Camilia from teeth: instructions, effectiveness, reviews

  • April 2, 2019
  • Other drugs
  • Tatyana Andreeva

All parents are faced with teething in their baby. During this period, the child becomes capricious, irritable, and loses sleep and appetite. In a particularly acute period, he completely screams in pain and bursts into tears. Every parent wants to help their child get through this difficult time.

In addition to a gentle and sensitive attitude, spending time together and more tactile contact, the drug Camilia Boiron (French manufacturer) can help the child.

This homeopathic remedy is completely safe for the health of the baby. It contains only plant components. It perfectly eliminates pain and normalizes the baby’s digestion.

The composition, effectiveness and method of using Camilia for teething (relief of pain during teething) are described below.

What is it needed for?

The Boiron company is considered a world leader in the production of homeopathic medicines. The products of this brand have earned recognition from a large number of consumers. Camilia drops are a real lifesaver for many mothers and fathers.

For most babies, teething is very painful. It can be difficult even for an adult to withstand the pain that appears when a tooth passes through the gums. What can we say about children? At this time, the baby often cries, becomes restless and sleeps poorly. In addition, due to teething, digestion is often disrupted, which brings additional discomfort.

Real help from Camilia Boiron

Almost all children experience pain and discomfort during teething. It can be difficult even for an adult to withstand the passage of bone tissue through a gum riddled with nerve endings, not to mention a child. It is not surprising that the baby becomes capricious and irritable, sleeps and eats poorly.

Camilia Boiron drops provide the following effect:

  • relieve gum pain;
  • normalize emotional state;
  • improve digestion;
  • help you fall asleep faster.


According to the instructions for Camilia for teething (teething), the drug contains only natural ingredients. These include:

  1. Chamomilla is a chamomile extract that has sedative properties and has a calming effect. Positively affects the nervous system. Helps eliminate inflammatory processes.
  2. Phytolacca decandra - Phytolacca decandra or Indian ivy. Acts as an analgesic and sedative.
  3. Rheum officinale - rhubarb. It is usually used for digestive disorders, is an antiseptic, and eliminates inflammation.

Purified water is used as an additional component.

You can get a quality consultation on wisdom teeth in your city

I want to check my eights!

Treat or remove eights?

Now regarding orthodontic treatment and wisdom teeth. Believe me, it is very unpleasant for us doctors, as well as for patients, to make radical decisions. But there are good reasons! These are your own stories. Stories of patients who underwent treatment with braces as teenagers, achieved excellent results and...

All the beauty of straight teeth, especially the lower incisors (you just started to enjoy a beautiful smile) - it disappears at 20 and beyond. It is when most of us fully develop these “eights”. Two, three and even four years of therapeutic “torment” to correct crooked teeth, transform them into a beautiful/sweet/courageous smile, as they say, down the drain... Yes, yes - the only option to become the owner of beautiful teeth again is repeated orthodontic treatment. It doesn’t matter whether it’s aligners or braces again, the important thing is that there is a good saying: forewarned is forearmed! No one is immune from mistakes and relapse.

Our body is beautiful and magical in that it almost always adapts and compensates for almost any pathology. Therefore, the “eights” cut through with difficulty and subsequently deform

there are very important teeth in front!


All homeopathic preparations contain natural ingredients. They do not harm the health of even the smallest consumers. According to the instructions for using Camilia for teeth, the drops are perfect for long-term use and have a number of advantages over similar products:

  • the risk of overdose is eliminated, since the norm has already been measured by the manufacturer;
  • containers with liquid are sterile and disposable;
  • the drug is easy to use;
  • the composition contains only natural ingredients;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • does not cause nausea and vomiting;
  • Kids like the taste;
  • does not contain benzocaine or preservatives;
  • The manufacturer is a world leader in homeopathy.

Release form of the drug

Homeopathic medicine Camilia from Boiron is produced in the form of a liquid intended for instillation into the child's mouth. The product is divided into separate doses.

The appearance of the drug is a clear liquid with a neutral taste.

To use the product, you must open the dosed bottle and use it strictly as directed.

Sofia Sokolova

Pharmacist. Author of articles on the site

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Reuse is not permitted! If after the first use some of the contents remain in the bottle, the remainder should be disposed of along with the packaging.

Dosage bottles are packaged in a cardboard box, each containing 30 doses. The front side is a picture of a child, the back is information about the product.

