LM-activator – an improved method of orthodontic dental treatment

Expensive and inconvenient to use braces have been replaced by the LM-activator (trainer) - a special mouth guard made of medical silicone.

Lm Activator can be used already at the teething stage and during the subsequent period of their growth. The device is easy to use and can be removed if necessary.

It has an aesthetic appearance, is almost invisible on the teeth, which makes the wearing process comfortable and enjoyable.

Purpose and capabilities

This orthodontic device is designed to correct the position of the dentition.
Recommended for use mainly in children from 3 months to 13 years. It can be installed even before teeth erupt. Thereby preventing their curvature and minimizing possible jaw deformations. With the help of a trainer it is possible to change an incorrect bite. The LM activator is available in several configurations and sizes. Each little patient can choose a suitable model.

The device promotes:

  • teething in the correct position;
  • alignment of the dental arch, incisors, molars and canines;
  • formation of physiological bite;
  • normal development of the lower jaw;
  • getting rid of bad habits: thumb sucking, tongue sucking, etc.;
  • normalization of respiratory and swallowing functions.

Correction of bite with mouthguards (trainers)

Recently, new devices have appeared in the group of elastopositioners : LM-activators and Myobraces , as well as NITE-GUIDE-CORRECTOR for children 5-7 years old, OCCLUS-O-GUIDE-CORRECTOR for children 8-12 years old, ORTHO-T-CORRECTOR for children aged 12 years and older.

These devices are successfully used by orthodontists in many countries. They are most often needed in a changing, sometimes temporary, dentition, when the use of a “rigid” structure made in a dental laboratory is impossible or difficult due to poor fixation on changing teeth.

Sometimes it is enough to use such a device to eliminate minor deviations or the causes that cause them (biting lips, pencils, fingers, objects, tongue protruding, “habitual” mouth breathing, etc.). But more often these devices are used at one of the stages of orthodontic treatment.

Myobrace trainers

The Myobrace system is used to straighten teeth and correct bites as an alternative to braces.

The Myobrace trainer system is represented by three series of devices:

  • MBS (Myobrace Starter);
  • the Myobrace system itself in 7 sizes;
  • frameless MBN series, in 7 sizes.

Myobrace treatment is based on the use of myofunctional orthodontic techniques to eliminate harmful myofunctional habits, which are the main cause of crowding. The bite is corrected under the influence of the intermittent action of a weak leveling force. For more than 50 years, dentists and orthodontists around the world have been using myofunctional orthodontics.

The essence of the method is to use removable orthodontic appliances, which are worn for only 1-2 hours every day, as well as throughout the night (during sleep).

As a result of daily use of the Myobrace device in combination with regular exercises to normalize breathing, muscle function and tongue position, the bite is aligned and function is restored, which, in turn, plays a big role in the development of the correct facial shape and a healthy smile.

Advantages of a pre-orthodontic trainer:

  • Made from elastic material. It acts gently and does not inhibit jaw growth.
  • Includes several planes - several functions.
  • Can be used in mixed dentition, when “rigid” devices manufactured in outpatient settings will not bring much benefit or cannot be used due to poor conditions for fixing or restraining jaw growth with a rigid structure, and it is necessary to work on creating myodynamic balance in the oral cavity and normalizing function already in this period.
  • If at this stage of the child’s development the deviations are corrected or reduced, then, consequently, the need for orthodontic treatment in the group of these children will decrease in 2-3 years.

When is use recommended and contraindicated?

Doctors recommend using the LM activator for the following pathologies:

  • close arrangement of the front incisors and canines , when the teeth sit closely and overlap each other;
  • varying degrees of rotation (rotation, rotation of the tooth);
  • deep bite (improper closure of teeth when the upper incisors overlap the lower ones);
  • open bite (when there is no closure of the teeth, there is a vertical gap between the front or side teeth);
  • cross bite (the teeth intersect chaotically when closing, due to the displacement of the jaw bones in relation to each other);
  • distal bite (the front jaw is strongly advanced relative to the lower jaw);
  • a gummy smile is characterized by a strong opening of the upper gum.

