Sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth: review of popular series and reviews

Most people have encountered the problem of sensitive teeth at least once in their lives. With increased tooth sensitivity, a person cannot normally eat hot food or drink cold drinks.

Cold air, brushing teeth and eating hard or sour foods also cause discomfort. Sensodyne toothpaste, which is produced using a specially developed formula, can solve the problem.

About the manufacturer

Sensodyne toothpaste is produced by GlaxoSmithKline, which is now known throughout the world.
The manufacturer has a good reputation; its representative offices are located in 115 countries. Today, GSK owns 70 pharmaceutical plants. In addition, the company has 20 laboratories at its disposal, where new products are constantly being developed.

The company studies the needs of its customers in detail and produces products of high quality.

Especially for sensitive teeth

Because GSK cares about its customers, today a whole line of Sensodyne toothpastes has been developed for sensitive teeth.

Different types of paste differ in composition and formula. A wide selection of Sensodyne toothpastes helps relieve excessive sensitivity and solve other problems of teeth and gums.

The line includes the following types of toothpaste:

  • classical;
  • with fluorine;
  • for comprehensive protection;
  • whitening;
  • fast-acting;
  • for protection against acid erosion.

The use of Sensodyne toothpaste, regardless of the type, helps eliminate dental pain, removes plaque well, destroys bacteria and prevents the development of caries, and makes your breath fresh for a long time.

Causes of hypersensitivity development –

First of all, this problem is associated with the thinning of the enamel layer in the area of ​​​​the necks of the teeth, or with the exposure of the roots of the teeth and the thinning of the “cement” layer located on their surface.
As a result, a deeper layer of tooth tissue is exposed - dentin, which is located immediately under the enamel and cement. Dentin microscopically consists of dentinal tubes in which fluid circulates. If the dentin is not covered with enamel and cement on top, then thermal and other irritants can sharply increase the speed of fluid flow through the dentinal tubules, which ultimately leads to irritation of the nerve endings in the dental pulp and the occurrence of pain. The trigger for the development of pain (in the presence of dentin exposure) can be the consumption of acidic foods and drinks, the use of whitening toothpastes, etc.

Classic toothpaste

Sensodyne Classic does not contain fluoride, so it can be used to treat and prevent tooth sensitivity over a long period. This type of paste is also allowed to be used by children over 6 years old under adult supervision.

For the results of the paste to be noticeable, you need to brush your teeth 2-3 times a day.

Classic Sensodyne toothpaste provides:

  • careful care of gums and teeth;
  • gentle plaque cleansing;
  • fresh breath;
  • decreased sensitivity.

Consumer Opinion

From people's reviews of Sensodyne Classic paste.

She suffered from increased sensitivity of her teeth, and her gums sometimes bled. I decided to try Sensodyne Classic and was pleasantly surprised by the results. Within a week I forgot about bleeding gums, and my teeth stopped reacting sharply to cold and hot.

Now the whole family uses this paste. An undoubted advantage is that the child can brush his teeth with it.

Ekaterina, 30 years old

I accidentally came across Sensodyne paste in the supermarket. Since the price is affordable for me, I decided to try it. An excellent paste that relieves sensitivity and provides fresh breath all day long. I plan to try other types of this toothpaste in the future.

Mikhail, 35 years old

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the toothpaste include its effectiveness, quick and lasting effect, the ability to use daily, and the simultaneous solution of several dental problems.

The disadvantage of the paste can be considered its high price, compared to the market average, however, it is fully justified by the therapeutic effect of the paste.

Many people notice that hypersensitivity increases after stopping use. Another disadvantage is that it cannot be used by children under 12 years of age, or only with the permission of a dentist. Pro namel for children paste has been created for children over 6 years old, and Classic Sensodyne is also suitable for them.

Category Hygiene Published by Mister stomatolog

Features of Sensodyne F paste

A toothpaste containing sodium fluoride is available under the name Sensodyne F. This type of paste is used more for medicinal purposes, although it can also be used for prevention.

Thanks to its special composition, Sensodyne F not only reduces the threshold of sensitivity to external stimuli, but also has anti-caries properties.

Low abrasiveness ensures gentle removal of plaque from teeth and necks. Has no destructive effect on dentin. Regular use guarantees reduced sensitivity, protection against caries and fresh breath.

