What is the name of the doctor who puts braces on teeth?

Most orthodontic problems begin due to improper jaw development. The child’s myofunctional habits lead to malocclusion. Crooked teeth are difficult to clean properly and can ruin your smile. In hard-to-reach areas where the brush cannot reach, tartar forms, which leads to caries and sometimes to periodontitis. The unevenness affects the mandibular joint.

Correcting crooked teeth can be done not only in childhood or adolescence. In the Propricus network of clinics, appointments are conducted by orthopedic dentists and orthodontists, who have been restoring a beautiful smile to patients for many years. The clinic's doctors develop an orthodontic treatment plan for each patient. This problem can and should be dealt with by both adults and children. The sooner treatment begins, the better.

Why do teeth grow crooked?

Often children inherit not the best traits of their parents. If parents have a similar problem, the anomaly is likely to be passed on to the child. In addition to genetic predisposition, the deformity is provoked by a lack of vitamins and microelements in the diet of the expectant mother. The lack of solid food in the baby's menu, frequent mouth breathing, congenital anomalies - all this affects the formation of the dentition.

One of the common causes of malocclusion is thumb sucking in childhood. At school age, the child switches to sucking pens, pencils, and begins to bite his nails. Injuries and poor oral hygiene can also cause crooked teeth. Early loss of baby teeth can lead to crooked permanent teeth.

Problems with wisdom teeth

Initially, the dentition may be straight. If your dentist notices that it has started to become crooked, wisdom teeth may be the cause. Third molars displace adjacent teeth. But even after their removal, the dentition will no longer straighten on its own.

Often the eruption of eights occurs at the age of 20-25. If they have nowhere to erupt, they move their neighbors who are located in front. If before the appearance of figure eights the dentition was straight, then after their appearance orthodontic treatment may be necessary.

At a consultation appointment in our clinic, the doctor will assess the condition of the oral cavity. If necessary, he will remove third molars under anesthesia. You will not feel pain or discomfort. If you're self-conscious about your smile, it's time to make an appointment with an orthodontist.

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Loss of teeth

When removed, teeth tend to fill the void and take up free space. By bending and moving, they create the basis for the improper development of others. This causes crowding.

In this case, the permanent tooth, which no longer has a place where it should erupt, follows the path of least resistance. He takes a place that is convenient for him. The cause of abnormalities in adults is injury. Under the chewing load, the dentition constantly shifts towards an empty space. Even if your bite was perfect before, in this situation it will deteriorate.

Underdeveloped dental system

The distant ancestors of mankind had no problems with the dental system. This is because they ate solid food that was not thermally processed. Due to the fact that people now eat freeze-dried food, the dental system does not develop as it should. As a result, the number of teeth remains the same, and the jaws do not fully develop.

This leads to crowding and the development of malocclusions. A person should eat solid food from childhood. Prolonged sucking of pacifiers negatively affects the formation of the dentition system.

Installation Features

Before installing veneers, the dentist must tell the patient how the procedure will work. Reconstruction cannot be done in one visit. The duration of recovery depends on the number of teeth.

Procedure steps:

  • examination of teeth and selection of material according to individual characteristics (material, color, shape, etc.);
  • tooth treatment (removal of top enamel);
  • creating an impression for making a plate;
  • overlay of temporary veneers;
  • removal of temporary overlays and installation of manufactured plates.

Among all the advantages, installing veneers has a disadvantage - possible grinding of the natural crown. This is necessary to align the crown in relation to other teeth. If this procedure is required, the doctor must warn the patient in advance.

How to straighten teeth for an adult

If you think that an overbite is just unsightly, then you are mistaken. The anomaly is dangerous due to the uneven distribution of the chewing load. When chewing food, not only the dentition, but also the joints collapse.

To stay healthy and look good, you should not delay orthodontic treatment. Our clinic’s orthodontists install correction systems for patients of any age. The doctor, together with the patient, selects the correction method.

Basic methods of orthodontic treatment in adults:

Fixed structures

The most common correction method is to correct the bite using a braces system. They help correct pathologies of varying degrees. Even the heaviest ones. Fixed structures successfully cope with problems of the oral cavity, both physiological and aesthetic.

Our clinic uses different types of structures. For example, lingual or sapphire vestibular braces can be installed on the upper jaw. Visually they are invisible.

Combined treatment

If there are severe skeletal disorders and bite deformities, then the professional knowledge and skills of an orthodontist and surgeon are required. Doctors create a comprehensive treatment plan, which includes jaw surgery and correction with braces.

Correction with aligners, veneers, lumineers

Veneers are used to correct the anterior row. The downside of the structures is the need to grind down your own healthy teeth. Lumineers fit tighter and look more natural. There is no longer any need to endure discomfort from braces. Aligners are used to correct simple dental anomalies. They are smooth, transparent, and cannot be seen. This gentle correction method can completely replace braces.

