What does the gap between the front and side teeth mean, their sharp shape, small or large size?

Signs that make it easy to determine a person’s character by their teeth

Shape of teeth

says a lot about a person, and you can determine
the type of person by his teeth
by paying attention to the following signs of the dentition:

Upper incisors

People with long incisors

They are usually the life of the party, but at the same time they persistently strive for their goals and are quite open in communicating with others.

Large incisors

most often occur in adamant, stubborn people who persistently pursue their goal. Despite their difficult nature, those with large teeth are distinguished by their sincerity.

Large gap between teeth

betrays the explosive nature of their owner. In addition, the hole indicates an addiction to risk, which is not always justified.


It is generally accepted that large, sharp teeth

, including fangs, speak of a person’s aggressiveness. In fact, this is not always the case. In most cases, such teeth reveal a loving person. They can also talk about determination.

For example, if a woman’s upper canines are large and long

, then this can emphasize her kindness and humor.

Evenness of teeth

A person's character can be determined by the curvature or straightness of their teeth. Ideal dentition

speaks of a balanced, calm character. Such people are not afraid to make decisions and take responsibility. They are eloquent, self-confident and ready to go towards their goal no matter what.

Uneven teeth

speaks of the good intuition of the owner of the teeth.
Such a person sets a high bar for himself and persistently moves towards achieving the goal, soberly assessing the situation and making adequate decisions. He is thoughtful and reflective. At the same time, a person with crooked teeth
is sensitive to his own defeats.

A person’s small, fox-like teeth can also tell about a person’s character.

— owners of such dentition are often characterized by lust.

Protruding teeth

characteristic of stingy people.

Teeth size

Strong large teeth

testify to a person’s courage, strength and kindness. Such people are most often long-livers.

They will tell you what character the girl has and small teeth

- often their owners are quite secretive and reserved natures. They have a small number of friends. Often people around them simply do not understand them, considering them strange.

What do sparse teeth

a person does not need to think for long - such teeth indicate people with a wild imagination, who always have a fresh, interesting idea in their heads: they can often even be considered strange. They are also distinguished by their tenacity of character and always go towards their goal.

Small teeth

, among other things, can talk about greed. Such people have a hard time parting with money and are certainly not ready to spend it on others, be it relatives or friends.

Presence of damage

The presence of damage to the dentition can also indicate the character of a person

So, if
the upper row of teeth is damaged
, this will indicate difficulties in unlocking your potential, and if there are
problems in the lower part (especially in the left)
, you should think about problems in family relationships.

Boris Johnson

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced coronavirus infection on March 27. He decided to get tested after he developed a fever and cough - the first symptoms of COVID-19.

On Twitter, the head of government said that he was self-isolating and working from home. He thanked everyone who is helping Great Britain cope with the scourge and noted that the country will defeat the coronavirus if citizens follow the instructions of the authorities.

However, the evening news on April 5 made the British pretty nervous. A number of media reported that the condition of the 55-year-old prime minister was not improving and that, on the recommendation of the attending physician, the politician was taken to the hospital. Later, journalists stated that the head of government, Her Majesty, was urgently hospitalized and was being prepared to be put on a ventilator.

The next day, those around Boris Johnson denied the alarming reports. They called the statement about connecting the prime minister to ventilators as disinformation. The politician spent the night in the hospital comfortably; he still has a fever and a dry cough, his representatives said.

On April 13, the media reported that Boris Johnson had recovered. According to the politician, he was on the verge of life and death.

By prohibiting your child from eating sweets, we can keep his teeth healthy.

Reality: The development of caries is influenced not so much by the amount of sweet foods eaten, but by the time of their contact with the teeth and the frequency, i.e. frequency of their use. Therefore, it is much better for your teeth for your baby to eat a chocolate bar in one sitting than to suck on a small package of lollipops all day. In addition, various types of sucking candies contain a lot of essences and acids, which themselves do not have the best effect on tooth enamel.

What to do?

Do not prohibit your child from sweet snacks, but, if possible, reduce their frequency. To form the correct “behavioral stereotypes” in your child - the need to rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth after eating sweet food.

A serious face is not yet a sign of intelligence. — Myth or Reality? -Smile, gentlemen, smile!


Those born on Tuesday are literally imbued with the warlike and ebullient energy of Mars. It is easy for them to implement any undertaking. In childhood, this could be a game they invented, in which they can easily involve all their friends. In adulthood, a bold business project.

For those born on Tuesday, it is important not to forget about proper rest in order to regain strength in time, otherwise you may simply get sick. “Martians” prefer active holidays, so you won’t often see them on the sofa with a book.

Most likely, on a free day, they will go to training, hike, or engage in active sports.