How to use it correctly

The drug is approved for use in children aged one month and older. According to the instructions for Camilia for teeth, the product is used as follows:

  • one container is broken off from the blister and opened;
  • the contents of the container should be dripped onto the child’s gums;
  • if necessary, repeat the procedure by using two more doses every 15 minutes;
  • per day you can use no more than nine doses with medicinal liquid.

Do we need wisdom teeth?

I use the only compound word. In biology there is such a concept as RUDIMENT
- a part of the human body that has lost its function in the process of evolution. The most famous rudiment is the vermiform appendix of the intestine or appendix. So - a large number of doctors and people believe that there is nothing superfluous in the body and wisdom teeth can serve a person at an older age, when the loss of basic teeth occurs and the doctor can use figure eights to install, for example, a bridge.

Unfortunately, in most cases this is impossible and even wrong!

Most people simply do not have room in the jaw for eighth teeth, and Mother Nature begins to mock them (and, naturally, us doctors) in every possible way: painful eruption, irregular shape, incorrect size of the tooth itself, poorly developed root system - all of the above leaves no chance for the correct use of “eights”.

How wisdom teeth are formed

Unlike other teeth, the rudiments of wisdom teeth are formed not during intrauterine development, but at 3–5 years, when the child’s body is preparing to replace milk teeth with permanent dentition. At this age, you can determine the number of future eights (and there can actually be from one to four). But at this age, it is not yet possible to detect any possible developmental pathologies.

It becomes more or less clear a little later, the crown part of the wisdom teeth begins to form. The formation process starts in a child at about 12 years of age, but the development of the root part of the figure eight takes several more years and can continue even after tooth eruption. Considering that the most common age for the appearance of wisdom teeth is 18–25 years, the eruption of eights occurs already in adulthood. It’s not for nothing that I said earlier the phrase “actually from one to four,” since approximately 10–15% have no eights at all. That is why it is normal to consider the number of teeth in an adult to be from 28 to 32. Those are wisdom teeth, right? How unwise they treat us and make puzzles!

Correct your bite or dental defect with invisible aligners Find out what it is

Security measures

According to the instructions for Camilia for teeth, the drug only temporarily relieves symptoms. If you have the following signs, you should contact your pediatrician:

  • stomach upset;
  • increased body temperature;
  • severe pain that does not go away;
  • long-term inflammation of the gums;
  • rashes of various types on the skin.

In some cases, teething is confused with symptoms of colds, viral and other pathologies. Therefore, when symptoms persist for more than three days and parents have used Camilia drops, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Where is the best place to buy? Only on iHerb!

Naturally, all parents want their baby to have the best. This applies to both toys and medications necessary for the baby’s well-being. Teething drops can save your baby from unnecessary suffering, but only if the product is genuine and has not expired.

Compliance with the packaging storage conditions in the warehouse is also important. Popular medicines are often counterfeited, so they should not be purchased from dubious stores.

You can buy drops produced by Boiron without a prescription. The most reliable and profitable way to purchase American products is to use the offer of the iHerb website. This online portal specializes in the sale of homeopathic remedies, health supplements and organic cosmetics.

Camilia Boiron - relief from teething pain
Users of iHerb know that on the site you can always find quality products at reasonable prices. The cost of 30 containers of Camilia Boiron drops is only 732 rubles. Considering the naturalness and effectiveness of the product, its price is quite justified.

The drug Camilia Boiron will give peace of mind not only to the baby who is teething, but also to his parents who are tired of sleepless nights. The natural product can be purchased on iHerb. This online store guarantees the quality of the goods sold and pleases its customers with affordable prices.


Most parents respond positively to the drug. Caring mothers note the quick effect, the elimination of pain, the pleasant taste of the drops and the convenient dosage.

Negative reviews say that the drug should not be used for more than three days. The lack of instructions in Russian and difficulties in purchasing (the product is difficult to find in pharmacies) are other nuances that may cause negative reviews.

Instructions for use

Since Camilia drops are manufactured in the USA, the instructions supplied with them are in a foreign language. This does not mean that you need to speak perfect English to understand how to use the drug. In our progressive times, reading instructions in Russian is not a problem. There is nothing easier than finding the information you are interested in on the Internet. There were already people who translated the recommendations of the manufacturer of Camilia drops.

By the way, having set a goal, you can find packaging on sale in a language understandable to Russian people. You can recognize the product of an American manufacturer by the inscription on the cardboard box - Boiron. This packaging contains instructions in Russian. There is no need to doubt the originality of the product. All this is done for the convenience of consumers. Inside this package there are containers with liquid from Boiron. They meet high quality standards and will bring exceptional benefits to your baby.

So, what does the instructions for use say?

