, then why can’t it remove foreign deposits from a cast iron, steel, aluminum frying pan, and even more so from an enamel pan or kettle. A rag, sponge, toothpaste, a little work - and your pans will shine with a pure metallic shine, and your saucepan or kettle will be snow-white.

Get rid of unpleasant odor

Did you take coffee with milk in a thermos to work and forget to wash it? the flowers stood in the vase for a couple of weeks, and no one changed the water in it? You've chopped onions on a board, and now you're wondering how to cut fruit for dessert? A quick way to get rid of unpleasant odors is to wipe or rinse the source with toothpaste! After all, she copes with bad breath with a bang, which means she can cope here too.

Therapy for insect bites

Mosquito and midge bites, although they do not pose a serious danger, still cause great discomfort. Toothpaste will help get rid of the consequences of insect attacks. It is truly endowed with healing properties. Modern high-quality toothpastes contain compounds that have an antimicrobial effect, as well as propolis and herbal extracts. Apply a little paste to the insect bites and you will very quickly get rid of annoying irritation and itching.

However, it should be remembered that toothpaste is just a hygienic product, but not a sterile medical product. Therefore, you should not apply it to open wounds, places of cuts and abrasions - it is unsafe.

Remove dirt from nails

Do you like to tinker in the garden? Or in the garage? Or have you peeled a couple of dozen tangerines and your nails have taken on an orange tint? Wipe off any dirt, oil or ether by brushing your nails with a toothbrush and some toothpaste! We assure you that your nails will not only become clean, but will also acquire an attractive shine.

By the way

Many girls have already included cleaning their nails with toothpaste in their list of beauty procedures: the nails are simultaneously cleaned, polished and whitened, while the cuticles are delicately exfoliated. Agree, not every professional manicure product has such an effect!

Ecological packaging for other products

The English cosmetics company Lush offers consumers the use of dry shampoos and hand and face skin care products that do not require any plastic containers. If the buyer decides to use a regular cosmetic product or liquid shampoo, then after consuming all these products, the empty containers are returned to the store for recycling. One of the contents of the package is plastic taken from the ocean.

The Lush brand is not only a pioneer of many innovations in the field of cosmetics, but also an ardent fighter for the environment.
Most of the existing products do not have packaging at all; the manufacturer is also developing new types of products that do not require packaging. Moscow metro station Zvezdnaya, Danube Avenue, 23

Polish gadget screens or the surface of old disks

A new phone or tablet looks simply hypnotic with this smooth and pristine black mirror of the screen. But a couple of months pass and the display no longer looks so fresh, although there seem to be no scratches on it. It's all about micro-scratches, which can be removed by polishing with paste: 2-3 minutes of rubbing with a cloth over the display - and the screen or disks will become almost perfectly smooth!

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Get rid of stains on carpets

Removing a stain on a light-colored carpet is problematic, so we advise you to rely on the method of removing stains using toothpaste. To do this, immediately apply the product to the dirt, brush the stain, and then clean the residue with a clean brush in several passes. Naturally, the sooner you start cleaning the stain, the better the result will be, although bleaching pastes can cope even with old stains on light-colored carpets.

Against herpes, acne and callus blisters

In this case, we are not talking about open wounds, so the use of toothpaste here is quite acceptable. If there are no special products at hand, as is often the case in the country or somewhere else outside the city, then the unusual, but in our case so valuable, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of toothpaste will come to the rescue. Apply a thin layer of paste to the pimple, callus, or herpes affected area. You will see a positive result in a few hours.

Save white walls from children's drawings

What child doesn't love leaving a masterpiece with pencils or markers on the wall? But this makes parents more upset than happy. Don't worry, you don't have to re-stick or repaint a white wall if you use the right toothpaste for cleaning. If the wall is painted, then a small amount of paste and a cloth will help remove drawings even from water-based emulsion. However, for water-based paint this only works on white walls, so lovers of the Scandinavian style in the interior are in luck. If the walls have vinyl wallpaper, then you can clean any colors: they do not allow moisture to pass through, so the pattern will come off without harming the wallpaper. The main thing is not to rub too hard.

Impressive number of alternative uses, isn't it? Who would have thought that paste can not only take care of the cleanliness and health of the oral cavity, but also restore beauty and even polish minor scratches! Well, now is the time to try out all these household tricks and share the results!

Unusual uses for toothpaste

Little-known ways of using ordinary things can greatly simplify and facilitate everyday life.

Many things in our everyday life are used almost automatically. Once we learn about their direct purpose, we rarely use an unusual approach and use them in a non-standard way. But in vain.

