Teeth whitening pencil – reviews from dentists about popular types


Looking for an alternative to expensive teeth whitening at dental clinics, most people ask the question: “Is it possible to get a snow-white smile without the help of professionals?”

The innovative technology that introduced the whitening pencil to the world has made it possible for people to lighten their tooth enamel a couple of shades, while providing proper gum care in the usual conditions. What is so remarkable about the pencil?

General information

All whitening products differ from each other in form, manufacturer, composition, application method, design solution and, accordingly, price.

Outwardly, they can look like a pen, lipstick, pencil, bottle, container with soft brushes at the end.

The internal filler is a whitening composition with a gel-like consistency based on carbamide peroxide or traditional hydrogen peroxide.

Thanks to its ease of use and compactness, you can effortlessly and effectively whiten your teeth enamel a couple of shades. The product is sold in a pharmacy or at a discount in an online store.


A whitening pencil is an effective way to brighten your smile by several shades. In contrast, not all at-home whitening systems produce noticeable results. In appearance, the pencil resembles a regular felt-tip pen. It is easy to use and approved for use even with enamel hypersensitivity.

Positive properties of the drug when lightening teeth:

  • strengthening the enamel, which creates additional protection for the enamel from caries and other destructive processes;
  • reducing the risk of gum injury;
  • Possibility of use in case of emergency.

Teeth whitening pencils are easy to hold in your hands and are no larger than a regular fountain pen. Some types of products are equipped with a built-in brush or applicator for applying whitening gel.

The effectiveness of a particular drug depends on the concentration of the bleaching agent in the gel. In the process of creating whitening pencils, 2 types of active substances are used:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Comes into contact well with bacterial plaque and pigment on teeth. A small amount of peroxide is sufficient for the whitening procedure. It is possible to safely lighten teeth with gels that contain hydrogen peroxide in no more than 12% concentration. They do not injure the surface of the teeth, but contribute to effective lightening of their surface. Before using products that contain hydrogen peroxide, you must study the instructions for their use.
  • Carbamide peroxide. It is less effective than peroxide, but has a gentler effect on the surface of the teeth. Lightening of problem areas is carried out due to the urea contained in preparations with urea. Carbamide peroxide is usually found in pencils in no more than 15% concentration.

Operating principle

The active ingredient in all whitening pencils is carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide, familiar to everyone from childhood. The first component is essentially the same hydrogen peroxide, but also contains urea residues.

The beneficial effect of peroxide on enamel is achieved through conventional chemical processes. After applying the composition to the teeth, urea reacts with saliva, then breaks down into active oxygen and water, penetrating into all the pores of the enamel.

The coloring pigments deposited in the depths of the pores are broken down by oxygen, washed to the surface with water and then removed by saliva. The ability of oxygen to remain in dental tissues, while maintaining its properties, prolongs the whitening process by 10 days or more.

Peculiarity. Carbamide peroxide functions more slowly, but due to its higher concentration and gradual conversion of urea into hydrogen peroxide, it is more effective and does not damage the gums.

How safe is teeth whitening with soda, reviews from dentists and patients.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of whitening toothpastes here.

At this address https://zubovv.ru/krasota-i-uxod/otbelivanie/ofisnoe/poleznaya-informatsiya-pro-laki-dlya.html we will talk about the effect of dental varnish.

general information

Enamel covers all healthy teeth; over time, under the influence of negative external factors (mechanical damage, solid food, dental procedures, and much more), the protective forces weaken and microcracks appear. Residues of food and drinks penetrate into these damages, leaving an unpleasant yellow or gray tint on the enamel.

It was for the bleaching of pigment residues in microcracks of the tooth that the bright white whitening pencil was invented. The ideally balanced composition of the gel contained in the device will eliminate the yellowness of teeth without difficulty and effort, no worse than a similar procedure at the dentist. Thanks to this unusual pencil, you will save money and time.


Only a dentist can assess the condition of tooth enamel and find out the safety level of the chosen whitening product.

Whitening pencils and strips have a number of contraindications for use, which can cause damage to tooth enamel, ineffectiveness or health problems.

You cannot bleach:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 18 years of age due to the immaturity of tooth enamel during its formation;
  • for diseases of the gums and mucous membranes;
  • for caries, periodontal disease;
  • if tetracycline teeth or fluorosis;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug (allergies);
  • if you have piercings in the mouth or cheeks;
  • while wearing braces;
  • in the presence of veneers, fillings and crowns in the visible area;
  • when hypersensitive enamel.