  1. Drops are intended for oral use.
  2. After opening the container, you need to squeeze the liquid into the child’s mouth.
  3. Each dose should be used once.
  4. The result should be expected within 10-15 minutes.
  5. If the pain returns, it is permissible to use another portion.
  6. The number of doses used should not exceed 9 in one day.
  7. Suitable for children aged one month and older.

The manufacturer also gives clear recommendations regarding the storage of drops. The packaging with containers must be placed in a dark place. Optimal air temperature is up to 25 °C.

Let's see how wisdom teeth led to crowded teeth

And how crowded teeth are eliminated with Star Smile aligners

The video shows how the 3D setup is done. I am commenting on the video, orthodontist Alexander Spesivtsev, clinical director of Star Smile, a doctor with many years of experience in the successful use of aligners in orthodontic practice. To restore straight dentition, the wisdom teeth themselves—the eights—had to be removed. At Star Smile, or rather in the clinics of its partners (more than 70 cities in Russia), any treatment begins with diagnosis and drawing up a virtual setup. The doctor takes photographs of the patient’s face, dentition, as well as x-rays and dental casts. Using special software, the obtained data is processed and a three-dimensional model of the patient’s dental system is obtained. And this already allows you to calculate the trajectory of tooth movement, treatment time, and the required number of sets of aligners. Also, the final result of the treatment will be visualized - the patient will be able to evaluate the aesthetics of the smile after treatment. Patients really like this approach - they can see their future smile, their straight teeth. The forecast of a 3D setup when straightening teeth with aligners comes true in almost 100% of cases. You see, this is completely different from correcting a “blind” bite, as is usually the case with braces. Everything is clear here, without any guesswork or assumptions.

Gevorkyan Oscar Vladimirovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Central Scientific Research Institute, Scientific Consultant Star Smile If you are faced with questions

  • To remove or not to remove wisdom teeth?
  • How dangerous is it to remove wisdom teeth?
  • When do wisdom teeth interfere with orthodontic treatment?
  • and most importantly, is it possible to avoid the removal of “eights”?

Feel free to contact the doctors at Star Smile, they will help you understand this sometimes complex, but very important life problem for many.
Do not delay the decision in order to avoid possible complications in the future.” Since the Star Smile company is represented in all federal districts, large and medium-sized cities of Russia and interacts with many clinics and orthodontists, we offer you the opportunity to undergo a free consultation with high-quality orthodontists in your city , where you can discuss the problem of wisdom teeth and determine the optimal solution for you. To do this, you need to fill out the form below, a Star Smile medical specialist will contact you and help you by scheduling a consultation at a convenient time or providing your doctor’s contact information.

Don’t put off the problem of wisdom teeth “for later”!

Dental hygiene tips from an expert periodontist

The first personal hygiene item is a toothbrush.

My many years of experience show that the brush should be ultra thick and ultra soft. Manufacturers usually label it as ULTRA SOFT.

I RECOMMEND regular hand brushes with silk bristles. My choice was CURAPROX toothbrushes, produced by a Swiss dental company with 75 years of experience and a worldwide reputation - CURADEN. As a worthy replacement, you can use ROCS ultra soft toothbrushes.

I DO NOT RECOMMEND brushes, neither hard nor medium hard, nor with various rubber inserts or with trimmed bristles, nor do I recommend electric brushes. All of them have an aggressive effect on the gums and tooth enamel, damaging them. This leads to numerous problems, such as tooth hypersensitivity, bleeding gums or gum shifting with exposure of the neck of the tooth, etc.

Currently, ultrasonic toothbrushes have appeared. I have nothing against using them. However, I consider the healing properties attributed to them for gums and the ability to eliminate inflammation to be an exaggeration. These brushes are contraindicated for people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system or who have dental implants, dentures or artificial dental crowns.

The second personal hygiene item is toothpaste.

To be used every day, the paste should be preventative. Preventative toothpastes are intended for everyday oral care for preventive and hygienic purposes. In addition to daily care, therapeutic and prophylactic pastes are used for the targeted prevention of dental caries, periodontal diseases, non-carious lesions, and diseases of the oral mucosa.

The second type of toothpaste that you should definitely use is an abrasive toothpaste. All whitening toothpastes and toothpastes for smokers are abrasive. They have good polishing properties. Abrasive substances effectively remove plaque. BUT this type of paste cannot be used every day. It is usually used 2-3 times a week in the morning after breakfast. In order to determine exactly how often you need to use an abrasive toothpaste, all you need to do after brushing your teeth in the morning is to run your tongue along the outer and inner surfaces of all your teeth. If their surface is not smooth, but is rough, it means that your regular toothpaste is not enough and it’s time to brush your teeth again with an abrasive toothpaste. The tongue is the best controller of the condition of your teeth.