Suffice it to recall the times of general shortages and the brilliant ingenuity of people in the absence of many, sometimes irreplaceable, things. For example, frozen tea bags were used to de-puff the eyelids, a tube of used lipstick was used as a pincushion, newspaper was used as wrapping paper, iodine was used to whiten teeth, and plastic bottles were used in countless variations. However, even now, in the age of commodity abundance, a creative approach can surprise and diversify life.

Everyone in the bathroom has the usual and completely boring white toothpaste (colored or gel formulations are not taken into account), which we usually use twice a day. But there are a number of interesting and useful ways to use it.

Toothpaste for cleaning and as a polish

  • Dull or yellow nails without varnish just need to be lightly rubbed with the paste and they will shine glossy;
  • for white stains on lacquered wooden furniture, just carefully apply a little paste to the stained areas and easily wipe them off with a slightly damp soft cloth;
  • Many jewelry, especially silver, gold jewelry and precious stones (this advice does not apply to pearls), darken and tarnish over time or in humid environments. To restore them to their original attractive appearance, treat them with paste and scrub with a dampened brush. Sometimes, in particularly difficult cases, it is worth applying a layer for several hours and letting it dry. And then simply remove the dried composition and wipe with a cloth.
  • metal objects: frying pans (including cast iron), water taps, drain holes, shower diffusers and even car rims will shine if you clean them with toothpaste. The quartz compounds in its composition will cope perfectly with any plaque, be it rust, soot or lime deposits;
  • After some time, the soleplate of the iron requires care and cleaning. Toothpaste applied to a cold surface and then wiped off with a damp towel will also come in handy here;
  • It can also be used to clean mobile phone screens and car headlights by applying a small amount to a damp cloth and then wiping with another dry cloth. This care will help get rid of small, shallow scratches.

As a medicine or cosmetic

  • If irritation, cut, inflammation, blister, callus or itching appears on the skin, toothpaste will help relieve pain. Bites from mosquitoes or other insects will also be less painful and less itchy (especially important for small children) if you apply the paste to them. It dries and reduces swelling. However, you should not apply it if there are damages, scratches or open calluses and wounds;
  • The cooling effect, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of the paste are also applicable for minor household burns. However, in the absence of an open wound. Timely and careful application of the paste can reduce pain and prevent the appearance of blisters;
  • If you don’t have a styling gel on hand and prefer gel paste for brushing your teeth, you can also use it for your hair. She holds and fixes her hair perfectly.

Toothpaste as a freshener for unpleasant odors

  • It is known that when preparing fish dishes, seafood, and other aromatic cuisine, when using onions and garlic, the strong smell of these products remains not only on the utensils, but also on the hands. Many sophisticated ways have been invented to remove it. For example, wash your hands and dishes with beer or mustard. However, the simplest option, which is always at hand, is toothpaste. You can wash your hands with it like soap, and the smell will go away;
  • After prolonged use of various thermoses and containers for hot food and drinks, including plastic ones, an unpleasant odor appears. It also appears in baby feeding bottles. Brushing with toothpaste will help get rid of it. It removes the cause of odor - various microbacteria;
  • You can also refresh your toilet room with toothpaste. Place the tube, pierced in several places, into the toilet cistern. This will help maintain hygiene and cleanliness of the toilet.

Removing stains with toothpaste

  • Various stains on light-colored items, be it wine, juice, lipstick or yellowness on the collar and sleeves, can be removed using whitening toothpaste. Use it as a household stain remover, apply to the stain, rub thoroughly and machine wash. The property of removing stains can also be applied to carpets;
  • Most manufacturers add food coloring to inexpensive coffees and tea bags. After this, a dark coating remains on the cups and mugs. And it can also be removed by cleaning the dishes with toothpaste and then rinsing well;
  • Gently rubbed toothpaste helps get rid of drawings with markers, pencils, felt-tip pens on painted walls and radiators. They may not disappear immediately, but by brushing several times, the marker will almost completely disappear.

And something else

  • lovers of light-colored shoes, in particular sneakers with white soles, know how quickly they lose their appearance. Treatment with toothpaste will help restore its whiteness;
  • and on New Year's holidays, toothpaste will help to draw snowflakes on glass and transparent furniture, creating a festive mood.

The list of ways to use such a common, at first glance, remedy is far from limited to those described. Perhaps, with some ingenuity, you can find more than one. After all, the use of toothpaste in everyday life turns out to be much more diverse than just for oral hygiene. And ultimately, this has a beneficial effect on the family budget.

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