The result of treatment does not depend on age. An experienced orthodontist will make your smile perfect, no matter your age. At the Propricus clinic they know everything about how to correct crooked teeth without pain. During the consultation, the doctor will select possible treatment options and tell you about the duration of the correction. Next, the decision is yours.

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Stages of treatment by an orthodontist

At the beginning of treatment, the specialist conducts a diagnosis, which largely determines the final result.

The patient goes through the following stages:

  1. Visual inspection. The doctor studies the symmetry of the face, shape, profile and features of the oral cavity. An assessment is made of the general appearance of the teeth and jaws. The movement of the jaw and the closure of teeth are studied. The examination helps to identify how severely the bite is deformed and determine how difficult and long the treatment will be.
  2. An oral x-ray gives a general picture of the condition of the jaws and teeth. The image shows features that may not be noticed during normal examination.
  3. Making plaster models based on dental impressions taken. The model shows the location of the teeth, all the cusps and pits of the jaw. The specialist measures the necessary parameters and determines possible deviations. All features of the planned design must be taken into account at this stage.

Having determined the diagnosis, the specialist decides on a method to correct the problem:

  • myotherapy - used only for small patients who are not allowed to have braces. Gymnastics of the jaws is carried out, during which children are given a correct bite that has not had time to form. The method cannot guarantee a 100% result. Gymnastics can also be used for adult patients when there are features that resist the use of other methods;
  • hardware - used for patients of any age. For adults, the adjustment will take one to two years longer than for children. The procedure itself takes about an hour. The doctor installs braces, plates or aligners;
  • surgical - used when there is no room in the mouth for teeth to grow or they are severely twisted.

How to straighten a child's teeth

In modern orthopedic dentistry, several methods are used to correct dental anomalies in children. You should contact an orthodontist at the age of 3-4 years. The doctor will be able to recognize abnormalities if they exist. An abnormal bite is treated by keeping the teeth in the correct position.

Braces are often used for correction. Special orthodontic locks are glued to the enamel surface and secured with an arch. They gradually shift the dentition into the correct position.

Also used:

  • Trainers are the most gentle method, they are made of silicone and are put on both jaws. If you use trainers daily, the treatment period is up to 1.5 years;
  • plates that correct bite - there are removable and non-removable plates; they are made of plastic with metal wire inserts; removable structures can be removed during meals and oral hygiene.

During the consultation, the orthodontist determines the possibility of straightening without braces. Alternative methods can be used when the patient is allergic to metal, when the gums are low, the whole row is not curved, that is, only 1-2 teeth are incorrectly positioned. Aligners cope with almost all occlusion defects. They allow treatment to be carried out comfortably and quickly.

What does an orthodontist treat?

A doctor of this specialty in dentistry in Otradnoye treats:

  • bite pathologies: mesial, distal, deep, straight, open, cross;
  • crooked teeth;
  • anomalies in the timing of tooth eruption: delayed eruption, late eruption, etc.
  • incorrect position of the tooth/teeth in the oral cavity, when one or more teeth are located abnormally, for example, outside the dentition;

The orthodontist also diagnoses abnormalities in the number, size, shape of teeth and refers the patient to related specialists for treatment: an orthopedist, a therapist, a surgeon.

How to straighten teeth with braces

Braces are installed in stages. Preparation and diagnosis are especially important. The doctor conducts an examination, comprehensive diagnostics, and makes impressions of both jaws. At the first stage, contraindications to the procedure are determined. If there are no restrictions, then the dentist performs sanitation of the oral cavity. Professional cleaning and treatment of carious teeth is a prerequisite before fixing structures.

When installing sapphire or ceramic braces, you must first whiten your teeth. The corrective action is carried out due to external pressure. The main role is assigned to the rigid arc. Therefore, doctors regularly replace one arch with another. Depending on the complexity of the deformity, correction takes up to 1.5 years.

Types of bracket systems:

  • metal - suitable for the most severe deformities; metal clasps provide more intense pressure, which reduces the duration of correction;
  • ceramic - made of polymer based on aluminum oxide, due to this the systems are transparent and invisible;
  • sapphire - made from a mineral that is grown under artificial conditions, such systems are hypoallergenic, durable, and resistant to coloring from food dyes.

Installing braces at the Propricus clinic will relieve you of pathologies of the dental system. Dental doctors begin treatment only after a comprehensive diagnosis. All changes and nuances are agreed with the patient. If any contraindications are found, the doctor will suggest you the most appropriate treatment.

