Beautiful teeth - how to get straight and white teeth?

Ideally straight and snow-white teeth by nature are very rare; most often the natural color of the enamel is yellowish, darkening even more over time. And improper oral care and various negative factors can lead to such defects as unevenness of the enamel layer, curvature of individual units, and chips. You can restore the beauty of your smile in different ways, and one of them is the use of special overlays on the surface of the teeth - veneers.

Veneers - this is the name of one of the developments in aesthetic dentistry, designed to help recreate the external aesthetics of teeth. In the article we will talk in detail about what veneers are, what types of microprostheses exist, in what cases their use is indicated and advisable, what is the price of veneers at the Vanstom dental clinic in Moscow.

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Do not delay your treatment, because in this matter time plays against us.

How to choose the right veneers based on price and quality

Before we give advice on the right choice of veneers, let's find out what they are? In dentistry, veneers are miniature prosthetic plates installed on the surface of teeth to restore the beautiful tone or shape of dental units. Typically, restoration work with structures is carried out specifically in the smile zone and when it is impossible to restore the whiteness and evenness of teeth using other methods of aesthetic dentistry. Veneers and their fixation on dental surfaces are the most gentle prosthetic technology, but they are not the most inexpensive for the price of 1 veneer.

Using veneers is one of the fastest ways to restore the attractiveness of your smile. Veneers are visually impossible to distinguish from real teeth and their use can solve the problem even with significant defects in the dental surface. However, in order for the procedure for installing veneers to give the desired positive result, they need to be selected correctly, and this can be quite difficult, since modern dentistry offers a wide range of products from this group, differing from each other in raw materials, technical characteristics and price.

In order to make an informed choice, it will be useful, even before visiting the dentist’s office, to get acquainted with the different options for veneers, find out their features, and then choose a specific type of veneer that is optimal for you in terms of the final result of microprosthetics and the price.

Ceramic veneers: price for 1 tooth in Moscow

1. Ceramic veneers. These veneers are made from zirconium dioxide and medical porcelain and are characterized by extreme strength, color fastness, and durability. Porcelain-zirconium veneers are visually indistinguishable from natural teeth. They have minimal thickness - only 0.5 millimeters. The price of veneers for ceramic teeth at Vanstom dentistry in Moscow (Baumanskaya metro station) is from 14,000 rubles (for 1 veneer). You can get detailed advice from the clinic’s specialists!

Inexpensive teeth whitening in Moscow

The PROFI-Dent clinic offers teeth whitening at a low price in Moscow. The main advantages of carrying out this procedure with us:

  1. low cost of the procedure;
  2. fast and lasting results;
  3. absence of painful or unpleasant sensations;
  4. absolute safety.

We use only the most effective techniques and the latest drugs with a high concentration of active substances, which allows us to achieve impeccable results in just one session.

Composite veneers: price for 1 tooth in Moscow

2. Composite veneers are one of the most affordable variations, which are used less and less in modern dentistry. The drop in demand for veneers made from composites is explained by a significant number of product shortcomings, including low aesthetics and minimal useful life. But restorative procedures with composite veneers are carried out using a gentle method and quickly. The type of dental veneers under consideration is also attractive because of its affordable price. The cost of one composite veneer in our Vanstom clinic in Moscow is from 7,050 rubles.

Teeth whitening: types and prices in Moscow

Teeth whitening: types and prices in Moscow

All techniques have their advantages, and the final result depends not only on the technology used, but also on the original color of the enamel, the presence of dental problems (for example, fluorosis) and other factors.

They provide safety and painlessness, excellent results, and a gentle effect on the enamel. In this case, the result will remain unsurpassed for up to 2 years.

The cost of teeth whitening in Moscow directly depends on the complexity of the case and the technique used.

Lumineers: price for 1 tooth in Moscow

3. Lumineers. A separate type of veneers, which is popularly called “Hollywood veneers.” These microprostheses are ultra-thin and ultra-strong; their fixation does not require preliminary grinding of the enamel, which has a positive effect on the health of the teeth and oral cavity in general. But at the same time, Lumineers are the most expensive veneer option available.

Prices for ultra-thin lumineers start at 80,000.

