Popular braces among celebrities: beautiful teeth in the photo

December 19, 2021

It's no secret that many celebrities are helped to look great by a whole team of professionals: makeup artists, hairdressers, stylists, nutritionists, plastic surgeons. Of course, dentists, in particular orthodontists, also take a significant part in creating the ideal image. Because this is where many people begin their path to healthy beauty, after which they can confidently show the world beautiful teeth and the best photos of their flawless smile. I wonder which stars wore braces and which ones? Read the material UltraSmile.ru.

Why do many patients start with braces?

About 90% of people on planet Earth have malocclusion, and this fate, of course, has not escaped many famous personalities. Moreover, fame becomes an incentive for star patients to transform their smile and solve problems that were not given attention before. After all, photographs of teeth, and of one’s entire appearance in general, are now subject to the most careful study, and not a single flaw escapes the gaze of fans, critics, haters and envious people.

We may not notice much unless we look closely.

If there are bite pathologies, then no quick methods of aesthetic dentistry, for example, installing veneers, lumineers or whitening, can correct the situation. And not a single experienced dentist will agree to immediately carry out such procedures so as not to aggravate the situation. First of all, you need to straighten your teeth and restore their normal functionality. Only after this can you continue to work with your teeth, performing other manipulations, for example, whitening, artistic extensions, or prosthetics.

And here, for adult patients, regardless of their status and position, the most effective solution is braces. Of course, there is also an option such as transparent removable aligners, but this is a topic for another article. In addition, surprisingly, a large number of celebrities prefer braces.

We are talking about patients who have a violation of the position of the teeth, crowding, curvature, diastema and other defects that lead not only to a deterioration in the aesthetics of a smile, but also to malocclusion, including TMJ dysfunction. If edentia occurs (partial, multiple, complete), then other treatment methods are considered, for example, prosthetics and implantation. True, in many cases, in order to carry out high-quality prosthetics and implantation, you first have to deal with the bite and install braces.

Which of the Russian and world celebrities got a beautiful smile and straight teeth, which they can now show off in photos in glossy magazines, with considerable difficulty? So to speak, as a result of long-term wearing of braces. What devices are popular among famous patients? We invite you to find out further.

Beautiful white teeth with whitening

Sometimes professional cleaning is enough to achieve a positive result. By removing plaque, teeth naturally lighten one or two shades and look cleaner and more expressive. If you naturally have beautiful, healthy teeth, but they have become darkened by frequent consumption of coffee or other coloring products, then whitening is the ideal solution. In order to get beautiful white teeth, today dentists offer many options for carrying out this procedure, from office (salon) to home, so you can choose a method that suits your desires, rhythm of life and financial capabilities.

Choice #1: Lingual Braces

Such structures are completely invisible to others, as they are attached to the inside of the dentition. And this allows you to keep the fact of undergoing treatment a secret, even if you are constantly in public and openly smiling. Although some celebrities do not hide this at all, because today taking care of your health is not only useful, but also fashionable. For example, Victoria Bonya, who decided to correct her bite at the age of 36. The actress and TV presenter openly showed photographs of lingual plates made for her straight from the dentist's office.

Victoria Bonya decided that it’s never too late to change

Singer Vera Brezhneva also wore lingual systems. According to one of the most beautiful women in Ukraine, her wisdom teeth erupted, which disrupted her bite, so she had to take action. True, Vera notes that while adapting to the systems, she experienced slight problems with diction. However, it is important to understand that in the case of devices that are attached to the tongue, this is a completely common phenomenon that gradually goes away a few weeks after installation.

All the pros and cons of lingual systems are in a feature article on the website.

Parameters of an ideal smile

It would seem that it could be simpler: white, even teeth, a complete dentition, absence of dental diseases - that’s all you need. But creating an ideal smile in dentistry is a whole science, and the doctor does not act as a doctor, but rather as an artist creating a full-fledged work of art. An ideal smile has certain parameters that modern aesthetic dentistry focuses on.

  • Parallelism of horizontal lines

    : the eyes, the cut of the mouth, the cutting edges of the front incisors and an imaginary line connecting the cutting edges of the canines.

  • Visual reduction in tooth size from the center to the edges

    , allowing you to create the illusion of perspective. In this case, the ratio of the width of the anterior incisors, lateral incisors and canines is 1.6:1:0.6, and the width of the anterior incisors relates to their height as 0.7 - 0.8 to one. The front incisors should meet on the projection of the midline of the face, connecting the middle of the bridge of the nose and the center of the chin. In addition, the edges of the upper teeth should follow the curve of the lower lip, and the upper lip should cover the gum line of the teeth, leaving only triangles between the teeth.

