Ultrasonic toothbrush: how it works and how to use it correctly

There are a huge number of electric brushes on the market, which differ from each other in their operating principles and functions. Ultrasonic brushes are considered the most modern. They operate on the basis of ultrasonic waves that are transmitted from the device to the person during cleaning. We'll tell you how to brush your teeth with this brush.

An ultrasonic toothbrush uses ultrasonic waves to cleanse teeth from food debris and plaque. This device consists of a handle with a battery or battery, a body equipped with a high-frequency generator, and a head with bristles, like a regular toothbrush.

In this article

  • Working principle of an ultrasonic toothbrush
  • Ultrasonic brush: indications and contraindications
  • Ultrasonic brush: pros and cons
  • How to brush your teeth with an ultrasonic brush
  • How to choose an ultrasonic brush
  • How to care for an ultrasonic toothbrush

Ultrasound devices are the most modern and functional. They provide maximum cleansing of the oral cavity, including interdental spaces, and removal of plaque and deposits. With this device, many dental diseases can be prevented. Let's talk about the features of ultrasonic brushes and learn how to properly brush your teeth with them.

Working principle of an ultrasonic toothbrush

When using an ultrasonic brush, teeth are cleaned using both bristles and high-frequency waves. The bristles clean the enamel from surface contaminants, just like a regular toothbrush. You just don’t need to put pressure on your teeth or rub them with the device. It is necessary to move the head from one part of the jaw to another, lingering in each area for a few seconds.

Ultrasonic waves created by the device penetrate deep into deposits, destroying them from the inside. They are separated from the enamel and washed out of the mouth. At the same time, the mouth is cleansed of germs. You may feel warm while cleaning. As a result of an increase in temperature by 1°, blood flow in soft tissues is stimulated, as with a light massage, which reduces their sensitivity and prevents the development of gingivitis. In addition, calcium and fluoride ions are released from toothpaste, which strengthen the enamel.

Using an ultrasonic brush, you can maintain oral hygiene without resorting to other means: balms, dental floss, etc.

A little bit of history

If the history of a regular toothbrush goes back more than a million years, then its electric version appeared relatively recently, in 1954, in Switzerland. Thanks to the ingenuity of Dr. Philippe Guy Voog, the world learned about the first corded toothbrush under the Broxodent brand. This device was mainly used by patients with hand motor disorders or those who corrected their bite with braces. However, already in the early 60s, General Electric introduced a cordless, battery-powered toothbrush that anyone could use. Over the next decades, perhaps, only the lazy did not conduct experiments on this device. Until 1998, about three thousand electric models were patented. The development of this indispensable device continues to this day. Innovative brushes of the latest generations can clean teeth in 10 seconds or teach children the rules of hygiene while listening to music. I wonder what miracle devices await us in the near future?

Ultrasonic brush: pros and cons

Brushing your teeth with an ultrasonic brush is useful for the following reasons:

  • removes bacteria from the mouth;
  • destroys plaque;
  • suitable for sensitive gums and enamel;
  • compatible with braces and dentures;
  • stimulates blood circulation.

There are practically no disadvantages to such devices, except for the presence of contraindications and high price. However, you can use one brush with your whole family if everyone has their own brush head. Accessories must be purchased separately. In addition, any doctor will tell you that it is better not to skimp on oral hygiene. We'll tell you how to properly brush your teeth with an ultrasonic brush.

How to brush your teeth with an ultrasonic brush

You need to learn how to use any toothbrush, otherwise it will be of no use. In addition, there is a risk of injuring soft tissues or enamel. Read the instructions before using the device. To properly brush your teeth with an ultrasonic electric brush, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • select the appropriate operating mode;
  • rinse the bristles with water;
  • apply a little paste on them;
  • bring the brush to the front row of teeth at an angle of 45°;
  • carefully move the head along the jaw without pressing on it;
  • brush each tooth for 3-4 seconds;
  • Rinse your mouth with water and wash your brush.

The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes. Some devices have a timer that alerts you when you need to move to the next quadrant of the jaw or finish brushing.

Depending on the specific model, the device can operate in several modes. They differ in the number of movements of the bristles. At the very beginning, choose a mode with minimal vibration intensity. When switching them, turn off the device.

Most popular models

Products with ultrasound have gained popularity both among users and among professional dentists. Many manufacturing companies have one or more models of this device in their lineup at different prices. Let's look at a few of the most famous models.


The device of the Chinese brand Megasonex operates at a frequency of 1.6 MHz and makes 96 million vibrations per minute, and is equipped with three types of attachments:

  • medium hardness;
  • soft hardness;
  • scraper to clean the tongue and cheeks.

The brush can operate in three modes, making it suitable for people with sensitive gums:

  • the first mode of action includes 18,000 mechanical vibrations accompanied by ultrasound;
  • the second mode is based on 9000 mechanical vibrations with ultrasound;
  • the third mode contains exclusively ultrasound.

For ease of use, the brush is equipped with a color indicator that notifies you of the action of ultrasound.