A word to consumers

Previously, I could not eat acidic foods because my front teeth were highly sensitive. Sensodyne toothpaste with fluoride helped me forget about the problem. I am glad that I can enjoy the taste of all products.

Oksana, 27 years old

Sensodyne paste with fluoride was recommended to me by my dentist. I noticed a decrease in sensitivity already on the second day, and after a week I could safely eat both cold and hot, as well as sour.

Victoria, 38 years old


The therapeutic and prophylactic effect, guaranteed by manufacturers when using Sensodyne products, is achieved due to the optimal composition, which includes the following components:

  • Sodium fluoride is the main active ingredient in toothpaste. Fights the formation of bacterial plaque, saturates the enamel with useful elements and increases its resistance to adverse external influences.
  • Silicon is a key abrasive that effectively removes soft deposits from tooth surfaces without damaging them.
  • Potassium nitrate and chloride help reduce the susceptibility of nerve endings, reducing pain when eating cold and hot foods.
  • Fluoride protects enamel from caries, strengthening it, and also maintains the natural acidity of saliva.
  • Strontium acetate causes blockage of dentinal tubules, which helps reduce tooth sensitivity.
  • Plant extracts have a healing effect on the oral mucosa and help freshen breath.

In addition to the active ingredients, the paste contains many auxiliary elements that give it the necessary thickness and viscosity, improve foaming ability, and add a pleasant aroma and taste.

Comprehensive protection

The peculiarity of Sensodyne Total Care toothpaste lies in its unique composition.

The main components are:

  • potassium chloride blocks nerve impulses, thereby reducing pain;
  • fluoride strengthens enamel and protects exposed areas from the development of caries;
  • zinc citrate prevents bacterial growth;
  • Vitamins B5 and E strengthen gums and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The components of the paste relieve inflammation of the gums, and also eliminate the painful syndrome that occurs as a reaction to an external irritant. Recommended for use for problems with teeth and gums.

The high effectiveness of the paste is guaranteed only with daily use.

Practice, practice and only that

Consumer Thoughts.

On the recommendation of a doctor, I bought Sensodyne Complex Protection. Thanks to the content of essential minerals, the paste actually protects teeth from corrosion and helps solve gum problems.

Victor, 40 years old

Sensodyne toothpaste helped me get rid of sensitive and bleeding gums. The high cost of the paste is fully justified.

Nina, 31 years old

Product line

The Sensodine company produces a large number of pastes aimed at maintaining oral health. The general purpose of these products is to protect sensitive teeth.

In addition, each paste performs additional functions - it lightens the enamel, fights the formation of caries or reduces bleeding gums.


Sensodyne “Classic” is recommended by dentists for daily use with a slight increase in the sensitivity of teeth to temperatures.

This paste does not contain fluoride, so it can be used not only by adults, but also by children.

The product effectively removes soft plaque, helps freshen breath and fights inflammation of periodontal tissue. There are no restrictions on the use of the paste - it can be used three or more times a day.

The average cost of Sensodyne “Classic” paste is 150-170 rubles.

Sensodyne F

Sensodyne F contains fluorine, so it is used to prevent or treat deficiency of this element in the human body.

Most often, a lack of fluoride manifests itself in reduced enamel strength, its tendency to form carious lesions and increased susceptibility to various types of external influences.

Sensodyne F toothpaste saturates the enamel with the missing elements, increasing its strength and relieving pain. Due to its low abrasiveness, it removes plaque without damaging sensitive enamel.

The cost of the product starts from 160 rubles.

Gum Care

The product, called Sensodyne "Gum Care", is designed to eliminate periodontal inflammation and protect gum tissue.

The paste fights microbes that cause damage to the mucous membrane of the gums, prevents their accumulation and further reproduction, and also protects against recurrence over a certain period.

With daily use for two months, the trophism of the gums significantly improves, their regeneration occurs and the risk of recession is practically eliminated.

The average price of the product is 180-200 rubles.

Total Care

Sensodyne “Comprehensive Protection” is positioned as a remedy that prevents and stops the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, reduces the sensitivity of the enamel and eliminates plaque from it.

It contains elements such as zinc, fluorine, potassium chloride and vitamins of group E. The combination of these components relieves pain by acting on the endings of nerve fibers.

To get the effect, the manufacturer recommends using the paste daily for two months.

The cost of this product ranges from 270-300 rubles.

Complete Protection

The drug "Complete Protection" has a complex effect on the oral cavity due to the high content of active components.

