Grillz - a trend in decorating teeth or a way to get a disease

Dental decoration is steadily gaining popularity. Now not only pop stars can show off their shiny teeth, but everyone can too. In parallel with restorative dentistry, decorative decoration of teeth is actively developing. In this article we will tell you what grills are and their features. How to use jewelry correctly, how to take care of your teeth and prevent negative consequences?

Dental decoration

Since ancient times, people have decorated their teeth, this is confirmed by archaeological excavations. However, little has changed over the centuries, and interest in dental decoration has not waned in the modern era. Fashion is set by popular personalities - actors, singers and freelance artists. Since about the 80s of the last century, rappers remembered the decorative decoration - grills, and after them they paid attention to the sparkling overlays and stars of the film industry.

In addition to grills, skyces are also in fashion - decorative inclusions in the crown of a tooth. However, skyces require damage to the enamel coating, which is not always acceptable for practical purposes. Grills can simply be put on top of a tooth or dentition, achieving a greater aesthetic effect without harming the enamel.

In addition, grills have no contraindications like skyes. They can be used without paying attention to the structure and color of the enamel, the presence of caries or installed crowns. This operating feature has made grills widely popular, and now they can be purchased in online stores. However, let’s consider all the features of this decoration in order.

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Description of grills

What are grillz? These are false jewelry that is placed on a tooth or a row of teeth. They are similar to regular braces, but cover the entire crown of the tooth. Sometimes grills can resemble the gold crowns on teeth that have become familiar to everyone since the times of the USSR, however, the shape and decorative design of these devices can be different. For example, young people can choose false fangs for themselves, imitating their favorite characters from vampire films.

Grills can be made from an alloy of various metals inlaid with precious stones or simply rhinestones. But the decoration is not always made of metal; there are also cheaper plastic options. It is characteristic that high-quality products are made to order, taking an impression of the client’s jaw. Commonly used veneers may not be of good quality and may harm your teeth. Let's look at the types of false decorations.

Types and forms

So, grills can be removable or non-removable. Removable structures are attached using special wax and are easily removed. Fixed structures are attached to the enamel using bolts; they can only be removed in the dentist’s office. You will have to wear these jewelry constantly, which is associated with certain inconveniences - more thorough cleaning of the oral cavity, problems with chewing food, etc.

According to the method of manufacturing the linings there are:

  • design;
  • stamped.

Designer overlays are made to order and are much more expensive than stamped ones. However, the quality of workmanship and full compliance with the structure of the teeth and jaw are at a high level. The client can choose any design from the catalog or offer his own idea of ​​the form.

Note! Stamped grills purchased at retail do not always fit in size.

Stamped products can be purchased freely, their cost is low. However, no one can guarantee that these products meet the quality standard and will not harm tooth enamel. Also, stamped grills may not fit properly and simply fall out of your mouth.

Overhead decorations can look different:

  • letters;
  • figurines;
  • imitation of animal fangs;
  • imitation of vampire fangs;
  • imitation of false jaws;
  • the most diverse.

Teeth onlays have become fashionable since 2013, when they were worn by famous foreign pop stars - Madonna and Lady Gaga. However, before purchasing decorative dental jewelry, consult your dentist because some products can cause significant damage to your teeth.

A real pro in fronts and golds. Meet Eddie Plain

Trying to unravel the mystery of the invention and the original author of the idea of ​​​​decorating teeth so extravagantly, they realized that all paths lead to the unknown Eddie Plein, the owner of the Eddie's gold teeth store, located in New York. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​putting so-called “grids” on the teeth, made of all kinds of precious metals interspersed with jewelry stones. The pioneers and trendsetters for grillz were the real giants of black culture of that time, Flava Flav (Public Enemy), Koll G Rap.

Any rap artist considers himself obligated to visit a popular dentist, certainly on the condition that this becomes known to the general public, a real pro in fronts and golds, hip-hop slang definitions of grillz. And keeping up with the times, some representatives of pop culture have purchased this accessory and are now releasing it under their own name, thereby turning a smile into a chic advertising show. This is exactly what the famous rap artist Paul Wall did.

Plein himself is in no hurry to retire and throw away the opportunity to make money from his unusual invention. Even today he continues to delight his very famous clients with these outrageous accessories. Representatives of the “Dirty South”, who have already visited the dentist, whose names are inscribed in the history of music. Among them were Ludacris, Goodie Mob.

If you get the impression that this is a purely masculine piece of jewelry, then you just have to remember the various performances of Rihanna, who shocked fans with grills of various types and colors.

Material of manufacture

Let's look at what materials dental jewelry is made from. They didn’t come up with anything special here - grills are modeled from the same materials as dental crowns:

  • nickel and chromium alloy;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • silver with gold plating;
  • stamped.

An alloy of nickel and chromium is a cheap and accessible option, however, it is not suitable for constant wear. Over time, the effect of metals can cause an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the oral cavity with all the consequences.