When the use of silicone mouthguard is prohibited:

  • narrow upper dental arch;
  • mesial bite (the lower jaw is pushed forward in a closed mouth position);
  • the midline is shifted by more than 3 mm.

How to use?

When a doctor prescribes wearing a trainer, for many parents it comes as an unpleasant surprise, since they have no idea how to use the device or what kind of care it requires.

The use of the design requires the close attention of parents, as well as the responsibility of the little patients themselves.

Wearing rules

The LM-Activator must be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor, without reducing the wearing time .

Most often, it is recommended to wear the device for 2 hours during the day and throughout the night. The two hours of the day can be divided into several intervals, but you should not eat food during this time.

Read about the distinctive features of the blue T4A trainer in the next review.

In this material we will consider the concept of crowding of the front teeth.

Here https://orto-info.ru/sistemyi-vyiravnivaniya-zubov/lechebno-profilakticheskie-apparatyi/treyneryi-dlya-tsena-na-razlichnyie-vidyi.html we will talk about what factors influence the price of children's dental trainers.


When using an orthodontic appliance, there is no need to constantly rinse, clean, or use specific products.

Maintenance is quite simple , for this the design requires:

  • brush with toothpaste after wearing it overnight;
  • Boil periodically for disinfection;
  • Once every two to three months, take it to the dentist for cleaning and selection of the required size, since the child’s jaw is constantly growing.

Device design

A distinctive feature of this trainer is that it is made of hypoallergenic silicone of medium hardness. Patients very quickly get used to a new foreign body in the oral cavity.

The device is available for the upper and lower jaws. The high sides of the device allow it to be securely secured in the mouth and ensure further comfortable wearing.

The pad has through holes for air exchange, which is very important for free breathing, as well as gum health. In the area of ​​the molars, the structure is made with different intervals in width and height. This allows us to take into account the individual characteristics of the jaw structure of each person.

There are special grooves for the front teeth so that the teeth gradually return to their normal position as they grow.

There are high and low silicone devices. High teeth are used to correct open bites. Low ones are more functional.

LM activator models are also divided into long and short. The long design is used when most molars are present. The short model is necessary for patients with seventh molars that have not yet appeared.

Who produces

The manufacturer of LM activators is the company LM-Instruments, which is located in Finland. The device was developed by French orthodontist Daniel Rollet. The devices began to be manufactured in the late 80s.

LM activators are produced in different sizes and parameters. Each has its own purpose, so a doctor must select a specific device. Each product is sold in a container of its own color. In total, there are 37 types of activators for teeth.

4 main types of LM activator in different boxes

By height

Based on height, there are low and high varieties. The low model has broader indications for use, while the high model is specialized. It is designed for open bite. In addition to the enlarged sides, this LM-activator has thickened lateral sections of the walls in the area of ​​the second premolars and molars.

By lenght

The availability of short and long LM activators on sale is explained by the fact that the device is often prescribed to children whose so-called “sevens” have not yet emerged. If parts of the molars are missing, wearing a long model is inconvenient, so a shortened one is used.

To size

LM activators are divided by size for ease of wearing. To select the appropriate device, the doctor uses a special line of LM-OrthoSizer. It helps to calculate the size between the second incisor and the canine and determine which product the patient requires. If there is crowding of teeth or diastema, the doctor gives preference to a larger or smaller size of the structure.

Ruler for selecting the size of the LM activator

Children need to wear trainers and elastopositioners every night and 2-3 hours during the day (in total). You cannot talk while wearing the device, so the mouth guard must be worn while reading, playing on the computer, doing homework, or watching TV.

The process of dentition correction

The best effect is achieved if you start using the device in the early period before teething or during their appearance. As the child’s maxillofacial apparatus grows, the trainers have to be changed 2-3 times.

