Veneers Perfect Smile (Perfect Smile Veneers). Real reviews, instructions on how to install

Perfect Smile veneers are special onlays that were developed in the United States, and their main purpose is to mask aesthetic defects and imperfections in the dentition.

The manufacturer of this product emphasizes that using Perfect Smile Veneers allows you to avoid visiting the dentist, have a snow-white smile and perfectly straight teeth. Real product reviews indicate that overlay veneers have a number of significant drawbacks, which can only be discovered after trying on the product.

What are Perfect Smile Veneers?

Perfect Smile Veneers are a one-piece and monolithic prosthesis made in the shape of the dentition of the upper and lower jaw. Unlike classic veneers, Perfect Smile onlays do not have a permanent attachment, and their installation is carried out independently without the participation of a dentist.


Perfect Smile veneers have an attractive appearance. The upper part of the product is made in the form of epithelial gum tissue, which is red in color. The lower part of the removable onlays imitates the human dentition. All molars have a perfectly even shape and are distinguished by a snow-white shade.

In reality, Perfect Smile removable onlays are almost impossible to distinguish from a person’s natural teeth. In most cases, a smile with these veneers looks much more aesthetically pleasing and attractive than with real molars. This is evidenced by positive reviews from customers who were satisfied with the purchased product.


Removable onlays Perfect Smile are a double-leaf structure, which consists of an artificial imitation of the upper and lower dentition. The outer shell of veneers is made of very thin material. Inside the product there are voids into which a person’s own teeth are inserted when the onlays are put on.

Fixation of removable plates is carried out due to the tight contact of the inner part of the veneers with the jaw apparatus. The design of Perfect Smile Veneers provides for the presence of artificial teeth, which are recreated using modern technologies.


Perfect Smile Veneers are made from acrylic plastic, to which pigments are added that imitate the natural color of gum tissue, as well as snow-white tooth enamel. The material of the product is lightweight and durable at the moment of compression of the jaw apparatus.

This property of the product is especially important when eating rough food, the chewing of which requires the application of additional effort. The advantage of acrylic plastic is that during prolonged wear it retains the pigment component of the product.

Veneers do not lose their natural color, do not fade, and provide a person with the same beautiful smile throughout the entire period of use.

Color, smell

Perfect Smile veneers (real reviews indicate that about 46% of customers did not like removable veneers due to the structural features of their jaw) have a slight plastic smell, which is present due to the presence of composite materials designed to create a durable plastic structure.

All colors of the product are as natural as possible, repeating the shade of gum tissue and dental enamel.

Rational method of using artificial teeth

How to put on and wear teeth is described in detail in the instructions included with the package. The usage algorithm is quite simple. For a long service life of the product, the following steps must be strictly followed:

  1. Thoroughly clean your natural teeth with a brush.
  2. Soften the structure in a glass of boiled water (it will take no more than 2 minutes).
  3. Press the soft structure of the veneers firmly against your gums.
  4. Wait until the structure takes the correct anatomical position.
  5. Check with your tongue and fingers how tightly the veneers are attached to the surface.

The skill of repeating these simple steps will allow you to install the structure in the oral cavity much faster. Moreover, after the first time the shape of the dentition will be exactly formed.

In the first minutes of using the insert, consumers note the occurrence of sensations. At first, people are afraid to eat and talk while wearing veneers. Fears that teeth will fall out are unfounded. If the prosthesis is installed correctly, then no incidents will occur.

Who is suitable for removable pads?

Removable onlays are suitable for adult men and women who want to have an attractive and beautiful smile. Perfect Smile Veneers can only be used by people who have already formed their jaw apparatus.

For persons under 18 years of age, wearing these veneers is not recommended, as they can indirectly affect the development of their own teeth, change the direction of the incisor, or cause pathologies of the root system.

Removable onlays are suitable for young girls and boys, as well as older people who, due to age-related changes, dental diseases, and poor heredity, cannot boast of healthy teeth and a beautiful smile.

What do dentists think about Perfect Smile?