For daily wear, it is better to prefer silver jewelry. This metal has a beneficial effect on the microflora of the oral cavity, kills bacteria and disinfects the mucous membrane.

Celebrities use gold. Most often, gold grills are decorated with inserts of precious stones to emphasize and enhance the impression of sophistication and luxury.

Stamped products are the most dangerous and undesirable to wear. Often the shape of false teeth has to be adjusted manually. The attachment is usually uncomfortable - they are fixed to the back teeth. Constantly wearing stamped jewelry will quickly lead to tooth decay, as it wears away the enamel.


These are transparent removable mouth guards made of hypoallergenic material, which are used to correct bite in children over 12 years of age and adults. Age restrictions are due to the fact that aligners can be prescribed when jaw growth has stopped, that is, after 12–14 years.

Aligners are clear aligners that are less noticeable when worn than a plate or braces.

Aligners are prescribed when there are gaps between teeth that spoil the aesthetic appearance. They also help solve the problem of crowded teeth, change the position or inclination of each tooth, and correct crossbites or open bites. In severe cases or in very difficult cases, this orthodontic system will not be sufficient and braces may be required.

Like plates, aligners are individual for each client. They are created using a 3D model, taking into account how the position of the teeth will change step by step. That is, if the doctor adjusts the plate according to the schedule, then the aligners will simply need to be changed every 2-4 weeks on your own. A set can on average include from 8 to 40 sets, depending on the complexity of the case. As a rule, the first results become noticeable after 3-4 months of wearing.

The client receives a full set of aligners for the entire correction period

After treatment, a retention period begins, during which you need to consolidate the result with the help of retainers. If it is missed, the teeth may return to the position they were before treatment.

Aligners should be worn for 20–22 hours a day, only being removed when eating or brushing your teeth. The advantage of this device is that it does not impose dietary restrictions: for example, while wearing braces you cannot eat solid foods such as nuts, crackers, apples.

Russian Star Smile aligners have made the technology of orthodontic treatment with aligners accessible, since the final cost does not include transportation costs from abroad. In addition, their production time is reduced. The treatment process takes on average from 3 to 15 months.

How grills are attached

What is used to attach the decoration to the teeth? There are three fixation options for this:

  1. regular wax;
  2. silicone composition;
  3. mounting bolts.

Cleaned wax is used for fastening. It is preheated and then used. It's simple and convenient, but fixing it with wax is a risky idea. If you are going to a party with a feast, then any hot drink you drink will immediately melt the wax. This threatens the false tooth falling out, or even swallowing the jewelry along with food. Therefore, wax fastening can be used in cases where there is no feast.

Fixation with silicone is a more reliable option. False teeth will definitely not fall out or fly off at the wrong time. However, this fixation is used for custom-made jewelry.

Bolting is used for permanent structures and is performed in the dentist's office.

Why do children get tooth decay?

There are many reasons for the development of carious formations:

  1. Insufficient mineralization of enamel. Baby teeth have porous enamel, which makes it more susceptible to destruction by cariogenic organisms. To strengthen the enamel, it is necessary to ensure that the child eats properly and receives all the necessary substances; a fluoridation procedure can also be recommended.
  2. Poor hygiene, exacerbated by the large amount of sweets and carbonated drinks with high sugar content consumed.

  3. Eating food contaminated with cariogenic bacteria. This happens when parents lick the spoon with which the child will later eat, or kiss him on the lips.
  4. Violation of feeding regime. You should not give food to your child at his first request. It is also forbidden to keep a bottle of sweet liquid near the baby’s crib, giving him the opportunity to constantly drink sugary drinks that destroy his teeth.

How to wear and care

What are the features of using decorative overlays? The most important rule is to put grills on previously cleaned teeth.

We should warn you right away - you cannot eat or drink drinks in grills. First, pieces of food get stuck in the decoration. Secondly, food gets under the lining and the fixing composition is damaged - the decoration will simply fall off.

Note! You should not wear grills if your gums are bleeding or if you have open wounds on the oral mucosa.

After installing the pads, you don’t need to touch them with the tip of your tongue to check for “strength” - this can dislodge the grills. It is also not recommended to touch installed jewelry with your fingers for the same reason.

After use, jewelry should be cleaned with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste, dried and stored in a box. In some cases, it is better to replace the brush with a cotton swab so as not to scratch the surface.

What it is?

Decorative overlays, which refer to removable structures, for several teeth or for one, were originally called grills, from the English word grills

Translated into Russian this means “ lattices

Later, at the beginning of the 2000s, a song by a famous hip-hop artist was released dedicated to these jewelry. Its name was "Grillz". From that time on, the linings began to be called that way. In Russian you can also find variations of this word - grills or grills.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of decorating teeth is the creation of a unique image. However, this decoration has many disadvantages that should be mentioned:

  • inappropriate use of metals can cause severe irritation of the oral mucosa, including bleeding gums;
  • Constantly wearing grills can cause stomatitis and other diseases of the oral mucosa, including periodontitis;
  • possible mechanical damage to molars;
  • the risk of developing caries increases significantly;
  • there is a risk of damage to the tongue, lips and buccal mucosa;
  • stamped models deform the bite.

