Grills, rhinestones, gold plates: what dental jewelry do stars choose?

Aesthetic dentistry is developing rapidly. Modern materials make it possible not only to eliminate any defect in the dentition, but also to decorate the smile with an original decoration. Among young people, wearing decorative skyces on their teeth is becoming increasingly popular. Some people unknowingly call all types of dental decoration skyces, although this is only one of their varieties. Let's find out what kinds of dental jewelry there are, how they are installed, and whether they are harmful.

When decorative items for teeth first appeared, precious stones were used to make them. To install them, a small hole was drilled in the tooth, a decoration was inserted into it and fixed with a special compound. Naturally, such products were not cheap.

Today, skyces are made from different materials, and to install them you do not need to make holes in your teeth. If you are tired of the decoration, you can remove it or replace it with a new one.

Today, both young people and older people are interested in decorating their teeth.

Mostly, skyces are worn by young people, but they are also found among older people. From a wide variety of products, you can choose an option for any age and style. The cost of jewelry varies widely.

Modern dental jewelry

Like other beauty accessories, dental jewelry is a way to attract attention and emphasize individuality. This solution is most popular among teenagers, but there are also adults who want to wear precious stones in their teeth. In this case, jewelry is often fixed not only to the original enamel, but also to crowns, veneers, and even removable dentures.

Sparkling rhinestones on teeth are also in demand among young children, who have jewelry placed on their baby teeth. Children are happy when their teeth shine and strive to take care of them every day, which eliminates some of the problems of parents.

Thus, in addition to the fact that shiny teeth simply attract attention and raise self-esteem, they also perform other functions: • help hide a crack or stain on the enamel; • help the child overcome the fear of dental treatment, since diamonds are inserted into the tooth completely painlessly; • after installation, the teenager is given an incentive to carefully maintain hygiene and take care of the oral cavity.


A skyce is a piece of jewelry that is also attached to tooth enamel. Often the accessory is used to hide visible dental defects. It can be made in the form of a pebble, a metal figurine or a rhinestone.

The material used for production is usually glass or crystal, which, after processing and smoothing the corners, become almost indistinguishable from real diamonds. At the same time, decorating a tooth with skype does not in any way affect the comfort in everyday life and when eating food. The thickness and diameter of the pebble are no more than 2 mm.


Grillz are also a kind of dental crowns with the caveat that the enamel is not cut down under them. In addition, they are removable , they can be put on independently for events and photo shoots, and then just as freely removed by the owner. Between the enamel and the overlay part of the grills there is a layer of silicone that protects against damage from metal.

Grillz teeth decorations can be made in the form of several crowns welded together, placed on an entire row of teeth or, less commonly, on one canine. For example, Yegor Creed has diamond teeth (photo) - these are the same grillz. On the lower jaw they cover the entire dentition, but on the upper jaw only 3 units. Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to place jewelry between teeth. But you can create grills in the shape of arches that will look like interdental spacers.

Grillz can be made from various materials . Cheap standard plates are made of plastic, which releases toxic substances and can cause stomatitis. Therefore, it is better to completely abandon such products.

Custom-made grills are cast by a dental technician from medical alloys: stainless steel, cobalt-chrome alloy or gold. They can have different coatings and differ in color: • gold (like Madonna); • steel color; • multi-colored; • under diamonds, like Yegor Creed's teeth; • combined, for example, gold with diamonds (photo).

You can even buy similar dental jewelry on Aliexpress for 150 rubles just for fun. But they won't stick properly because... Each person's jaw is individual, and standard dental overlays with “diamonds” may not suit everyone. To get a truly high-quality product, it needs to be made to order using casts of your own jaw.

Show business stars use the services of dentists for this, and the jewelry itself is modeled by jewelers. A good example is rapper Lil Peep's grillz with pink diamonds, which cost tens of thousands of dollars. For regular custom-made grills you will have to pay 150-200 dollars , and it will be a high-quality product that does not injure the gums, enamel and does not cause rashes on the mucous membranes.

Vampire fangs

Source: @dentaplus.ekb
The aesthetic value of such an installation is very questionable, but in certain circles or on special dates (for example, Halloween) they are popular. Bloodsucker fangs are formed using appropriate crowns or light-curing filling materials. In any case, the enamel is ground down to give the fangs the desired shape.

Diamond in the tooth

On the covers of glossy magazines you can often see photos of women with a diamond in their tooth; such jewelry in the form of a stone is called a sky. And more advanced and expensive versions of skyes are twinkles. Let's look at how they differ, how much it costs to supply a diamond, and where to buy it.