How do dentists feel about a modern alternative to classic veneers? This can be judged by the numerous reviews of medical specialists about Perfect Smile Veneers.

“I became acquainted with a product called removable veneers at the annual conference of dentists in Moscow. A little later I learned that many of my patients had already bought the products and were even using them successfully. I became curious and decided to study this issue further. Having purchased the plate and followed all the steps of the instructions, I was surprised. Indeed, the plate is precisely adjusted to the consumer’s jaw, repeating the characteristics of the teeth with maximum care. Indeed, such a purchase is simply a godsend for people who want to make their smile snow-white and hide existing dental imperfections: chips, chips, cracks, spots. The only disadvantage of plates before veneers installed in the dentist's office is the need to remove Perfect Smile Veneers. According to the majority of my patients - this is the only disadvantage of this design - a person is presented with the spectacle of his native and familiar teeth, which leads many to despondency.”

Arganov Vladlen Markovich, dentist St. Petersburg

“Perfect Smile Veneers are an excellent alternative to conventional dental veneers - porcelain, composite and ceramic veneers. Most buyers hesitate when deciding whether or not to purchase these designs. The reason for this is the opinion of some dentists that onlays are useless. Representatives of our profession in most cases simply cannot argue otherwise - there is a huge difference between the cost of removable and permanent veneers, sometimes literally tens of times. My personal opinion is this: removable veneers are an effective and high-quality device that allows you to make your smile beautiful without visiting a dentist. Some of the skepticism of most of my colleagues is quite justified - removable dentures will not solve the problem of diseased teeth and will not make the “native” units whiter, nor will they eliminate cracks in the enamel. In other words, if a patient has caries and other dental problems, they must certainly be solved and only then proceed with visual correction. But it is possible to hide defects on healthy teeth and the space between teeth, which the patient is embarrassed about, or too small and overcrowded teeth with the help of such a wonderful product.”

Kirillov Oleg Yakovlevich, dentist-prosthetist, Yekaterinburg

“From the point of view of the appearance of teeth, removable veneers are in no way inferior to permanent ones, sometimes even superior to them. An additional advantage is the absence of grinding of teeth, and this procedure is not the most pleasant, sometimes even painful. Another positive point can be considered the convenience of installing removable structures - this can be done in a normal home environment, without seeking the help of a dentist. Thin, comfortable Perfect Smile Veneers feel great to patients, which makes them different from, for example, dentures. The pads are safe for gums and enamel and do not cause allergies or irritation. The main condition that motivates my patients to purchase is, of course, savings - the cost of removable structures is tens of times lower than the installation of permanent dental samples. The product is easy to clean and store, which is also an obvious plus for its purchase.”

Pokrovskaya Vera Mikhailovna, dentist, Moscow

“I’ve heard about this miracle for teeth for a long time, but I didn’t attach much importance to the information, considering removable veneers to be not a particularly high-quality thing, a spectacular advertising move, nothing more. But when the third patient boasted to me of his acquisition, I became interested. Having taken the time to purchase removable plates on the official website, I, frankly speaking, was expecting another “scam”. In fact, this is a high-quality design made in the USA. The kit included instructions - an exact translation for the use of Perfect Smile Veneers. After carefully studying it, I began the experiment. Having placed the structure on my jaw, I was surprised to find that it gradually took on the shape of my teeth. I walked with the plate for about an hour - it was almost imperceptible. But since I am a doctor and to some extent a skeptic, the experiment did not end there. I used the second plate received on my husband - I was sure that the removable structures would definitely not fit on a larger male jaw. But here, too, a fiasco awaited me - a thin plate outlined my husband’s entire dentition with maximum accuracy. Next was a test of strength. During the day I took drinks and food, talked, smiled, in a word, led the most active lifestyle. The final verdict is this: removable veneers are high-quality and comfortable products, suitable equally for men and women, and mask dental imperfections. Of course, they will solve all dental problems. If this were so, people would no longer need the services of dentists. But as a budget-friendly means of correcting the appearance of teeth, Perfect Smile Veneers are quite suitable.”

