How to make your teeth beautiful and healthy: an overview of various technologies and techniques used in modern dentistry

In the 21st century, a smile has become not only a way to express one’s sympathies or positive emotions: a beautiful smile in the modern world is a status, a sign of a person’s success and an opportunity to successfully build a career and personal relationships. But a truly beautiful smile cannot be imagined without straight, white and healthy teeth.

How to make your teeth beautiful and healthy if their current condition leaves much to be desired? We will tell you about this in detail in this article and consider the main methods and methods used in modern dentistry to treat teeth, restore their aesthetics and all important characteristics.

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Do not delay your treatment, because in this matter time plays against us.

How to make your teeth healthy, snow-white and straight?

Where can you make your teeth healthy and beautiful? There is only one answer to this question: in a dental clinic. At home, it is impossible to even whiten your teeth efficiently, much less cure caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, or correct your bite. All attempts to carry out dental treatment on your own are not only useless, but also dangerous for your own health!

It is important to understand that by taking painkillers, you will not only not be able to make your teeth healthy, you are at great risk of being left without teeth at all! Pharmacy medications do not eliminate inflammation, they simply relieve pain, while the teeth continue to decay.

It is no less dangerous to try to make your teeth whiter at home or to thoroughly clean them of plaque.

By using folk remedies in these procedures, you are harming your teeth, since all the substances that are mentioned in these recipes (for example, soda and hydrogen peroxide) destroy tooth enamel and make it vulnerable to the destructive effects of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, if you decide to take care of your dental health, to make your teeth truly beautiful, you cannot do without visiting a dental clinic!

Reasons for the development of malocclusion

The reasons for the violation of the correct position of teeth can be either congenital or acquired. The main risk factors for the formation of malocclusions:

  • – genetic predisposition;
  • – improper breastfeeding or bottle use;
  • – sucking on pacifiers, fingers or other objects in infancy;
  • – congenital developmental anomalies;
  • – mouth breathing for diseases of the respiratory system;
  • – lack of sufficient solid food in children’s diets according to their age;
  • – premature or delayed change of baby teeth;
  • – lack of calcium and/or fluorine in the body;
  • – trauma to the dentofacial apparatus;
  • – severe caries with destruction and loss of teeth;
  • – lack of space on the jaw for cutting figure eights;
  • – incorrectly installed or unsuitable dentures in adults.

Regardless of the reasons, each patient needs bite correction to restore the functionality of the dentofacial apparatus.

How to make quality teeth if they are destroyed by caries?

First of all, the need to quickly make teeth arises when caries appears on them. This disease progresses quite quickly, destroying dental tissue. On teeth affected by caries, first spots appear, and then entire cavities, and worst of all, bacteria can get inside the tooth and cause complications such as pulpitis and periodontitis.

The sooner you decide to have your teeth treated for caries, the better, because it is quite possible to treat this disease in the early stages of its development without drilling the tooth and using a drill, which even adult patients are afraid of! In addition, treatment of primary caries is also an excellent opportunity to make teeth cheap. Because the simpler the treatment, the less expenses it requires from the patient.

NOTE: Many people are interested in whether it is possible to get teeth done under the compulsory medical insurance policy if caries treatment is required. Yes, there is such an opportunity - you just need to contact the public dentistry at your place of residence. But it is unlikely to help make your teeth high-quality, for the simple reason that public clinics are poorly equipped - there is no modern equipment or high-quality filling material. Naturally, such treatment will not be beneficial, and its results will not last long.

Another nuance that will answer the question “is it possible to get teeth done for free” is that it is possible that you will have to pay for treatment in a public clinic. For example, a doctor who will offer you his filling material. Taking these nuances into account, it will be more correct and wiser to initially choose a good commercial dental clinic with an impeccable reputation among patients.

If the caries is advanced, it is also possible to make teeth, only the treatment will be difficult - you will have to clean the tooth canals and then restore its crown with a filling or a filling on a pin, using a crown or stump inlay. Crowns and stump inlays are not only a therapeutic treatment, but also prosthetics, which are more expensive!

Prosthetics with crowns and bridges

In cases where teeth are severely damaged, have large fillings, or have had their canals treated many times, the optimal solution is to install crowns made from modern materials (ceramics, ceramic composite, zirconium dioxide). You can also install a whole bridge of several crowns if a large number of teeth are destroyed or some of them are missing.

However, dentists now recommend installing implants rather than bridges. Because bridges quickly fail under chewing load, but implants last forever - and provide the highest comfort and aesthetics of a smile.

