How can I find out which clinic the house belongs to?

Primary and secondary health care specialists see citizens in clinics that are registered at a specific address and place of residence. Medical institutions operate on the principle of being assigned to certain areas or areas of the city, so you need to know which of them you are assigned to.

If you have not used the services of doctors before, then you need to determine which clinic you can get the necessary help from. After switching to the compulsory medical insurance system, it is not always clear where exactly you have the right to be observed within its framework. This can lead to deterioration of the condition and loss of time if health problems arise, due to which it is necessary to urgently contact the clinic.

By knowing in advance where you need to go, you will significantly reduce the risk for yourself and your family, who, as a rule, are assigned to the same medical facility as you.

Having changed a street, district or even a city within the Russian Federation, you need to assign yourself to a new clinic at your place of residence, otherwise, during an acute or dangerous health situation, the nearest doctors will not be able to help you.

  • 1 How to find out at the address: step-by-step instructions
  • 2 How to find a clinic in Moscow 2.1 Addresses of dental clinics
  • 3 How to find out a clinic in St. Petersburg
  • 4 How to check your compulsory medical insurance policy
  • 5 How to check through State Services
  • 6 How to secure a position at a clinic
      6.1 Adults
  • 6.2 Children
  • 7 Application for attachment to a clinic - sample filling
  • 8 Make an appointment with a doctor via the Internet
  • How to find out at the address: step-by-step instructions

    Typically, entire buildings or even streets are assigned to a specific medical facility. However, this does not mean at all that the clinic closest to you is yours. You may well receive medical services in another one that serves your home or in the one to which you were previously assigned.

    If you have never moved, the city system automatically assigned you to the clinic at your place of registration. In this case, it is enough to call the nearest clinic to clarify this information.

    If you have moved and there is a need to find out where you can now get services for medical problems, you can act in several ways:

    • “word of mouth” - just ask those who live next to you in the same house or the chairman of the house;
    • through a pharmacy nearby - as a rule, pharmacies store information about the telephone numbers of the nearest clinics or the central city center, where you can clarify your question on the hotline;
    • through city telephone information - you can find out both the telephone number of the central clinic (certificate number) and the telephone number of the one that is located near you. By calling, you can find out whether a specific institution serves your home and whether you are attached to it;
    • contact the insurer that issued you the compulsory medical insurance policy - by phone (printed on the policy card itself), via the Internet (if the company’s resource has a website);
    • online – information about clinics is stored in the databases of the health department of a particular city. In addition, in some regions the same information is duplicated through the portals of the city administration or district administration. In addition, there is a centralized EMIAS database, where the map shows all the nearest clinics in the area, and you can also find out the work schedule (for Moscow residents) .

    Check medical facilities

    If, after moving, you became registered or registered in your new place of residence, then this information should automatically be reflected in the clinic serving your address. Thus, you do not need to do anything additional, just find out which clinic is near you. The easiest way is to call. If you have moved and do not have registration at your place of residence, you will need to notify the clinic serving your area (or any other one of your choice) that you now want to be seen by them.

    According to the compulsory medical insurance policy, you have the right to change medical institutions no more than once a year. This rule does not apply to those who change their place of residence within a city or country - in these cases there are no restrictions on the change, but you must provide proof of the move.

    Comments: 4

    Your comment (question) If you have questions about this article, you can tell us. Our team consists of only experienced experts and specialists with specialized education. We will try to help you in this topic:

    Author of the article Irina Rusanova

    Consultant, author Popovich Anna

    Financial author Olga Pikhotskaya

    1. Natalia
      12/03/2021 at 08:00 Hello, what should we do? I contacted the clinic regarding the attachment of the wrong site (it’s not our site and the doctor at the health service), they have only one answer, that the site is being updated and they say there are glitches. This is half a year of glitches them? What to do, where to go and write a complaint to the registry?
      Reply ↓ Anna Popovich
      04.12.2021 at 20:22

      Dear Natalya, first you should contact the head physician of the clinic, as well as the insurance company that issued you the compulsory medical insurance policy. In addition, a complaint with a detailed description of the situation and your contact information can be sent to the Department of Health, the regional branch of Roszdravnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor.

      Reply ↓

  • Ekaterina Ivanovna
    11/16/2021 at 7:08 pm

    I'm Ekaterina Ivanovna. I want to join Polyclinic N1 (Sivtsev Vrazhek) through the portal, but it doesn’t work. It doesn’t appear in the list, and it doesn’t look for it in the search. I was served there for many years, while I was working, I had insurance from my employer. How can I do it? Thank you.