Pavlova Tatyana Viktorovna, dentist, Voronezh

In what cases will it be needed?

Perfect Smile veneers (real reviews indicate that some buyers were dissatisfied with this purchase) are not a dental product. Purchasing removable pads is the personal decision of a person who wants to change his appearance for the better.

The use of Perfect Smile Veneers may be relevant if you have the following dental defects:

  • tartar located at the junction of the molar and gum;
  • crooked and incorrectly formed teeth, or there are signs of a malocclusion;
  • an individual feature of bone tissue, when one’s own teeth are distinguished by a rich yellow tint, and a person does not want to use the dental whitening procedure;
  • one or part of the teeth that are part of the smile is missing;
  • your own teeth are affected by caries and require treatment from a dentist;
  • due to age-related changes, natural darkening of tooth enamel has occurred;
  • there are signs of progressive gum recession with exposure of the necks of the teeth;
  • a person suffers from chronic inflammation of the gums, which have an aesthetically unattractive appearance.

    Who can benefit from Perfect Smile veneers?

If the above pathologies are present, some people decide to use Perfect Smile Veneers. Removable pads are worn when visiting various events, meeting with friends and loved ones. Temporary veneers allow you to hide defects in your own teeth, avoid ridicule and discussion from others, and prevent the development of psychological complexes.

Installation steps

Ceramic and zirconium overlays are installed within 10-14 days. This involves making veneers from an impression by a dental technician. While the ceramic products are being prepared, temporary plastic onlays are installed on the patient. This is necessary to protect the ground teeth from thermal influences when eating and the psychological comfort of the patient.

First, the dentist examines the oral cavity and determines the presence of teeth damaged by caries. Only after this the doctor begins work on installing veneers.

The surface layer of enamel is ground under local anesthesia. This is necessary so that the onlay fits perfectly on the tooth and looks natural. If the enamel is not sharpened, the plates will look very large and unnatural.

After grinding, an impression is made of the molars that require correction. The impression is transferred to the dental technician, who forms onlays for each molar separately.

The doctor then places temporary plastic onlays on the ground teeth in anticipation of permanent veneers.

After a couple of weeks, the patient is fitted with ceramic/zirconium veneers or lumineers.

What problems do they help hide?

Perfect Smile veneers (real reviews indicate that removable veneers may not be suitable for people who have severely crooked teeth) help hide the painful condition of the dentition, as well as mask the following defects:

  • missing tooth;
  • large gaps in the dentition;
  • carious process;
  • tarnishing of tooth enamel;
  • crooked dentition;
  • gum position is too high;
  • large or very small teeth.

Using Perfect Smile Veneers is not a one-size-fits-all method for achieving an attractive smile and eliminating dental problems. The use of removable overlays allows you to achieve only a temporary aesthetic effect.

People around him only get the visual impression that a person has beautiful teeth, healthy gums and a pretty smile. After removing the onlays, dental problems remain, but over time they get worse and require the help of a specialist.

Expert opinion

Gavrilov Vitaly, dentist

From a professional point of view, veneers seemed like a dubious decision. But upon closer acquaintance with the products, I had to change my mind. The invention is supported by materials that do not show signs of deformation after prolonged use. Proper care of artificial teeth will preserve their original characteristics for years. When using the overlay, the condition of the native enamel is not affected. A reliable degree of fixation gives a feeling of confidence. The smile looks perfect. Hides the imperfections of the native dentition.

Advantages of real Perfect Smile

Perfect Smile veneers (real reviews indicate that with the help of this product many customers were able to solve aesthetic defects in the dentition) have the following advantages that were discovered during their daily use:

  • reliable and quick fastening of the structure, which is in close contact with the jaw apparatus;
  • safe chemical composition of the material from which the product is made;
  • installation of veneers is carried out independently and does not require visiting a dentist, undergoing examinations or painful manipulations with teeth;
  • It will take no more than 1-2 minutes to put on and take off the pads. personal time and mirror;

  • Perfect Smile Veneers can be worn for 2-3 days, or worn for a shorter time;
  • removable pads do not require complex and expensive maintenance;
  • Perfect Smile Veneers are affordable for most people who have a regular average income;
  • Temporary veneers imitate healthy teeth, gums and an attractive smile that is indistinguishable from a real one.

