Why does food get stuck between treated teeth?

A beautiful and snow-white smile is the adornment of every person. In order to achieve this, you need to visit the dentist regularly and pay great attention to hygiene. Not only dental diseases, but also gum diseases, the main symptom of which is pain, can negatively affect your appearance.

Gums hurt between teeth

Main reasons

There are many reasons that can cause gum discomfort. Some of them are harmless, and when the unfavorable factor is eliminated, the unpleasant symptom goes away on its own. If the pain is caused by diseases of the oral mucosa or teeth, treatment is required.

The following may cause temporary discomfort:

  1. Using a low-quality or hard brush.
  2. Traumatization of the gums by solid food.
  3. Taking certain medications.

If, after changing the brush to a softer one, your gums still continue to hurt, and trauma and medication are excluded, you can suspect one of the diseases of the oral cavity. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently visit the dentist.

Signs and consequences of tartar

Main causes of pain:

  1. Plaque. It contains a large number of pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation and pain.
  2. Improper cleaning. “Plaques” are formed on the enamel, which are colonies of bacteria.
  3. External damaging factors. Various microtraumas can cause pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate into periodontal tissue, causing inflammation.
  4. Some diseases. Failure of the digestive and endocrine systems, as well as blood diseases, often cause pain in the gums.

If the pain spreads in the area of ​​​​several teeth, then the cause most often lies in caries or an inflammatory process. In this case, it is important not only to relieve the unpleasant symptom, but also to cure the disease that caused it.

How to brush your teeth correctly

Periodontitis and implantation

With periodontitis, a paradoxical situation often arises: the disease leads to tooth loss, but it also prevents their restoration. It is impossible to attach a denture to mobile and weakened teeth. Classical implantation in case of periodontitis is often impossible, since the disease is accompanied by a rapid decrease in the volume of bone tissue necessary for reliable fastening of the implant.

Today, technologies have emerged that make it possible to restore missing teeth even with bone atrophy and inflammatory processes of the gums. Modern implants of a special design can also be installed for periodontitis. In certain clinical situations, the “all on 4/6” technology is actively used. The implants are placed at certain points of the jawbone that are least susceptible to changes, and the prosthesis is installed on such reliable supports. In some cases, bone tissue augmentation is also performed.

The service life of modern implants is 10 years or more. Survival rate is at least 95%. You can get more detailed information on the topic by signing up for a free consultation with Viodent specialists.

Gum diseases

There are 3 gum diseases that can cause pain. These include:

  1. Gingivitis.
  2. Periodontal disease.
  3. Periodontitis.

The main cause of gum inflammation is poor hygiene and the formation of stone and plaque, which activates the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Inflamed gums begin to swell, turn blue or red. In advanced cases, tooth mobility appears, which can later cause tooth loss.


Gums with gingivitis

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums, which most often causes pain between the teeth. It is superficial in nature, and at an early stage a person experiences the following symptoms:

  1. Redness and swelling.
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Itching.
  4. Unpleasant smell.
  5. The pain intensifies after eating.

As it progresses, small ulcers may form on the gums, which are particularly painful. Subsequently, the gum tissue decreases, which leads to exposure of the tooth root. There is severe discomfort while eating.

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Important! The main cause of gingivitis is the formation of plaque due to poor hygiene.

Treatment is carried out by a dentist and depends on the severity of the gingivitis. Initially, plaque removal is required, and hygiene products are selected individually. In severe cases, overgrown gum tissue is removed.

Types of gingivitis

The standard treatment regimen includes the use of:

  1. Anti-inflammatory gels (Cholisal, Mundizal-gel, Kamistad).
  2. Paste (Lacalut fitoformula, Parodontax F, PresiDENT exclusive).
  3. Rinse aids (Lacalut “aktiv”, Paradontax, President profi).
  4. Vitamins (B1, C, A, E).

Treatment lasts 10 days. Treatment of gums with gels is carried out 2 times a day. Rinse aids are used after meals. During treatment, it is necessary to use a soft brush to avoid further trauma to the gums.


Inflammatory gum disease, which is characterized by damage to periodontal tissue. It is a consequence of untreated gingivitis.

