What to do when a wisdom tooth comes out (grows) and your gums hurt?

For most people, the growth of wisdom teeth is accompanied not only by gum cutting and discomfort, but also by quite severe pain that makes it difficult to eat, concentrate on any task, and even sleep.

If the wisdom tooth grows and does not cause significant discomfort, no medical action may be taken. As a rule, the discomfort goes away after 1-2 weeks, but in order to avoid the manifestation of other problems, it is worth undergoing an examination at a dental clinic. However, if the gums from the wisdom tooth become inflamed, the local and general temperature rises, and specific aching pain is felt, immediately contact your dentist, he will conduct an examination and take the necessary measures to eliminate the problem.

Symptoms of wisdom tooth growth

During the period when a wisdom tooth comes in, a number of specific symptoms can be observed, by which it can be determined that the discomfort comes specifically from the eights:

  • Discomfortable sensations in the tooth area, in some cases – gum thickening;
  • Feeling of swelling in the gums;
  • Increased local temperature, painful swelling;
  • In the molar area, soft tissues (gums) become inflamed;
  • Difficulty opening the mouth and swallowing. When opened wide, a sharp, aching pain is felt;
  • There is a desire to chew any hard food or objects. After such chewing, the pain increases significantly;
  • General increase in body temperature, general malaise and headaches.

Depending on the nature of growth, pain in wisdom teeth and specific symptoms can vary significantly. Regardless of how long a wisdom tooth grows - one or two weeks, it will cause certain sensations, and in case of complex or pathological growth - acute pain with inflammation of the gums.

An increase in general body temperature and swelling of the cheek indicates a severe course, as well as the possible development of pericoronitis - a complex disease of the oral cavity with a number of consequences.

Molar growth process

With proper growth, figure eight teeth do not cause any particular trouble to the patient. The physiological process ends with the vertical position of the extreme molar, which eliminates changes in bite, caries and the formation of a hood.

The patient may complain only of slight redness and thickening of the gums, mild pain, which can last from several days to a month.

During the eruption of extreme molars, some pathological phenomena may occur.

Most often, these include tooth deviations from vertical growth:

  1. The process of tilting the molar forward towards the seven is called medial tilt.

    The process of tilting the molar forward towards the seven is called medial tilt. It can provoke the onset of caries in a neighboring tooth, the reason for this is constant pressure on the enamel and the accumulation of microorganisms in the gap formed between them.

  2. With a distal tilt , when the figure eight grows backward, its urgent removal is necessary.
  3. The eruption of a molar towards the cheek is accompanied by damage to its mucous membrane. The buccal tilt of the tooth can provoke malignant tumors at the site of damage.
  4. During horizontal and linguistic growth, compression of the roots of sevens , sixes and fives occurs. This causes an inflammatory process that requires immediate removal.

The main causes of pain

Painful symptoms from wisdom teeth are caused by the anatomical features of the upper and lower jaw, which are already fully formed in a person at the age of 17-25.

As the figure eight begins to grow, it puts pressure on neighboring teeth, bone and soft tissue. The growth process can last for months and even years, so pain manifestations are temporary, periodically fading and exacerbating.

The pain of tooth 8 can be provoked not only by its growth or anatomically incorrect position, but also by the presence of various pathologies, for example, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis or a wide range of infectious diseases. Note! The lack of timely professional help can provoke a worsening of the situation, which will result in the need to remove the diseased tooth and treat complications.

When should a tooth be removed?

In some cases, the dentist may recommend tooth extraction - usually this is due to its incorrect position or anatomical features of the jaw, in which the growth of the third pair of molars will inevitably cause malocclusion and deformation of the dentition. Retention of the figure eight in the jaw also poses a great danger.

Third molars are not considered to be involved in chewing, nor are they “used” in orthodontic or orthopedic treatment. However, due to their distant location and late development, they are susceptible to moderate caries and often become the cause of the development of an inflammatory reaction in the oral cavity. A full and informed decision regarding the removal of figure eights must be made on the basis of a sufficiently detailed and high-quality radiograph.


  1. Study of the clinical effectiveness of treatment and prophylactic agents of the Asepta line in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases (A.I. Grudyanov, I.Yu. Aleksandrovskaya, V.Yu. Korzunina) A.I. GRUDYANOV, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., Head of Department I.Yu. ALEXANDROVSKAYA, Ph.D. V.Yu. KORZUNINA, asp. Department of Periodontology, Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rosmedtekhnologii, Moscow
  2. The effectiveness of the use of Asept “adhesive balm” and Asept “gel with propolis” in the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis and gingivitis in the acute stage (Municipal Dental Clinic No. 4, Bryansk, Kaminskaya T. M. Head of the therapeutic department Kaminskaya Tatyana Mikhailovna MUZ City Dental Clinic No. 4, Bryansk
  3. The effectiveness of the use of Asepta balm in the treatment of patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Elovikova T.M., Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, USMU. Yekaterinburg) Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Elovikova T.M. Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, USMU. Ekaterinburg

How to relieve pain if a wisdom tooth grows and your gums hurt.

