How to talk about toothache? 12 proven old ways

Conspiracies > For toothache for yourself

Everyone is afraid of toothache because it literally takes over your mind and makes you feel like you are being tortured. Moreover, it can begin at night, when there is no opportunity to buy pills or visit the dentist. And not all drugs relieve pain. How to quickly solve the problem? We invite you to familiarize yourself with 10 strong white Spells for toothache for yourself, acting at a distance, which work instantly and act immediately. Find out how to read them at home without consequences.

  • Toothache spell for yourself
  • Water spell
  • A spell to quickly eliminate toothache
  • Spell for nettles
  • Conspiracy to the Moon
  • Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova
  • Strong spell for toothache
  • Conspiracy against Panteleimon
  • Conspiracy against Matrona of Moscow

How do toothache conspiracies work?

Caries or periodontitis always strikes at the wrong time. The dental office may not be available at certain times. For example, in the middle of the night or on weekends. Therefore, you have to endure severe discomfort for some time. Is there a way to relieve pain at home? Of course, conspiracies for toothache will come to the rescue.

Before performing magical rituals, it is necessary to understand their mechanism of action. Witchcraft represents human contact with elemental energy. With the help of spells you can control their power. Unfortunately, the average person is not always able to control the energy to bring about the necessary changes.

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For whispers to have an impact, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. The caster must have personal power.
  2. Rituals must be performed clearly and consciously.
  3. The text must be memorized to avoid hesitation during pronunciation.

The spell can be cast at any time of the day.

Important . Conspiracies only help eliminate symptoms, they do not get rid of the problem. Therefore, a routine visit to the doctor is necessary.

Rules for rituals and readings

The most powerful rituals are obtained by following a number of rules:

  1. Get ready to perform magical practices. Clear your mind of negative thoughts.
  2. Cover the windows with curtains; perform the ritual by candlelight.
  3. Be patient and remain confident in the positive outcome of the ritual. This is a prerequisite for obtaining a successful result.
  4. Observe the quantity of ingredients, time and place. Departure from the instructions threatens to worsen the condition.
  5. Do not tell other people about witchcraft. It may lose strength, then the discomfort will return again.
  6. Ensure silence; extraneous sounds can interfere with concentration. Therefore, the effect of magic will be much less.
  7. Perform the ritual in a separate room, close the door behind you.
  8. Before the ritual, it is advisable to clean the prepared room. The room should be bright, comfortable and clean. It is better to hide all unnecessary decorative items the day before the ceremony.

Important . Healing rituals are best performed during the full moon or during the waning phase. Unless otherwise stated in the rules of the ritual.

Signs related to teeth

Folk signs that help in life:

  1. You need to talk to your teeth with faith and a positive attitude, then the pain will go away faster.
  2. According to gypsy beliefs, if you bury your wisdom tooth in a cemetery, you will become rich.
  3. If you dreamed that your teeth were falling out, expect trouble.
  4. The first tooth should be stored, this will help protect all the other teeth of the child.
  5. A tooth broken by accident means waste.
  6. When a baby is teething, you can determine his future character by his cries.
  7. If you talk about excessive toothache in winter, it will not bother you for a year.

Strong conspiracies for toothache for yourself

The sick person can perform various rituals for himself. They do not require the help of an outsider.

On the water

There are several effective rituals for water. For the first one you will need a teaspoon of soda. Rituals that enchant liquids are usually performed with warm water. Dissolve baking soda in warm water and mix everything. Speak the following text into the liquid:

You need to stir clockwise. When you finish reciting the text, you need to rinse your tooth with the enchanted water. The ritual works in a short time, since the spell will enhance the healing effect of the liquid.

There is another effective ritual for water. Pour it into a bowl and bring it to your face. Your breath should touch the surface of the water, say:

A spell to quickly eliminate toothache

Sometimes the pain is very severe and difficult to bear. To get rid of a bad tooth, you need to purchase propolis. You will need a small piece of weight - 200-300 g. After purchasing it, you need to leave it at home for 2 days. Then, it should be tied to a church candle. This will make it soft and pliable. Then, open a piece of propolis and apply it to the sore spot. At this moment you need to pronounce the spell:

Important . Buy propolis on the market, it’s easier to find a natural product without additives there.

To the nettle

To perform a nettle ritual, wait until the next new moon. The ritual requires the use of live grass, so perform it in the summer. Plan the ritual for dawn, stand in front of the window. Tell:

After this, you need to go outside, find a nettle and tie it to the ground, untie it after 3 days. Within three days the pain goes away.

