Express teeth whitening using the Amazing White system

To become the owner of a luxurious smile, it is not at all necessary to visit the dentist several times - just have express teeth whitening. The entire procedure is completed in one session and gives a 100% result – this is evidenced by numerous patient reviews, as well as “before and after” photos.

Tooth enamel has microscopic pores into which foreign particles constantly penetrate. As a result of smoking, drinking black tea, coffee, foods and drinks with dyes, the protective layer of teeth becomes dirty, dull and dark. If you are wondering how to whiten your teeth quickly and efficiently, welcome to the Doka-Dent clinic in Moscow!

Light whitening Amazing White from the USA

The Amazing White whitening system was developed and tested in the USA; it has only been used in our country for a couple of years. However, in such a short period of time, this method of teeth whitening has already gained significant popularity. This is due to its special gentle effect and high efficiency.

The action of Amazing White gel is based on the use of atomic oxygen, which is released from hydrogen peroxide under the influence of light from an LED lamp. Oxygen atoms actively penetrate the microscopic pores of tooth enamel and remove stains. In this case, no damage is caused. The process uses only one chemical reaction - the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into atomic oxygen and water, and these components are absolutely harmless.

The hydrogen peroxide content depends on the type of whitening system. In the one intended for clinical use, its concentration starts at 16%. In the Amazing White home whitening system - significantly less.

After the procedure, the patient receives an immediate result: teeth become 6 to 10 shades whiter. Therefore, the system is also called Amazing White express whitening. According to the manufacturer, the whitening effect lasts up to 6 months, and with careful care and exclusion of foods with coloring pigments from the diet, this period increases.

Features of oxygen photobleaching technology

All people's teeth lose their natural shade of white over time; in dentistry, this phenomenon is called discoloration. Its causes and severity depend on the intensity of the factors that provoked the problem. Most often, these include smoking and regular consumption of tea, coffee and other teeth-staining products. Under the influence of the above, pigments accumulate in the deep layers of dental tissue, which change the shade of the teeth for the worse.

When a whitening gel is applied to the enamel, followed by its activation by an external catalyst, hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and atomic oxygen. The latter penetrates through the pores of the enamel into the deep layers of dental tissue and neutralizes pigmented formations.

Who is suitable for Amazing White express teeth whitening?

Even such an innovative whitening technology as Amazing White has some contraindications. Firstly, bleaching is not done on children, but it is usually not required at this age. Also, the procedure should not be performed on pregnant women and nursing mothers. Increased photosensitivity and taking medications that affect this indicator also make it impossible to lighten the enamel. In addition, of course, Amazing White express teeth whitening, like many other dental procedures, is not performed in case of significant dental caries.

There are other factors in which teeth whitening is contraindicated:

  • allergy
  • enamel defects
  • gum and periodontal diseases
  • lesions of hard tissues in the cervical area of ​​the tooth

Only a dentist can determine whether a patient has contraindications to whitening. Sometimes it is advisable to carry out the procedure after complex treatment. You shouldn’t rush and turn a blind eye to existing dental problems, as in this case, whitening can cause complications.

After bleaching

After whitening, during the first 48 hours you must refrain from smoking and follow a “transparent” diet: do not drink tea, coffee, red wine and other products containing pigments.

During and after the procedure, discomfort may occur due to the opening of the dentinal tubules and, as a result, increased sensitivity of the teeth. In addition to remineralizing therapy, which is carried out immediately after whitening, it is recommended to use a special paste for sensitive enamel, for example Sensodyne “Instant Effect”.

Express whitening is not recommended to be repeated more than once every 2 years. Abuse can lead to irreversible changes in the structure of the tooth.

How does the Amazing White whitening procedure work?

The Amazing White teeth whitening procedure in the clinic is absolutely painless, includes several stages and lasts no more than an hour, and the effect is visible instantly.

Main stages of whitening

1. First, the doctor treats the gums and lips with vitamin E, places a retractor and drains the enamel, then the gums are closed with a rubber dam - this is a latex plate that helps isolate the desired part of the oral cavity.

