Scheme for the use of Asepta series products for inflammatory periodontal diseases

From this article you will learn:

  • instructions for use, reviews,
  • price for Asepta gel in pharmacies,
  • differences in composition between Asepta gel and balm.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Asepta gum gel is a dental preparation in gel form used to treat inflammation of the oral mucosa and gums. This drug is the only gel for gums in Russian pharmacies, whose active component is a beekeeping product - propolis. It should be noted that this drug is not registered as a “drug” and therefore it belongs only to the “parapharmaceutical” category.

The drug is produced in Russia. Inside the cardboard package (in addition to the tube with the gel) there is a plastic spatula intended for applying the gel to the gums. You may feel a little weird at first when using this applicator to apply gel to your gums, but it actually does a better job than using your finger. In addition to Asepta gel, there is also ASEPTA in the form of an adhesive balm. This drug no longer contains propolis, but a combination of the antibiotic metronidazole and the antiseptic chlorhexidine.

ASEPTA in the form of gel and balm for gums: photo

Asepta gum balm, thanks to chlorhexidine and metronidazole, has a much more pronounced antimicrobial effect on pathogenic microflora. This drug will be much more effective in the acute phase of inflammation - compared to its propolis-based version. You can read more about adhesive gum balm here , and in this article we will focus in detail on the gel form.

Indications for use –

  • with gingivitis,
  • with periodontitis,
  • trophic ulcers of the oral mucosa,
  • for stomatitis (for epithelization of erosions/aphthae).

Instructions for using Asepta gum gel contain all of the above indications, but not with all of them - you can get a good effect. Each of these indications requires clarification, and therefore we will analyze in detail in our article all the features of using this gel in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.


  1. Active substance
  2. Indications for use
  3. How to use it correctly
  4. Benefits of the medicine
  5. Contraindications

In the treatment of many dental diseases, doctors use local anti-inflammatory drugs.
They have an impact directly on the source of inflammation, thanks to which the doctor quickly gets positive results. The drug Asepta, made from the waste product of bees, is in particular demand in dental practice. It is produced by a Russian pharmaceutical company. In pharmacies, the product can be purchased in the form of a gel located inside a plastic tube. The kit includes a small spatula applicator for convenient use of the medicine.

Active substance

The official instructions indicate that the gum base contains only one active ingredient - propolis. As is known, it has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipruritic properties, and exhibits pronounced activity against gram-positive bacteria.

The composition with propolis accelerates regeneration, promotes rapid epithelization of wound surfaces in the mouth, and supports the normal course of metabolic processes. Studies have shown that it reduces gum inflammation by 31%.

The medicinal effect of the beekeeping product is explained by the presence in it of a number of biologically active organic compounds. They have a direct effect on oral tissues and pathogenic bacteria, thereby ensuring positive results in the treatment of a wide variety of dental ailments.

Main properties of propolis:

  • Significantly reduces or completely eliminates pain and discomfort in the gums. But you need to understand that pain relief is not an easy task. With severe pain symptoms, it will not be possible to do without analgesics. The analgesic effect of Asept gel manifests itself gradually, so it is important not to forget to re-treat the gums in a timely manner.
  • Fights inflammation, provides excellent prevention of purulent and necrotic processes. Reduces the severity of swelling, removes redness, normalizes the temperature in the damaged area and helps restore full blood circulation.
  • Destroys pathogenic microflora. Doctors refer to the “creation of bees” as a natural antibiotic. It does not disturb the natural microflora of the oral cavity and does not cause undesirable consequences.
  • Accelerates wound healing. With regular use of the medicine, wounds and ulcers heal much faster. Inflammation subsides already on the second or third day of treatment.

Taken together, these properties make propolis an important assistant for dentists. If you have been prescribed this drug, listen to your doctor’s opinion - Asepta copes with a wide variety of lesions.

ASEPTA gum balm –

The drug Asepta gum balm (instructions) contains antimicrobial components - the antiseptic chlorhexidine 0.1% and the antibiotic metronidazole 1.0%, which act on pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation of the gums. In addition, ASEPTA adhesive balm for gums contains pectin and cellulose, which, when released into the moist environment of the oral cavity, acquire the consistency of a gel (thanks to this, the drug is well fixed on the mucous membrane).