    Reply ↓

      Anna Popovich
      11/16/2021 at 11:05 pm

      Dear Ekaterina Ivanovna, we recommend that you contact the portal’s hotline by phone or 115 (for mobile phones).

      Reply ↓

  • How to find a clinic in Moscow

    For residents of the capital, finding out their clinic by address will not be difficult; for this you will need a telephone and access to the Internet. If you live in Moscow or have just moved here, you can find out the address of the attachment clinic:

    • by phone: 8 - this is a single service for making an appointment with a doctor, where you can find out where exactly you should go;
    • on the website of the city compulsory medical insurance fund -
    • on the website of the Moscow registry -


    The online check is carried out using the EMIAS database, through which an appointment with doctors providing primary medical care to the population is made.

    These two portals allow you not to enter your address, but to view the assignment of plots to certain streets and houses.

    Addresses of dental clinics

    Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region will be able to easily find out online the exact address of the dental clinic that is closest to your home, and you can also familiarize yourself with the clinic’s work schedule and other contact information. The map shows the addresses of 92 dental departments. Check


    Today, the existing Russian state system, which relates directly to healthcare, is subject to quite serious criticism not only in Russia, but also abroad. Due to the fact that today the organizational structure is still underdeveloped, medical equipment is outdated, and there is a lack of government funds to pay staff, most Russian citizens do not have the opportunity to gain access to an acceptable level of healthcare in Russia.

    If we take as a basis the report provided by Bloomberg, we can conclude that modern Russian healthcare today occupies one of the last places among 55 countries of fairly broad development in terms of the degree of efficiency and productivity of public healthcare systems. Russian citizens, and indeed the rest of the country, appear to share a similar view, with only 2% of respondents surveyed by the Moscow election agency saying they are proud of the Russian healthcare system.

    Despite the fact that modern healthcare that exists today in Moscow and the Moscow region is far from ideal, it is comparatively better than in many other parts of Russia, where about 17,500 cities and villages across the country do not have a medical infrastructure that can be reported. it would be to say.

    How to find out a clinic in St. Petersburg

    Citizens of the northern capital can also easily find out the address of the clinic at their place of residence. However, the previous methods are also suitable, which we described for residents of the capital, but St. Petersburg has its own official website, which has all the necessary information.

    Follow these steps:

    1. Go to the website -
    2. Select a city district;
    3. Then a medical facility;
    4. Next, enter your personal information.

    Check attachment

    The advantage of this portal is that it is not necessary to have honey here. a new sample policy in order to obtain information about the medical organization.

    Why is this necessary?

    Attachment to a medical organization (clinic, antenatal clinic, dentistry) and its identification is necessary, first of all, to receive medical care under the compulsory medical insurance program (except for emergency cases). The patient will also need to be attached directly to the clinic at their place of residence to make an appointment with a particular doctor, call a doctor in case of emergency medical care, as well as for medical examination, if the patient needs one.

    How to check through State Services

    State Services is a state information portal that provides online access to a database of state and municipal services for both legal entities and individuals.

    Important! To check on the public services website which clinic you belong to, you must have a new compulsory medical insurance policy (16 digits).

    So, to check the necessary information, you will need:

    1. Go to the portal -
    2. Be sure to register and then log in.
    3. Then click “Services”.
    4. Click on the “My Health” tab.
    5. Then click on “Information about medical care provided.”
    6. A “Get service” button will appear at the bottom right.
    7. Enter the policy number in the field provided.
    8. Click search and information will appear.

    If you have an old-style policy, i.e. paper format, then try using another verification method that we outlined above.

    How long does it take to give an answer?

    As a rule, when checking an attachment, the result is displayed immediately on the site. However, it is necessary to take into account that only policies of a single type are subject to processing. If the certificate is old, it can be checked by phone.

    How to secure a position at a clinic

    If you live at your place of registration and have never moved, then you don’t have to worry about being assigned to a clinic. Initially, you were already assigned to the nearest one serving this section of the city. However, when moving, you must write an application to a new medical institution and wait for its decision.

    For adults

    1. With a compulsory medical insurance policy, a medical card from the old clinic (if any), SNILS and a passport with new registration/registration, you must contact a medical institution.
    2. Write an application according to the established form if the clinic suits you and serves your home.
    3. Attach documents confirming your move - a rental agreement or an apartment purchase and sale agreement.