  • When creating the perfect smile, we also take into account the height of the concave gum line around the necks of the teeth and its level for each group of teeth

    , interdental angles, which should increase from the incisors to the molars, the sharpness of the incisor angles, which is more pronounced in men than in women, and many more parameters. For example, the incisal edges of the incisors may protrude a little more to create a more aggressive appearance. This masculine smile is considered ideal for the stronger sex, because it allows you to create the illusion of strength, success, and self-confidence.

Choice number 2: aesthetic braces made of sapphire and ceramics

Those who definitely can’t be embarrassed about photos of smiles with teeth are people who have highly aesthetic braces made of ceramic or artificial sapphire. Snow-white or almost transparent plates look like precious jewelry or a fashion accessory. They are neat, compact, smooth. And if they also come with a white-painted metal arch, the systems become almost invisible in the oral cavity.

Which celebrities have been seen wearing such orthodontic devices? In fact, the list of star patients can be continued endlessly. Here are just a few of them: Cristiano Ronaldo, Regina Todorenko, Timur Rodriguez, Paulina Andreeva, Danya Milokhin, Tom Cruise, Faith Hill, Prince Harry, Fantasia Barrino, Niall Horan, Cristiano Ronaldo, Estelle, Carrie Underwood.

Some people don't even think about being embarrassed about wearing braces.

Are you also thinking about installing aesthetic ceramic braces, but don’t know which one to choose? Especially for you, the editors of the UltraSmile.ru portal have prepared a review of the most popular models.

American actress and fashion model Dakota Fanning also wore them. The girl had serious bite pathologies, so she additionally had to undergo treatment using bulky orthodontic extraoral appliances, which she was not at all embarrassed about. In addition, the young actress loved to emphasize her individuality and the presence of braces in every possible way, choosing multi-colored ligatures to match them.

And Danny Glover installed aesthetic braces at the age of 62, which once again proves that it is never too late and not at all scary to correct your bite and improve your smile. Nobody will judge you for taking care of your health.

How to get the perfect smile?

The minimum required set for a perfect smile is a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and visits to the dentist twice a year. Unfortunately, today few people fulfill these requirements, and at a fairly young age people already suffer from diseases of the oral cavity, in which the smile is far from ideal. Even so, dentists use techniques to improve the aesthetics of your smile.

If you are unhappy with your smile, your dentist can help you fix it. First of all, determine what exactly you don't like. Depending on the problem, different treatment methods are used. In some cases, it is enough to do professional oral hygiene; in others, whitening will help.

Choice No. 3: vestibular metal devices

Metal braces are a classic of the genre. A reliable and time-tested option that copes even with serious bite pathologies. It is also very noticeable and conspicuous when you open your mouth, which many famous patients are not at all shy about. For example, stylist Vlad Lisovets, Niletto, Drew Barrymore, Cindy Crawford, Miley Cyrus, Gwen Stefani, Emma Watson have repeatedly demonstrated beautiful teeth in metal braces in their photos. Angelina Jolie, Alsou, Katy Perry, Madonna's daughter Lourdes, Cameron Diaz, Anna Mikhailovskaya, Beyonce, Kendall Jenner from the Kardashian family.

Niletto didn’t waste any time either

“Many of my favorite actresses have a beautiful smile, their teeth are always perfect in photos and videos. Of course, I think some people can’t do without Photoshop, but today it’s possible to look like the picture in real life. In general, I saw enough of the photos and set out to make myself beautiful teeth too. Why not? I’m no worse, I can definitely get braces, especially since there was a need for it. I wear, however, the simplest option - metal. More aesthetic records require more money. But I already see positive changes and I am immensely happy about it!” A.B, review from 32top.ru

Celebrities can be very brave. Thus, beautiful teeth in the photo and a magnificent smile with metal braces are what film star and Oscar winner Faye Dunaway did not hide from the public during treatment. The actress installed orthodontic appliances at the age of 61. And after the treatment, she calmly installed veneers, bringing her smile to perfection. As, by the way, many others do.

How are braces placed on teeth? About the stages and features that are important to pay attention to.

Many celebrities do not consider wearing braces something shameful; they are not ashamed of it at all. On the contrary, they emphasize that they understand the importance of orthodontic appliances for malocclusions. Many people note that after treatment, not only their smile changes, but headaches and jaw clicking go away, teeth grinding disappears, and their overall well-being improves. In general, the quality of life improves[1].

Of course, after all, with proper diagnosis and treatment by a professional doctor, the patient ultimately receives not only a beautiful face and smile, but also restores the normal functioning of muscles, ligaments and joints, and improves the full functioning of the TMJ.

Stars can use braces in their work

Some stars even popularize orthodontic treatment in their work. Thus, singer Katy Perry decided to morally support teenagers who are facing long-term orthodontic treatment by starring in the Last Friday Night video and showing the world that a girl with glands in her mouth can also become successful, popular and considered the most beautiful among her peers.