The growth of wisdom teeth is not painless for every person, so most people need to know what to do in case of inflammation of the gums around the wisdom tooth and acute aching pain.

If there is inflammation, pain, or if the cheek is swollen near the wisdom tooth, you should contact your dentist, he will conduct an examination and take the necessary measures to eliminate symptomatic manifestations.

If the pain begins in the evening or it is not possible to quickly contact a specialized specialist, doctors recommend several ways to reduce pain:

  • Rinse the growth with calendula tincture after eating - this will reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process and also reduce pain;
  • Rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda in water, at the rate of 1 teaspoon of soda per 1 glass of water (200 grams) - soda calms inflammation and also reduces pain;
  • To rinse the mouth, you can use decoctions of chamomile, oak bark, chicory root, as well as sage tincture and propolis;
  • Anti-inflammatory, painkillers and antibacterial drugs - use according to the instructions. They help reduce pain, reduce swelling, and also eliminate the negative bacterial influence at the site of tooth eruption.

In case of acute unbearable pain, as well as the absence of the above remedies, you can use cold water to reduce pain: take a glass of cool water, put a small amount in your mouth and hold it in the area where the wisdom tooth is erupting - this can quickly reduce the level of pain. However, this method has one negative feature - the pain intensifies almost immediately after stopping holding cool water at the site of gum inflammation, for example, near the hood of a wisdom tooth.

How long do eights grow?

The period for the last element to appear on the surface ranges from 4 weeks to 10 years. On average, patients may experience discomfort from the eruption of wisdom teeth for up to 1.5 months. After the crown appears, the discomfort subsides. Then there is a pre-formation stage, which can take up to 5–7 years. An element is considered formed after its roots appear, which can number from 3 to 5.

Only a doctor can decide whether to remove the problematic element or not. The main indications for surgical intervention are chronic pericoronitis, compression of the roots of an adjacent tooth by the figure eight, damage to the soft tissue of the gums on the crown of a molar. If there are no problems when cutting through the unit, then experts leave the eights untouched. These teeth are as important as all other elements, despite the fact that they do not take part in the digestion of food.

Squeezing an adjacent element with a figure eight

The last molars prevent the remaining teeth from moving to the side and prevent various malocclusions. When prosthetizing sevens, the last molars can be considered as a support for orthodontic structures. For this reason, doctors try to preserve the element even if it is damaged by caries.

Where can I get dental care in Orenburg?

If your gums hurt where your wisdom teeth are, you can get qualified dental care in two places: public and private dental clinics. During the appointment, the dentist must:

  • Conduct a preliminary examination of the oral cavity, determine the exact cause of the development of painful symptoms;
  • If necessary, refer the patient for an x-ray - this procedure is often necessary in the presence of impacted wisdom teeth (completely or partially covered by gum), as well as in the case of surgical removal;
  • Take the necessary measures to reduce or eliminate pain and swelling, as well as prevent further aggravation of the situation;
  • If necessary, refer to a dental surgeon to remove third molars;
  • Provide recommendations for further dental and oral care.

Do your gums hurt and you have symptoms of wisdom tooth growth? Seek qualified help from specialized specialists!

Consumer Reviews

Endge1305 (irecommend.ru)

“As I already wrote in my other reviews of means to fight for my favorite teeth, I have periodontal disease. And for some reason it is very aggressive, outdated, neglected. I don’t know why this bug has clung to me, but I’ve been suffering from it for a long time.

When I was young, it didn’t bother me at all, but two pregnancies and two breastfeedings meant that I lost a couple of teeth. Perhaps this would not have happened if my gums were in order.

And there was a threat that I would say goodbye to many more teeth, since the lower row of teeth acquired tartar, and the upper incisors were suspiciously very loose.

Attention! If your teeth have just started to become loose, take it seriously and see a periodontist. Fortunately, we still have free medicine and this service is also provided. It was there that the doctor prescribed me the Asepta Anti-inflammatory Gel for the treatment of periodontal disease.

It contains propolis, which is known to be a powerful anti-inflammatory natural antibiotic. My dad is a beekeeper, and I am closely acquainted with him (bee cud). I chewed it before, I liked its bactericidal effect. Sore throat, pain disappears. But propolis looks terrible on teeth. One day I went for a medical examination. It turned out that it was necessary to see a dentist there.