Reviews for Asepta gum balm are practically no different from reviews for a drug such as MetrogilDenta. Both drugs are of average effectiveness and contain only antimicrobial components (do not contain anti-inflammatory components). It should be noted that in comparison with MetrogilDenta, Asepta balm contains 2 times the concentration of chlorhexidine, which makes its antimicrobial effect more pronounced. We hope that our article: Balm and gel ASEPTA price and reviews was useful to you!


1. Dental education of the author of the article, 2. Based on personal experience as a periodontist, 3., 4. “Therapeutic dentistry. Textbook" (Borovsky E.V.).

Indications for use

Dentists recommend using the medication for:

  • Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. It manifests itself as swelling, pain, redness, and bad breath. The product blocks the further spread of inflammation, heals tissues and accelerates their healing. It can be used as monotherapy only at the initial stage of gingivitis. If the disease is advanced, the gel should act as a concomitant therapy.
  • Periodontitis. A dangerous disease that causes disruption of the periodontal junction. Promotes loosening and premature tooth loss. The remedy for periodontitis is prescribed at the final stage of treatment - when the formed periodontal pockets are cleaned and treated. "Asepta" allows you to speed up recovery and shorten the patient's rehabilitation period.

  • Trophic ulcers in the mouth. With this diagnosis, ulcerative lesions that are painful to the touch are formed on the mucous membranes. In the absence of timely treatment, the area of ​​damaged tissue increases, and regional lymph nodes become inflamed. The medication helps at any stage of the ulcerative process. They must be treated according to the scheme specified by the doctor.
  • Stomatitis (except for aphthous form). A pathology in which the mucous membranes of the mouth become inflamed. First, small inflamed ulcers appear, which gradually increase in size. It is necessary to start treating them as early as possible, then the abnormal process will not have time to spread widely. “Asepta” for stomatitis should be combined with antiviral drugs.
  • Mechanical damage to the gums. Inflammation is often a consequence of dental procedures, rubbing of dentures, eating too hard foods, and the habit of gnawing on foreign objects. To prevent secondary infection and other complications, you should start using the gel composition immediately after the integrity of the mucous membrane is damaged. Then healing will take place much faster.

Since the drug is made on the basis of natural compounds and has a high safety profile, it can be used to prevent gingivitis and periodontitis if there is a tendency to these diseases.

Asepta toothpastes

Cleanliness of the oral cavity and the absence of bacteria here is the key and basis for the health of gums and teeth. This is what Asepta pastes do. At the same time, each Asepta toothpaste performs some other important functions. But first things first.

  1. ASEPTA ACTIVE. Paste that actively fights bacteria. Soothes irritated gums and stops the formation of tartar. The paste contains extracts of St. John's wort, sage and calendula. They relieve inflammation and kill germs. Xylitol also soothes gums and strengthens tooth enamel. The enzyme papain stops the development of plaque, dissolving it and stopping the formation of dental plaque;
  2. ASEPTA SENSITIVE. Best friend for sensitive teeth and gums. It contains thermal mud, which perfectly heals, potassium citrate and hydroxyapatite, which remineralize the enamel. It also contains papain, which saves from plaque, and extracts of sweet clover, calendula and calamus, which kill germs and protect gums.
  3. Toothpaste “ASEPTA PLUS” GENTLE WHITENING. Sensitive teeth can be white too! Thanks to the multi-step cleansing system, the paste whitens teeth in one month and does not damage their enamel at all. The composition does not contain aggressive abrasives, antiseptics, fluorides or SLS. But the composition includes papin (read about its action above) and pyrophosphates, which dissolve dental deposits and prevent them from forming again. It also contains potassium citrate and hydroxyapatite, which remineralize even the most fragile enamel. In addition, there are extracts of calamus and eleutherococcus, which regenerate and strengthen sensitive gums and the teeth themselves.
  4. Toothpaste “ASEPTA PLUS” COFFEE AND TOBACCO. Even tobacco and coffee lovers can boast of a snow-white smile! The special paste for smokers and coffee fans contains highly active abrasives that will help remove traces of tobacco and coffee abuse. There is also a flavor that kills the smell of tobacco and plant extracts (aloe, calamus and lemon oil), which strengthen gums and teeth, and also cope with any bacteria. There is also papain and trace elements (fluoride, zinc, potassium).
  5. "ASEPTA PLUS" REMINERALIZATION. Not only protects gums, but restores fragile tooth enamel. Contains trace elements, thermal mud, hydroxyapatite, which quickly restores weakened enamel. The paste also contains papain plus extracts of eleutherococcus and calendula.