2. After this, the doctor begins whitening: applies the Amazing White whitening gel in a middle layer and distributes it evenly to cover all areas of the dentition, including the interdental area.

3. The gel is activated using an LED lamp. The gel remains on the teeth for 15 minutes, then it is removed and the enamel is dried.

4. After this, the procedure is repeated, then Amazing White Minerals remineralizing gel is applied to the teeth for about 7 - 10 minutes.


Laser whitening has no disadvantages, but depending on the patient’s health condition, some limitations may be identified for its implementation:

  • age under 16 years (the doctor looks at the formation of the bite and the hardness of the enamel);
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • increased tooth sensitivity or damaged enamel;
  • carious processes;
  • leaky restorations;
  • diabetes mellitus and endocrine diseases.

There are quite a few disadvantages and contraindications, so many patients prefer laser teeth whitening in Moscow in a well-equipped clinic with a professional doctor.

Whitening Amazing White Extra

The manufacturer has developed several options for Amazing White whitening systems; they differ in the percentage of active substance and method of application. The most significant effect on teeth is provided by the Amazing White Extra whitening system - this whitening gel contains 37% hydrogen peroxide. This concentration allows you to achieve maximum whitening effect. However, it should only be used on the recommendation of a doctor, since the standard system copes with its task perfectly. The stronger formula can give your teeth an unnatural shade of white.

What is the difference between whitening and enamel lightening?

The fundamental difference is in the essence of the procedures, but patients sometimes confuse these two concepts.

Whitening involves chemical destruction of pigments in enamel. Powerful oxidizing compounds act on tooth enamel, releasing colored pigments, thereby discoloring grayish or yellowish shades.

Lightening is a mechanical manipulation, sometimes called cleaning. The session involves removing plaque from the surface of the crowns. Small abrasive particles remove a thin film of plaque, while teeth brighten, but not as radically as with whitening.

Thanks to modern innovations, both procedures are relatively safe for the health of teeth and gums, but there are some risks:

  • sensitivity may worsen in the first few days after the session. As a rule, it goes away, and after a few days the patient does not feel discomfort;
  • Microscopic pores may appear on the enamel, which can subsequently be dynamically filled with pigment from coloring products. Therefore, in the first days after bleaching, it is important to follow a “white diet”;
  • An uneven shade of enamel may appear when the crowns have fillings. In this case, whitening will have to be combined with replacing fillings to get an impeccable result;
  • outdated procedures had a high risk of burning the gums or oral mucosa. Modern technologies, owned by qualified dentists, can protect patients from all this.

All of the listed nuances can be avoided if the procedures are performed in a truly trusted place. Dentists also recommend remineralizing the enamel layer to strengthen its structure and prevent destruction. The 32 Dent clinic has the best equipment; its staff includes professional dental hygienists who will perform whitening carefully and as atraumatically as possible. A white Hollywood smile is possible without risks!

It is important! Whitening and lightening are performed by a doctor only on healthy teeth. Before the procedures, it is important to treat caries and other diseases. If the gums are weakened, they should be strengthened so that the effect does not have the opposite effect.

Which method is better? We study patient reviews and doctor recommendations

We took into account the expert opinion of dentists and reviews of real patients, on the basis of which we made objective conclusions:

