Fluocal - gel for the prevention and treatment of initial caries

Fluocal gel is a modern medical product used in dental procedures. It is used for the prevention of caries and as an application anesthesia for dental hyperesthesia.

It is a medicinal solution that is used to treat the cavities of diseased teeth in order to prevent and treat caries at different stages. This remedy is effective if the patient has high sensitivity of the tooth surface.

It is also prescribed to prevent the development of medium and deep caries in adolescents and adults.

Composition and release form

The medicine is produced in plastic bottles. Volume – 125 ml. Fluocal is a homogeneous mass based on fluorine. Composition of the drug:

  • sodium fluoride – 2.71 g;
  • phosphoric acid – 1.00 g;
  • alcohol – 3.00 g;
  • xanthan gum – 1.50 g.

Also contains saccharin and purified water. 100 ml of gel contains 1.23 g of active fluoride. The product is tasteless and does not cause increased salivation.

The medicine is produced in France.

Release form and composition

The gel is available in plastic bottles of 125 milliliters. It looks like a homogeneous liquid, the product is based on fluoride. After use, there is no unpleasant aftertaste and no increase in salivation. Saliva is released without changes.


  • 3 g alcohol;
  • 2.71 g sodium fluoride;
  • 1 g phosphoric acid;
  • 1.5 g xanthan gum;
  • Purified water;
  • Saccharin.

The manufacturer of the drug is French.

Medicinal properties

The basis of the remedy is a fluoride compound, which is widely used to restore and strengthen enamel. Its main properties are as follows:

  • significantly inhibits the growth of bacteria, reducing the harmful effects of dental plaque (shows activity against lactobacilli);
  • transforms the crystal structure of tooth enamel, increasing its resistance to chemical acids.

Effectively exhibits its properties both at the level of dentin and on tooth cement.

Action of Fluocal Gel

The main component is a fluoride compound used to strengthen tooth enamel and return it to its normal state.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is as follows:

  • Increasing the resistance of tooth enamel to the action of harmful acids and other chemical compounds;
  • Restoring the structure of the tooth surface;
  • Preventing the occurrence of caries by reducing the number of bacteria;
  • Protection of tissues from the harmful effects of plaque.

The gel is effective for both enamel and dentin - the inner tissue of teeth.

Indications for use

The gel is intended for use as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent in adults and children with the development of caries. It is used for dental damage of varying degrees of intensity. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven in the fight against progressive forms of caries of any etiology.

As a prophylactic agent, Fluocal is successfully used in adolescents, at the first signs of the development of carious areas. This medication is prescribed to patients suffering from dental hyperesthesia. It gives a good therapeutic effect, significantly reducing the sensitivity of tooth enamel.


Sodium fluoride 2.71 g

Excipient 100 ml


The effectiveness of fluoride compounds in the prevention of caries is now well proven by numerous scientific works. Sodium fluoride acts at least as actively as fluoride compounds of heavy metals, for example, tin. FLUOCAL, having all the properties of fluoride compounds, acts in two directions:

  1. Stops the growth of bacteria, thereby significantly reducing the level of plaque formation. This action is especially interesting when it comes to the group of lactobacilli, which are dangerous because they contribute to the formation of acids.
  2. This reaction is complemented by the active effect of fluoride compounds on the enamel, which is characterized by the transformation of its crystalline structure, due to which the enamel’s resistance to the action of chemical acids increases. FLUOCAL is also effective at the level of dentin and cementum of the tooth.


Prevention of caries. Dental hyperesthesia.

Mode of application


Apply the drug to the child’s teeth after preliminary cleaning. Optimal results are obtained when the application procedure is carried out 3 times with an interval of one week. This treatment should be practical for children aged 3, 7, 10 and 13 years, as it corresponds to the time when new teeth appear.


  1. Remove tartar.
  2. Isolate teeth using cotton rolls.
  3. Air dry the teeth, paying particular attention to the occlusal and proximal surfaces to be treated.
  4. The gel is applied to the surface of all teeth using the technique that is best suited for this:
  • application using an impression tray;
  • application with a brush, cotton wool or special tools;
  • Additionally, FLUOCAL GEL can be used for nopherosis.
  1. Leave FLUOCAL GEL in contact with the tooth surface for 4 minutes.
  2. After treatment, ask the patient to spit out excess gel and advise him not to drink, eat, or rinse his mouth for at least 30 minutes after treatment.
  3. Patients whose caries is not very developed can be treated with FLUOCAL GEL every 12 months.

Patients who have severe early stage caries should undergo treatment every 6 months.


Accidental ingestion of large quantities of FLUOCAL GEL may cause nausea and vomiting. In this case, it is necessary to resort to intravenous injection of 10% calcium gluconate solution


Keep the drug away from children.

The high concentration of fluoride allows for quick, 4-minute treatment.

The tasteless composition does not cause increased salivation.


