What is the difference between Amazing White whitening: advantages, indications, prices


Not long ago, a new service appeared in dental clinics - Amazing White teeth whitening. This is one of the safe and fast-acting methods that can be used even in children over 14 years old and allows you to lighten crowns by 5 tones or more in the shortest possible time.


Crown whitening with the Amazing White Professional system occurs due to the dissolution of dental deposits and the pigmented layer of enamel. The main active ingredient here is hydrogen peroxide, which is gentle on the crowns and does not disturb their mineralization.

Whitening is based on the principle of splitting the active substance into allotropic forms of oxygen that can penetrate into the deep layers of dentin. The exposure technology differs from many bleaching techniques .

After applying the product to the teeth under the influence of an LED lamp emitting cold blue light, perhydrol breaks down into water and atomic oxygen. Getting into the deep layers of the crown, atomic oxygen dissolves pigmented tooth cells, which are excreted in the form of water.

This effect is considered non-aggressive and effective against darkened areas.

© JackF / Fotolia

The result of the procedure is the lightening of the crowns by 4–9 tones. This result is not the same for everyone. If a person naturally has very yellow or gray enamel, then using this method will only slightly correct the situation.

There will still be a noticeable lightening of several tones, but in this case it is impossible to achieve a snow-white smile.

When using Amazing White, a noticeable result is visible after the procedure . In order to understand exactly how many shades your teeth have lightened after the procedures, you need to wait at least 2 weeks.

This is due to the fact that under the influence of the gel, the crown temporarily changes its color, which is subsequently restored, and only the result of whitening remains.

How safe it is to whiten teeth using hydrogen peroxide, read in a separate publication.

In this review, we will tell you how to properly use the Blik pencil for teeth whitening.

Here https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/zubnyie-pastyi/president-vidyi-opisanie-i-otzyivyi.html we will discuss which President toothpaste is best to buy depending on the desired effect.

Question No. 6: how much does the whitening procedure cost?

Compared to other options for transforming your smile through whitening, Amazing White will cost you slightly less. If you want the manipulations to have the least impact on the condition of your teeth and be safe, then choose a 16% concentration of hydrogen peroxide and prepare about 5 thousand rubles. For those who are afraid of not achieving results, a composition with a 24 percent concentration of the active substance is best suited. Accordingly, increase the price to 8 – 12 thousand rubles per procedure. It will also not be superfluous to further support the result at home using the same system. Its price is from 3 thousand rubles.


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Consulting specialist

Kashaeva Victoria Nikolaevna

Specialization: Dental hygienist Experience: 8 years

Positive sides

The peculiarity of the impact of this system provides a number of advantages for patients:

  • during the lightening process, the integrity of the tooth enamel structure is not compromised;
  • if the procedure is carried out taking into account all contraindications and recommendations, then discomfort both during it and after exposure to the product is completely eliminated;
  • the time of one session does not exceed 15 minutes;
  • To obtain the maximum effect, three sessions are sufficient, the total time of which is 45 minutes;
  • depending on the natural shade of the enamel, crowns can be made up to 10 shades whiter;
  • this technique, unlike others, has an affordable cost;
  • for exposure, only an LED lamp that does not emit ultraviolet radiation is used;
  • When using Amazing White products, the patient ends up with a natural tone, without unnatural whiteness.

What is an LED lamp

The set of LED lamp, due to the influence of which hydrogen decays, includes the following elements:

  • block emitting light waves;
  • tripod;
  • battery;
  • remote controller;
  • sunglasses.

In its action, the LED lamp differs from most analogues, which use ultraviolet light.

It has a wavelength from 430 to 490 nm and a power of 30 W. The cold light emitted by this device does not cause heating or damage to dental tissue.

Positive and negative reviews about teeth whitening with soda with lemon, peroxide and other ingredients. Here are instructions for using Crest Whitestrips.

At this address https://dentist-pro.ru/krasota-i-uxod/otbelivanie/professionalnoe/lazernoe-vsya-pravda-o-procedure-otzyvy.html read reviews about laser teeth whitening.


During the application of the system, a large number of positive aspects were mainly noted, but in some cases disadvantages were also highlighted :

  • in isolated cases, painful sensations were observed during the procedure: tingling, burning;
  • some experienced slight irritation of the gum tissue;
  • sometimes the sensitivity of the enamel increased. Basically, it returns to normal within a day;
  • a small number of patients developed fluorosis. Most often, this phenomenon is temporary, and all signs of pathology disappear within a few weeks.

Depending on the quality of the enamel, uneven teeth whitening may occur. Situations were noted when the patient’s fangs became 8 shades whiter, and the remaining crowns became 4 shades whiter.

Disadvantages of the technique

The technology has no serious disadvantages. In rare cases, after applying the gel, patients complain of a burning sensation in the gum area. This can be avoided by isolating the mucous membranes in advance. Sensitivity may also increase after therapy. This will manifest as pain when eating sweet, salty or sour foods. To relieve the symptom, remineralization should be carried out.