How ashamed I was to go to him, because not long before I had chewed propolis! My teeth were covered in this yellow gum that stuck like glue and couldn’t be removed at all! The specialist was quite surprised, but praised him for chewing propolis.

I knew that it helps against periodontal disease. But now I can’t chew - propolis apparently greatly increases immunity. Therefore, arthritis reacts to it and the joints become inflamed. This only applies to those people who have autoimmune disease.

If you prefer a civilized approach to dental treatment, you don’t need to chew anything like that, because the industry has already produced a medicinal gel based on propolis, which I’m writing about. Only the packaging is very small and there is a tiny amount of gel, namely 10 grams. They could have at least made a 50 gram tube.

But the manufacturer turned out to be too economical. Just imagine that the Doctor prescribed a periodontal treatment plan for me for 2 weeks. In this case, the product had to be applied to the gums at least 2 times a day. Of course, this quantity was not enough. I had to buy more packaging.

But many will not buy - most likely they will forget or regret the money. In general, I think that this is not convenient.

Anyway. It's on their conscience. The tube is sealed, I had to poke a hole in it with a needle. Inside there is a light yellow ointment that smells like bee products.

I did the procedures in the morning and evening as prescribed. I squeezed the gel onto my finger and applied it to my gums. I waited ten minutes.

It was just boring and unpleasant to wait, since it was impossible to swallow saliva. Again, propolis is harmful to me, and secondly, the product is not for oral use. The saliva accumulated and I had to endure it. You know this feeling yourself, right? And you can’t spit it out, because you’ll spit everything out from your gums, and swallowing it is also forbidden. Overall, it was fun. I don't think I lasted 10 minutes. I'll tell you straight, obviously not 10)

I don’t know, maybe some kind of cotton swabs should have been used to solve this problem. But I preferred to throw my head back and look at the ceiling in the bathroom, because you can’t really walk around the apartment with your mouth open...

..In general, the sensations from using the gel were pleasant. It is refreshing, there is a feeling that it is healing the gums. Next time I will look for a larger tube so that I always have a reserve and use it for prevention.”

katyushka237 (otzovik.com)

“The choice of drugs for oral diseases is not very wide. And, for the most part, they all contain two antimicrobial components: metronidazole and chlorhexidine. There may come a time when they stop working, due to microorganisms developing resistance to them.

This situation arose for me after undergoing gum surgery some time ago. The recovery period was quite long and I had to shorten it with the help of antimicrobial gels, which lost their effectiveness over time.

Therefore, quite recently, when a slight stomatitis appeared, I remembered the Asepta gel, which my doctor prescribed to me a long time ago and which I was not able to try at that time. The gel is available in two forms: with the above-mentioned metronidazole and with propolis. The second option turned out to be the most suitable for me and, accordingly, effective due to the presence of a natural antimicrobial component in the composition.

The gel is available in an aluminum tube and comes with an applicator. It is useless, since it cannot be used to apply the gel normally and a large amount of it is consumed. When applied, the taste of propolis is felt, in general, the taste is normal and disappears after about half an hour. The main thing, of course, is not this, but the effectiveness, which, compared to the above, is high if you carry out a course of treatment and do not give it up immediately after the symptoms disappear.”

How to accelerate growth?

It is impossible to speed up the process of teething: it depends on the characteristics of the whole organism and the structure of the jaw, the location and direction of the “eights”. In this case, only the symptoms can be eliminated.

But it is important to remember: heating the gum or cheek is strictly prohibited!

This provokes an acceleration of the inflammation process and the rapid spread of infection to the nearest teeth.

It is also not recommended to rinse the mouth with hot decoctions. It is best to use a decoction of salt and soda before going to the dentist: it has disinfecting properties, will remove food particles and reduce pain.

Under no circumstances should you cut the gum tissue yourself using sharp objects. This can lead to severe bleeding and infection.

Step-by-step process for wisdom tooth removal

Why are “eights” considered the most “difficult” teeth?

The eruption of third molars occurs at an age when the jaw bones slow down and stop growing, and there is simply not enough space for them in the already formed dentition. In addition, in the place where the “eight” should erupt, there was no milk tooth. Therefore, a person whose wisdom tooth is cutting experiences significant pain, weakness, and lacks appetite. The soft tissues surrounding the tooth become inflamed, and the body temperature rises to low-grade fever.

The process can go on, intermittently, for several months, and inflammation can lead to unpleasant and dangerous purulent complications and other undesirable consequences.

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