To succeed in life, these people should learn to be gentle - sometimes it is important not to jump off the handle and not say directly everything that comes to mind. Excessive straightforwardness can play a cruel joke, so you need to act more carefully

No one has ever died from a bad tooth

Reality: Infection coming from a diseased tooth (odontogenic infection) is one of the most dangerous. A diseased tooth is a source of pathogenic environment in the body. Numerous colonies of microorganisms live and multiply in the mouth, some of them quite aggressive. From a “neglected” diseased tooth, microbes can travel throughout the body, both independently and by causing allergization of the body, which leads to a decrease in immunity. In addition, ulcers on the roots with a decrease in immunity can lead to the development of serious complications (abscesses, phlegmon, osteomyelitis, etc.), and sometimes cause conditions incompatible with life.

Fact: Scientists have proven that the presence of multiple chronic foci of infection in untreated teeth in pregnant women leads to miscarriage and low fetal weight during childbirth.

What to do?

At least 1-2 times a year, undergo examination and professional hygiene at the dentist, which will help identify and effectively eliminate pathology in the initial stages of development.

Fact: Expenses of Russian residents, according to data at the beginning of the century, on certain types of goods and services (per year): - for vodka, beer, cigarettes - $12 billion, - for medicines - $2.2 billion, - for dental care – $600 million

Human fangs: what would Darwin say?

There is a lot of debate about why a person needs fangs... No one can say for sure whether it is a relic of the past, an indication of belonging to a predatory species, an unnecessary atavism. The aesthetic view of fangs among their owners also varies. Someone dreams of getting rid of a dubious protrusion in an even row of teeth, while others consider this feature very attractive. One way or another, the apparent “uselessness” of fangs is a very big misconception.

Anatomical structure

The anatomy of a human tooth suggests that it is conventionally divided into 3 parts: root, neck and crown. The crown is the part that rises above the gum; it is covered with enamel - the strongest tissue that protects the tooth bone from the negative effects of acids and bacteria. There are several types of crown surfaces:

  1. The facial is the surface on the side of the lip or cheek.
  2. Occlusion is the surface in the area of ​​closure with a paired tooth, which is located on the opposite jaw.
  3. Contact - the surface of the crown, which faces the teeth located in the neighborhood.
  4. Lingual – internal part. It faces the inside of the oral cavity, that is, the surface that the tongue touches during conversation.

The neck is the part that is located between the root and the crown , connecting them, covered with cement and closed by the edges of the gums. The root is the part with which the tooth is attached to its socket. Taking into account the classification type, the root can have one or more processes.


The histological structure of all teeth is exactly the same, but all of them have a different shape, taking into account the specific function they perform.

Enamel. It is a durable fabric that consists of 95% of various salts such as zinc, magnesium, copper, strontium, fluorine and iron. And 5% consists of substances such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins. In addition, the enamel contains a liquid that participates in physiological processes.

At the same time, the enamel also has an outer shell , which is called the cuticle; it covers the chewing surface, but over time the cuticle tends to wear off and become thinner.

The more expensive the toothbrush and toothpaste, the better they are.

Reality: The cost of hygiene products is not an indicator of their usefulness specifically for you. The structure of dental tissues, their location, color, shape, as well as characters, are different for everyone.

What to do?

The selection of oral hygiene products should only be carried out by your treating dentist. In addition, the doctor will evaluate the correctness of your usual cleaning method and make the necessary adjustments.

Fact: The quality of teeth cleaning is influenced not so much by the toothbrush and toothpaste you choose, but by the correctness and duration of this manipulation. It has been proven that with a recommended time of about 3-5 minutes, most often the average person on the planet spends about 30 seconds brushing their teeth. Tip: To stay on time, turn on your favorite song and brush your teeth from the first chord to the last. On average, the duration of songs is the 3-5 minutes we need. Both fun and useful!

If you take several x-rays in a row, you can get high levels of radiation

Reality: According to one of the leading specialists in dental radiology, D.V. Rogatskin, one intraoral photograph of a tooth corresponds to approximately one microsievert.

The radiation dose when taking one three-dimensional image on a dental tomograph is approximately equal to the radiation dose from a panoramic image and is about 20-50 microsieverts. What to do?

You should not apply to a peaceful dental office the same concepts that are used at a nuclear test site. During the treatment process, you can and should take as many x-rays as your doctor needs, and if necessary, do not be afraid to do 1-2 studies per year on a dental tomograph. It is necessary to understand that your attending physician takes a picture, or a series of pictures, so that the quality of treatment is at the proper level and the tooth will serve you for many more years. And such a modern method as tomography of the maxillofacial area goes beyond the boundaries of conventional x-ray examination and often allows the doctor to see in volumetric form the pathology that cannot be determined on ordinary photographs.