The main disadvantage of the technology is the dependence of the result on the initial state of the enamel. If the natural tooth covering is damaged, thinned, or has an uneven color, then a person’s crowns may lighten by a different number of tones. Therefore, this option is not suitable for everyone.

Indications and contraindications

The whitening procedure with the Amazing White system refers to express methods that have certain indications :

  • age-related changes in enamel, expressed by darkening;
  • formation of pigmentation and defects on the tooth surface due to the destruction of hard tissue;
  • darkening of the deep layers of dentin.

To get maximum results and eliminate possible negative consequences, you must take into account all contraindications :

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • allergic reactions to hydrogen peroxide;
  • mental pathologies;
  • tooth defects localized in the cervical region, periodontal pocket and root;
  • pulpitis;
  • increased light sensitivity;
  • recent ultraviolet treatment, phototherapy or chemotherapy;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • inflammation of periodontal tissue. Of particular note is the presence of bleeding;
  • high sensitivity of enamel;
  • the presence of orthodontic structures or their removal less than 6 months before the procedure.

A contraindication can be considered taking certain medications that can increase light sensitivity: beroxan, flutamide, psoberan, ammifurin, tetracycline and its derivatives, hormonal drugs.

General information

The essence of the Amazing White whitening method is to remove soft deposits and pigmented areas of dentin using a special gel and an LED lamp.

The main active component of the composition applied to the surface of bone organs is 16 or 25% hydrogen peroxide. Due to this concentration, a delicate effect on the enamel is ensured without demineralization.

Under the influence of a special device - an LED lamp emitting blue light, the hydrogen peroxide included in the gel is divided into two elements - atomic oxygen and water.

The resulting oxygen penetrates deep into the dentin and reacts with the molecules of the colored areas, splitting them. Subsequently, the dissolved colored particles are brought to the surface of the enamel with water.

This technology guarantees the absence of damage to the protective layer of the tooth due to the splitting of exclusively pigmented formations.

How is the procedure performed?

Like any dental procedure, treatment begins with a consultation.

During the appointment, the dentist will perform a comprehensive examination of the oral cavity and conduct diagnostics. After this, the doctor will determine the initial shade of the crowns, take a photo and present to the patient the possible result that should be obtained after bleaching.

After agreement, a detailed treatment plan is drawn up indicating the cost.

Whitening is carried out on the second visit according to a specific algorithm and includes 3 stages :

  • The oral mucosa and lips are treated with vitamin E and rubber dam in solution . This step is not mandatory, but is used by most dentists, as it reduces the risk of negative effects of the product.
  • Fix the editing gel on the crowns and expose them to an LED lamp for 15 minutes, after which the product is washed off with a stream of water under pressure.
  • Two more procedures are carried out in the same way , after which the gel is completely removed from the surface of the teeth and the enamel is remineralized with a fluoride-containing preparation.

Once the process is complete, the dentist takes a photo, provides it to the patient for comparison, and gives general care recommendations.

Amazing White whitening stages

The procedure is carried out after examination by a dentist. If there are no contraindications, crowns can be lightened directly on the first visit. Whitening with Amazing White is carried out in several stages:

  1. Preparing teeth using soft grinding. It allows you to remove the bacterial film from the surface of the crowns, which impairs the penetration of active substances into the dental tissues.
  2. A retractor is installed in the oral cavity, and then the mucous membrane is treated with a protective agent, which includes a complex of vitamins A and E. They help protect soft tissues from the effects of peroxide.
  3. The gel is applied to the crowns using a special applicator.
  4. Then they are treated with an LED lamp for 15 minutes.
  5. At the end of this period, the gel is completely washed off with water, and the crowns are dried. In one session it is necessary to carry out 3 such applications. The processing time for each layer is identical.
  6. After removing the last layer, the dentist performs fluoridation, which allows you to restore the enamel and consolidate the results of whitening.
  7. Finally, the dentist gives recommendations for care and prevention.

Features of the method

Whitening using the Amazing White technique should take into account the following points::

  • in the presence of carious lesions and other defects of the crown, it is necessary to first seal them. For this purpose, both permanent and temporary filling material can be used;
  • Before teeth whitening, hygienic cleaning is usually carried out. In this case, bleaching is possible only after three days;
  • It should be taken into account that the product does not affect artificial crowns and composites, so after whitening they will stand out strongly against the general background. In such situations, dentists recommend a complete replacement of structures and fillings;
  • after exposure to the gel on the teeth, their ability to adhere is greatly reduced, so reconstruction of the dentition and crown defects should be carried out no earlier than a week after the procedure;
  • to restore the mineral layer, it is recommended to undergo a remineralization course;
  • In order not to provoke the occurrence of negative reactions during and after whitening, it is better to exclude the use of whitening pastes in advance.

How to whiten tetracycline teeth, what methods are effective for this anomaly?

In the new review you will find the average prices for Lakalut Active toothpaste and will be able to compare them with the cost of other products in this series.

At the link https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/otbelivanie/kak-provoditsya-zubov-aktivirovannyim-uglem.html you can read reviews about teeth whitening using activated carbon and share your opinion.

Question number 5: how long does the result really last?

