Teeth like stars - how they do it, why are they always straight and white?

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  • Teeth like stars - how they do it, why are they always straight and white?

05/10/2021 ~2 min.

Pop artists and movie stars, both “ours” and foreign ones, under any circumstances and from any angle, always demonstrate snow-white smiles, literally “sparkling” with beautiful, even, perfectly white teeth. How such teeth are “made”, are there any shortcomings and how much does it cost - in the DI material.

Which Russian stars have veneers?

Veneers are thin overlays. Their goal is to mask visual defects on natural teeth. Stars with veneers have a beautiful smile and an attractive appearance. This makes them popular, memorable and creates a standard of beauty. Among the famous personalities are:

  • Nastya Ivleeva is a famous blogger and TV presenter. She put on camouflage pads after she became famous. Nastya claims that a star must have a Hollywood smile, so she didn’t think twice before correcting her bite.

  • Yegor Creed is a singer whose concert prices exceed several million. Egor had previously had straight teeth. Cosmetic pads made his smile snow-white and attractive. Thousands of women all over the world want to become Yegor's chosen one, and he acquires the status of an eligible groom.

  • Yulia Nachalova also resorted to the help of veneers. Initially, Julia's front incisors were shorter than the rest of her teeth. This forced the girl to take advantage of modern dental opportunities.

  • Olga Buzova, a TV presenter and pop diva, never complained about her teeth. They were fairly even, but not snow-white enough. Therefore, the star installed the records, and now her smile looks stunning, which allows the singer to gain millions of new fans every day.

  • Alena Vodonaeva - few people can remember the crooked teeth of the former House-2 participant. Long-term correction of the bite and subsequent installation of veneers helped the girl achieve a highly aesthetic smile. Now she shines on the covers of magazines, showing off her incisors.

  • Maria Gorban – the actress’s teeth were initially straight. However, the bottom line could not boast of this quality. Ceramic linings helped correct the situation.

Ultrasound method

How stars make their snow-white teeth is of interest to many. Another method is ultrasonic. Ultrasonic whitening is recommended for those who have increased tooth sensitivity. During the procedure, soft and hard deposits are removed, and tooth enamel is not damaged. To carry out the procedure, a special device is used - a scaler. Under the influence of the drug, active oxygen is released and plaque on tooth enamel is destroyed. The patient does not feel pain, the session lasts one hour. At the end of the procedure, the enamel is polished with a special paste and fluoridated. This procedure requires repetition.

Contraindications are:

  • presence of systemic chronic diseases;
  • bridges and implants;
  • childhood;
  • diseases of tuberculosis, hepatitis, AIDS;
  • first trimester of pregnancy.

Hollywood stars with veneers

Hollywood men and women with veneers appear on the covers of famous magazines and newspapers every day. Few people abroad will admire a snow-white smile. However, after looking at the before and after photos, you may be surprised at the noticeable transformation.

  • Marilyn Monroe is a star with a perfect smile line. She never wore veneers, since these cosmetic overlays were invented much later. The first mention of them dates back to 1955, and Marilyn’s life ended just 7 years after that. However, there are suggestions that Monroe wore temporary porcelain extensions that were only in place for a few hours for filming.

  • George Clooney, a famous actor and TV star, until recently had a not very attractive smile. Clooney's right incisor was noticeably lower than the rest of his teeth. Installing veneers helped the actor get rid of this problem.

  • Nicole Kidman - the star has never complained about the position of her jaw. However, her teeth were quite small and slightly recessed. Ceramic plates quickly corrected this problem and allowed the star to acquire a Hollywood smile.

  • Tom Cruise - in his youth the star had more than just an overbite. His incisors were located chaotically and clearly needed dental help. The actor put on aesthetic extensions as soon as he became famous.

  • Scarlett Johansson - to mask visual defects, the star put ceramics on her upper jaw. The lower one remained untouched, so it still has a deformed arrangement and crowding.

  • Lindsay Lohan - yellowed enamel and worn out bottom edge - that's what the star hid under cosmetic plates. Now her smile looks attractive and is distinguished by its snow-whiteness.

Professional whitening

Tooth enamel begins to darken due to poor quality and irregular oral care. Fans of black tea and coffee, as well as those who indulge in smoking cigarettes, suffer from teeth darkening first of all. Periodontal or gum diseases and the use of certain medications also affect changes in the color of the enamel and the quality of your smile.

How do stars make white teeth? Today there are several types of professional cleaning and whitening, as well as different types of prosthetics and implantation that do not harm the teeth.

Let's find out in more detail what kind of teeth make show business stars.

How much does it cost to get veneers like the stars?

Those patients who have veneers on their teeth know how expensive it is. You have to pay to correct your teeth, and then constantly adhere to special rules of nutrition and care.

On a note!

Veneers for Russian stars and foreign celebrities are most often made using American technology. These overlays are called lumineers. Their main advantage is that they do not require grinding of the native enamel first.

The cost of lumineers depends on the professionalism of the orthopedic dentist and the prestige of the medical institution. In Moscow and the region, the price starts from 30 – 35 thousand rubles. for one position. In St. Petersburg, you will have to pay at least 40 thousand rubles for one cutter. In the periphery and smaller settlements, such a service can be obtained at a lower cost.