Before purchasing removable pads, you should carefully study the advantages of the product, as well as the potential risks associated with wearing them. For example, there is a greater likelihood of exacerbation of dental diseases.

Order “Perfect Smile” on the official website

The manufacturer encourages its customers and provides everyone who orders veneers with:

  • discount (for purchases of 3 or more);
  • bonus points that can be used to pay for future orders;
  • free shipping;
  • the opportunity to participate in sweepstakes and promotions;
  • free consultation with a staff doctor;
  • permitting documentation (research results, conclusion of the Ministry of Health, customs declarations, EU certificates of conformity).

Note! If you need a consultation with a full-time orthodontist, simply leave a request on the website and the doctor will call you back. The consultation is not obligatory to purchase, and the company guarantees complete confidentiality.

How to get a free consultation or place an order?

  1. Go to the company's website.
  2. Please read the information provided carefully.
  3. Please provide your name and phone number on the application form.
  4. Wait for the doctor to call and discuss your problem with him.
  5. If necessary, the call will be transferred to the manager who will place the order.

Veneers will be delivered by parcel with complete confidentiality. You can pay and pick them up at your nearest post office.


Despite all the benefits that have been described in the section above, Perfect Smile Veneers have been criticized by dental professionals. There are also a large number of negative reviews from people who purchased this product but did not receive the expected result.

The following disadvantages of Perfect Smile veneers are identified:

  • the occurrence of local allergic reactions, which are expressed in itching of the oral mucosa, stomatitis, red and painful rash on the gums and tongue, cannot be ruled out;
  • when removable onlays are worn for a long time for 2-3 days in a row, a surge of bacterial activity occurs under their surface, which over time can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel, caries and periodontitis;
  • due to changes in the height of the bite, painful sensations may appear in the area of ​​the zygomatic-orbital joints, and doctors do not rule out the development of inflammation of their connective tissue;

  • the upper part of the removable pads is also made of rough plastic, does not have softening elements and can cause mechanical damage to the gums (the effect of tissue rubbing occurs, which ultimately leads to an inflammatory process of infectious etiology);
  • removable veneers only have a masking effect, and dental diseases continue to progress;
  • Perfect Smile Veneers are not suitable for all people, since before purchasing them it is impossible to carry out a preliminary fitting of the product (the upper or lower part of the design may protrude slightly forward and not coincide with the size of a person’s own teeth).

Among the large number of reviews about Perfect Smile veneers, you can read stories where removable veneers became deformed while drinking hot tea or coffee, which should also be considered a significant drawback of the product.

Why do teeth crumble?

Conventionally, all reasons are divided into 4 groups:

  • mechanical: crown injuries, eating hard food, which forms microcracks in the enamel;
  • thermal: a combination of chilled and burning food in one meal;
  • chemical: low-quality hygiene products and alkaline products that have a destructive effect on enamel;
  • hygienic: ignoring basic hygiene standards (rinsing, brushing teeth, sanitizing the oral cavity) leads to the accumulation of pathogenic microbes on the teeth and between them, the entry of harmful flora under the gums, where the number of bacteria increases, rotting processes begin, and caries develops.

Some diseases can also lead to the destruction of dental crowns - lack of fluoride, calcium, hormonal imbalance, dysfunction of digestion and metabolism. A common cause is poor nutrition or too strict a diet.

Signs and consequences

The most obvious sign of dental problems is tooth decay. But several signs help identify problems with enamel before a “global catastrophe”: whitish or yellow spots, increased sensitivity, caries, visible cracks.