Instructions for use

The effectiveness of home whitening depends on the systematic and regular use of the pencil. The more responsible your oral care is, the less you will need to use whitening gels.

Approximately, depending on the manufacturer, sessions are performed daily one or several times for 7 or 14 days. The procedure for using a whitening pencil begins with what you need:

  1. Wipe the tooth surface with a dry sterile cloth, after rinsing your mouth with water.
  2. Use dental chopsticks to get rid of possible food debris. Brushing your teeth before applying the gel is optional.
  3. After uncorking the pencil, turn the dispenser until the gel appears and you can apply the product.
  4. Make a wide smile and apply the composition in an equal thin layer to the upper surface of the upper and lower teeth.
  5. If possible, keep your mouth open for about 2-5 minutes.
  6. Remove excess gel with a napkin, do not eat or drink for about half an hour. Judging by what is indicated in the instructions, additional rinsing with water may be necessary.

Important! Immediately after treating the surface of the teeth, foam formation may occur, which is quite normal, given the reaction of the gel. It is important to follow the directions for use on the packaging.

For guaranteed results and a snow-white smile, you should completely avoid tea, coffee, drinks with dyes, and smoking.

Watch the video on how to properly use a teeth whitening pencil.

Precautionary measures

Do not keep the gel on your teeth longer than indicated in the instructions. On average, manufacturers indicate a period from 1 to 12 minutes.

Failure to follow these rules can lead to irritation on the gums and mucous membranes, and the protective layer of tooth enamel may also be damaged.


  1. During the procedure, you cannot relax your lips or close your mouth - the task is not difficult and quite doable. You just need to smile widely while the pencil brightens your teeth.
  2. You should not swallow the gel, as its purpose is purely cosmetic.
  3. You also need to be careful to prevent the product from getting into the eye mucosa.

How to use?

Usually the gel is applied to dry teeth and left to dry for a while. After using the whitening composition, you will be able to brush your teeth only after a few hours. The entire set of procedures includes at least 7-14 doses (that is, it is quite acceptable to apply the gel in the morning and evening).

The break between courses is at least two months.

Of course, in order for the entire procedure to be safe and not harm the gums and enamel, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • You should always follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer and not resort to the procedure more often than prescribed;
  • Today, many companies produce such teeth whitening pencils, but not all of them prove their effectiveness in practice; you should give preference only to well-known brands that have passed expert testing;
  • If you have carious damage to your teeth, as well as damage to your gums or enamel, you should abandon this method.

Possible consequences

In an effort to achieve instant whitening, some people may become overzealous, using a special pencil almost hourly. Such erroneous actions can lead to tooth enamel starting to deteriorate within a couple of days.

In some cases, even precisely dosed use of bleach can provoke:

  1. Increased sensitivity of teeth. This feature is mentioned in the instructions of most manufacturers of whitening products.
    It is especially unpleasant when sensitivity worsens with repeated use of the product. Using special toothpastes for sensitive teeth helps to cope with this.
  2. Destruction of enamel. Along with excessive use, enamel destruction can occur if a person has cracks or caries in their teeth. The pencil will only aggravate the disease.
  3. Conditional lightening of tooth enamel. It is expressed in the ineffectiveness of the result or the insignificant effect of the procedure. In this case, professional whitening, giving up coffee and smoking will help.

Important! Whitening pencil is a medical product, not a harmless cosmetic product. Failure to follow user instructions is unacceptable.


Vasilisa, 24 years old.. I use a professional Glouble White pencil because my teeth began to turn yellow with age. I didn’t immediately notice the effect of its use, but I was pleased with the end result. The enamel has lightened by 2-3 tones.

Alexey, 40. The enamel of my teeth leaves much to be desired due to the fact that I drink coffee and smoke a lot. I bought a whitening pencil and noticed results from using it within a week. The result, unfortunately, did not last even a month due to the fact that I was never able to give up smoking.

Marina, 19 years old. I didn't really like the whitening pencils because they lighten the enamel very slowly. I think it is only suitable for removing food plaque, and it will not help people with naturally yellow teeth.