Gums with periodontitis

The symptoms are similar to gingivitis, but other unpleasant signs appear:

  1. Severe swelling and suppuration.
  2. Pain when touched.
  3. Gaps between teeth and their loosening.

Periodontitis can be caused by failure to comply with hygiene rules, deficiency of vitamins and beneficial microelements, and improper bite and tooth shape. The treatment regimen coincides with therapy during gingivitis. After removing plaque and stone, a person needs to carefully maintain hygiene for 2 weeks.

Stages of periodontitis

Important! Advanced stages of periodontitis require cutting the tissues surrounding the tooth and removing deep stone.

Local treatment includes the use of anti-inflammatory gels (Acepta, Cholisal, Mundizal-gel). If tooth mobility occurs, the installation of temporary splints is required, which can be replaced with a prosthesis if necessary.

Periodontal disease

Damage to periodontal tissue. Pain occurs not only between the teeth, but also around them. The disease occurs rarely - no more than 8% of dental patients. Leads to increased tooth mobility and does not relate to inflammatory pathologies. Symptoms:

  1. Bleeding.
  2. Exposing the neck of the teeth.
  3. Severe pain.
  4. Tissue atrophy.

Periodontal diseases

The main reason is poor circulation in the periodontal tissues. Periodontal disease is often a consequence of systemic diseases of the body (diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension). It can occur in people with a hereditary predisposition.

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The treatment is long-term, and at the first stage includes the removal of tartar. Severe stages require the use of gels, ointments and rinses with an anti-inflammatory effect. If there are carious teeth, they are treated.

Local treatment includes:

  1. Rinse with 0.05% Chlorhexidine solution.
  2. Applications "Cholisal gel".

Dental gel Cholisal

The average duration of treatment is 10 days. Rinsing with Chlorhexidine solution should be done in the morning (after breakfast) and in the evening. Then the teeth and gums are dried with a cotton swab and the gel is carefully applied to the marginal part of the gum. After using medications, it is not recommended to eat for 2 hours.

Pain after treatment

Often discomfort between teeth occurs after treatment. This may indicate poor-quality filling and the development of infection inside the canal. In this case, you need to take an x-ray, with which you can immediately detect the pathology.

Important! Trauma to the gums can occur due to an “overhanging” filling that comes into contact with the gingival papilla.

You can detect a filling defect by using dental floss that gets stuck or breaks. Treatment requires correction of the filling or its replacement. Microtrauma from a filling or crown can cause discomfort in the first days after dental treatment. The pain goes away on its own after a few days.

Video - Gums hurt: what to do?

History of toothpicks

The first specially made gold toothpicks appeared 3000 BC in Sumer. However, at all times, starting with the Neanderthals, people have used various devices to clean the space between their teeth. These were stems and pointed sticks of various shapes, but most often nails, the use of which is not very hygienic. Apparently, the problem of cleaning the oral cavity has always worried people, because healthy teeth are always needed. Henry Petroski even published a 450-page book: Toothpick: Technology and Culture. The book describes the history of the creation and development of toothpicks, features of use and the contribution of toothpicks to culture, history and even military affairs. Modern toothpicks


Treatment for pain in the gums depends on the causes of the discomfort. If the pain is caused by pieces of food stuck in the interdental space, careful oral hygiene and flossing are sufficient. If fillings are installed poorly, they are replaced. Gum inflammation requires the use of anti-inflammatory ointments, gels and rinses.

Important! Painkillers should only be taken as prescribed by a specialist, as they negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract and are not able to eliminate the main cause of discomfort.

Treatment should be carried out by a doctor, but if there is no possibility of contacting a specialist, you can use one of the proposed anti-inflammatory drugs:

Ointment "Parodontocide"It has analgesic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. Apply after brushing your teeth with a cotton swab or finger. 125 RUR
Rinse aid "Asepta"Use after meals. Contains chlorhexidine and benzydamine, which relieve pain and swelling 170 RUR
Gel "Metrogil Denta"A drug based on chlorhexidine and metronidazole. Helps relieve pain, inflammation and swelling, reduces bleeding gums. Use 3 times a day 270 RUR
Gel "Troxevasin"Gel for relieving inflammation, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them more elastic. Apply to the damaged area morning and evening 230 RUR
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