The main difference between lumineers and conventional veneers is the use of special technologies in their production. The use of innovative methods partly explains the high price of lumineers. The finished Hollywood veneer is thin (its thickness does not exceed 0.2 millimeters), and perfectly matches the natural shade of the patient’s tooth enamel. Separately, it is worth noting the incredible strength of the veneer - its useful life is 20 years or more.

Which veneers to choose for artistic restoration of teeth in the smile area and what factors to consider when choosing, in addition to price? A detailed consultation from specialists at our dental clinic in Moscow, Vanstom, will help you get a detailed answer to these questions. We are located a 5-minute walk from the Baumanskaya metro station. Make an appointment right now - just by dialing our phone number! Already at the first appointment, the doctor will help you choose the right veneers by type and tell you about the cost of installing turnkey veneers.

Beautiful teeth - what are they?

A high-quality varied diet with the presence of rough food that needs to be chewed thoroughly, clean water and, of course, good hygiene combined with regular visits to the dentist are necessary conditions for the formation of strong and beautiful teeth in children. Habits developed at a young age will help maintain oral health later on. And neglect of basic rules leads to the fact that the fulfillment of the desire “I want beautiful teeth, like in the picture!” involves serious work to restore color and shape, or even complete replacement of the dentition.

There are certain parameters of an ideal smile, which are calculated mathematically based on certain constant dimensions of the face that do not change with age, for example, the iris. In addition, beautiful teeth in dentistry mean the presence of a correct bite, in which the upper front incisors overlap the lower ones by one third and correspond to an average size of eight millimeters in length and six millimeters in height, while tremata and diastemas are absent or do not exceed one millimeter. However, in order for a smile to look natural, it is necessary to take into account some individual characteristics, in particular the ratio of the size of the teeth, their color and shine, as well as their shape.

Indications and contraindications for the installation of veneers

Like any other dental procedure, the installation of veneers has indications and contraindications that are important to consider. Restoration with veneers is recommended by specialists in the following cases:

1. Fluorosis and erosive destruction of the natural enamel layer of teeth, defects in which significant destruction of dentin is observed. Fillings are not able to solve these problems, but veneers will eliminate them perfectly, making them invisible to others. Of course, the price of the service will be higher than the price for conventional filling, but the result will be more aesthetically pleasing and more durable.

2. Crowding of teeth, curvature, incorrect position of units in rows, abnormal tooth shape, significant gaps between dental units, chips, fillings on the surfaces of teeth darkened over time.

In case of pronounced yellowing of the enamel or a change in its shade after depulpation of a dental unit. Veneers will help restore the aesthetics of your smile.

Veneers can help out in situations where other methods have not given the desired effect, in particular teeth whitening. Their installation cannot be carried out in case of pathological abrasion of the enamel, bruxism, significant adentia, or malocclusion. It is not recommended to use veneers if you have large fillings on the inside of the tooth.

How much does an alternative solution cost?

When a traditional procedure with gels and a light source is not possible due to fillings, chips and other damage, but you want a beautiful smile, doctors are looking for another way to whiten teeth. Most often, this is microprosthetics - the installation of veneers in the smile area. Or crowns if the tissue is damaged too much. In this way, they also even out slight curvature and correct the shape.

Approximate cost range for whitening using this method, which is more relevant to prosthetics:

KindsPrice per unit
Ceramic veneers11,000-15,000 rubles
Zirconium veneers15,000-19,000 rubles
Ceramic crown15,000-20,000 rubles
Zirconium dioxide crown18,000-22,000 rubles

What factors affect the cost of whitening?

In addition to the clinic’s costs for equipment and training, as well as the level of qualifications of specialists, the total costs also depend on the condition of the patient’s oral cavity. Here we give extreme options for how much it costs:

ProceduresPerfect condition, healthy teethThere is a problem
Inspection, computer diagnostics, panoramic imageYesYes
Ultrasound removal of dental plaqueYesYes
Air FlowYesYes
Treatment of cariesYes
Replacing fillingsYes
Prosthetics with significant destructionYes
Gum treatmentYes
Bleaching as a final stageYesYes
Result – total cost of treatment and whiteningAround 30,000 rublesDepends on the number of problem teeth and the degree of destruction

How to reduce the cost of whitening and protect your investment?