To the moon (to the full moon, to the new moon)

Another effective ritual is performed only on the full moon. The day is considered energetically strong, as the night star reaches the peak of its power. Therefore, even acute pain will go away quite quickly. To perform the ritual, pour warm water into a glass. And then go outside when the night star appears in the sky.

Say the text 12 times:

Next, drink water and mentally say:

Bow to the night luminary, thank him in your own words for his help.

Another ritual is performed on the new month. The spell must be read while looking at the night luminary:

Important . Water easily accepts any information. Therefore, think not about discomfort, but about healing.

On the window

For a tooth that hurts, you need to cast a spell at an open window:

Conspiracy of the Ancient Slavs

The ancient Slavs actively used magic for:

  • cures for diseases;
  • improving people's health;
  • increasing productivity.

Only the most powerful and effective ancient Slavic texts have survived. With their help, you can relieve unpleasant sensations for both adults and children. Always read the plot for toothache only in a whisper. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, take a small handful of salt. Dissolve it in a glass of warm water, when you stir say:

The mother should rinse the child’s mouth with the resulting solution. The water that he spits out must be collected and poured outside. When it is absorbed into the ground, any negative impressions will disappear.

With wax

The spell must be performed when the night luminary is in its waning phase. The wax is rolled into a small ball and then applied to the cheek. Choose a place near the diseased tooth, say 40 times:

Then, the wax must be wrapped in a piece of black cloth. Go outside, find a secluded place and bury it there. This way the person will get rid of pain along with the wax.

Important . The wax should not come from an apiary, but from a church candle.

To the passerby

The patient can perform a simple ritual on a passerby. To do this, you need to go outside and wait until an elderly woman appears. Go to meet her, you must go on the left side. When you pass by, say 3 times:

For flux

If simple caries has transformed into purulent inflammation of the tooth root or gum. It is necessary to read the whisper in water at room temperature. You will also need a pinch of salt, which needs to be stirred until completely dissolved. Place the cup on the table, read the spell:

Next, rinse the inflamed area with the resulting solution. Continue this procedure until the liquid runs out. The ritual is performed for at least 3-5 days - the flux should completely disappear. It can be carried out without restrictions, both in the growing phase and in the waning phase.

Important . Do not swallow the liquid when rinsing! Spit it out immediately.

On a toothbrush

A charmed toothbrush can improve the condition of your oral cavity. If a person is often tormented by caries, then he can get rid of the pain thanks to this ritual. It is held at an open window, the time is night. Take a toothbrush and go to the window. Open it, put your hand with the toothbrush out.

Say the text 40 times:

Important . The ritual is carried out only on the new month. And during the ceremony, the toothbrush should be illuminated by its rays.

With door

Spend it on the closest day that falls in the waning phase. The ritual will require water, pour it into a basin. Wash the front door bracket with it and pour the remaining liquid over the threshold. Draw crosses on the cheek on the side where the diseased tooth is located. At this moment say:

On a lamb jaw bone

To get rid of dental diseases, a special ritual was performed on the bone of a sheep's jaw. It must be washed thoroughly before starting the ritual. To the spell for a bad tooth, add the prayer “Our Father”; it must be said three times. Now you can say it three times:

After the ritual, the bone just needs to be kept in the house. Hide it in a dry place.

Important . You cannot buy lamb jaw; you must find it on the street.

Strawberry roots dipped in water

Three strawberry roots should be spoken. Collect clean spring water. If it is not possible to get it from a source, then use frozen. Dip the roots into the water and say three times:

When you finish pronouncing, place the roots on the sore tooth. Just drink the charmed water.

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For salt

Salt has the ability to absorb negative energy. It is often used in magical rituals to get rid of damage or disease. Whispers require a packet of salt. The ritual should be performed as soon as your teeth begin to hurt. They take a handful of salt in the palm of their hand, bring it closer to their lips and whisper:

A pinch should be placed on the painful tooth. If this spell does not work, use another spell:

Place the charmed salt on the sore tooth.

For wine

You can quickly cure your teeth through a wine ritual. To do this you need to buy a new bottle. Open it and pour into a glass, bring it to your lips. Say three times:

Ritual with an aspen branch

A person can talk to himself about aching teeth on an aspen branch. The spell is cast 3 times, and then applied to your tooth:

You can enhance the effect of the ritual by visualization. When you say the text, mentally imagine trees, the sea and the island.