Stages of corrective treatment:

  1. At the first visit to the doctor, a visual examination of the condition of the oral cavity takes place. Special measurements and x-rays are taken if necessary. The doctor makes a diagnosis. The orthodontist decides what type of fixation is required in each particular case. The expected duration of treatment is discussed.
  2. Active use of the LM activator occurs strictly as prescribed by the doctor. It is necessary to observe the periods of wearing and removing the mouth guard. Follow instructions for care and cleaning of the device. Do not chew or squeeze the pads. After 1 month you should see a doctor. Next, you need to visit the orthodontist every 3 months to monitor and adjust the therapy.
  3. The duration of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. Some people need little time to correct the deficiencies of jaw pathologies, while others need a long period of time to achieve results. Treatment can be completed after the correct bite has been formed and the teeth are aligned. In some cases, it is recommended to continue using the trainer only at night. All actions and manipulations of the doctor are based on data on the state of the patient’s bone-jaw characteristics. Taking into account growth rates and changes in physiological parameters. The average duration of treatment with LM-activator is 1 year.

The orthodontic device is made of durable, safe material. But still, with a strong mechanical impact on it, the device can become deformed. The instructions for use must be strictly followed.

Differences from 1st generation LM activator

The devices have no fundamental differences in design and principle of operation. LM activator 2nd generation:

  • A little denser and tougher. LM-Activator 2 can speed up the correction process and is suitable for treating older children, for example, primary schoolchildren.
  • Made from a more transparent and shiny silicone. The device looks aesthetically pleasing, so it is comfortable for children and teenagers to wear it during the day.
  • Has greater wear resistance due to increased rigidity. This makes the activator more difficult to bite through if the child squeezes it tightly with his teeth.

Like 1st generation devices, LM-Activator 2 is hypoallergenic, physiological and does not damage tooth enamel.

Pros and cons - analysis of opinions

According to practicing orthodontists and dentists, as well as patient reviews, the LM activator is the optimal means of early correction and correction of orthodontic disorders.

We wear the activator for 3 months. We can wear it for two hours during the day only on weekends; we always wear it at night. The effect is noticeable even to a non-specialist. The dentition has become straighter due to the fact that the son sucked his tongue in his sleep, which is probably why the upper mouthguard is now a little chewed. Apparently, we will have to change the device soon. But I’m willing to pay a lot of money for the result.

Natalya 05/12/13

Don't expect quick results from wearing pads; be patient. Not all children are able to withstand a couple of hours during the day in silence, without opening their mouths. At night, when the baby falls asleep, he relaxes his jaws and the activator falls out onto the pillow (not every night, of course).

But despite this, our family appreciated this wonderful device. We are satisfied and recommend it to everyone.

Valentina Igorevna 02.23.14

LM-activator is a method of treatment, and at the same time a preventive measure. It is used for existing or possible pathologies in the structure of the dentition and malocclusion. This device helps children acquire a beautiful smile and communicate freely and uninhibitedly with their peers.

The photo shows the dentition before and after using the LM activator

Pros of the device:

  • allows you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time;
  • convenient design, aesthetic appearance;
  • optimal wearing mode;
  • used in the earliest stages of dentition formation;
  • speech defects are eliminated, facial tone increases;
  • helps get rid of bad habits;
  • acceptable price.

LM-Activator has proven itself only on the positive side. Some patients have reported that the trays sometimes fall out of their mouths at night, but these are isolated cases.

Advantages and disadvantages

The list of positive aspects noted by dentists when using LM activators includes:

  • Efficiency of bite correction;
  • Aesthetics compared to braces;
  • Simplicity and ease of use;
  • Elimination of speech defects;
  • Increased tone of the orbicularis oris muscle;
  • Affordable price.

The device is used as a prophylactic agent to prevent the development of orthodontic anomalies, as well as severe malocclusions.

The disadvantages characteristic of elastic correctors are determined by the specifics of their design. The absence of metal elements, although it provides a convenient, aesthetic and painless restoration of the dentition, implies less pressure on the problem units. The consequence of this is an increase in the duration of correction - the average period, as a rule, is about one and a half years, and is also determined by the age of the patient and the specifics of the pathology. It is also worth considering that the technique of wearing the device requires compliance with a special protocol that prescribes tight closure of the dentition, so parents have to pay increased attention to how the child complies with medical recommendations.