By treating these problems at the dentist and installing Perfect Smile Vaneers, according to doctors, you can avoid complete destruction of the crown. Otherwise, the outer shell of the teeth will lose strength and begin to crumble over time, which will reduce the aesthetics of the smile and lead to complications. The consequences can be gastrointestinal diseases (bacteria from the oral cavity enter the stomach, where they continue to multiply and poison the body), stomatitis, periodontal disease and other problems.

As confirmed by real reviews, Perfect Smile Vaneers eliminates darkened enamel, chips, crevices, and crooked teeth. These problems become invisible after attaching the plates. The smile remains natural, and the desire to give a smile to others appears.

Comparison with analogues

The main competitor and analogue of Perfect Smile Veneers are removable dental veneers called Snap-On Smile. The table below provides a comparative description of similar products that are designed to imitate healthy gums, teeth and an attractive smile.

Names of removable pads Distinctive characteristics of analogue veneers

Removable Trusmiles are distinguished by the fact that their design does not provide for the presence of an upper part of the lining in the form of a gingival element. These veneers have only an outer covering shell, which is fixed to the person’s own dentition. For more reliable fastening of the pads, special fixing gels can be used. The main disadvantage of Trusmile is that it is not always possible to guess the size of the veneers. Quite often, artificial teeth are too large or, conversely, do not cover all defects of the jaw apparatus. The main advantage of this analogue is its very affordable cost. The average price of removable veneers of this type is 490 rubles.

Snap-On SmileExternally, Snap-On Smile veneers are a bit reminiscent of Perfect Smile onlays, but still have distinctive design features. This product is produced without the upper part of the gingival element, has holes in the lower part of the tooth crowns, and the color shade of acrylic plastic is duller. Snap-On Smile is suitable for people who have healthy gums, and their main purpose is only to close severe dental defects. The average cost of these dental overlays is 570 rubles.

Before purchasing Perfect Smile veneers or products for a similar purpose, you should visit a dentist and consult with a specialist. It is quite possible that the use of removable plates will be contraindicated for a particular person for medical reasons.

Reviews from dentists and users

Many practicing dentists speak positively about Perfect Smile Veneers, noting their convenience and lack of side effects. At the same time, they recommend not to forget about dental treatment and to use veneers not on an ongoing basis, but when necessary.

Vladimir Smirnov, dentist:

I first heard about Perfect Smile Veneers from my patient, who was interested in the possibility of using them during the treatment process. The patient just needed a lateral incisor and needed a break before the subsequent procedure. Having carefully studied the topic of the issue, I advised using the product on an ad hoc basis until the implantation site has completely healed. The patient did the installation himself and sent the results of his work that same evening. Having assessed the aesthetics, I came to the conclusion that this product is indispensable in the arsenal of anyone who is preparing for dental procedures and cannot sport a snow-white smile for a certain period. Perfect Smile Veneers are the ideal in-between accessory to help support teeth and temporarily hide imperfections, which I now recommend to all patients during the recovery or healing period between important procedures.

Anton Veshnyakov, dentist-prosthetist:

As part of my job, I create dentures that are necessary for dental procedures. Quite by accident, I heard about Perfect Smile Veneers from a close friend who was doing dental treatment. Together we began to study the issue and then ordered a product for testing. When tested, the veneers turned out to be very high quality and comfortable. They are also hypoallergenic and fit perfectly on any jaw type, which is a very important quality for dentures. My friend was satisfied with the results, and I now strongly recommend using the product to all clients while waiting for dentures.

Evgenia Zhukova, dentist-esthetician:

A beautiful white-toothed smile is the main goal of my work. I often meet patients who want to achieve excellent results, but without major interventions. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. In such cases, I advise patients to resort to the help of Perfect Smile Veneers. This product fulfills all my needs as an esthetician, and is universal in shape - suitable for both men and women. I believe that overlay veneers are the best solution for people who are unable to undergo major dental procedures. However, this remedy is not a panacea and does not treat diseases of the teeth and gums, so a visit to the dentist is mandatory.

Opinions about Perfect Smile Veneers differ in many ways. Some users believe that removable veneers are not suitable for frequent use, while others, on the contrary, are delighted with the product and strongly recommend its use.