    For children

    1. The child’s birth certificate, his compulsory medical insurance policy, SNILS.
    2. Document from a parent or legal representative.
    3. Application for a child’s representative to be admitted to a medical institution.

    It is necessary to confirm the fact of the move, otherwise you may be refused if you have already changed clinics more than once over the past year.

    It is necessary to take into account that if you changed a medical institution not because of a move, but for your own reasons to one that does not serve your area (and this is possible), you will not be able to call doctors to your home from there or receive quick medical care from them. You can still call a doctor from the nearest clinic, but his services will not be covered by the compulsory medical insurance policy.

    The procedure for attaching to a clinic can take from 3-4 to 6-7 days , depending on the application form and the work of the medical institution itself.

    In Moscow you can attach online via:

    1. Mayor's portal -
    2. Moscow City Fund -

    The service is available only to those who do not live in the New Moscow area. Attachment to a antenatal clinic is not available, as well as to dentistry - you will have to visit the clinic in person.

    Call a doctor

    When a doctor is called to a patient’s home, the first thing the operator receiving the call should do is report complaints, symptoms, and also indicate whether the patient has a compulsory medical insurance policy. When placing a call, you must provide information such as the address where the call will be made and the telephone number for contact. As a result, after confirming the received information about the patient, the operator will notify that the call has been accepted and indicate the possible time of arrival of the doctor.

    You should also take into account the fact that until the doctor arrives, it is recommended not to leave the apartment where the call was sent. This is explained by the fact that the doctor can arrive at any time specified by the operator. Therefore, you should take care in advance about the possibility of opening the door and, accordingly, the intercom, if there is one at the entrance.

    Application for attachment to a clinic - sample filling


    As a rule, a blank form is issued at the institution itself at the request of visitors, but if you are refused or there are no blank copies, you can fill it out using a sample example, then take it to the registry.

    But to be sure, we advise you to first check with the registry whether this application format is suitable. Since there are cases, like some honey. workers fundamentally do not accept another format that differs from their clinic.

    Application form for attachment to the clinic.doc

    Features of the Russian medical system

    Russian medicine works according to a special scheme, taking into account every citizen and providing the population with a certain list of free medical services. Such assistance is provided by funds from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, which are generated from monthly contributions to taxes and regional payments. To receive free medical care, a citizen only needs to have a medical policy. If necessary, the document is presented at the medical institution at the place of residence to which the citizen is assigned.

    There are different ways to join a medical facility:

    1. Automatically - when a child is born, he is assigned to a specific clinic according to the registration of the newborn’s mother. If the family subsequently lives at the same address, then upon reaching a certain age, the children’s documents are transferred to an adult clinic, where the patient will subsequently be observed.
    2. You will have to independently secure a hospital appointment if you move frequently, or because of a purely personal desire to be observed at a specific medical institution.

    In small villages, regional centers or towns, questions about which clinic a child or adult patient is assigned to usually do not arise due to the only medical facility in the entire settlement. In large cities, finding the right hospital can be extremely difficult.

    Make an appointment with a doctor online

    A portal serving both the capital and the regions - State Services ( ). Through this site, you can make an appointment with a doctor in a couple of clicks, without standing in line and without chasing free coupons for the day.

    The procedure goes like this if you are already attached to a specific medical organization:

    1. Open the site in a new tab.

    2. Log in to the State Services portal with your username and password. If they are not there, register.

    3. Select the “Category” tab.

    4. Go to the “Make an appointment with a doctor” page.

    5. If you want, for example, to register a child, then select “To another person.”

    6. Fill out the form - you will need to indicate your compulsory medical insurance number, full name, SNILS and date of birth.

    7. Next, choose what service you want to receive, the doctor, and the date of your appointment.

    8. You will receive a coupon, which you will then need to print out. Also, it will be saved in the portal’s personal account and will be available for printing until the date of your visit to the clinic.

    In Moscow, there are several additional portals for making appointments with a doctor:

    1. EMIAS system - . Requires entering the same data as State Services. There is a phone number you can call and also make an appointment.
    2. Mayor's portal -

    If we are talking about Moscow

    Only residents of Moscow can register with the clinic online. But the operation is carried out not on the State Services, but on the website of the mayor of Moscow. By the way, you can log in to it through State Services if you currently do not have an account on this portal.