  • Monitor the condition of your teeth
    - as you can see, this directly affects the final price tag. The more carefully you monitor hygiene, the lower your costs.
  • Choose a qualified specialist
    so as not to damage the enamel and then not find out how much the treatment costs.
  • Follow the doctor's advice
    - after the procedure, the patient receives nutritional advice. If you stick to them, the results will last longer.

In our clinic, from time to time we hold promotions, provide the opportunity to take out a loan and “get your teeth done” in installments, which makes the cost of whitening and other dental procedures more affordable. Plus, each patient receives a five-year quality guarantee from the clinic for all work.

In conclusion. In an attempt to reduce the cost of whitening, patients trust “custom” reviews, buy kits online for use at home, or trust dubious studios in shopping centers. At a minimum, this approach has no effect and it’s just wasted money. It’s worse if the teeth suffer and have to be treated, which is more expensive than a procedure in a trusted clinic.

Come. We will do everything as we please. Consultation and photography are free with us.

Methods for making ceramic veneers

Ceramic plates are produced using layer-by-layer technology or injection molding. With the layer-by-layer method, the porcelain mass is applied in stages, layer by layer, and then fired to increase its strength and durability. With injection molding, veneers are made under high pressure and temperature, which allows you to obtain finished prostheses of increased strength. If you want to get a reliable and durable result of artistic restoration, we recommend choosing cast veneers.

Both product options are aesthetic and durable, but the useful life of pressed ceramic veneers is significantly longer. The price of porcelain veneers is high and can vary depending on the type of material used in the manufacturing process.

Specifics of the production of composite veneers

The easiest way to make composite veneers is to apply a special composition to the surface of the patient’s teeth right in the dentist’s office. During the procedure, the doctor first prepares the enamel coating of the tooth for manipulation by removing a thin layer from it, and then applies the composite in layers to the treated surface. If you are interested in a low price for restoring teeth with veneers, composite structures will be the optimal solution.

Composite veneers are also made from an individual impression of the patient’s teeth, which is taken during an examination in the dentist’s office. An impression is made of the teeth that have been ground for the onlay, and then the technician models the veneer using it. Veneers made from an individual impression are stronger than overlays created by layer-by-layer application.

Review of the pros and cons of different veneers, comparison of prices for microprostheses

To make a choice in favor of a specific veneer option, you should thoroughly understand the advantages and disadvantages of products made from different materials. In the process of selecting designs, price plays a much less significant role than the performance characteristics of the veneers themselves. If we talk about ceramic veneers, they compare favorably with composite microprostheses in the following characteristics:

  • High aesthetics. Veneers do not change color under the influence of external factors and look as natural as possible.
  • Increased resistance of ceramic veneers to wear, longer useful life. Ceramic veneers do not require replacement for 10 years or more.
  • Hypoallergenic and biocompatible with natural tissues of the oral cavity.

However, the production of ceramic veneers takes much more time; they require preliminary grinding of the natural enamel coating; if the microprosthesis breaks, it will have to be replaced with a new veneer. In terms of price, porcelain microprostheses will also not be a democratic solution.

Price of ceramic veneers for teeth

The cost of ultra-thin ceramic dental veneers will depend on the raw material used for their production - the type of dental porcelain. The more expensive the cost of the ceramic mass, the higher the price of one finished veneer. However, the increased prices for porcelain veneers are fully compensated by their strength, reliability, durability, and excellent aesthetics. The average price of a ceramic veneer for one tooth ranges from 14,000 to 100,000 rubles.

A consultation with an orthopedist at the Vanstom clinic will help you find out the exact price of the service and porcelain veneer.

Teeth whitening – cost of different types of procedure

As you already know, teeth are whitened in several ways. The general principle is that a special gel with a certain concentration of hydrogen peroxide (from 16 to 25%) is applied to them and placed for a certain time under a light source - ultraviolet, cold light, LED, laser. Light works as an activator, and under its influence, atomic oxygen is released from the gel, which brightens the surface.