The third personal hygiene item is dental floss.

My opinion is that the mentality and culture of a nation in the field of personal hygiene begins with floss. If a person does not know how to use interdental hygiene products, then he will always have dental problems.

Today there are many types of floss. I recommend round shaped waxed reels for regular people. I don’t recommend silk or flat ones, because... they seriously injure the gums. There are also super flosses for patients with implants, braces or other orthodontic structures.

It is extremely difficult to explain in words how to use floss correctly. It's better to see it once. Therefore, I suggest you familiarize yourself with these short and simple videos:


What to do if teeth are worn out depends on the provoking factors. As discussed above, the lack of timely therapy leads to cosmetic defects and disruption of the chewing process. In addition, there are other consequences that affect the quality of life of patients:

  • inflammation of the gums in the interdental spaces;
  • gingivitis;
  • diseases of the temporomandibular joint;
  • loss of teeth;
  • damage to nerve fibers and muscle tissue;
  • uneven load distribution leading to traumatic articulation;
  • malocclusion.

What should you not do when your baby is teething?

  1. Strongly touch the child’s gums with your fingers, press on them and pick them out. This can increase pain or cause infection.
  2. Conduct vaccination, because immune system is weakened during this period .
  3. Without supervision, allow your child to chew any hard foods that could cause choking.
  4. Give homeopathic remedies. Not only will they not help the child, but they can cause serious harm.

The eruption of baby teeth is not a problem, but a natural process for a child’s body. But if you are not sure about something, do not hesitate to ask specialists. If you have any questions, write to us on Instagram.

Treatment in dentistry

To eliminate pathological abrasion of hard dental tissues, you need to establish its cause and then get rid of it. The next step is to restore the configuration of the dentition. In the early stages, treatment with medications may be sufficient. If the symptoms are pronounced, only an orthopedist will help.


The techniques used are based on the process of remineralization of the enamel layer. In this way, compensatory reactions are activated and mineral metabolism in hard tissues is normalized. Experts prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements with a high content of calcium and phosphorus. Additionally, pastes are used to reduce sensitivity. If the destruction has just begun and the dentin has not been damaged, this option for treating tooth wear can be very effective.

Orthopedic methods

If the defect is serious, medication alone is not enough; more radical correction is required. Most often, doctors use inlays and artificial crowns. If some units fall out, a bridge structure, clasp prosthesis or other types are installed. This therapy allows you to completely restore the functioning of the rows and evenly distribute the chewing load.

Difficulties that arise during the appearance of eights


This is an inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the visible part of the tooth. If you delay a visit to the dentist, purulent inflammation (abscess or phlegmon) may appear. Manifestation of pericoronitis: severe pain when opening the mouth or while eating, bad breath. In most cases, this disease occurs in 80% of people when the lower eights erupt.

Dystopia of the tooth.

This is an incorrect position of the tooth in the jaw, that is, the eights can be located horizontally or at an angle. Over time, they begin to push against neighboring ones, leading to their destruction. Most often, dystopia is inherited. To avoid complications, it is recommended to remove dystopic wisdom teeth.


This is when the tooth has partially erupted or not erupted at all. If the tooth does not hurt and does not interfere with its neighbors, then it can be left. Conversely, if a tooth causes unbearable pain and destroys the roots of an adjacent tooth, then it should be removed.

Hidden caries

. An affected wisdom tooth can cause caries to spread to other teeth; in this case, it is better to remove the tooth.

When is it advisable not to remove wisdom teeth?

There are situations when the “seventh” or “sixth” chewing teeth must be removed. And in this situation, a wisdom tooth that has grown correctly may still be useful. It will become one of two supports for the future bridge. However, in this case, a healthy sixth (or fifth) tooth will suffer, because it will have to be treated for an abutment crown.

Now a little about sad things

. 10-15 years will pass, the bridge will “work out” its required operating time. And sometimes it will no longer be possible to insert an implant - the atrophied jaw bone under the bridge will not allow it: in the absence of teeth, any person develops edentulous bone tissue. Thus, on the horizon of life there appear removable jaw dentures and newfangled gels that make them easier to wear.

Now a little about the positive

In such situations, you can initially consider dental implantation in specialized
medical centers, where they will help restore bone volume and take control of the dental situation.

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