A skyce is a small piece of jewelry with a flat base that is attached using dental adhesive (bond). To install the skyce and dismantle it, you do not need to drill the enamel. Such a “diamond” in a tooth (photo) is designed to be worn continuously for a year or even more.

Skyces come in crystal, metal, and also combined with inlay with semi-precious stones. It is the material that determines how much a diamond costs in a tooth. If these are ordinary rhinestones on the teeth, then their price will not exceed a couple of hundred rubles, but if the product is made of medical metal and has a complex shape, its cost can range from 2 to 4 thousand rubles .

Typically, a diamond can be seen on a woman's lateral incisor or canine. Sometimes several small skypes are installed on one incisor or fang at once. Skysa jewelry can be purchased in advance on the Internet and brought to the dentist for installation, or you can choose from those available at the doctor.

In order for jewelry on your teeth to look good in photos and in reality, and to be worn for a long time, it is important to monitor hygiene and clean your teeth of plaque and stones in a timely manner. It is not recommended to bite off hard foods (crackers, bones, apples, etc.) with incisors, which can lead to loosening and loss of decoration. Read more about the types of skys, the stages and cost of their installation in the article.


Twinkles differ from skyes in that they are made of precious metals and encrusted with precious stones . It can rightfully be considered a piece of jewelry; this dental jewelry is named after the Swedish manufacturing company Twident. Typically, twinkle teeth are made of yellow or white gold and can be with or without stones. Popular are twinkle jewelry inlaid with: • sapphires; • rubies; • emeralds; • real diamonds.

The price of a diamond per tooth (real) of several hundredths or tenths of a carat can reach 15 thousand rubles and more. When installing such jewelry with glue alone, there is a high probability of losing it, so it is more advisable to fix it in a pre-drilled recess in the enamel or inside a ceramic crown. In this case, you can wear the gemstone in your tooth as jewelry for 5-10 years or more.

There are also more affordable twinkle jewelry on sale, which are made from crystal of different shades and shimmer in the sun no worse than a natural diamond. You can place such a diamond in a tooth much cheaper; the price of the jewelry will not exceed 500-1000 rubles. The advantage is that you won’t have to injure the enamel under it. That is why patients prefer crystal or semi-precious rhinestones rather than precious stones. In case of loss, buying a new “diamond” for the tooth will not be much of a problem.

The middle price segment consists of semi-precious stones set in medical metal. You can buy such a “diamond” for a price starting from 3 thousand rubles . Semi-precious stones can also be of different colors, these include: • topaz; • tourmaline; • agate; • alexandrite; • jonquil et al.


So-called Twinkles are another popular dental decoration. The main difference between a twinkle and a skyce is the use of real precious stones. Accessories can be made using diamond, ruby, emerald, sapphire, etc. In addition, they have a variety of shapes, from hearts and stars to flowers and crosses.


If you have long dreamed of decorating your smile with stones or installing grills in the shape of a diamond, this can be done quite safely without damaging the enamel. But it is important to contact a professional for installation, who will not only stick the rhinestone, but also prepare the place for it properly.

Before installing permanent jewelry (for permanent wear), professional cleaning of stones and plaque is required to avoid troubles in the form of caries under the sky. It is equally important to maintain daily hygiene and undergo check-ups and preventive hygiene twice a year.

Caring for “tooth beauty”

To maintain the shine and beauty of all dental jewelry, including skyes, twinkles, rhinestones, and thin metal stickers, the following rules must be followed:

  • Gently clean decorated teeth with a brush with soft bristles and toothpaste, without putting pressure on the decorated dental products.
  • After eating, rinse your mouth with warm water
  • Use dental floss
  • Use an oral irrigator
  • Once every 6 months, show your teeth decorated with skyes to the dentist to assess the strength of the sticker and hygiene.
  • To extend the service life of all dental jewelry, do not chew nut shells, crackers, bones, bite threads and wires with your teeth, or clean the area around jewelry glued to the enamel with a toothpick.

How is skys installed?

The procedure itself does not last long - from 10 to 15 minutes, but it should only be carried out by a dentist. First, the tooth is prepared - thoroughly cleaned and dried, after which special glue and a reflective composite are applied to which the skye is attached. Next, the surface of the tooth is polished. Installing a skyce is absolutely painless and can be removed at any time; the procedure is also carried out in the clinic.

If your tooth enamel has darkened or has a dull color, it is recommended that you undergo safe teeth whitening before installing a skyce.

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