The appearance of negative feedback is largely due to the fact that not everyone knows how to put them on correctly or simply did not read the instructions. People who follow all the instructions note the quality and convenience of veneers.

Angelina, marketer, 37 years old:

I first saw the Perfect Smile Veneers advertisement on TV and became interested in the product. At first there were many doubts about the effectiveness and reliability of the product, but the desire to achieve a beautiful Hollywood smile overpowered the mistrust. Having received the desired parcel, the first thing I did was decide to put the product into practice. After reading all the instructions and studying the instructions for use, I was finally able to install new “teeth” and, lo and behold, my smile simply amazed everyone! The onlays fit perfectly, replicating my natural teeth down to the smallest detail. The first time was a little unusual, but there were no unpleasant sensations. Now I will order a second set for the lower row of teeth and several more sets especially for my relatives. A brilliant smile is worth it!

Perfect Smile Veneers: “before” and “after”
Valentina, teacher, 46 years old:

A neat appearance and a polite smile are extremely important for a teacher. However, there is not enough time to visit the dentist and money for expensive procedures. The solution was found thanks to the Internet. Perfect Smile Veneers are the first products of this type that I decided to use and was pleased with the purchase. The plates are installed quickly and easily; with proper preparation, they fit like a glove, as if they were made to special order. From the aesthetic side, everything is also good - the onlays look like natural teeth and do not create an artificial effect. Wearing veneers does not take much time, allowing you to shine with a beautiful smile throughout the day.

Veneers Perfect Smile Veneers: “before” and “after”
Alexander, administrator, 40 years old:

Dental problems are one of the most painful ones, especially in my line of work. For many years now I have been a regular in dental offices and am trying to cope with this problem. Now I’m in the process of preparing to install several teeth, but I can’t walk with “gaps” in my smile. As a solution, the dentist recommended temporary use of Perfect Smile Veneers. After ordering the product, I hesitated about the correctness of the decision made, but when the time came for installation, all doubts disappeared. The veneers sat strictly along the line of natural teeth and hid all the imperfections. Bosses and clients noted a beautiful white-toothed smile, without even realizing that the teeth were false. The product looks very natural and does not interfere with work or conversation, which is very important. Now Perfect Smile Veneers have become an indispensable part of my dental treatment.

Perfect Smile Veneers: “before” and “after”

When preparing the material, consultation was carried out by:

Olga Kirilova (cosmetologist). A specialist with higher medical education and extensive work experience. Helped hundreds of patients cope with various skin problems. Conducts non-hardware and hardware procedures. Proficient in laser and phototherapy techniques.

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What is included?

The standard configuration of Perfect Smile Veneers includes 2 removable onlays that imitate the full dentition of the upper and lower jaw.

The product is packaged in a protective plastic container and a rectangular box made of thick cardboard. Fixing creams and special gels are not included with veneers. In case of individual need, the buyer of the goods purchases these funds independently.

How to use Perfect Smile? Instructions for installing veneers

The use of Perfect Smile Veneers does not require a person to have any special skills or knowledge in the field of dentistry.

Step-by-step instructions for installing removable veneers include performing the following steps yourself:

  1. Carry out thorough oral hygiene using toothpaste, brush and warm water. If you have large gaps between your teeth, flossing may be necessary to remove food debris.
  2. Open the package with removable pads, and then examine the design, making sure that the material is durable, free from deformation and other quality defects.
  3. Open your mouth as wide as possible and place Perfect Smile veneers on the surface of your upper jaw teeth.
  4. Perform similar manipulations in relation to the dentition of the lower jaw.
  5. Close your mouth and make sure that Perfect Smile Veneers are in tight contact with the surface of your teeth and gums and do not cause pain, discomfort, or compression of the tissues of the oral cavity.

If the veneers inadvertently fall out of the mouth or gums are damaged by rubbing, it is recommended to stop further use. The occurrence of pain in the area of ​​the zygomatic-orbital joints also indicates that overlay veneers negatively affect the functioning of the jaw apparatus. Perfect Smile Veneers can be worn for no longer than 3 days.

