Which method to choose: Amazing white or Zoom teeth whitening?

Beautiful white teeth are a sign of health, beauty and success. Many people turn to dental centers for professional teeth whitening.

Modern dentistry offers several ways to solve the problem of darkening of tooth enamel. The innovative whitening procedure is in particular demand - amazing white

, which replaced the previously popular whitening technique – zoom.

In this article we will look at how these teeth whitening procedures differ, which method is more effective and safe, and who is suitable for whom.

All about Zoom whitening

The modern classic Zoom whitening procedure, developed by American scientists, is based on the photoactivation reaction of a gel containing hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

Zoom is an effective method of teeth whitening, which has its pros and cons. Let's look at them.

Advantages of the Zoom procedure:

  • a quick and painless way to whiten teeth;
  • the system does not have a destructive effect on tooth enamel;
  • guaranteed result, lightening of tooth tissue by 8-10 shades.

For some period after bleaching, the patient needs to stop smoking and consuming coloring foods and drinks.


  • tooth hypersensitivity for several days after the procedure;
  • If during treatment the active agent accidentally comes into contact with the gum tissue, minor irritation may occur;
  • excessive lightening with high intensity bleaching, which leads to the formation of an unnatural tooth color.

How is it different from other methods?

There are many whitening methods: laser, home, Air Floor, Zoom, etc.

It can be very difficult to choose just one from such a variety of means. The patient is not always familiar with all the features and disadvantages of in-office lightening procedures. What makes the choice especially difficult is the emergence of more and more new methods, for example, light teeth whitening. It came to us from the USA quite recently, but has already earned recognition. How is it different from other professional techniques?

  • The peroxide concentration in the Beyond system's brightening gel is 35-37% - this is more than that of the home system (10-15%), so the effect of cold light is much more noticeable and requires only 3 sessions of 10 minutes. Changing the color of enamel at home takes place in courses and takes more than a week.
  • After using the Zoom technique, the patient may experience increased tooth sensitivity or unwanted tanning of the face due to harmful UV rays. The light from cold bleaching acts through filters; they neutralize dangerous radiation.
  • Compared to the laser method, light technology is several times cheaper.
  • Devices with ultraviolet lamps can often cause burns or damage the mucous membrane. To protect the patient, the dentist carefully covers the entire oral cavity with a special cloth. This makes the whitening process much more difficult. Halogen blue light lamp does not heat soft and hard periodontal tissues.

How is the Zoom whitening procedure performed?

The Zoom whitening technique is successfully used in many dental centers in Russia. The procedure is performed in several stages and takes about 2 hours, which depends on the persistence of the deposits and the desired shade.

Zoom teeth whitening procedure – step by step:

1. Applying whitening gel to tooth enamel.

2. The doctor directs the glow of a special Zoom lamp with ultraviolet radiation onto the surfaces of the teeth treated with gel, which activates the release of free oxygen. Under the influence of a lamp, it penetrates into the deep hard tissues of the tooth and removes deposits, including the most persistent ones.

3. At the end of the procedure, the gel is washed off with water from the surface of the teeth.

4. The doctor applies a special agent to the enamel to reduce tooth sensitivity and strengthen the enamel.

Whitening using the Zoom system has many contraindications. This method is not used to restore a beautiful enamel color to women during lactation and pregnancy, people with epilepsy and mental disorders. Contraindications to the procedure are also various diseases of the teeth and gums, allergic reactions to the active components of the gel, cancer, the presence of a pacemaker and age under 18 years.

How does light affect tooth enamel?

LED light does not heat the enamel at all, and therefore does not harm it at all. The thing is that whitening takes place using a different method, and light for it is only a catalyst for the reaction that occurs on the surface of the teeth after applying a special whitening gel to it. By acting on the enamel pigment, the reagent lightens it without changing the structure of the tooth tissue.

The main component of the whitening gel is hydrogen peroxide. The directed beams of the ice lamp trigger a catalytic reaction: active oxygen is released, which makes teeth lighter. As you can see, the procedure is completely safe and is suitable for both adults and children.

Amazing White system – advantages, features, indications

An innovative method of whitening tooth enamel, Amazing White occupies a leading position in the ranking of the best dental techniques aimed at restoring the snow-white color of tooth enamel. The technique is based on the use of a special gel containing an active substance - hydrogen peroxide, which effectively lightens the tooth crown without compromising the integrity of the tissue structure.

Carrying out the procedure

Teeth whitening with gel and lamp is an office procedure that should only be performed by a specialist with certain experience. Otherwise, in addition to an unsatisfactory result, the patient may suffer injuries to the oral mucosa. The procedure itself lasts about 1 hour, going through several stages.