Important . Pronounce the text only from memory; you cannot read from a piece of paper.

At the first thunder

An effective spell against toothache is cast during spring thunder. To do this, take any stone. When the first rumbles are heard, chew it. After this say:

Place the stone under a dry tree and cover it with earth.

Dangers and Risks

Teeth are often used in various magical rituals:

  • Charmed teeth are used to cause damage. If you find teeth (human or animal) in the house, you need to throw them away and perform a cleansing ritual.
  • They cast a love spell on a toothbrush.
  • Through your teeth you can make a conspiracy to another person, bypassing his energy protection.

To relieve pain, you must use only white magic.

A lost tooth can be damaged

Author's rituals

The pain will also go away if you use the author’s techniques. If folk conspiracies turn out to be too weak, use whispers from famous healers.

Natalia Stepanova

The famous healer from Siberia Natalya Stepanova often shares effective spells. As a rule, they are easy to remember, and their use shows quick results. The healer gives them in her books, and most of her conspiracies are similar to poetry. To get rid of severe pain, say:

The healer herself has extensive experience in pain relief; many of her texts are based on biblical themes. Although her texts may seem simple, they are effective. Another conspiracy is pronounced in the growing phase. In the evening, open the window and look at the month, say:


The famous fortuneteller Vanga shared effective conspiracies during her lifetime. One of them will come in handy if there is a systematic problem with your teeth. To carry out a strong conspiracy against toothache, it is better to choose a decreasing phase.

It is read at the first unpleasant symptoms. If the illness lasts longer than the first month, then it must be recited over the next four months. You will need a piece of oak branch, above it you need to read the following words:

Then, the enchanted tree must be burned, simply throw away the remaining ashes or scatter them in the wind.

Important . The plot can be read to mothers when their children’s teeth are coming out.

Slavic formulas against disease

Our ancestors turned to the moon, wind, water, and the god Dobromysl for help to heal bodily ailments. Slavic texts use the original Russian words “goy” and “chur”, which have an important meaning:

  • "Goy" means "alive, healthy."
  • “Chur” is an appeal to the power of the ancestors, to the guardians of the human race and the individual person.

For our culture, the concept of “Tooth Fairy” is borrowed - the Slavs gave a lost milk tooth to Domovoi. During this he was asked:

Also, the fallen teeth were given to animals to be eaten. Because of this, signs appeared:

  • if the tooth was eaten by a pig or dog, the child will grow fangs;
  • if eaten by a mouse or rat, the teeth will be small and sharp.

The bread spell is the most accessible of the Slavic spells. You need to put a small piece of bread on the sore tooth and say:

Additionally, you can read the conspiracy against anxiety:

Prayer incantations

Faith does not always allow one to resort to witchcraft. However, churchgoers can replace popular whispers with prayers. To keep your teeth from hurting, you just need to turn to famous saints for help. For example, with a strong prayer for toothache with an appeal to Antipas of Pergamon:

Healer Panteleimon

An ancient ritual to get rid of toothache is usually performed with an appeal to Panteleimon. Any believer can turn to this saint to get rid of toothache. Use a simple prayer if turning to magic for some reason is unacceptable. Say it before the face of the saint. This can be done both in church and at home.

Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow is a famous saint who lived in the 20th century. Her death occurred in the post-war years. All the miracles that took place were described and documented by contemporaries. Therefore, there is no doubt about their truth. The saint was blind from birth, and as an adult she hardly walked.

However, thanks to her abilities, she was well oriented in space. The saint could easily describe the sick man standing in front of her. Matrona of Moscow healed all sincerely believing Christians. However, she paid special attention to women and children. If a child was brought to her with some kind of disease, she tried to help him with all her might.

The saint used effective whispers for toothache in children. Take the child in your arms and rock him and say:

Important . To enhance the effect, acquire the image of a saint and perform the ritual in front of her.

Ritual with a copper crucifix for gum disease

Whispering with a crucifix will help if your gums are bleeding. Say “Our Father” three times. Take the crucifix in your hands and move it around you. Then say three times:

What do doctors think about this?

In the old days, people didn’t really have a choice. If a tooth started to hurt, all they could do was rely on folk remedies or spells.

A lot has changed today. Dentists have enormous opportunities to relieve pain and preserve teeth. They will never advise you to self-medicate, much less refer you to healers to read spells.

Folk remedies are good only at first, to alleviate the condition until you get to the doctor. And there you have to rely on the will of specialists.

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