Where to get teeth done inexpensively if they are damaged or missing?

If teeth are destroyed by more than 50% or are missing in rows, then dental prosthetics will have to be done to restore them. In prosthetics, special structures are used - crowns, dental bridges, removable dentures - which help restore the aesthetics of the dentition, as well as the important functions of lost and damaged teeth - after all, every tooth in our mouth is involved not only in chewing, but also in speech processes!

make a crown on a tooth if no more than 1-3 teeth are missing in a row; if the number of missing units is greater, they resort to installing dental bridges or removable dentures.

How much does it cost to get dentures? The answer to this question will depend on a number of factors:

1. The type of prosthesis that will be used in the restoration. Removable dentures are the cheapest, they make it possible to make teeth inexpensively, but the aesthetics of the restoration will leave much to be desired. In addition, removable dentures cannot be called truly comfortable in everyday use, and the main reason for this is the impossibility of high-quality fixation of the denture in the oral cavity. A removable denture can easily fall out during active conversation or eating. Therefore, it is better to use removable dentures as a temporary option, and for permanent dentures choose crowns or dental bridges.

2. Material for making the prosthesis. Modern dentures can be made from metal ceramics, precious metals, dental ceramics and zirconium. It is advisable to choose ceramics and zirconium if the front teeth are to be made. These materials are distinguished by high aesthetics and artificial teeth made from them are visually impossible to distinguish from the patient’s natural teeth.

3. Manufacturing technologies. The most modern technology for the production of prostheses is the computer modeling technique - CAD/CAM. Yes, crowns produced using this technology will cost more, but the prosthesis will be of high quality, having the tightest possible fit to the tooth surface. This has a positive effect on both the aesthetics of the prosthesis, its durability, and the degree of comfort in use.

The price of prosthetics will also be influenced by the need for preliminary dental treatment. Before prosthetics, it will be necessary to cure all teeth affected by caries, carry out professional sanitation of the oral cavity, and sometimes it is necessary to have teeth removed.

If you are interested in the exact price at which you can get dentures done , you can find out the full cost of the service in only one way - by visiting a dentist with two specialists at once - a therapist and an orthodontist. After examining you, the doctors will develop a treatment plan, which will outline the prices for all procedures and indicate the final cost of prosthetics!

Advantages of installing veneers:

  • Long period of use;
  • No need to grind the surface (or minimal grinding);
  • Painless installation;
  • Invisible transition to the tooth;
  • No fading.

Veneers will be the best solution if:

  • The dentition is uneven;
  • Dark spots on teeth;
  • Teeth are naturally deformed;
  • For severely worn or damaged teeth.

Implantation is a modern technology that allows you to make teeth with high quality and for a long time

Another technology that you can use to get your teeth done in Moscow is implantation. It is used to restore teeth lost for one reason or another and will help both in the case of the absence of one tooth and in a completely toothless jaw.

The essence of implantation can be briefly summarized as follows: an implant is implanted into the jaw bone - a titanium alloy structure that will perform the functions of a tooth root and serve as a reliable support for a crown or dental bridge.

get dental implants in Moscow using both expensive and budget implants. The cost of implantation largely depends on the price of the implant (a titanium rod that will act as a tooth root). But the cost of the service will also be influenced by such factors as: the need for bone grafting, preliminary dental treatment, the material and manufacturing technology of the prosthesis that will subsequently be placed on the implant, the implantation protocol, the number of implanted implants.

Where to get dental implants in Moscow? Implantation is a service offered by many clinics in the capital. But you must understand that implantation is a fairly serious surgical intervention and its result will depend not only on the quality of the implants, but also on the competence of the doctor performing the operation.

Our dental clinic in Moscow, VENSTOM, employs implantologists with extensive experience who regularly improve the level of their knowledge and practice abroad. By contacting our clinic for dental implantation, you can rest assured: our doctors will be able to make your teeth high quality!

Is it possible to make teeth if there are none at all?

Modern dentistry has long developed technologies that make it possible to make teeth, even if there are none at all. These technologies are removable prosthetics and implantation. By resorting to removable dentures, you can get your teeth done inexpensively in Moscow, but removable dentures have a number of disadvantages that make their use very inconvenient.

These disadvantages include:

  • Long process of getting used to prostheses;
  • Impossibility of high-quality fixation in the oral cavity;
  • Fragility of prostheses.

If you want to make your teeth look good, so that their aesthetics and main functions are completely restored, you should choose implantation. It is possible even with a completely toothless jaw: special implantation protocols have been developed for this - All-on-6, All-on-4.