The differences are in the duration and number of sessions, as well as effectiveness and safety. This can be one session lasting 1 hour, or 3 sessions of 15 minutes each. Ultraviolet radiation is considered more harmful to enamel due to overheating of tissues. LED or cold light is more preferable.

The cost of whitening in the clinic’s price list depends on the qualifications of the doctor, the class of equipment and the ambitions of the management. Approximate price range in Moscow in middle-class clinics:

One jaw10,000-13,000 rubles
Both jaws20,000-25,000 rubles

Zirconium veneers: price for 1 tooth

Microprostheses made of zirconium dioxide are in high demand among patients, as they provide an excellent result for the artistic restoration of a smile and at the same time belong to the budget price segment. The price of 1 zirconium plate starts from 30 thousand rubles. But this is the minimum price indicated by clinics in their price lists. More realistic prices for high-quality and durable zirconium veneers - from 50 thousand rubles per plate.

At an affordable cost, zirconium prostheses have excellent performance characteristics. They have maximum resistance to mechanical damage and chips, but it is important to note that these properties are possessed only by high-quality zirconium veneers, produced with strict adherence to the technological process. Therefore, if zirconium structures are offered at an excessively low price, this is a reason to think about their quality!

At Vanstom you will find the best value for money on zirconium veneers! Prices for composite veneers

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In terms of cost, composite veneers will be the most inexpensive option; the exact cost of making an onlay for one tooth will depend on the production method. The most expensive is a composite veneer created from an individual impression - you will have to pay 10 thousand rubles or more for it.

If you want to save on the cost of installing composite veneers, you can resort to restoration with direct (layer-by-layer) onlays, which are created directly on the patient’s teeth during a visit to the orthodontist. However, cost savings will ultimately be questionable: direct veneers are neither aesthetically pleasing nor durable, and often change their color under the influence of external factors.

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Do not delay your treatment, because in this matter time plays against us.

Price of lumineers or Hollywood veneers

The most expensive type of veneers are ultra-thin lumineers. The high cost of microprostheses is due to the expensive material for their production, but the use of Hollywood veneers will make it possible to obtain a long-lasting result of the restoration of the smile area and will not require first removing the natural enamel layer.

Veneers of this type are also installed in the shortest possible time - just two or three visits to a specialist’s office are enough. Moreover, if necessary, veneers can be easily removed, do not cause discomfort to the patient when worn, and do not change color over time or under the influence of external factors. For these reasons, Hollywood veneers are the choice of pop and film stars and world-famous politicians. The cost of one lumineer per tooth is from 80,000 rubles.

You can get more detailed advice on the prices for veneers and their installation by making an appointment with Vanstom dental specialists in Moscow (next to the Baumanskaya metro station). Our clinic offers patients innovative methods of artistic dental restoration at affordable prices and always of impeccable quality!

We will select the ideal veneers for your teeth

When installing veneers, our specialists will follow criteria that are considered the “gold standard” of veneering.

What does the gold standard include:


absolutely natural shape of future teeth. Not square or rectangular like dentures.


veneer microrelief. It is impossible to find teeth with a perfectly smooth surface in nature. Veneer is, first of all, aesthetics. Therefore, the veneer should not be completely smooth. As a result of dental restoration with veneers, our specialists will use a microscope to recreate the natural relief of natural teeth with all the micro-cavities due to them.


veneer color. You may notice, looking closely in the mirror, that natural teeth play different shades in the light. And this is actually true: your teeth are uneven in color, in the center the tooth looks brighter, at the cutting edge its transparency is noticeable, and at the gums the tooth looks darker. Therefore, when making each veneer, our specialists take into account all possible color nuances, which are embodied in your veneers and look absolutely natural on your teeth.

And finally, most importantly

- transparent cutting edge of the veneer. Natural teeth show through in the lower edge area. This is exactly the property your future ceramic veneers should have. Modern veneering technologies today make it possible to recreate the natural transparency of the veneer, indistinguishable from the natural transparency of the tooth.

the condition of the gums
should also be noted . A dental veneer is a microprosthesis that an orthopedist fixes onto the entire outer surface of the tooth. And if (suddenly!) the veneer is not fixed correctly, the fit of the veneer to the gum is disrupted, then the gums around the tooth may become inflamed.

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