5 nuances that are important to know about ICON for caries treatment

Modern dentistry demonstrates a number of persistent trends, including: painlessness, focus on preventive effects, the use of the most gentle techniques and the desire to avoid preparation procedures.

All these trends are fully consistent with the innovative method of treating carious formations - Icon.

The name of this technology comes from the merger of two terms - Infiltration CONcept, which translated from English means “infiltration concept”.

This method was developed and patented in 2008 by German dentists, after which it was successfully tested in many European countries, as well as in the USA and Japan. The procedure was able to successfully replace the previously widely used fluoridation technique due to its superiority.

Essence of the procedure

The basic principle of infiltration is the use of special substances to treat cavities caused by caries. This method is called microinvasive - one that has a minimal degree of penetration into dental tissue.

The developer, DMG Corporation (Germany), proposes to get rid of caries stains not by mechanical (drilling), but by chemical (dissolving and blocking) methods. We are talking specifically about the treatment of caries, and not about simple lightening of the surface of the teeth, which belongs to the field of aesthetic dentistry.

The Icon infiltrant gel, specially synthesized by scientists, is a special polymer substance with a viscous structure. Outwardly it evokes an association with the texture of resin, but of a different color. The gel is applied to the surface of the tooth and penetrates the enamel. After this, the activation of its action begins. The gel eliminates lesions, blocks further spread of the disease and “seals” the enamel. The infiltrating polymer helps neutralize cariogenic acids that cause destruction of the tooth body.

In the process of using the infiltration substance, remineralization of the carious surface occurs. Damaged areas are healed, and healthy areas receive additional prevention for the future.

The enamel, which under the influence of caries has acquired a porous structure and has become fragile, is strengthened after using the gel. Particles of the infiltrating substance fill the pores, making the tooth insensitive to adverse environmental factors.

Main functions of infiltration gel:

  • destruction of carious formations;
  • preventing their further spread;
  • improvement of the general condition of tooth enamel.

The Icon method is suitable for the treatment of vestibular and proximal surfaces. After the procedure, the teeth look natural: their natural shape does not change, a uniform color remains, stains and painful formations disappear.

The entire process takes place without pain or discomfort, so patients do not need to use anesthetic drugs. This makes it possible to use the infiltrating gel in the treatment of people who, due to their age, special health conditions or allergies, are forced to refuse pain relief during routine dental procedures.

The infiltrating substance has a good effect not only on molars, but also on baby teeth, so treatment with Icon gel can be prescribed even to small children. The effectiveness of the technique is more than 80%. This is precisely the indicator of cases where it was possible to avoid further development of caries and tissue destruction after one infiltration treatment procedure.

The material is not radiopaque

It is simply not visible on any x-ray. Why? The manufacturer reports that to achieve radiopacity, special fillers must be added to Icon, but all of them significantly worsen its penetrating ability, which is unacceptable, since then the quality of filling enamel pores and the level of sealing will be impaired.

It is precisely because of the lack of radiopacity that the manufacturer includes a passport form for each tooth with the Icon dental material set, which must be correctly filled out and documented according to the instructions, and then attached to the patient’s medical record. This is very important to know. Especially if the treatment was one-time, and the patient is not going to be observed on an ongoing basis in a specific clinic.


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dental fillings

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  2. Official website of the manufacturer: ru.dmg-dental.com
  3. Sysa O.A., Zotova A.S. Infiltration - a conservative approach to the treatment of caries // Bulletin of medical Internet conferences. – 2017.

Expert “If you want to treat your teeth using the Icon method, then do not forget to undergo annual preventive examinations at the dentist, because they allow you to identify caries and other pathologies at the earliest stages. Remember that it will not be possible to treat medium and deep caries using the Icon system, and in general any of the minimally invasive techniques known today will be powerless in this case (laser, ozonation, fluoridation and remineralization).” Dentist-therapist Elena Vladimirovna Orlova


The developers of Icon technology set themselves the goal of providing the ability to treat caries without the use of drilling equipment. This is the key advantage of the innovative technology, which avoids pain and surgical intervention in the treatment of caries.

The main advantages of the Infiltration CONcept technique:

  • minimizing physical and psychological discomfort for the patient;
  • gentle effect that does not cause damage to healthy tooth tissues;
  • the ability to get rid of carious formations without drilling;
  • suitable not only for adults, but also for the youngest patients with caries;
  • can be used in hard-to-reach places that are difficult to reach during treatment with a drill;
  • You can get rid of caries in one visit to the dentist;
  • The infiltration procedure itself takes about 20-25 minutes;
  • after treatment, the natural shape of the tooth is completely preserved;
  • no need for filling.

After using the special infiltration gel Icon, not only the healing of diseased teeth is observed, but also the improvement of the condition of healthy ones. They become stronger, less susceptible to destructive factors - for example, sweet foods.

Due to its wide range of advantages, painlessness and short duration of action, the use of the Icon method is indicated for the treatment of caries in children in whom drills and other dental equipment cause panic. Applying a unique gel to sore areas does not cause pain or fear in children.

Air abrasive sanitation

Treatment involves treating the carious lesion with an air stream to which abrasives are added. The mixture with solid particles mechanically affects the area, “knocking out” the affected and softened tissues without harming the hard, healthy ones. The method, developed in the mid-twentieth century in the USA, is effective at the initial stage of caries, it is painless and anesthetic injections are not required during treatment.

“Sandblasting” flow-abrasive devices initially treated teeth with quartz sand, but this was later replaced by non-toxic aluminum oxide. Progressive devices (such as the RONDOflex tip) are used in the treatment and professional hygiene of the oral cavity; they qualitatively expand and open fissures, remove medical cement from crowns and braces, and clean the enamel from surface stains. When using the devices, the risk of secondary caries is minimized; the equipment operates without noise, vibration, or heating of tissues.

