What to do if your tooth hurts? 46 proven ways to get rid of toothache

Hyperesthesia is hypersensitivity of tooth enamel, manifested by short-term pain when exposed to external stimuli. Most often, symptoms are observed on the front teeth, which react painfully to biting, hot or cold. Increased sensitivity may manifest itself to sweet and sour foods, and discomfort occurs when brushing your teeth. Hyperesthesia must be combated, and the sooner treatment begins, the better. In advanced cases, the enamel is completely destroyed, and the affected teeth have to be removed. Let's try to figure out how to relieve increased sensitivity of teeth, what means are used for this, and how you can prevent the development of the disease.

Modern methods of caries treatment without drilling

Unfortunately, all treatment methods without a drill are aimed mainly at combating the superficial form of caries. Their task is to stop the carious process that has begun, and in some cases, to prevent it. Before the advent of such techniques, caries treatment was carried out only when the disease began to progress, and in the early stages it was simply not paid attention to. However, this is not the only plus. The main advantages of using these technologies are the absence of a drilling machine, as well as the ability to remove the affected tooth tissue without affecting its healthy part. So, the treatment of carious lesions without drilling is based on different principles of influence. Some of the most common techniques in the newest dental industry include infiltration, ozone therapy, air abrasion and laser dental treatment.

First symptoms of the disease

Microorganisms that attack tooth enamel gradually destroy its structure.
A small damage gradually grows, turning into a large carious cavity. In the absence of timely treatment, the tooth tissue is destroyed, which can lead to its complete loss. To understand how to remove caries from teeth while maintaining their integrity, you should first become familiar with its symptoms. To independently determine the onset of the pathological process, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the teeth, increased sensitivity or any other unpleasant sensations.

Symptoms of caries include a change in the color of the enamel - its darkening, the appearance of stripes and furrows, spots and hard chalky formations. In addition, the development of this dental problem is indicated by sensitivity to sweets, cold and hot. Painful sensations during meals or for no reason at all, the appearance of bad breath - all this can also confirm the initial or more complex stage of caries.

Infiltration method

Icon infiltration technology was invented at the Celtic University of Germany. This method of microinvasive treatment of caries refers to chemical-mechanical treatment, which completely eliminates tooth preparation - drilling, and is used only in the treatment of initial caries, initial carious lesions after using braces, as well as caries in the spot stage. The principle of operation of the method is to apply a special gel to the surface of the affected area of ​​the tooth, which splits the enamel, after which the carious lesion is dried with 99% ethyl alcohol in combination with an air stream and impregnated with a polymer resin. The procedure protocol is clearly depicted in the figure below.

The positive aspects of this technology can be considered painless and quick (the procedure takes 15–20 minutes) removal of exclusively the affected part of the tooth. However, the method is applicable only on the smooth surface of the teeth or between them. Also, the shape of the “hole” should be ideal - with smooth edges and a wide entrance. International studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the infiltration method, which has made it possible to stop the development of caries for many years in both adult patients and children.

Ozone treatment method for caries

Ozone therapy was developed in England. Unlike other modern methods of treating initial caries, the ozone method is aimed at suppressing tooth-destroying bacteria and subsequent remineralization of dental tissues. But it also allows you to avoid drilling, and therefore anesthesia. In some cases, it is possible to do without a filling! The essence of the method is this: a special device converts oxygen into ozone, which instantly neutralizes carious lesions and destroys harmful bacteria that provoke the destruction of dental tissue. Then the substance “comes out” of the tooth, again being converted into oxygen. Healthy cells remain unaffected, as they are more resistant to oxidation and can withstand the effects of ozone. The procedure lasts about 20 – 40 seconds.

Who can be recommended for caries treatment with ozone? Almost any patient with the initial stage of caries, because ozone cannot cause allergic reactions, as well as irritation of the oral cavity. But if a deep carious process is observed, then you will still have to resort to drilling. In addition, ozone treatment is recommended to everyone without exception as a preventive measure for caries in adults and children. Despite all the advantages of the method, the practice of introducing ozone therapy into dental clinics in Russia is small. The reason for this is the relatively high cost of equipment. To get an idea of ​​how ozone treatment occurs, see the figure below.

Air abrasive processing

The air-abrasive method involves mechanical treatment of carious lesions using special sandblasting machines, which are also used for professional oral hygiene. The idea of ​​“knocking out” superficial caries with a stream of air containing impurities arose in the 40s in the USA. Then quartz sand was used as an abrasive (an impurity with high hardness), and later - aluminum oxide, a colorless and non-toxic substance. Flow-abrasive systems “shoot” with enough power to remove softened, caries-affected tissues without harming healthy ones. In the case of using air-abrasive treatment, the possibility of developing secondary caries is practically eliminated. The procedure is safe, painless, and does not require anesthesia when treating initial caries.

As with other methods of treating caries without a drill, the air-abrasive method does not heat the dental tissues and does not create noise or vibration. Moreover, it reduces the risk of microcracks forming, which can later cause destruction of the entire tooth. “Knocking out” with an air stream with abrasives occurs pulsed, for 5–10 seconds, which is more effective than dissection with a drill. The air-abrasive treatment method is not ideal, because in some cases it may still be necessary to clean out the caries with a drill and place only a composite filling. Sometimes this method of dental treatment is not applicable at all due to the inaccessibility of the installation tip to the affected area. Another disadvantage is the possible increase in tooth sensitivity in the future.

Anesthesia and sedation in dentistry

If a patient asks for general anesthesia due to panic, then he can be offered sedation. This is an alternative to "deep sleep". Thanks to it, during therapy the person is half asleep and does not feel pain.