Efficiency and accessibility! Allows you to achieve a visible whitening result - removes dark plaque from teeth, cancels the effects of dyes, cleans yellow stains from coffee and smoking.

The structure of the whitening pencil makes it possible to distribute the gel even into the space between the teeth, ensuring an even result.

  1. Convenience and simplicity. Whitening can be carried out in any secluded corner, at a time convenient for the user - at work, on vacation, at home and on a business trip. Thanks to the dispenser, the amount of squeezed out gel can be adjusted with enviable precision.
  2. Affordable price when compared with laser whitening services in a dental office.
  3. Safety. The whitening process lasts about two weeks, so the active ingredients, including hydrogen peroxide, do not pose a threat to either the properties of the enamel or the health of the teeth.
  4. Practicality and hygiene. Along with priority components, whitening pencils contain remineralizing and fluoride components that protect teeth and contain antibacterial components.
    This has a hygienic effect, as it allows you to freshen your breath, clean your teeth and remove soft plaque.

The operating principle of Amazing White whitening, advantages and disadvantages of the method.

In this publication we will talk about teeth whitening using hydrogen peroxide.

Follow the link https://zubovv.ru/krasota-i-uxod/otbelivanie/domashnee/chem-bezopasno.html to find out how you can whiten your teeth at home.


All whitening products also have some disadvantages, namely:

  • Reduction of the enamel layer. Occurs if you neglect to consult a dentist before use, or as a result of violation of the frequency of application.
  • Increased level of sensitivity. Teeth may remain too sensitive to irritants and even fresh air after a course of using the gel.
  • Inconvenient to use. Despite the compactness of the product, not everyone considers it appropriate to stay for 1-10 minutes with your mouth open.
  • Unpleasant sensations. The reaction of hydrogen peroxide in the oral cavity is quite aggressive, so some end the procedure prematurely.


In addition to peroxide and peroxide, whitening products may also contain other additional substances: antibacterial components, flavors, catalysts, reagents. Their main goal is to neutralize active substances and reduce harmful effects on the surface of teeth. Additionally, they provide protection to elements from destruction under the influence of pathogenic agents.

Antibacterial substances freshen breath and prevent inflammatory gum diseases. Regents lighten plaque and tartar. Dentists advise patients to choose for home procedures those pencils that contain peroxide rather than hydrogen peroxide. In this case, the risks of negative consequences when whitening your teeth yourself are minimized.

If the concentration of peroxide in the pencil is too high, then there may be a risk of damage to the enamel along with periodontal tissues. Elements with thin and fragile enamel are especially susceptible to the effects of aggressive chemicals.

Manufacturers and prices

In the manufacturing process, modern manufacturers of whitening pencils use the most innovative and advanced technologies that incorporate all the best in world dentistry.

Bright White

A 2.5 ml whitening gel pencil contains 12% hydrogen peroxide, glycerin, peppermint oil, 1.2-prorylene glycol and triethanolamine. A scale is included in the kit.

The visible effect appears after the 5th session, reaching its apogee after two weeks. It has the property of increasing tooth sensitivity, lasts for about a year and costs from 450-700 rubles.

Teeth whitening pen

The product of American origin “Teeth whitening pen” is recommended for use after whitening in a professional setting. The substance contains: carbamide peroxide 10%, carbomer, peppermint oil, triethanolamine.

As an independent means for teeth whitening, it is ineffective and does not need to be rinsed off. The price varies from 700 to 1300 rubles.

Luxury White PRO

The content of carbamide peroxide in Luxure PRO is 35%. The effectiveness of this professional drug according to the Witt scale is quite high - 4-6 tones.

The features of the pencil include quick drying on the enamel, no need to rinse off the product, and low urea content.

The cost of a pearl smile will cost 1000-1800 rubles.


The active ingredient in HollywoodSmile is an acidic peroxide that can penetrate deep layers of tooth enamel, thereby providing whitening from the inside and out. The gel contains triethanolamine, glycerin, carbomer and mint extract in equal proportions. Country of origin: South Korea.

Guaranteed whitening of 3-4 tones, subject to three weeks of use. Price from 500 rub.


The joint Russian-Swiss product is designed to remove coloring pigment from tooth enamel. Production is based on the patented TRS-1010 technology containing polishing crystals.