Asepta children's pastes

  1. "ASEPTA BABY" for up to 3 years has a gel texture and protects baby teeth from this type of caries, such as bottle caries, as well as from inflammation in the oral cavity. Contains chamomile and aloe extract, xylitol, calcium lactate and fennel oil. The pleasant taste will make brushing teeth enjoyable for the baby and worry-free for parents.
  2. Paste for children under one year of age is intended for baby teeth. There is no fluoride, SLS or parabens. But the composition contains calcium lactate and xylitol, as well as extracts of witch hazel, aloe and chamomile.
  3. Asepta toothpaste for teenagers protects gums and makes teeth more resistant to bacteria. The main active ingredient is amino fluoride.

The children's series also includes fingertip-shaped wipes for oral hygiene for the little ones.

How to use it correctly

The instructions say that the composition must be applied to the gums and affected areas of the oral mucosa in a thin layer. You can do this with your finger (be sure to wash your hands first!) or using a special applicator.

You should not eat or drink anything for half an hour after treatment. Otherwise, the medicine will not have time to work. Frequency of use: two or three times a day. The duration of the course should be from seven to fourteen days. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to use the drug two to three times a year.

Rinse aids

Also needed for oral hygiene. They are able to destroy bacteria and cope with plaque even when you don’t have the opportunity to brush your teeth after dinner or lunch, or apply balm or gel. In addition, they should be used before applying the gel to the gums.

ASEPTA FRESH mouth rinse

The product contains potassium citrate and xylitol, which protect enamel and reduce sensitivity, plant extracts (witch hazel, chamomile and sage), which destroy bacteria no worse than antibiotics, as well as sodium and potassium pyrophosphates, which stop the development of plaque. Mint and lime are needed for fresh breath.

The rinse quickly relieves inflammation and bleeding, and also prevents caries and soothes irritated gums. In addition, it freshens breath and cleanses the oral cavity.

Asepta solution for irrigator

An irrigator is a device that irrigates the oral cavity. Its task is to remove food debris and plaque from areas that are difficult to handle with just one brush. The device improves blood flow in the gums and massages them. The solution intended for irrigators is needed by those who wear implants, dentures and braces, and also suffer from gum inflammation. The solution stops gum bleeding and prevents stone from developing. It perfectly cleanses the oral cavity and stops caries. Removes plaque and food debris from under dentures and braces, relieves inflammation. Use when the need arises to cleanse the oral cavity.

Asepta ACTIVE antibacterial

Relieves inflammation and pain at the same time, an antiseptic that kills germs. It will be an excellent aid in the fight against periodontal diseases. Effective for acute as well as chronic gingivitis and periodontitis, stomatitis, abscesses, toothaches caused by infections, etc. The product contains a very popular and effective chlorhexidine, which easily copes with gram-negative bacteria, as well as gram-positive bacteria, dermatophytes, lipophilic viruses and fungi. The second active ingredient is the analgesic benzydamine, which also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves pain at the site of the inflammatory process instantly. Suitable for sensitive gums and teeth. Use after meals and immediately before applying Asept gel or balm to the gums.

Benefits of the medicine

In addition to affordable cost and high efficiency, the gel has other advantages:

  • The soft gel texture allows it to be applied evenly and easily distributed even in hard-to-reach areas of the mouth. The product is suitable for spot treatment of fabrics.
  • The neutral taste does not cause discomfort during therapeutic procedures.
  • The presence of an applicator in the kit allows for processing in compliance with established aseptic requirements.
  • The product has passed the necessary clinical tests, which confirmed its safety and effectiveness.
  • Can be used for various dental diagnoses. It combines well with other medications.


The components present in the composition do not have a systemic effect on the body. In rare cases, patients develop allergic reactions during the treatment course. For this reason, Asepta is not prescribed for aphthous stomatitis, since if an allergy develops, the course of the disease worsens sharply.

An absolute contraindication to the use of the drug is individual intolerance to bee products. After all, the basis of the medicine is propolis.

As for therapy during pregnancy and lactation, it is also not recommended. But not because the medicine is dangerous for this category of patients, but because the necessary clinical studies on this issue have not yet been carried out.

It is important to understand: Although Asepta prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, it does not replace standard hygiene procedures. Therefore, it is important to regularly use a toothbrush and toothpaste during treatment.

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