Why shouldn't you have your fangs removed?

Getting rid of unwanted and bothersome fangs often seems like the easiest way out of an unpleasant situation. Meanwhile, dentists consider this method to be radical and recommend refraining from getting rid of fangs. If, say, wisdom teeth can be gotten rid of without any consequences, the same cannot be said about fangs. No matter how strange it may sound, canines are extremely important teeth and play a significant role in the proper development and functioning of the jaw. Many doctors even equate the absence of fangs with disability. What is the reason for this attitude?

  • Due to their unique structure and deep-set roots, it is the canines that are least susceptible to caries. In turn, this reduces the likelihood of infection spreading to adjacent teeth.
  • Human canines perform an important “cutting” function when chewing food; it is possible that their absence will complicate this process. In addition, the absence of fangs can negatively affect diction.
  • Once you lose your fangs, you will automatically transfer all the tasks they perform to other teeth. Those who are not at all adapted to this and risk not being able to withstand the load. Such a measure is fraught with grinding and weakening of neighboring teeth. The result will be a complete violation of the beauty and symmetry of the dentition, not to mention your health.
  • Being the most stable teeth, canines are reliable assistants and regulators during occlusion (contact of the upper and lower jaws). That is, during eating and when talking, they are the ones who prevent the remaining teeth from grinding against each other.

It is believed that even the highest quality implant is not able to fully replace the removed fang and implement all its functions. This is why professionals recommend looking for other ways to cope with the discomfort caused by fangs. Which ones?

For pregnancy and fetus

During pregnancy, expectant mothers complain of worsening caries, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and periodontitis. This can lead to tooth loss if not treated promptly. Toxicosis can also be a cause of worsening caries.

Nausea and vomiting, changes in diet (more carbohydrates), changes in the acid-base balance of the oral cavity provoke demineralization of teeth and the development of caries.

Within 9 months, several minor cavities can turn into advanced caries due to lack of oral hygiene. Catarrhal gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) turns into hypertrophic (“gingivitis of pregnant women”).” And it is the cause of periodontitis.

To avoid problems, you need to:

  • maintain oral hygiene;
  • carry out sanitation and removal of tartar in a timely manner.


Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. This god was distinguished by his amazing ability to find a way out of any situation. Young Mercurians are distinguished by their restlessness and mobility. It can be difficult to calm them down. Parents need to make a lot of effort to develop perseverance and attentiveness in an energetic baby.

Those born on this day are lucky in everything - for example, in a difficult financial situation, help can come from a completely unexpected source.

In their personal lives, such people are usually distinguished by being amorous, but at the same time they demand unconditional loyalty from their partner.

Some people have too many teeth

About 2 percent of people experience hyperdontia, in which a person grows additional supernumerary teeth. Many of these teeth remain hidden under the gums, but sometimes they erupt and begin to crowd out other teeth. It is very rare for a person to lose a permanent set of teeth at an older age and grow another set. Everyone else will need dentures.

What are fangs?

If you count from the center of the jaw, that is, from the separation between the front incisors, the canines are the third teeth. Both the upper and lower jaws have two fangs, with the upper ones being larger than the lower ones. In addition to the fact that these are the tallest and most pointed teeth in all rows, it is the canines that have the deepest and longest roots. The two sides of the fangs meet each other at an angle, forming a cutting tip. On the inside, the fangs are characterized by protrusions at the roots, closer to the gums.

What is noteworthy is that fangs are indeed the only teeth in humans that have retained their original “animal” shape. Other teeth were transformed in one way or another to suit our familiar way of chewing food. In those further away, the crown has become flat, the front teeth are designed to be ground down and crushed. On the border between them there are fangs that have retained the ancient purpose of tearing food and have not lost their original, cone-shaped shape.

How to keep them healthy

Visit to the dentist

Visit the dentist twice a year, even for no reason. Regular medical monitoring and disease prevention eliminate the problem in the early stages, save money and save nerves.

Regular and proper cleaning

It is necessary to clean at least twice a day: morning and evening, preferably after each meal. Learn how to choose a quality toothbrush.

Proper nutrition

The presence of calcium and fluoride in food is the key to success. Calcium is absorbed with the help of vitamin D.

Sources of vitamin D are veal, eggs, butter, sea fish, poultry. Fluoride is found in black tea, fish and wholemeal bread.

It is advisable to reduce your consumption of sweets.

Correct distribution of load on teeth

Avoid any contact between your teeth and iron, such as opening bottles with your front teeth or cracking nuts with your teeth.

Protect from injuries (fights, accidents, disasters).

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