Effective against coffee, wine and cigarette stains. Polishing brushes are located on both sides of the pencil, which makes it possible to whiten the side surfaces of the teeth. Price 200-400 rub. Bliq

Small-sized pencil Blik, jointly produced by the Italian-Korean company. The small, cylindrical pencil is filled with a thick gel that prevents the bleach from spreading onto your gums.

The active element is carbamide peroxide. Whitening course is approximately 2-3 weeks, 30 seconds per procedure. Whitens teeth by 3-5 shades. The price varies from 1700 to 2000 rubles.

Yotuel whitening pen

Thanks to Italian manufacturers, you can instantly whiten your teeth by 1-2 shades and at the same time protect the enamel from damage.

The original shapes of whitening pencils allow you to carry them with you in your pocket or purse. Men will like the specific fountain pen, ladies will appreciate the lipstick-shaped design. The main component is carbamide peroxide.

Does not require rinsing, removes pigmentation on enamel well. The product is estimated at 400-500 rubles.

White Kiss

White Kiss whitening pencil made in Spain contains 10% carbamide peroxide. It is recommended as a standalone whitening agent that allows you to lighten tooth enamel in 10 days.

The composition includes mineral-forming components - potassium fluoride and xylitol, which prevents exacerbation of sensitivity. The cost of a pencil in pharmacies ranges from 900 to 1500 rubles.

Crestal 3D White

The active ingredient in the gel is 3% hydrogen peroxide. The advantage of the product is its speed and the need to hold the whitening agent on the surface of the teeth for no more than 40-60 seconds. There is no need to wash off the drug.

Enamel whitening reaches 3-4 tones, unpleasant odor is eliminated. Sold as a pencil and whitening strips.

The price varies from 500 to 950 rubles.

Listerine Whitening Pen

Global manufacturer Johnson & Johnson offers a whitening pencil that guarantees lightening of tooth enamel by 2-4 shades. The course is aimed at one-time use per day for 2 weeks.

Along with active ingredients, the product contains flavors and antibacterial agents to freshen breath and eliminate bacteria. Starting price from 700 rub.

White globe

Manufacturers include 7 strips for additional whitening with the White glo pencil . If used for 2 weeks no more than 2 times a day, a pearly smile is guaranteed.

In addition to 6% hydrogen peroxide, the gel contains triethanolamine, mint oil composition, and glycerin. The set costs approximately 800-900 rubles.

A warning to dentists about violating the instructions for use is in the video.

Features of use

The main advantage of using whitening pencils is ease of use.

. The application procedure may differ slightly for different manufacturers, but it can be roughly divided into several stages:

  1. First, rinse your mouth to remove any remaining food and wipe your teeth with a dry cloth.
  2. After this, squeeze out a few drops of the gel using the built-in dispenser and apply it to your teeth, while smiling broadly.
  3. Then the composition remains for some time, which depends on each specific manufacturer: from a few seconds to ten minutes. During this period, you cannot close your mouth and relax your muscles so that oxygen reaches your teeth, which interacts with the main substances of the gel and acts only under such conditions.
  4. After finishing, wipe everything with a dry cloth.

Thus, the entire procedure takes only 10-15 minutes in total.

. But when using such a pencil, you need to take into account some nuances:

  • It is recommended to use it after a meal, or even better – half an hour after it;
  • For more effective use, manufacturers recommend a two-week course (no more than 2 times a day), followed by a mandatory break.
  • To obtain 100% effect, cigarettes, coffee and tea, brightly colored drinks (cola, Fanta, concentrated juices, etc.) are excluded. Otherwise, the use will be reduced to zero, especially considering the fact that teeth become more sensitive to such influences during use.

In any case, this remedy is not a panacea, and will not be able to permanently get rid of yellow teeth, if only for the simple reason that for some people the natural shade of tooth enamel is far from boiling white. And if you regularly “pamper” yourself with cigarettes and coffee and do not observe basic oral hygiene, no means will give a special, let alone lasting, result.

But if you decide to try out the effects of such a home whitening procedure, then all that remains is to choose a manufacturer. The three most popular products are Bliq, Bright White and Teeth whitening pen.


Considering the different parameters, components and effectiveness of teeth whitening pencils from different manufacturers, only users can give a real assessment of these drugs.

By leaving your reviews about this or that whitening product at the end of this page, as well as sharing photos with tangible results or lack thereof, you will help other users make their choice.

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