Features of care and operation

The key factor in favor of activators is their aesthetics. Daytime wearing of the structure is limited to two-hour sessions, which greatly simplifies the child’s psychological adaptation. Installation at night, thanks to the special features of the system, eliminates the possibility of the trainer moving or falling out during sleep. The procedure for caring for the product does not require much effort: it is enough to regularly rinse the activator in running water, and in case of severe contamination, boil it for several minutes. The presence of a special storage case allows you to maintain the hygienic condition of the corrector.

Price issue

The price of the LM activator fluctuates around 4000-6000 rubles. Please remember that several devices may need to be changed during treatment as your child's jaws and facial bones grow and develop. Some people get by with just one trainer.

Straightening teeth with braces will cost much more, and their use is more uncomfortable and troublesome compared to trainers.

The main correction occurs at night. During the day, mouthguards can be worn at home, out of sight of prying eyes, this eliminates the feeling of discomfort and psychological stress due to the need to communicate with people during the treatment period.

LM activator for children

The LM Activator is a removable orthodontic appliance made of soft silicone that is used to straighten children's teeth during their active growth stage. It is used as early orthodontic treatment and to prevent malocclusion in children.

Trainer LM-Activator19,800 rubles
Preventive examination of the orthodontist at the stage of orthodontic treatment900 rubles

All prices

Indications for use

Medical indications that serve as the basis for prescribing a device include:

  • Identified malocclusion development;
  • The need for correction of the smile area caused by excessive exposure of the gums;
  • The need to correct crowding and rotation of individual elements of the dentition.

There are not many restrictions that exclude the possibility of treatment using an activator. This list includes mesial occlusion, excessive narrowness of the maxillary arch, as well as a displacement of the central axial line by more than three millimeters.

Universal manufacturing technology allows you to expand the functionality of the device. If necessary, the design can be supplemented with auxiliary elements that increase the corrective pressure. In addition, the structure of the activator allows you to combine therapeutic and strengthening procedures - the use of whitening and mineralizing compounds improves the aesthetics and strength of the enamel coating of teeth.

Installation and treatment with a corrective device

Like any medical device, the LM activator has certain indications for use. Among them:

  • malocclusion (open, deep, cross, distal bite);
  • too close arrangement of teeth in the anterior group;
  • reverse position of individual teeth;
  • “gummy” smile;
  • prevention of malocclusion.

Contraindications to the use of the activator include:

  • too narrow upper dentition;
  • mesial bite;
  • too large (over 3 millimeters) displacement of the midline.

Practice has shown that the activator is most effective in mixed and primary occlusions. Application in the initial permanent dentition also shows good results. Due to the peculiarities of physiology in adults, the device is used quite rarely.

Experts who have been working with these devices for a long time have discovered that they can also be used in non-standard cases. For example, if necessary, additional elements can be introduced into the activator for a targeted effect on a specific tooth (or several teeth).

In adults, the device can be used to eliminate dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints, as well as if the hard tissues of the teeth have increased abrasion. It can also be used as a mouth guard for remineralization therapy, and in some cases as a retention device after orthodontic treatment.

Since the installation of the LM activator is not permanent, its preliminary fixation takes place in our clinic, after which the structure is removed. We will give you valuable instructions regarding the use of the product, as well as schedule a visit to monitor the progress of treatment.

The LM activator has 37 different models in its line with optional length and thickness of the product in the fixation zone. This variety will help our orthodontist choose the ideal trainer option for the child, which fully matches the structural features of his jaw. The device can be worn on both the upper and lower jaw. The specific treatment plan depends on the complexity of the original case.

If you are worried about your child’s pain, we hasten to assure you that he will not feel any discomfort. The elasticity of the material from which the device is made quickly adapts to the parameters of the jaw and does not cause pain to the patient. This also adds advantages to the trainer over conventional metal braces.

You must pay attention to some nuances of wearing the device. The child's teeth should be tightly closed and the mouth closed. Intense biting, chewing, grinding or clenching of teeth may damage the product. A second appointment with our specialist should take place after 4-5 weeks of constant wearing of the LM activator. Follow-up visits should occur at 10-12 week intervals until orthodontic treatment is completely completed.

