Adenotomy and tonsillotomy in children
Features of the respiratory system in children
Hypertrophy and inflammation of the adenoids in children often require surgical treatment, since this ENT pathology leads to
Most often, dentalgia in patients is observed with complicated forms of caries
Teeth hurt on one side, top and bottom
Toothache (dentalgia) is a pathological reaction of the body to various diseases, injuries, and dental damage.
Pros and cons of Flexite dentures
Flexible Partial Dentures or Nylon Dentures: Cost, Pros and Cons
1589 When a patient in a dental office is offered any type of prosthesis, the moment of choice remains important.
How to select a CAD CAM operator for a dental laboratory?
04/14/2021 Today it is difficult to imagine restorative dentistry without computer programs. Manual production of dentures by casting
Preventing inflammation
Tooth cyst: symptoms and causes. How to cure a cyst on a tooth?
Quite often in their practice, ENT doctors are faced with such a problem as a paranasal cyst.
Photo of a removable acrylic prosthesis
Features of prosthetics in the absence of teeth
Causes of tooth loss Treatment options for complete edentia - 2 implants on one jaw -
Dental defects
Direct restoration of the coronal part of the tooth using composite material C-Fill MH
Removing a tooth is the last thing a dentist will suggest. For a number of reasons
Cupid's bow or heart-shaped: what the shape of your lips can say about you
Sometimes it can be difficult to understand what makes a face beautiful. Almond-shaped eyes, regular nose or
Internal caries
Features, types and treatment of interdental and lateral caries
Causes of occurrence There are many reasons for the development of the disease, but the most common is a violation of the treatment protocol
Gum recession due to periodontitis
Surgical methods for treating periodontal diseases
Periodontitis is an inflammation of the vast majority of people. Periodontitis refers to inflammatory diseases that affect the surrounding teeth.
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