When choosing sapphire models, keep in mind that this is the most expensive treatment. Metal systems are the most affordable correction method. To reduce costs, choose a turnkey braces installation service.

Surgical teeth straightening

Surgery can only correct an abnormal bite, but not straighten the teeth. Surgical intervention is used only in cases where orthodontic treatment is ineffective.

Indications for surgical correction of malocclusion include noticeable skeletal deformities, such as abnormal jaw or chin size.

The operation is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia. Its duration depends on the complexity of the clinical case. After surgery, the patient undergoes a rehabilitation period. He will be able to return to a full life in 3-4 weeks.

How to straighten teeth without braces

Patients are often reluctant to get braces due to the long treatment period and the visual appeal of iron clasps. Bite correction using aligners has become a very popular procedure.

Aligners are trays made of transparent and elastic material that are applied to the entire dentition. The patient can take them off and put them on independently. The principle of their influence is imperceptible, gradual pressure on the teeth. This points them in the right direction. The material does not injure the gums, mucous membranes, enamel, and does not cause allergies.

At a consultation appointment at the Propricus clinic, the doctor will tell you in detail about this treatment. During the entire treatment period, the patient is given several sets of mouth guards. Aligners are prescribed if crowding or large gaps are diagnosed, if the jaw moves forward.

Before correcting a crooked tooth with mouth guards, you also need to sanitize your mouth. The aligners themselves can be cleaned with toothpaste and a toothbrush. There are no food restrictions. The only thing is that you need to remove the aligners before eating and then rinse your mouth.

Reasons for visiting an orthodontist

You should consult a doctor called an orthodontist (he is the one who installs braces) in the following cases: violations of the aesthetics of the dentition, complications that arose after the prosthetic procedure or damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, malocclusion, frequent thumb sucking, speech disorders, twisted teeth, incorrect position of the upper or lower jaw.

A timely visit to a doctor will help in many cases to avoid prosthetics and eliminate the reasons that prevent this procedure.

Who are aligners suitable for?

In their work, the clinic’s doctors use aligners from the American company Invisalign. They are made of safe polymer and are absolutely safe for the body. The mouthguards are comfortable to wear and effective. The results of Invisalign treatment are comparable to the use of braces. They cope with all malocclusions. Aligners are installed for all patients, regardless of how old the patient is.

The main rule for successful treatment is to wear a mouthguard at least 20 hours a day. Propricus dentistry has everything you need to carry out orthodontic treatment by any method.

Which doctor puts on braces?

Patients often have a question: what is the name of a braces doctor? Bite anomalies are a field for the work of an orthodontist. Due to the rather narrow specialization of such a specialist, it is not always easy to find him.

The results of correcting the bite primarily depend on who puts the braces on, that is, on the qualifications of the doctor, as well as on the equipment of the dentistry where the treatment is carried out. If the doctor has correctly diagnosed and drawn up the correct correction plan, the patient can already count on successful treatment.

Some people are mistaken in believing that only young patients consult an orthodontist. After all, adults can also get braces. The only thing is that, due to the high density of dental tissue in adults, they will have to wear braces longer than children.

Do you want to correct your bite? We are waiting for you at the PROPRICUS clinic!

  • The leading expert of the clinic, Nana Gezalova, is doctor No. 1 in the Invisalign rating. This is a talented orthodontist with 15 years of experience and extensive experience working with Invisalign aligners. She personally trains the clinic’s orthodontists and strictly controls the quality of treatment for each patient.
  • We never change the cost of treatment after signing the contract. The price of treatment does not increase, even if the dollar exchange rate has changed.
  • The clinic’s specialists continuously improve their knowledge and skills, participate in international conferences, and communicate with foreign colleagues.
  • We use advanced equipment and regularly update our technical fleet.
  • We don’t just straighten teeth, but work comprehensively to ensure healthy jaw joints, correct bite and high aesthetics.

How to choose a doctor and clinic

Before undergoing this dental procedure, you should pay attention to which doctor installs veneers. Not every specialist can provide this service.

A dental clinic must have certificates and licenses that allow it to carry out manipulations of this nature. Also, the staff must officially have a doctor with appropriate qualifications.

Which doctor puts veneers on teeth? This procedure cannot be performed by a general dentist. The specialist may be a dental surgeon or an implantologist, but the doctor must be qualified as an orthopedist.

Clinic “A - Medic” in Moscow is a dental center that has been providing implantology services for several years. We offer installation of high-quality veneers (ceramic, composite, lumineers, etc.) with a service life guarantee.

The clinic often holds promotions and discounts that allow you to get the “smile of your dreams” at an affordable price. On the website you can see prices for services, see photos of our patients before and after the procedure, and also read reviews about the work of specialists and the results of services provided in the clinic.

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