This paste saturates teeth and gums with essential vitamins and minerals, reduces their sensitivity and bleeding, prevents the development of caries and stops inflammatory processes occurring in the mouth.

Daily use helps reduce pain when eating cold and hot food and drinks.

The cost of the product reaches 380-400 rubles.

What is catarrhal gingivitis and how to get rid of it. Visit here to learn more about oral leukoplakia.

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Full Protection

Sensodyne “Full Protection” provides maximum protection of the oral cavity from negative external influences.

It is aimed at performing the following tasks:

  • removal of soft and hard bacterial plaque;
  • saturation of dentin with minerals;
  • elimination of enamel darkening;
  • relief of pain;
  • reducing tooth sensitivity and increasing their strength;
  • long-term provision of fresh breath.

The cost of such a treatment and prophylactic drug is about 450 rubles.


Sensodyne “Whitening” is a low-abrasive toothpaste, the purpose of which is to remove plaque and pigmented areas of enamel, as well as prevent their further occurrence.

Thanks to the sodium nitrate included in the composition, the sensitivity of molars is reduced and they are protected from external irritants.

Sodium fluoride present in the preparation strengthens the tooth surface and prevents the formation of carious lesions on it.

The cost of such a product is 150-170 rubles.

Gentle Whitening

Sensodyne "Gentle Whitening" contains a minimal amount of abrasive substances, so the product is recommended for use by people with sensitive teeth.

The product provides a slight lightening of the tone of the tooth surface. The first result is noticeable after two weeks of daily use.

The price in stores and pharmacies is 280-300 rubles.

Extra Whitening

According to the information, it is a product intended for whitening the tooth surface by several tones in a short period of time.

Thanks to a large number of active elements, this paste eliminates pain and sensitivity of enamel to different temperatures, and also protects against the formation of carious cavities and destruction.

The manufacturer recommends using the paste at least twice a day. Its cost reaches 400 rubles.

True White

True White is a relatively new product in the Sensodyne line. A specially selected complex of components allows you to combat enamel darkening resulting from frequent use of coloring products and smoking.

Substances that block nerve endings prevent pain and hypersensitivity.

In addition, regular use of the paste helps to soften and gradually remove mineralized deposits on the enamel surface.

The average cost of this product reaches 550 rubles.

Repair & Protect

This Sensodyne brand product is designed to restore damaged enamel, remineralize it and strengthen the upper layers of the tooth.

Dentists recommend using this paste for patients who have undergone in-office teeth cleaning, as well as for cases of damage to the outer and inner layers of dental tissue.

A month of using the product leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the enamel without further returning to its original state.

The cost of the drug is 320-350 rubles.

Rapid Action

The “Rapid Action” dental product is designed for instant relief of pain symptoms and is often prescribed by dentists when the enamel is highly susceptible to various irritants.

To get quick results, you can rub a small amount of the product into the tooth enamel - this will help block nerve endings and eliminate pain.

For medicinal purposes, the paste is used for at least three days. The frequency of brushing your teeth should not exceed twice a day.

The cost of the product averages 250-280 rubles.


The special composition of the ProNamel paste allows it to prevent the process of enamel destruction and restore damaged areas.

Thanks to a carefully selected set of elements, when brushing your teeth, a protective film is formed on the tooth surface, which promotes the remineralization of enamel and prevents the impact of bacteria and their metabolic products.

Dentists recommend using this paste after reaching 12 years of age due to the fluoride content it contains.

The cost of the product is 350-450 rubles.


In addition to relieving the sensation of pain, Sensodyne “Fresh” paste provides fresh breath for 10-12 hours after its use.

Depending on the variety of this product, the mint flavor may be more or less pronounced. The paste is indicated for daily use and can be used by both adults and children.

Its cost in pharmacies ranges from 170 to 250 rubles.

The video presents a dentist's review of Sensodyne toothpaste.

Sensodyne Rapid Action

Sensodyne “Instant Effect” toothpaste has a unique feature - it creates a protective film on the surface of the teeth, which allows you to solve the problem of sensitive teeth.

Thanks to this, the paste has a fast action. After the first time, it reduces sensitivity, but to achieve high effectiveness, you should brush your teeth daily for a long period.

The manufacturer recommends brushing your teeth 2-3 times a day, and be sure to rinse your mouth well after completing the procedure.