Fluoride bleaching

Fluoride bleaching, also called lamp bleaching, is performed by exposure to halogen radiation. A mixture of hydrogen peroxide is first applied to the surface of the teeth, and then exposed to light. During the chemical reaction, active oxygen is released, which lightens the pigmentation of the deep layers of dentin. The duration of the procedure is up to 1.5 hours, it is carried out by the attending physician in three stages. This type of whitening lasts for two years. After the procedure, tooth sensitivity may increase.

Contraindications to the procedure may include:

  • age up to 20 years;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • presence of caries;
  • allergies to the reagents used;
  • increased abrasion of enamel.

Reviews from patients and specialists

Specialists and patients remain quite satisfied after whitening procedures. It is best to do such procedures, of course, in specialized dental offices, so as not to damage tooth enamel.

And to have a smile like a Hollywood star, it is best to install veneers and lumineers. There are a large number of patient reviews about the effectiveness and painlessness of the procedure. They also note that it is best to install lumineers, as they are durable and more aesthetically pleasing. The disadvantage of microprostheses is the high price.

So, in this article we looked at what kind of teeth stars make for themselves.

Emma Roberts

  • "What Happened to Virginia"
  • "Nancy Drew"
  • "It's a very funny story"

Emma Roberts is another Hollywood star who has benefited from cosmetic dentistry. Before this, her teeth were far from straight and had a gray-yellow tint. Now the actress can safely smile, both from the screen and on the carpets of world film festivals.

Maria Pogrebnyak

What was the problem: uneven bite

The operations and changes in appearance that Maria has performed cannot be counted. From this list, teeth are perhaps the most harmless. The girl loves to stand out, she always wants more, be it impressive breast size or expressive lips. Pogrebnyak also chose an unnaturally white color for her veneers, so that her dazzling smile could be seen from afar. But it turned out pretty well, perfectly straight teeth look harmonious with the celebrity’s doll-like appearance.

Whitening with Zoom system

Zoom whitening effectively lightens enamel in one session. A special gel, which does not contain acid, is applied to the surface of the tooth enamel, then exposed to an ultraviolet lamp. As a result of the reaction, oxygen molecules are released, which affect the deep layers of the tooth and eliminate even persistent darkening. And since the gel contains amorphous calcium phosphate, it fills enamel microcracks well and protects teeth. Bleaching leads to a color change of 6-8 tones. The results last for approximately five years.

Contraindications may include:

  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • oncology;
  • hyperesthesia;
  • various periodontal or gum diseases;
  • caries.

George Clooney

  • "Financial Monster"
  • "Tomorrowland"
  • “Burn after reading”

If you can be considered a world-class star, then your smile should match it. That is why, when the condition of George Clooney's teeth began to rapidly deteriorate, he had to get veneers. Now the actor's smile is perfect both in terms of color and bite.

Tom Cruise

  • "Mission Impossible"
  • "Rain Man"
  • "The Last Samurai"

Tom Cruise completes our photo list of actors and actresses who have gotten veneers. The Interview with the Vampire star has had many complexes regarding his appearance since childhood. It is not at all surprising that, having become famous, Cruise began to rapidly improve his appearance, and one of the first points was his teeth.

Scarlett Johansson

  • “Promising does not mean getting married”
  • "Love Fever"
  • "The Horse Whisperer"

Many viewers consider the actress's appearance to be ideal. But it’s not just about innate beauty, but also about constant work on yourself and some tricks. So, for example, Scarlett had a pronounced yellowish color before the veneers were installed, which did not at all meet Hollywood standards.

Zac Efron

  • "Disaster Artist"
  • "Hair fixation spray"
  • "High School Musical"

When Zach first appeared on the big screen, his smile was not at all perfect. The actor’s teeth were uneven, and there was a gap between the front ones. After Efron got porcelain veneers, everything changed, and now he can smile from ear to ear without a hint of embarrassment.

Marilyn Monroe

  • "How to Marry a Millionaire"
  • "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"

It was Marilyn who introduced the fashion for the “Hollywood smile.” Thousands of foreign actresses subsequently began wearing veneers to make their teeth just as perfect. Modern viewers should also imagine that in the middle of the last century, the structures were not yet particularly durable and of high quality, and therefore Monroe always had to have several additional sets with him.

Dmitry Nagiev

  • "Purgatory"
  • "Master and Margarita"
  • "Katya: War Story"

Some Russian celebrities have their own calling card, and for Dmitry Nagiyev it is, of course, a sarcastic grin. If he received a half-smile due to a pinched facial nerve he received in his youth completely free of charge, then the accompanying whiteness of his teeth was due to veneers, which cost a lot of money.

Nicolas Cage

  • "Arms Baron"
  • "National Treasure"
  • "City of Angels"

Nicolas Cage can be considered one of the celebrities who got veneers after already becoming successful. The actor decided to turn to professionals when he could no longer hide the crookedness and color of his teeth. Cage was clearly outperformed by his white-toothed fellow actors and eventually decided to get braces first and then veneers.

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