    The service is available to residents of Moscow, that is, the compulsory medical insurance policy must be registered in the capital. The online service is provided free of charge.


    Go to the Moscow Mayor’s portal, log in using your current credentials or through State Services. Then find the service “Attach to an adult clinic” through the search and click on the “Get service” button. The system will ask you to select the type of hospital:

    Next, the system will open a card with the citizen’s data and ask to indicate the medical policy number. If it is not registered in Moscow, the system will not allow you to proceed further and will indicate the reason:

    If the policy is suitable, then the system will indicate the citizen’s current registration and provide possible clinics for selection. Choose the one that is convenient for you and confirm your application.

    Regardless of how you submit your application, you will be assigned to a new clinic within 3 business days. Unlinking from your ex is done automatically.

    It is possible that soon it will be possible to join clinics through State Services. Since this can actually be done on the website of the mayor of Moscow, it is possible that this service will be launched on the state portal for all regions of the country.

    What else is needed at the stage of opening a dental clinic?

    At the initial stage of opening a dentistry, it is important to automate the work of the institution. Modern programs allow you to automate the following work:

    • controlling income and expenses;
    • making an appointment with dentists;
    • maintaining doctors' schedules;
    • drawing up patient treatment plans;
    • tracking business success from the first days;
    • control the consumption of materials;
    • tracking the effectiveness of special offers;
    • analysis of patients' dental formula;
    • calculation of salaries to employees.

    Special software is designed to solve different problems. Registration, medical records, payroll, and warehouse records are maintained automatically. As a result, the consumption of materials is reduced, and the director of the dental clinic makes management decisions faster.

    The program helps attract and retain customers and improve financial performance. Automatic filling of doctors' schedules saves time, and employee accounting makes it easy to manage the staff of a dental clinic. Modern software eliminates errors in business processes.

    How can I find a clinic?

    So, you have found out which institution you need to contact. All that remains is to find him. To do this, you can use the following methods:

    • telephone and address directory;
    • request on the city compulsory medical insurance website;
    • call to the ambulance operator;
    • visiting the nearest clinic
    • contacting the hotline of the Department of Health (open from 09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays);
    • a question on a city portal or forum;
    • searching for contact information on the Internet.

    If you decide to find out the necessary information from the ambulance dispatcher, be prepared to provide the number of the medical institution you are looking for. When going to a nearby clinic, you just need to give the address, and the reception staff will use it to determine where you should be sent.

    If you need information urgently, simply contact other residents of the house. They must know which organization to go to.

    Office or clinic?

    The format of the medical institution depends on the budget, capabilities and goals of the entrepreneur. The difference between clinics and offices is the scale and profit margin. The clinic provides patients with a full range of services:

    • orthopedic dentistry;
    • diagnostics;
    • surgical dentistry;
    • dental implantation;
    • prosthetics and periodontics;
    • tooth extraction;
    • treatment of neuralgic pain;
    • aesthetic dentistry.

    The list of services in a dental office will not be long. Patients are offered hygiene procedures, dental treatment, filling, installation of braces, and tooth extraction.

    To open a clinic, you need a solid budget for equipment, premises, and salaries for doctors. Opening a dental office is a less expensive task. The choice of the type of dental business depends not only on the budget, but also on the knowledge of the entrepreneur. For newcomers to business, it is better to open an office rather than a clinic. Over time, a successful office can be scaled up into a clinic.

    Is it necessary for a doctor to be a businessman, and for a businessman to be a doctor?

    The dental business brings good profits to entrepreneurs. Doctors who work in government institutions are thinking about opening a private clinic. Both an experienced dentist and a novice businessman can achieve success. The most important thing is the professionalism of doctors and the right approach to organizing a business.

    Medical school graduates are good doctors, not managers and entrepreneurs. An experienced businessman-manager has a greater chance of success.

    When opening a dental office, you need to take into account the specifics of the legislative framework. To register an LLC, a businessman is not required to have a medical education. Profile education will be needed when opening an individual entrepreneur.

    A businessman does not have to be a doctor to open a clinic. Some doctors manage to establish successful businesses in dentistry. A business owner must understand advanced approaches to dental treatment, introduce new technologies, and objectively evaluate the work of doctors.

    In Europe, only doctors with education can open medical offices. It is believed that the head of a dental clinic should be a specialist with a medical education. In Russia there are no such requirements yet. A businessman without specialized education can become successful by inviting an experienced practicing chief physician to the clinic.

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