Another feature of the fast-acting paste is that it can relieve pain caused by irritant foods. To do this, apply a small amount of paste to the teeth and massage for a minute.

After this, you can safely eat any food without fear of pain.

People's thoughts

What consumers think about Sensodyne toothpaste Instant effect can be found out by studying numerous reviews.

During my second pregnancy I experienced severe tooth sensitivity. I complained to the dentist, who advised me to purchase Sensodyne Instant Effect. At first I thought it was just another publicity stunt, but I decided to try it. Soon the pain when eating cold and hot food subsided.

Vera, 32 years old

I usually don't believe in TV advertising, but recently I decided to buy Sensodyne Instant Effect. I was pleased with the result, because the very next day the sensitivity that I have been suffering from for a long time decreased.

Tatyana, 37 years old

Whitening - high-quality whitening

Whitening Sensodyne can be used for a long time, since it does not contain coarse abrasives and does not damage dentin. A specially developed formula allows you to get rid of plaque and dark spots on your teeth.

Customers notice visible whitening results after 2 weeks of regular use.

The unique composition and daily use allows you to see the following results:

  • reliable protection against caries provided by sodium fluoride;
  • feeling of freshness for the whole day;
  • reducing the occurrence of pain in response to irritants;
  • whitening effect.

They are happy

Friends recommended Sensodyne with a whitening effect, so I decided to test the effectiveness for myself. At first I didn’t notice any visible results, but after a month my teeth really became whiter. Of course, I did not become the owner of a Hollywood smile, but the sensitivity of my teeth decreased and they became lighter.

Vladimir, 21 years old

As a girl, I always wanted to have a beautiful smile, but the yellowness on my teeth forced me to hide them from prying eyes. After using Sensodyne Whitening for a long time, my teeth became whiter and more beautiful and I can now smile widely. All my complexes are in the past.

Marina, 25 years old

For protection against acid corrosion

Sensodyne ProNamel is specially formulated to protect teeth from acid corrosion. The peculiarity of this paste is that it remineralizes weakened areas of tooth enamel. In addition, it contains fluoride, which ensures the restoration and strengthening of tooth enamel.

Potassium nitrate content reduces tooth sensitivity. The paste does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, which contributes to the destruction of dentin.

With regular use, a durable film is formed on the surface of the teeth, providing reliable protection against the aggressive effects of food acids.

I have been using Sensodyne Pronamel for more than a year, and I am very pleased with the results. I forgot about sensitive teeth and bleeding gums. I recommend her to everyone I know.

Anastasia, 18 years old

Products from other manufacturers

Other companies also make toothpastes for sensitive teeth. The following tools are especially popular:

  1. Lacalut Sensitive is a product of a German company. The paste is highly effective because it contains all the necessary minerals that create a protective film on the teeth. But it has a high cost.
  2. Presedent Sensitive is also a German product, but has a more affordable price. It reduces pain well, for which it was recognized as one of the best.
  3. SILCA Complete Sensitive contains potassium citrate, which blocks nerve impulses. A paste from an Italian manufacturer promotes the mineralization of tooth enamel.
  4. New pearls for sensitive teeth – developed by a domestic manufacturer. It has an affordable price, but to feel the effect you need to use the paste regularly and for a long time.

Which brand should you choose?

There is a wide range of oral health products on the market. Most of the compositions are suitable only for hygiene. A small part of the drugs has a medicinal effect. At the same time, there are expensive branded and budget products. But saving is inappropriate here.

Some specimens contain components in the recipe that can quickly eliminate symptoms. You will feel relief immediately after use. But this is not enough. We need a complex impact. It is the development of such formulas that significantly increases the cost of products. At the same time, you not only relieve symptoms, but also treat your teeth. We list the most popular products recommended by dentists:

  • Lacalut;
  • Splat;
  • Sensodyne;
  • PresiDENT;
  • Colgate;
  • ROCS;
  • BLANX;
  • Vitex.

Toothpastes designed for sensitive teeth have a number of features:

  • Low abrasiveness index (RDA). It varies between 25-35 RDA. For clarity, let’s say that preventive products have an index of about 75 RDA, and whitening products have an index of 100-120 RDA.
  • Use of active components. The most commonly used substances are zinc, strontium, potassium, calcium and arginine. Their presence in the composition is one of the signs of quality. But the elements have different mechanisms of action, which means they differ in effectiveness.
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