Is it possible to make healthy teeth beautiful?

For a beautiful smile, it is not enough just to have healthy teeth: an attractive smile implies both whiteness and impeccable evenness of the teeth. But naturally perfectly straight and white teeth are an extremely rare gift that is given to few. Most people get their perfect smile through dentistry.

Aesthetic dentistry will help make teeth beautiful, and for this, orthodontic treatment with braces is used, as well as services such as cleaning, teeth whitening, installation of veneers and lumineers.

To whiten your teeth and remove plaque from them, you should brush your teeth. The procedure can be carried out using different technologies: using ultrasound, Air Flow air-abrasive cleaning. But brushing will not help you get perfectly white teeth, so you should resort to a separate dental service - professional whitening.

How to make teeth white? This question is also best addressed to the dentist, since only a doctor and after an examination will be able to choose a truly effective and safe technology for professional teeth whitening for you.

Veneers, lumineers and braces can help make your teeth beautiful. Veneers and lumineers are microprostheses in the form of thin overlays, used in aesthetic dentistry to mask defects such as chips, cracks in the enamel, gaps between teeth, and unsightly shape of teeth. But they will not help make teeth straight if there are significant malocclusions. In this case, orthodontic treatment with braces is required.

How to whiten your smile with a laser

The principle of the technique is somewhat similar to photobleaching - a gel is also applied to the enamel, but it will be activated by a laser (diode or neodymium). The length of the laser beam is specially designed so as not to harm the teeth - not to overheat them and prevent injury. Dentists even note the fact that the laser not only perfectly whitens a smile by 10-15 tones, but also makes the enamel stronger, i.e. protects against caries.

“I finally decided to have laser whitening and it wasn’t a bad choice at all. Three years ago I did Zoom, but after it my teeth ached terribly, to the point of tears. The doctor said that this is a reaction of the body and this happens. But I didn’t need that anymore)) And after the laser, nothing bothered me at all, and my smile just became great.”

Alena, review from the women's forum

Is it possible to have teeth done under general anesthesia?

Many people are in no hurry to make their teeth healthy and beautiful because they are afraid of dental treatment. Therefore, some patients have a question: is it possible to have teeth done under general anesthesia?

Yes, in some cases, the use of general anesthesia for dental treatment is justified: for example, if implantation with 4 or more implants is to be performed, bone grafting must be performed. But if we are talking about prosthetics or dental treatment, it would be best to limit ourselves to safer sedation or local anesthesia.

The use of general anesthesia is often associated with negative side reactions and therefore its use is justified only in the presence of truly compelling circumstances!

Chemical enamel whitening

The chemical whitening method is more gentle than ZOOM, but also involves the application of a special active gel with hydrogen peroxide. Lamp activation is not used here, because the active components begin to “work” immediately after application. The most popular technique is called Opalescence Boost PF - here the active gel contains not only whitening, but also enamel remineralizing components (fluorides and trace elements).

Interesting fact! Before photo, laser or chemical whitening, dentists recommend taking a course of professional hygiene (ultrasound treatment and Air-Flow) in order to achieve maximum whitening effect. It is also necessary to strengthen the enamel with a course of remineralization, because chemical components can weaken it and increase tooth sensitivity.

Is it possible to get teeth done in installments?

Another reason that often prevents people from getting their teeth done in a timely manner is the widespread misconception that dental treatment is always very, very expensive. This is not true: if you contact the clinic in a timely manner and provide quality care for your teeth, you will not have to pay astronomical amounts for treatment.

If the teeth are in disrepair and expensive procedures are needed to make them high quality, you can use installment plans or a loan directly from the clinic itself. This will be more profitable than a bank loan and more convenient for you, and, in addition, you will be able to choose the dentistry where you want to undergo treatment, and not look for where it is cheaper to get your teeth done, at the expense of quality.

Calculate the cost of treatment by taking a short test in 20 seconds!

Do not delay your treatment, because in this matter time plays against us.

Where to get teeth done in Moscow?

Do you want to make your teeth healthy and beautiful? Come to our dental clinic in Moscow - “Venstom”, we offer a full range of dental services so that you forget about all your dental problems and can get a truly beautiful and attractive smile!

Each patient who contacts us can count on an individual approach and high quality of treatment. “Venstom” is a clinic where you can get your teeth done at a reasonable cost, in comfortable conditions, using the most modern technologies! Come for an appointment with our specialists at the clinic (we are located next to the Baumanskaya metro station) or call our contact phone number: we will be happy to answer any of your questions!

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