This is the maximum permissible time of their continuous operation. After this, the removable pads should be removed and treated with antiseptic. In general, to preserve the health of your own teeth and maintain optimal microflora inside the oral cavity, these veneers are recommended to be worn for 8-12 hours a day, but no more.

List of common problems

If a person abuses bad habits, does not properly care for the oral cavity, or suffers from anatomical features of the jaw, then he faces the following problems:

  • the appearance of broken teeth and chips;
  • uneven placement of teeth in a row;
  • gaps in the interdental row;
  • excessively small teeth;
  • darkening of fillings;
  • yellowing of native enamel;
  • absence of individual teeth.

As a result of worsening problems, people feel constrained. They stop smiling. The person withdraws into himself. Looks gloomy. It is difficult to find trust in the eyes of others. As you know, a smiling person easily finds language with his opponent. Many peaceful decisions and contracts were concluded thanks to a winning smile.

Plate care

To ensure that pathogenic microorganisms do not develop on the surface of Perfect Smile Veneers and the plates retain their attractive appearance, the following rules of hygienic care must be followed:

  • During morning and evening brushing of teeth, perform a similar treatment of removable plates. To do this, use a toothbrush, toothpaste and warm water.
  • At the end of the evening, after hygienic treatment of the oral cavity, the veneers should be placed in a glass of water. This measure will avoid acrylic drying out and the development of pathogenic microflora.
  • Do not allow direct sunlight to fall on the surface of the veneers. The influence of ultraviolet radiation can lead to fading of the pigment of the overlays, which will ultimately lead to a loss of their quality properties.
  • During the day, it is allowed to wash the pads under a stream of warm water.
  • When caring for Perfect Smile Veneers, you must ensure that the product is not exposed to chemically active substances. When eating food that contains a high concentration of natural acids (tomatoes, grapes, lemons, pomegranate), it is recommended to temporarily remove the veneers.

What are Perfect Smile Vaneers for?

According to reviews, Perfect Smile Vaneers are universal veneers that allow you to create perfectly straight and white teeth.

  1. They look natural and do not cause discomfort when worn.
  2. The unique fastening method ensures their fixation for a long time, up to 24 hours.
  3. As stated in the instructions, Perfect Smile Vaneers for crooked teeth have a universal size, so they are suitable for everyone over 16 years old.

Principle of operation

Perfect Smile veneers are easily attached without outside help, do not hinder jaw movement, and do not cause inconvenience. Despite the low price, Perfect Smile Veneers for a snow-white smile look no different from professional dental onlays. However, regular veneers need to be cleaned in the dentist's office every 2-4 weeks, while the new product, developed using unique technology, allows you to do the care yourself and for free.

It is enough to heat the plate so that it softens, apply it to the teeth and wait a little, allowing the Perfect Smile Vaneers anti-chip composition to harden and take the desired shape. The lining can be removed just as easily, without damaging the enamel or leaving an unpleasant feeling in the mouth.

What are veneers made of?

The pad itself is made of a colored silicone mixture. A special fixative is applied to the inside, which softens when heated and hardens after cooling. That is why it is not recommended to drink hot drinks while wearing pads to avoid softening and detachment of the fixing material. The development does not contain substances that can cause allergies. This is confirmed by reviews of Perfect Smile Veneers - all buyers did not reveal any reactions after wearing veneers.


The low price of Perfect Smile Vaneers for gaps between teeth and curvature of the dentition ensures that everyone can purchase them. In addition, the development has other advantages:

  • natural look;
  • prostate to use;
  • strong fastening;
  • easy care of the product and the oral cavity;
  • masking all dental defects.

It is impossible to buy analogues of Perfect Smile Vaneers veneers in a pharmacy or store. Therefore, the possibility of purchasing a counterfeit is eliminated.

Although the plates do not belong to the line of professional dental products, they are rightfully worthy of attention. You can use them daily or just on occasion. Under any circumstances, they will make your smile aesthetic and attractive, which will allow you to remain on the level even in the company of respectable people, businessmen and nobility.