During follow-up consultations, our dentist may cancel additional daily wear, or perhaps increase its duration. It all depends on the complexity of the case and the dynamics of treatment.

The entire process of correcting the bite, as a rule, takes no more than 1-1.5 years. However, the correction period may be delayed, depending on the patient’s age, as well as the type and degree of the specific pathology.

At one of the control appointments, our specialist can make changes to the design of the trainer using a silicone drill, scissors or a scalpel. Typically, these manipulations are performed when the bite changes during treatment, but they may also be appropriate in an emergency. If your child complains of too much pressure on soft tissue, contact us immediately and we will quickly resolve the problem.

Caring for the device

The LM activator must be constantly cleaned and disinfected. They can be produced in an autoclave at a temperature of 134 degrees Celsius. At home, disinfection should be carried out by boiling. Also, the patient (or his relatives) should regularly clean the device with a toothbrush. In this case, you can use antibacterial solutions and toothpastes.

There are no absolute contraindications to wearing the device. However, in some cases its use is inappropriate and impractical.

The trainer is not used when:

  • Displacement of the midline of the jaw by 3 mm or more;
  • Extremely narrow frontal dentition;
  • Mesial occlusion.

For adult patients with mature teeth, wearing a LM activator is indicated in exceptional cases.

Today, everyone has access to online markets with an abundance of various medical products. LM-activator is no exception - any parent can purchase it without leaving home.

However, there is no need to do this, since you risk not only not getting results, but also harming your baby. When selecting a specific shape and size of a trainer, it is important to take into account the presence of crowding or diastema of certain teeth. Depending on the pathology, these parameters must be adjusted, even if they correspond to the results of the initial measurements.

When trying on the structure, it is important to make sure that the teeth are in the correct position - otherwise, the treatment will not give any results. And finally, the device model can optionally change during the treatment process. You will not be able to cope with all these tasks on your own. Of course, unless you are an orthodontist yourself.

Do you want your child to smile at the dentist's appointment? Then we invite you to a consultation at our Alfa-Dent clinic! Our professionals will select the optimal treatment regimen, carry it out painlessly, comfortably and with guaranteed quality. Call us and make an appointment!

Treatment process

The treatment process with LM-activators is quite long and depends on the nature and severity of the anomaly - usually it takes at least one year to completely correct the deficiency. The wearing time of the structure is usually 12 hours - all night and several hours during the day. While wearing the activator, the teeth should be tightly fixed in the device and the lips should be closed. It is not allowed to “chew” the device or bite it, as this can lead to mechanical damage. At the beginning of treatment, wearing the activator may cause inconvenience, discomfort and pain, which disappear over time. The device does not harm the roots of the teeth due to the fact that the process of moving teeth occurs gradually. It is not enough to simply buy an LM-activator, because treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist from the MY ORT clinic. The cost of treatment with an LM-activator starts from 8,000 rubles. In some cases, the use of two devices is required. With us, the price of treatment is announced to the Patient during the consultation, then it is fixed in the contract and does not change throughout the correction.

Principle of operation

The LM activator for teeth involves the use of mechanics of influence on the jaw row, similar to braces or conventional dental guards. Despite the duration of the rehabilitation course, the results of its completion prove the effectiveness of the device.

The activator allows you to avoid surgical intervention, is practical and easy to use, and can be prescribed to patients in the younger age group. Uniform pressure on the jaw apparatus, accompanied by a redistribution of mechanical load, promotes teeth alignment and the formation of a correct bite, eliminating the consequences of abuse of bad habits or congenital anomalies.

The decision to prescribe a corrective device is made by the orthodontists of our clinic based on the results of a comprehensive examination. Having determined the nature and specificity of the existing anomalies, the doctor selects the optimal trainer in terms of size and tightness of fit, which guarantees the achievement of the desired result. In addition to eliminating developmental defects, the system also helps restore normal muscle tone, normalizes the respiratory and swallowing function of the nasopharynx, and can also be used as a preventative tool necessary to consolidate the results of surgery or treatment with braces.

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