Treatment is carried out pulsed, affecting the selected area for 6-10 seconds in a row. In “advanced cases,” drilling cannot be avoided—this, in particular, affects areas inaccessible to equipment tips. The disadvantages of the method include its use only for superficial caries and increased sensitivity of the tooth after treatment.


The main indication for using the infiltration method is caries in the initial stage.

Applying a disinfecting gel is also recommended after removing braces. This treatment procedure is often accompanied by the appearance of specific dark spots on the enamel. Icon's innovative technology helps not only to cure the area affected by caries, but also to lighten tooth enamel in places where it is darkened.

Another indication is the need to treat hard-to-reach places on the tooth, the interdental space. Sometimes the lesion reaches areas where drilling is impossible. The application of the gel is not limited to the visible side of the teeth, so it can be used to treat even the side and back walls, as well as microscopic cracks and chips.

Treatment of carious diseases using infiltration treatment is indicated even when other methods cannot be used, for example, if a pregnant patient contacts the dentist.

When is it prohibited to use the technique?

Using ICON technology, caries is treated at an early stage, when there is no carious cavity in the dentin yet.

The technology cannot be used in the following cases:

  • deep damage to the enamel;
  • the presence of a carious cavity in dentin;
  • exposed tooth roots;
  • cervical caries.

Since the method is effective for the treatment of caries in the stain stage, it is important to pay great attention to the prevention of dental caries. In particular, visit the dentist twice a year, even if there are no complaints of toothache, bad breath or other symptoms. During a routine examination, the doctor may find a stain on the surface of the enamel that can easily be treated with the Icon method.

Contraindications Icon

The list of contraindications to the use of the Ikon procedure is limited. It includes:

  • special cases of allergic reactions to one of the components of the substance;
  • presence of defects in tooth enamel;
  • too deep lesions that have reached the deep layers of dentin;
  • the child's age is less than three years;
  • fluorosis

If serious violations of tooth enamel are detected, the use of the gel will not give the desired effect and may cause pain to the patient. Therefore, for advanced cases of caries, it is better to use classical techniques that require drilling.

Causes of caries of primary and permanent teeth in children

  1. Poor oral hygiene. Children rarely like to brush their teeth, so parents should ensure quality care twice a day, rinsing their mouth after meals.
  2. Imbalance in the menu. It is necessary to include solid vegetables and fruits in the child’s diet, and minimize the amount of sweet and carbohydrate foods.
  3. Transmission of infection from parents. Adults should not kiss a child on the lips or lick baby spoons or pacifiers.
  4. Hereditary factor. Dental health is genetic, so parents can assess risks based on the frequency of their dental appointments.

Features of the procedure

Technologically, the process of caries treatment using Icon is carried out in stages:

  • mechanical cleaning of the tooth surface is performed;
  • bacterial plaque is removed;
  • a special latex plate is placed on the teeth to isolate them;
  • Dental wedges are used to reach hard-to-reach areas;
  • the diseased area is treated with a disinfectant;
  • holding time – three minutes;
  • the gel is washed off with water;
  • The tooth enamel is dried using a stream of air.

At the final stage, the cleaned areas are treated with a polymer substance and illuminated under a lamp. The finishing touch is grinding the tooth surface.

The entire Icon procedure usually takes no more than half an hour and does not require the patient to return to the dental office.

After finishing the work, the dentist must instruct the patient about the specifics of oral care. Post-procedure requirements are minimal: it is enough to refrain from smoking and drinking coloring drinks (tea, coffee) for the next two to three hours.

Treatment of caries without drilling in dentistry

Often people experience a strong fear of the drilling machine, even to the point of panic attacks. Icon technology is an excellent alternative for therapeutic manipulations. The patient’s task in this case will be to contact a specialist in a timely manner so that caries treatment is available at the initial stage, when a minimally invasive method can be used.

You can find out whether it is possible to treat caries using the Icon method by consulting a dentist. You can make an initial appointment with a dentist at the Dr. Martin clinic on the website) or by calling the contact phone number provided.

Treatment in our clinic is carried out only by qualified dentists with appropriate training, and using original products developed specifically for caries treatment using this technology.


Like any other, even the most innovative technology, Icon has a number of disadvantages. They do not negate the positive impression of this method of treatment, but must be taken into account for its correct use.

Firstly, infiltration is not effective if carious lesions develop intensively and reach the internal tissues of the tooth.

Secondly, infiltration gel can only be used on a smooth surface; the presence of deep cracks and chips is unacceptable.

Thirdly, working with infiltration equipment requires special training of the dentist. Otherwise, Icon treatment may not be effective. In addition, incorrect assessment of the extent of carious damage can lead to penetration of the gel all the way to the nerve.

The last drawback of the Icon method relates to the economic component of the procedure. Due to its innovation, it remains expensive, so it is not yet very popular.

Release forms

Icon Kariesinfiltrant - approximal Starter kit of 2 treatment kits Pack of 7 treatment kits

Icon Kariesinfiltrant - vestibular Starter kit of 2 treatment kits Pack of 7 treatment kits

Each treatment kit contains: Kariesinfiltrant - approximal • 1 Etch syringe with 0.3 ml liquid • 1 Dry syringe with 0.45 ml liquid • 1 Infiltrant syringe with 0.45 ml liquid • Accessories

Kariesinfiltrant - vestibular • 1 Etch syringe with 0.45 ml liquid • 1 Dry syringe with 0.45 ml liquid • 1 Infiltrant syringe with 0.45 ml liquid • Accessories

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