Also, most famous patients agree that taking care of health and appearance makes any person more attractive in the eyes of others. The stars believe that they have a beautiful smile even with braces, and therefore show photos of their teeth to their fans, and are also not shy about taking part in various photo shoots directly during the treatment period.


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[1] Mansur Yu.P. Orthodontic pathology as an aspect of the quality of life of adults. // Bulletin of Volgograd State Medical University. – 2015.

Lip line is an important factor

In addition to teeth, lips also play an important role in a smile. Even with the straightest and whitest teeth, unkempt lips will ruin the whole picture. Lips should be cared for in the same way as facial skin. It is necessary to moisturize and nourish them twice a day, and use a gentle lip scrub once or twice a week. The line and fullness of your lips are highly dependent on your bite, and if you don't like the shape of your lips, chances are you'll need to see an orthodontist to check for any possible malocclusions.

Celebrity Perfect Smiles

Public figures learn to smile the same way they learn to give speeches in public. There are exercises that allow you to develop the facial muscles involved in smiling (and there are more than a dozen of them). Among them are stretching your lips into a tube, exhaling air through it, trying to make a figure eight with this tube, as well as relaxing your lips and trying to stick your tongue out as far as possible. A beautiful smile is practiced in front of a mirror. The corners of the lips should be symmetrical, and only the ten upper teeth should be exposed. When you remember the position of the muscles in front of the mirror, close your eyes and bring the skill to automaticity.


My teeth look quite normal, even. Only a few teeth on the bottom row are out of line. Recently the need arose to place an implant underneath, but the doctor said braces first. Why would I wear such a system for several years just because of 2 crooked teeth?

Zhenya G. (12/21/2021 at 09:13 pm) Reply to comment

    Even a few crooked teeth can become an obstacle to high-quality implantation, as they can disrupt the functionality of the maxillofacial apparatus and contribute to improper distribution of the chewing load. It is also possible that there is not enough space on the jaw to install an implant and denture. Or, after the loss of a tooth, the neighboring ones have moved towards the empty space, and this situation needs to be corrected with braces. Please note that after installation and healing, implants become immobile, while the roots of real teeth can be moved. Accordingly, if problems with the TMJ subsequently arise, if clicks and clamps or other dysfunctions appear, it will no longer be possible to wear braces with implants. Accordingly, the doctor will not be able to be 100% sure of the quality of the work done. Therefore, it is better to correct any bite pathologies, if any, before installing implants. If in doubt, consult several specialists.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (12/22/2021 at 09:14) Reply to comment

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The thinnest plates: veneers and lumineers

If, in addition to the color of your teeth, you are not satisfied with their shape, restoration of the front teeth or a veneering procedure will help you.

Dentists have both therapeutic and orthopedic veneers in their arsenal. Therapeutic ones are more affordable, but also less durable: they can change color or chip over time. They are made from a composite material directly on the patient’s teeth and require extensive experience and skill of the doctor. In contrast, orthopedic porcelain veneers are made in a special laboratory and can last a lifetime. Different clinical cases require different degrees of grinding of the teeth, and by installing lumineers on the teeth, you can do without grinding and get a high aesthetic result.

Photos before and after installation of veneers at the SDent clinic by orthopedist I.V. Mamedov

Reasons for the development of malocclusion

Abnormal bite can occur under the influence of the following factors that provoke its development:

  • In children: thumb sucking and prolonged use of a pacifier.
  • Bad habits such as putting things in your mouth and chewing them.
  • The first baby teeth do not fall out for a long time.
  • Bruxism.
  • Wide gaps between the elements of the dentition.
  • Large gaps between teeth.
  • Complex respiratory diseases.
  • Pathological processes in the body that negatively affect bone development.
  • Poorly developed diet without solid food.
  • Side effects after prosthetics.
  • Loss of most of the elements of the dentition.

Many people with malocclusion often wonder: when is orthodontic intervention necessary to correct the situation? The situation can be corrected only after preliminary diagnostics. In some cases, it is needed if there are no obvious defects. Below we will consider cases when such measures cannot be avoided:

  • Direct closure of teeth during physiological occlusion, when it causes increased abrasion of tooth enamel.
  • With a progenic bite, a short upper lip makes the upper row of teeth too noticeable, spoiling the aesthetics of the smile.
  • If a person has too large front teeth of the correct shape with a progenic or biprognathic bite.
  • Impaired diction with mesial occlusion, when the lower jaw of a person is underdeveloped, which contributes to the overlap of the upper front teeth with the lower incisors.
  • With open pathology, there is no contact between most of the teeth when the jaws close. The anomaly is classified into lateral and frontal. The treatment method for each form is selected by the orthodontist individually for each patient.
  • With deep pathology, tooth enamel is quickly erased due to complete overlap of the lower teeth.
  • In a crossbite, one of the jaws is partially unformed. The situation is being corrected through comprehensive measures.

You can determine a person’s correct bite using photographs or by contacting a professional orthodontist.

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