  1. Air Flow brushing carries risks for people with inflammatory gum disease. If a person has weak gums and is susceptible to periodontal disease, bleeding and severe discomfort may occur after brushing. An experienced doctor will never perform mechanical cleaning until he is sure of the optimal condition of the gums. Bleeding microdamages can cause infection, as a result of which a seemingly harmless cleaning will turn into a serious problem with consequences.
  2. After ZOOM photo whitening, many patients with healthy teeth experience severe pain. It goes away after a few hours, but the person experiences this time with great discomfort. To reduce pain, many people resort to painkillers. In fact, to slightly relieve pain, you can lubricate your gums with lidocaine-based creams. Local anesthesia is not as harmful as handfuls of analgesics taken orally.
  3. People who wear fixed dentures need to be especially careful when choosing a cleaning technique. For example, ultrasonic techniques are not compatible with nylon structures. Vibration waves have a negative effect on the polymer - the prosthesis will have to be changed after the enamel is lightened, which entails additional costs.
  4. The laser technique is sometimes performed in two stages. For example, when a patient initially has yellow enamel, but wants radical whiteness. In such cases, the break between two sessions can be 10 days, and during this period a strict “white” diet is recommended, no solid foods (solid foods can damage weakened enamel).
  5. Note! The effectiveness of whitening complexes largely depends not only on the qualifications of the doctor and the chosen technique, but also on the patient’s compliance with the rules after the manipulations.

Hygienic teeth cleaning at the dentist

This also applies to professional whitening methods. The doctor performs the procedure using an Air Flow machine. This is a stream of air, water and soda-based powder - not ordinary homemade soda crystals, but those that have undergone special processing, after which they take the form of small balls. This is done because soda crystals are usually quite large and sharp and can scratch enamel and gums.

The powder is placed in a nozzle, through which it is supplied under pressure along with a stream of air and water and actively removes plaque and pigmentation from teeth. The enamel is made completely clean, smooth to the touch and becomes lighter due to the return to the teeth of the shade hidden under plaque that the patient had from birth.

Cleaning should be carried out prophylactically once every six months for all patients, regardless of whether they want to whiten their teeth, because the active turbulent jet from the nozzle penetrates into the interdental spaces and hard-to-reach areas of the dentition, clearing it of plaque where simple brushes cannot cope task. The patient receives absolutely clean teeth, which minimizes the risk of caries in the future, because the main reason for its development is the remains of plaque and food, which are not removed in time and serve as a breeding ground for bacteria. They produce acid that destroys tooth tissue.

After brushing, be sure to polish your teeth with a special brush and coat them with remineralizing preparations containing calcium and fluoride to further nourish and strengthen the enamel. Professional cleaning is recommended for everyone: both adults and children; it can be carried out during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Why do teeth change color?

Before you decide to radically change the appearance of your smile and quickly whiten it, you need to determine the cause of the discoloration.

Experience shows that there are quite a lot of options for changing the color of teeth and not always whitening in the classical sense can change the situation.

Moreover, there are contraindications to the procedure. To answer the question whether you can have whitening and whether it will help, you will need to consult a dentist.

Here are just a few reasons for tooth discoloration:

  • smoking;
  • foods and drinks with strong dyes;
  • age-related changes;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • taking medications;
  • dental diseases;
  • poor oral hygiene.

Oddly enough, poor hygiene is one of the most common reasons for a dark smile. Plaque and dirt are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

Their activity destroys the enamel, making it more sensitive to the penetration of dyes from food. The further you go, the deeper the pollution penetrates and the more difficult it is to get rid of it.

In this case, before any further actions, a visit to a hygienist and professional teeth cleaning is recommended. It may be necessary to perform an Airflow procedure in addition to this.

In this case, contaminants will be removed by a stream of air-water mixture with the addition of abrasive, which penetrates at high speed into the most inaccessible places and copes with plaque.

After these quick steps you will be able to see your natural enamel color. If the result is not entirely ideal, and you would like more, the next step is necessary - the actual bleaching.

I want to whiten my teeth: what should I do?

Whitening, which is prescribed by the doctor during consultation, will be effective. In this case, the result will be individual for each patient. In addition, the visual perception of tooth color is always influenced by lighting, skin color and even the color of clothing.

Teeth whitening can be considered a safe way to improve your quality of life. You will be pleased with the reflection in the mirror, and you will no longer have to hide your smile. Healthy teeth without excess pigmentation look well-groomed and white, even if their natural shade is far from perfect white.

The cost of whitening in our clinic starts from 8,000 rubles without discount. We often hold promotions with good discounts on this procedure, so you have a great chance to evaluate the results of any system.

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