Anesthesia is used very rarely in dentistry, only if a serious and complex maxillofacial operation is to be performed. Its use is also relevant if the patient has a low pain sensitivity threshold and is allergic to all local painkillers.

Laser dental treatment without a drill

Treatment of caries with a laser, in other words, laser fluorescence, as well as the above methods, implies the treatment of caries without drilling in the sense in which we are accustomed to understanding drilling and the associated discomfort.
Why does unpleasant pain occur while the drill is working? The fact is that intense heating and friction occurs between the dental drill and enamel, dentin. And to these sensations is added vibration that spreads to the dental tissues. During laser treatment, tissue heating does not occur due to the low radiation power. In addition, laser devices are 20 times quieter than a drill! In this case, the main thing is not to accidentally fall asleep in the dentist’s office. It is not without reason that this method is recommended not only for people with increased sensitivity to pain and sounds, but also for those most sensitive to the perception of external stimuli - pregnant women and children. In addition, the procedure for laser treatment of caries is absolutely sterile - the tip of the installation does not come into contact with the teeth. The laser performs cavity preparation by selectively affecting caries, or, more precisely, only tissue infected with caries. The impact completely suppresses the growth of carious bacteria and eliminates the risk of secondary caries. At the same time, the laser method does not harm healthy teeth, and also does not lead to microcracks in the enamel. And the time spent on treating caries is reduced by about 40% compared to traditional treatment - there is no need to change attachments, and when treating superficial caries, there is no need to use anesthesia. Today, dentistry uses lasers not only as a method of treating caries, but also as a diagnostic method. The second is a significant advantage compared to X-ray diagnostics, since in the case of laser “checking” there is no radiation.

Disadvantages of treating caries without drilling teeth

  • high cost of laser installation
  • high demands on specialists working with lasers
  • treatment requires the use of protective dark glasses by both the patient and the doctor
  • glasses with tinted lenses can distort the reality and reduce the clarity of vision
  • in some cases, soft tissue damage caused by lasers heals slowly and poorly
  • there is also a possibility that the laser will be reflected from metal objects in the dentist's office, if they are not removed, and cause a fire

Prevention of hyperesthesia

To prevent tooth sensitivity, it is enough to follow the following rules:

  1. It is better to refuse toothpicks and brushes with hard bristles. Sonic or regular brushes with soft bristles are suitable for cleaning the surface of teeth, and irrigators that do not irritate the gums or damage the enamel are used to remove food debris.
  2. Remove tartar in a timely manner. However, it is not recommended to whiten your teeth yourself. This is only done in the dental office.
  3. Do not overuse solid foods; include vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.
  4. See your dentist regularly. A preventive examination should be performed annually. If there is a predisposition to hyperesthesia - twice a year.
  5. Use desensitizing pastes that can strengthen your enamel.
  6. Use a fluoride mouthwash. To achieve the effect, the duration of the procedure should be 2-3 minutes. A course of remineralization will help to avoid unpleasant sensations from drugs with a high content of potassium salts and fluorides.

Increased tooth sensitivity is not a death sentence. With proper and timely treatment, this problem can be eliminated. The main thing is not to let the situation get worse.

Author of the article

Dental treatment without drilling using folk remedies

Of course, you cannot cure caries at home. The only thing in your power is to follow measures to prevent its occurrence. In addition to simple and understandable actions for every person to maintain the health and integrity of teeth (brushing the tongue and teeth twice a day after meals and visiting the dentist once every six months), there are additional measures. These include, for example, the application of special gels that strengthen tooth enamel and saturate it with missing minerals. This helps prevent caries and its complications, but does not eliminate them. Another interesting way to treat caries at home is milk powder, used as a toothpaste substitute. Brushing with this milk powder reduces bleeding gums and reduces the risk of tartar.

Folk remedies for caries are intended to generally relieve toothache, but not eliminate its cause. To relieve pain, various alcoholic infusions of medicinal herbs are used, lotions are made and applied directly to the diseased tooth; It is also recommended to rinse your mouth with an infusion of strong tea. There is a point on the body, pressing firmly on which temporarily relieves toothache. The point is located in the area between the nose and lips. Don’t overdo it; you will still have to contact a specialist for real help in eliminating the cause of toothache. Make sure that your toothpaste contains microelements such as fluoride and calcium, and that your diet contains fewer carbohydrates and more greens, lean meats and dairy products.

Nowadays, there is a lot of debate about how to cure tooth decay without pain and fear. Technologies that can solve dental problems without the use of a drill are just beginning to appear on the Russian market. In any case, even such modern methods of caries treatment are applicable mainly in the early stages of its occurrence. If you are not eager to experience the effects of drilling with a bur, do not neglect the health of your teeth and seek help from specialists in a timely manner.

How to brush your teeth and how to rinse your mouth to prevent caries

Everyone can take care of their dental and oral health without leaving home. To do this, you must follow the rules of hygiene:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day using the correct technique for at least two to three minutes.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste (if recommended by your dentist).
  • After brushing your teeth, be sure to use dental floss to remove food debris and plaque from the interdental spaces.
  • Using an irrigator helps to achieve the maximum degree of cleanliness. This device creates a powerful stream of water that removes dirt from areas of the mouth where a toothbrush cannot reach.
  • It is important to brush not only your teeth, but your tongue and the inside of your cheeks. Plaque also accumulates on them and bacteria that cause caries multiply.
  • Use special rinses after cleaning. They have an antimicrobial effect, preventing the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity.
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