The cost of Megasonex is about 9,000 rubles. The product comes with 2 additional attachments, a power supply and a charger.


The most popular model of the Japanese manufacturer Asahi is the ultrasonic device Irica (Smilex) AU-300D. Its distinctive feature from analogues of other brands is the presence of three replaceable attachments:

  • a standard hardness nozzle is designed to clean plaque from the back of the teeth;
  • the soft nozzle effectively removes plaque in the periodontal canals due to villi of different shapes and lengths;
  • The massage attachment helps to activate blood circulation and reduce bleeding gums.

The model is equipped with two operating modes - ultrasound and its combination with mechanical vibrations.

The cost of such a device ranges from 9 to 10 thousand rubles.


The most popular model in the Donfeel assortment is the HSD-005 model. It has 2 modes of action: standard and delicate, intended for sensitive gums. The mechanical frequency of the device ranges from 9000 to 18000 movements per minute. The wave oscillation frequency is 1.7 MHz.

The device runs on two simple batteries. The brush comes with three standard attachments.

The absence of a battery and the presence of only two operating modes are reflected in the cost of the product: the price of the brush is 2,500 rubles.


The German Emmi-Dent 6 brush operates at a frequency of 1.6 MHz. It works in only one mode, but contains three replaceable attachments, two of which have medium hardness and one is designed for removing tartar.

The device comes with toothpaste and special plaque display tablets. The cost of the Emmi-Dent 6 model is 12,500 - 13,500 rubles.

Read reviews about teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide in the clinic and at home. Click here to learn more about impacted dystopic tooth extraction.

Follow the link https://dr-zubov.ru/detskaya-stomatologiya/zuby-rebenka/karies/vse-za-i-protiv-ftorirovaniya.html if you are interested in how deep fluoridation of teeth is carried out.


The most popular model from Ultrasonex is the SU 700 toothbrush. It is a prototype of Megasonex brand devices. This device operates at a frequency of 1.6 MHz. The kit includes 4 types of interchangeable nozzles of medium hardness.

The brush operates in three modes, allowing you to most effectively clean your teeth and gums from plaque.

The SU 700 model is distinguished by a timer that allows you to choose from two provided time intervals.

The cost of Ultrasonex is 5500 - 6000 rubles.


The Kenwell brand has released a new product in the field of ultrasonic devices – model RST2062. It acts on plaque in three modes: standard brushing, soft cleansing and pulsation. In addition to the main nozzle, the brush comes with a wide and mono-beam nozzle.

The model is equipped with a built-in timer set for 2 minutes with intermediate signals every 30 seconds. This promotes even brushing without the risk of exceeding the recommended time.

The cost of the model is about 2500 rubles.

How to choose an ultrasonic brush

When buying an electric toothbrush, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Number of modes. The more there are, the safer and better the device cleans the oral cavity.
  • Pressure sensor. If you press hard on your teeth with the brush, the device will automatically turn off.
  • Timer. It makes it easier to get used to brushing your teeth with an electric brush. It is advisable to buy models with timers for children.

It is also necessary to choose the right nozzle. There are several types of ultrasonic toothbrushes available:

  • MB1 (soft) - a nozzle with soft bristles of a zigzag shape. It is suitable for children, people with hypersensitivity of enamel and gums, as well as for pathologies of the soft tissues of the oral cavity.
  • MB2 (medium) - a brush with medium-hard bristles in a zigzag shape. It can be used by all people with healthy teeth and gums.
  • MB5 (soft) - a nozzle with soft bristles of equal height. It is better to choose it if there is bleeding gums, as well as after dental operations.
  • MB6 (medium) - a brush with medium-hard bristles with equal hairs along the entire length. It is recommended for people with crowns and veneers.

There are not as many ultrasonic models today as standard and sound ones. Our online store presents a series of Emmi-Dent ultrasonic electric brushes. They operate on batteries and can hold a charge for 20 days.

What to prefer?

There is no definite answer to this question, since everything depends on the condition of the patient’s oral cavity. For example, with healthy teeth that are prone to mineralization of plaque, you can use an ultrasonic electric brush, which is effective in preventing the formation of tartar. And if you have fillings, it is better to choose a sonic or mechanical brush. That is why the final decision to purchase a particular model is made individually, after consultation with a dentist.

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How to care for an ultrasonic toothbrush

Such devices are quite expensive, so they need to be carefully looked after so that they last as long as possible. After each procedure, rinse the bristles to remove food debris and bacteria. You can pour boiling water over the head or periodically rinse it in a disinfectant solution. Keep the device in a place protected from water. Do not allow moisture to get on the motor, as it may burn out. Do not charge your device in the bathroom. It is better to do this in the room or kitchen.

Every 3-4 months it is necessary to change the attachments. Over time, they delaminate, move apart and soften. It is not safe to use such a brush. Some models have a wear indicator - blue bristles. Over time, they fade, which indicates the need to throw away the old attachment and connect a new one to the device.

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