Instructions for use

To secure the plates, you must follow the instructions.

  1. Immerse the product in a glass of boiling water for 2 minutes.
  2. After taking it out, wait 10-15 seconds for the silicone to cool slightly.
  3. Apply the veneers to the teeth and hold for 1-1.5 minutes.

The first time you may not be able to attach the product correctly. You will need to repeat the procedure to try to install it again.

Attention! After each wear, the product should be washed under running water and cleaned of bacteria.

Where to buy original Perfect Smile Veneers?

You can purchase the original Perfect Smile Veneers in city pharmacies. If there are no removable plates, they can always be ordered individually.

Purchasing veneers at a pharmacy minimizes the risk of purchasing a low-quality or counterfeit product that does not meet the stated characteristics. At the buyer's request, pharmacy employees are required to present certification documentation that confirms the quality and original origin of Perfect Smile Veneers.

How not to buy a fake?

To avoid purchasing a fake when purchasing Perfect Smile veneers, you should follow the following rules:

  • buy goods only in branded and original packaging;

  • pay attention to the color shade of the gingival part of the onlays, which should not be too bright and saturated (the normal color of healthy gums is light pink);
  • do not make an advance payment for the goods, and if the purchase is made on the Internet, then transfer money to the seller only by cash on delivery after preliminary opening and inspection of the plates;
  • the dentition of artificial veneers should not have curvatures, deformations, or dark spots;
  • do not purchase Perfect Smile Veneers in online stores, the pages of which contain too many positive reviews that reflect only the advantages and benefits of veneers;
  • the product must be made of acrylic plastic;
  • always require from the seller an electronic copy of the quality certificate, which must indicate all the characteristics of the product;
  • You should not pay attention to veneers whose price is below the market price.

Perfect Smile veneers are a modern and alternative way to create an attractive smile yourself without the use of a dentist. Removable plates are placed directly on the surface of your own teeth. The design of the product consists of 2 parts that imitate healthy molars and gums of the upper and lower jaw.

Veneers can be used by people who are missing part of their front or side teeth, or who are affected by caries, have signs of darkening of the enamel and other defects.

Real reviews about the product are contradictory. Wearing removable pads can be continuous for several days. Caring for veneers involves hygienic treatment with a brush, toothpaste and warm water.

Method of attaching veneers

There are two methods of installing veneers in orthodontics:

  • straight;
  • indirect.

The indirect method involves creating onlays based on a cast of the jaw. However, this technique is applied only to products made of ceramics and zirconium; no processing is required for composite materials. Before installation, the inner surface of the overlay plate is treated with a special adhesive. Next, the surface of the tooth is degreased. After this, the lubricant is washed off and the surface is dried. Next, the enamel is lubricated with an adhesive mass, and a plate is installed on the tooth. For more reliable fixation, the installed plate is treated with a light lamp.

While ceramic and zirconium veneers are made by a dental technician in a laboratory based on an impression of the jaw, composite veneers are formed directly on the patient’s tooth. To do this, the dentist first carries out an antiseptic treatment. Then the composite material is applied to the tooth in layers and dried with an LED lamp. The procedure takes a sufficient amount of time, but the patient immediately leaves the doctor’s office with a beautiful smile.

The direct method of installing veneers is optimal in the presence of large chips and cracks on the surface of the molars. It restores the tooth and restores its original shape. Even if more than half of a molar is missing, the direct method of installing veneers will help restore what was lost using composite material. The method is reminiscent of placing a light filling, which is also made of a composite material and dried with a lamp.

Is the composition used to attach veneers harmful to dental health? The composition of the adhesive composition includes fluorine and other microelements useful for enamel, so dental glue is completely safe.

Do your teeth hurt after grinding? Some patients are very sensitive to the removal of the enamel coating and may feel pain for several days in a row after turning. If the pain becomes unbearable, you should take a pain reliever. After a few days, the pain will go away. If the pain does not go away for a long time, you need to notify your dentist.

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