  1. The preparatory stage is professional cleaning of the oral cavity. Existing plaque and tartar deposits are removed from the teeth. This procedure itself will help make the teeth lighter, and this will allow you to maximally select the tone of the tooth enamel that the patient wants to see in the end. The initial color is determined using a special VITA scale and if the result satisfies the patient, the dentist moves on to the next stage of whitening.
  2. The second stage begins with the implementation of oral safety measures. To ensure minimal contact with the teeth, cheeks and lips are isolated using a variety of napkins and films. To prevent the gums from coming under the aggressive influence of the whitening gel, and to avoid chemical burns on the soft tissues, they are coated with a protective composition. Most often, this composition is liquid rubber dam. After application, it quickly hardens, forming a protective film.
  3. The third stage is the whitening procedure. The surface of the teeth is pre-dried, and then it is evenly coated with active gel. After irradiating the teeth with an LED lamp for 10 minutes, this gel is removed. If the result does not satisfy the patient, the entire procedure is repeated again.

No more than three approaches can be performed during one visit to the dentist. All these steps will take about an hour. If this was not enough, a second visit to the dentist should only take place a week later.

Benefits of Amazing White Whitening

The Amazing White teeth whitening system has many advantages.


  • absolute safety for the structure of dental tissues;
  • lightening effect - by 8 tones or more while maintaining the natural healthy color of teeth;
  • absence of discomfort during the procedure and after it;
  • without the use of laser and ultraviolet radiation;
  • speed of implementation - up to 15 minutes.

Moscow dental centers successfully use the modern Amazing White whitening system. Price

accessible, more about it below.

Indications and restrictions

The use of technology is indicated for patients with severe darkening, discoloration, and general and fragmented pigmentation of tooth enamel. Poor oral hygiene, smoking or drinking tea, juices, or coffee can cause deterioration in the appearance of teeth.

When performing the procedure on teeth that have a natural gray tint, the effect will be less pronounced.

The technique is completely safe for the human body. However, there are a number of restrictions to its implementation:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children or elderly people;
  • teeth prone to wear;
  • diabetes;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • oncological diseases;
  • caries;
  • pathological thinning of enamel;
  • the presence of artificial elements (fillings, implants, prostheses).

Types of lamps

Cold light whitening is carried out using various equipment. The priority is American-made systems that are distinguished by reliability, safety and durability.

Dental clinics use:

  1. LED TE-600 (China). Compact and compatible with different formulations equipment. Reliable fixation. Two intensity modes.
  2. C-Bright-II. Professional device for simultaneous illumination of both jaws. Several light intensity modes, LED screen, ability to change position.
  3. Double White. Lighting each jaw separately. Soft blue light beam. Functional and safe equipment.
  4. Beyond Power Whitening System. Accelerator device with high power halogen lamps. The activation time of the gel is 30 minutes.
  5. Beyond Polus. Uniform light coverage, neutralizes UV rays.


Foreign techniques and equipment are being introduced into dental clinics in the Russian Federation. No Russian analogue systems have been developed.

The list of popular systems includes:

  1. Beyond Polus – developed using Light Bridge technology. Activation of the gel using halogen lamps. There is no negative impact of UV on the patient's body.
  2. Luma Cool - during the session, not halogen, but diode lamps are used.
  3. Amazing White – gel activation by using an LED lamp. Diverse assortment line. Systems are available with violet, red and blue light streams.

Preparatory stage

Preliminary preparation for the whitening procedure includes:

  • clinical examination of the oral cavity to identify pathologies;
  • plaque removal;
  • assessment of the initial shade of teeth;
  • Providing the client with protective equipment, installing a retractor.


Regardless of the chosen system, the procedure for lightening tooth enamel involves sequential dental procedures:

  • applying the active component to the surface of the dentition;
  • turning on the lamp and pointing it at the front teeth;
  • outcome assessment;
  • repeated surface treatment with a lamp;
  • removing gel residues.

If a low result is obtained, the session is repeated no earlier than 10 days later.


To prolong the effect obtained, you must follow the dentist’s advice:

  • daily brushing of teeth;
  • use of an irrigator;
  • diet correction;
  • quitting cigarettes;
  • rinsing the mouth after meals.


Practicing dentists testify to the lightening of the enamel by 6-10 tones. Difficulties arise when performing the procedure with naturally yellow or gray teeth. The results obtained are maintained for a year.

How is whitening performed using the Amazing White system?

There are two Amazing White teeth whitening methods – classic and professional.

Classic whitening can be carried out at home using weakly concentrated hydrogen peroxide according to special instructions, strictly following all the rules. A patient who wants to independently carry out a treatment and prophylactic procedure can buy Amazing White for teeth whitening

online on the website of specialized stores. After the classic procedure, the result of lightening the dental crown up to 5 tones is observed.