Which jewelry is completely safe? Only those that are modeled based on an individual jaw cast. Other models are at risk and can cause irreparable harm to the oral cavity.

The cost of making individual models will be more expensive, but it will protect the enamel from damage and the teeth from caries. Purchasing products at retail does not guarantee the preservation of dental health.

Aesthetic dentistry

Ideal teeth should be healthy, straight and beautiful. However, various defects of the enamel, bite or structure of the dentition are more common. With defects in the dentition, a person experiences aesthetic discomfort and is once again afraid to smile. In this case, dental accessories or restorative techniques come to the rescue. However, dental restoration can be expensive, and it is not original.

Aesthetic dentistry was developed thanks to the film industry. Various dental accessories began to be developed for actors to improve the quality of their smile. Soon ordinary people began to turn to the services of aesthetic dentistry. Innovative techniques of modern dentistry provide a chance to get a dazzling smile, change your image, or simply temporarily decorate your teeth with decorative overlays - grills.

However, if there are visual defects in the dentition, it is better to spend money on correcting teeth using false crowns than to resort to a dubious method of camouflage using decoration. Grillz are only suitable for temporary wear - to a party or friendly gatherings.

Note! Constantly wearing grills poses a risk to dental health.

Restorative crowns are fixed using high-quality dental materials that are safe for enamel. Crowns are made from an individual impression that matches the bite and shape of the molars. If the enamel is chipped, you can resort to tooth augmentation, which will ensure reliability and aesthetics.

A cheaper restoration option is veneers - overlay crowns made of silicone. They completely mask dental imperfections and look aesthetically pleasing. Veneers are often used by public figures to enhance their smile aesthetics. When installing veneers, there is no need to grind teeth and remove nerves, as when installing dentures.

To improve the visual effect, you can purchase Hollywood-style veneers - they are overlays on top of the front part of the tooth crown. For permanent wear, functional veneers are used that completely cover the tooth crown. Veneers are made of durable material that is not stained by food or drinks.

Is there any harm from them?

First of all, it is worth saying that almost any artificial structures are unnatural for the human body. However, grills themselves do not cause direct harm to teeth.

. However, there are many factors that cause the American Dental Association to consider these jewelry unacceptable.

The first thing dentists ask you to pay attention to is the quality of the materials used for manufacturing.

overlays If these materials are not certified, they may well cause harm. This can be fraught with the development of many dental problems:

  • allergic reaction
    , which provokes stomatitis or other similar unpleasant manifestations;
  • diseases of periodontal tissues of an inflammatory nature
    - this is associated both with a traumatic factor and with the insufficiency and inferiority of hygienic procedures;
  • increased risk of developing multiple caries
    , which is also due to the problematic quality of hygiene;
  • injuries to soft tissues (lips, gums, tongue)
    - usually this only applies to grills of complex shape, as well as those encrusted with stones;
  • thinning of the upper layer of teeth - protective enamel
    - with frequent and prolonged wear;
  • irritation of lips and gums

There is another danger, especially for those who practically never remove this type of jewelry. This is already more serious than all previous problems - changes in bite

. Then you should definitely contact an orthodontist.

You should immediately remove your grills and consult a specialist if wearing this jewelry begins to cause any discomfort. And in case of symptoms such as redness and irritation of soft tissues, as well as pain in the gums or teeth, even more so.

Properly manufactured grills, if all requirements for wearing and care are met, are not harmful or dangerous.

. In addition, the inside of the structure must be covered with a special protective layer of silicone, which prevents damage to soft tissues and defects in tooth enamel.

Bottom line

Aesthetic dentistry is a new direction in medicine. With the help of dental restoration and installation of decorative onlays, you can significantly improve your appearance and make your smile attractive. In addition to the aesthetic aspect, you can achieve a change in image - in this case, decorative overlays for teeth of various shapes are used. This trend is very popular in the West and has aroused interest in our country.

By choosing decorative overlays - grills - a person can create any image and emphasize individuality. However, a tribute to fashion can result in damaged teeth and gums if you do not approach this issue seriously. Dentists advise purchasing accessories from aesthetic dentistry clinics, having them made to order based on an impression of the jaw. This will cost more, but will keep your teeth healthy.

Do not forget that the use of dental accessories increases the requirement for oral care. Grills need to be cleaned with paste each time, dried thoroughly and stored in a special case. If you do not maintain hygiene, you can introduce an infection into the oral cavity. If you feel the slightest discomfort, immediately contact a dental clinic to avoid oral diseases.

Sources used:

  • The latest technologies in aesthetic dentistry / V.N. Chilikin. — M.: MEDpress-inform
  • “Aesthetic dentistry and ceramic restorations (Tuati B.)
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (USA)
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