You need to understand that any whitening procedure, including express whitening using the Amazing White system, assumes that the results will be maintained for a couple of years. But only on condition that you yourself contribute to its consolidation. Otherwise, reviews from some patients indicate a misunderstanding of this issue - see for yourself how it sometimes happens.

“I noticed that my work colleague always has beautiful white teeth. I asked what she was doing for this. She shared that she whitens them in dentistry using the Emizing White method. I decided to try it too, but after six months the whiteness was gone. To be honest, I’m shocked, going there every six months is very expensive, I blame the doctors as deceivers. And my friend said that it was my own fault, supposedly after the procedure you can’t smoke, you can’t have coffee, you can’t have tea either…. Half of the products are prohibited! What’s the point of bleaching then?”

Omara, fragment from correspondence on forums

The photo shows teeth before and after whitening.
And indeed, no one will insure you against yellow teeth, if after the procedure you also start actively smoking again, you need to at least reduce your cigarette consumption or give it up altogether in order for the whitening results to last. Plus, don’t forget about following a white diet; try to at least initially ban foods and drinks with bright colors, coffee and strong teas. Be sure to carry out professional oral hygiene, since whitening will certainly not prevent the accumulation of soft and hard plaque on the enamel after eating, and it will make your smile more uneven in color, ruining the impression of the lightening procedures.

Effect duration

Amazing White is distinguished not only by the speed of achieving results, but by the length of the period during which the whiteness of the enamel is maintained.

Without following the dentist's recommendations, the effect will last at least 2 months. With proper care and compliance with all hygiene rules, the result can last for 2 years.

In any case, darkening of the enamel is an inevitable process, which can also be accelerated by bad habits, consumption of coloring drinks and foods. But after exposure to Amazing White, in any case, there will be no return to the original tone.

Care instructions

To prolong the effect obtained and at the same time eliminate negative manifestations, regular daily teeth brushing is not enough. To do this, you must strictly take into account the dentist’s recommendations, which are issued at the end of the procedure.

Basically, they include the following :

  • If after bleaching the sensitivity of the enamel has increased, which is possible when the cervical part of the crowns is exposed, it is recommended to use products that reduce sensitivity, for example, Sensodin paste, Cholisal gel.
  • It is contraindicated to eat or smoke within 2 hours after the procedure.
  • In the first two days, it is necessary to completely avoid the use of products that contain coloring substances. At the same time, you should stop smoking.
  • It is not recommended to use cosmetics on the lips and face, as they may get on the surface of the teeth.

To prolong the effect, you can use the Amazing White pencil every day after brushing your teeth.

Recovery period

All old fillings have to be replaced after aesthetic procedures. This is due to the fact that they become too noticeable against the background of a snow-white smile. But replacement is allowed no earlier than after 7-10 days. This is explained by the fact that the adhesive properties of natural crowns are greatly reduced after exposure to hydrogen peroxide. We need to wait until they become normal. If you rush, the new fillings will fall out very soon.

The second point regarding the period after using the Amazing White technology is that it is necessary to remineralize the enamel. The brightening composition dehydrates it and makes it more fragile. This means the risk of caries increases. This should not be allowed.


The cost of teeth whitening services using the Amazing White system has a very wide range, ranging from 4,500-10,000 rubles. This difference is quite understandable.

There are two options for whitening: classic and professional. When choosing the classic option, the patient is applied a gel with 16% hydrogen peroxide, which can lighten the enamel by a maximum of 5 tones.

The cost of the procedure in this case will start from 4,500 rubles .

For professional whitening, a gel with 24% perhydrol is used, which can make teeth whiter by 8 shades or more, which affects the cost. The price in this case is 6,000 rubles and above .

All stages of the procedure and real photos after Amazing White whitening are shown in the video:

Question No. 3: will the procedure cope with all color defects?

This question is especially relevant for people who have acquired an unsightly shade of enamel as a result of treatment with tetracycline drugs, fluorosis, or a long history of smoking. We hasten to assure you that whitening will definitely cope with the teeth of a smoker, eliminating yellow and dark pigmentation. In this case, the resulting shade will be very natural and natural; the effect of “porcelain teeth” should not be expected.

Tetracycline teeth do not respond well to whitening

But if you have tetracycline teeth, age-related changes and a disease such as fluorosis, it would be better to consult with your doctor. Since the concentration of the active substance in the drug is not very high, there is a risk of not achieving the desired effect. Perhaps in your case, the best solution to the problem would be to install crowns for single defects, veneers or lumineers for damage to the frontal area of ​​the smile.

It will be interesting to know that there are also home methods for Amazing White express whitening. But the reviews about them are very mixed. Some complain that they experience discomfort after the procedure or even the fact that the lightening was uneven. Others report that after manipulation, teeth began to overreact to spicy and sour, cold and hot. This is all explained by self-medication - be sure to consult with your doctor before starting to use the drug.


According to statistics, more than 60% of patients were satisfied with the results of whitening and did not report any negative feelings. About 10% were dissatisfied with the result.

You can also leave your feedback on the effectiveness of whitening using Amazing White technology in the comments to this article.

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