Bottle – 125 ml

Directions for use and dosage

Fluocal is easy to use. It is applied to the teeth following the following sequence:

  • the tooth surface and the cavity of damaged dentin are cleaned of deposits and tartar;
  • The teeth being treated are isolated using cotton pads;
  • dry thoroughly with warm air;
  • apply the required amount of gel using a suitable technique (using special instruments, cotton wool, a brush or an impression tray);
  • the applied product is left on the teeth for about 4 minutes;
  • After the time has passed, the patient spits out the remaining gel; there is no need to rinse the mouth.

It is enough to use the product for prevention purposes or in the initial stages of caries once a year.

Treatment of teeth with Fluoride varnish, the rules for using Fluocal are similar:

Instructions for use

The instructions for using the gel are quite simple. Before applying Fluocal gel, you need to clean the surface of the teeth and cavities damaged by caries from tartar, dental deposits and food debris. The teeth that will be treated are isolated from the rest of the cotton pads. Afterwards, the teeth should be thoroughly dried with warm air. The product is applied to the surface of the teeth using the necessary tools - an impression tray, a brush, cotton wool. Fluocal should be left on the teeth for 3 minutes, after which the patient spits out the product. After completing the procedure, there is no need to rinse your mouth; it is not recommended to eat or drink for half an hour after treatment. This will prolong the effect of the product.

For prevention and in the initial stages of caries development, it is recommended to carry out the procedure once a year, for more serious lesions - at least twice.

Special instructions and contraindications

After treating your teeth with the product, it is recommended not to rinse your mouth, drink or eat anything for half an hour. These measures allow you to prolong the therapeutic effect of the drug. If the patient has an active caries process, then treatment should be carried out at least 2 times a year.

Fluocal is for topical use only on affected areas of the teeth. The gel should not be swallowed. Ingestion of the drug may cause vomiting and nausea. These symptoms are also observed with an overdose of the drug. To relieve symptoms, intravenous injections are performed with solutions containing calcium gluconate.

The product is contraindicated:

  • children under 13 years of age due to the large amount of fluorine and alcohol in its composition;
  • patients who are allergic to any components of the drug.

An allergic reaction is one of the few side effects of the gel. The drug is non-toxic. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years from the date of release.

Indications and contraindications

The product is used for the formation of carious cavities, as a preventive or therapeutic measure, in adolescents and adults. The gel shows high effectiveness at different stages of dental damage, progression of caries that arises for any reason. For initial symptoms of caries in adolescents, Fluocal Gel is used. It is also used to reduce tooth sensitivity in patients suffering from hyperesthesia. It significantly reduces tooth sensitivity and reduces pain. If the patient's teeth are subject to active caries, the product should be used at least twice a year.

Fluocal is used exclusively for external use; the product should not be swallowed. Taking it internally can cause nausea, indigestion, and vomiting. If an overdose of the drug occurs, the same reactions may occur. To relieve symptoms, injections of calcium gluconate solutions are given intravenously.

The use of Fluocal is not recommended for children under thirteen years of age and for patients with allergies to any of the components of the drug. The product itself is non-toxic. Shelf life is three years from the date of release of the drug.

Liquid tooth enamel

All recommendations for stabilizing the situation in the mouth usually come down to improving oral hygiene, proper brushing of teeth, and reviewing diet and drinking habits.
Some dentists also recommend regular visits to the doctor. But dentistry does not stand still, and the latest achievements in this area have materialized in Tooth Mousse - a special cream (gel) for teeth, which contains Recaldent, which actively “helps” in restoring mineral balance. Recaldent is an extract from cow's milk casein. The beneficial properties of cow's milk and fermented milk products have been known for a long time. Dentists have noticed the protective function they perform. The Recaldent complex in an amorphous state contains calcium and phosphorus ions in sufficient quantities.

How does dental gel work?

The gel, entering the oral cavity, begins to affect the enamel, soft tissues and even plaque. Calcium and phosphorus ions get exactly where they are missing - into the enamel - and restore what is lost. That is why Recaldent was called “liquid enamel” .

In addition, Recaldent also performs a preventive function, preventing harmful bacteria from taking root in the mouth. The gel restores the balance of fluoride in the oral cavity.

Tooth Mousse can be called the first truly professional product developed by specialists using Recaldent technology.

The use of this gel has a beneficial effect on the oral cavity; Tooth Mousse interacts with saliva and multiplies its positive effects, that is, it gives the enamel the required amount of calcium and phosphorus ions, thereby normalizing the mineral balance.

Tests have shown that Tooth Mousse gel has no side effects. The only category of people who should be careful with Tooth Mousse are patients with allergies to milk proteins. The taste of Tooth Mousse is quite acceptable, and after applying the gel, your teeth become clean and smooth.

The gel was first tested in 2002 in Australia, and after that it became very popular among dentists. This product is most often prescribed as an application cream, and over time the list of indications for using Tooth Mousse has become even longer.

Cream-gel for teeth Tooth Mousse

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