Professional whitening is performed in dental centers using more concentrated hydrogen peroxide. This composition allows you to lighten tooth enamel by 8-9 shades.

How the professional Amazing White procedure is performed:

1. Removing bacterial film from tooth enamel through soft grinding.

2. Treatment of the oral mucosa with a special product containing vitamin complexes.

3. Apply the gel to the dental crowns with a special applicator.

4. Surface treatment using an LED lamp (15 minutes).

5. The applied product is washed off with water, after which the dental crowns are dried.

Up to 3 applications of the gel are performed in one session. Upon completion of the treatment and prophylactic procedure, the dentist performs fluoridation of the teeth, which helps strengthen the enamel and consolidates the result of crown whitening.

After the procedure, the patient needs to follow some of the doctor’s care recommendations to maintain the whitening results for a long time.

Benefits of using the Beyond device.

  • Changing the color of a smile by 8-12 tones.
  • Whitening gel contains substances that prevent sensitivity.
  • If all recommendations are followed, the result can last more than 2 years.
  • The halogen lamp emits cool light that does not heat or damage the enamel.
  • It is possible to eliminate dark pigment, even with complex diseases, such as fluorosis.
  • The dentist can individually select the intensity of the device, depending on the preferences and condition of the patient’s oral cavity.
  • Teeth whitening with cold light will not take much time; in less than an hour, your smile will be transformed beyond recognition.

Causes of darkening of tooth enamel

In order for lamp teeth whitening to give the most positive results, you need to understand the reasons for the darkening of the enamel. In many cases, it will be enough to eliminate the negative impact factor so that the enamel acquires its natural shade.

The structure of dental tissue is quite porous. The enamel that covers the base of the tooth is translucent and cannot affect its overall color. The dark shade comes from dentin, which is visible through a thin layer of enamel. But why does it darken if the enamel itself is strong enough to allow negative factors to pass through? The reason lies in insufficient hygiene and love for solid food. Seeds, nuts, grilled candies, sour drinks and all similar products contribute to damage to the top layer of teeth, and then the dye easily penetrates into the tooth tissue, staining the dentin. The main factors contributing to the darkening of enamel:

  • The most common reason is the consumption of products that contain a large concentrate of natural dyes. This could be: beets, blueberries or currants, cranberries or strawberries, coffee, strong tea, etc. In this case, careful hygiene will be the best way to get rid of the problem of darkening of teeth.
  • The color of the enamel also changes in heavy smokers. The culprit in this case is the tar in the cigarette. As they settle on the surface of the tooth, they begin to gradually destroy tooth enamel. The best way out would be to give up cigarettes, but if the patient cannot do this, then it is worth paying more attention to hygiene procedures.
  • The tooth may darken due to trauma during which the neurovascular bundle was damaged.
  • The color also changes due to depulpation - when the nerve is removed from the tooth.
  • Staining may occur due to the specific type of filling material used to seal the nerve canal.
  • Progressive caries. At the initial stage of its development, this disease manifests itself only as small black dots, but if it is not cured in time, caries begins to progress, first destroying the enamel and then the dentin.
  • Teeth may have congenital lesions, which are not classified as carious lesions. In addition to the dark color of the enamel, they differ in a different structure and shape.
  • Excess fluoride in consumed water can provoke the development of a disease such as endemic fluorosis. When fluorosis begins to develop, dark areas, spots, or chalky streaks form on the teeth. All this leads to the destruction of enamel, and then dentin.
  • Taking tetracycline antibiotics during pregnancy negatively affects the condition of the child’s teeth. The baby's teeth acquire a dark color during prenatal development.

The first two reasons for color changes are easily eliminated, but only in the first stages of development. In advanced situations, the whiteness of teeth cannot be restored. The problem is that the darkening becomes part of the healthy tooth and is now its natural shade.

Benefits of lamp teeth whitening

The main advantage of the LED lamp, which is used for teeth whitening, is the almost complete absence of harm to the patient. This method has passed all clinical trials and is considered one of the safest. Radiation from the source passes through a special filter that neutralizes the negative effects of ultraviolet and infrared radiation. The temperature of the enamel surface during the procedure does not exceed 37.6ºC.

You can also note other advantages of cold whitening:

  • Short procedure time;
  • The ability to get the desired result in one go;
  • The active gel applied to the teeth has a special composition that helps reduce sensitivity to the procedure.
  • The system allows you to whiten teeth that have darkened with age or their color is a consequence of fluorosis.

The disadvantage of the procedure is its high cost and a long list of contraindications.

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