Whitening with ZOOM 4 or Opalescence system – what to choose?

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A snow-white smile is the dream of millions of people. And now it has become possible to achieve an ideal result not only in the dentist’s chair, but also at home. The safest whitening option is an integrated approach to the procedure. Before carrying out the home whitening procedure, it is recommended to visit your dentist and get all the necessary recommendations.

Opalescence teeth whitening

Opalescence is a manufacturer that has established itself on the market for quite a long time. The company was founded in 1970 in the USA and quickly gained worldwide fame. Currently, the brand produces about 500 products, including teeth whitening products.

The American Dental Association has recognized Opalescence brand products as one of the safest teeth whitening products. The world community appreciates the products of this manufacturer for their consistently high level of quality and efficiency.

The safest whitening option is an integrated approach to the procedure. Before carrying out the home whitening procedure, it is recommended to visit your dentist and get all the necessary recommendations.

Opalescence Whitening Toothpaste

For patients who wish to maintain the shade of already whitened teeth, Opalescence toothpaste is perfect.

Features of toothpaste:

  1. The unique Opalescence formula makes it possible to quickly and effectively release fluoride ions, maximizing their enrichment of tooth enamel.
  2. The paste has low abrasiveness.
  3. Protects teeth from re-staining after whitening.
  4. Removes deposits from the enamel surface, making teeth several shades lighter in just 1 month.
  5. Reduces gum inflammation.

Opalescence's fresh scent and unique features make toothpaste the best alternative for those who want to maintain a healthy mouth.

How does Opalescence whitening technology work?

Opalescence whitening is a chemical procedure. Opalescence teeth whitening composition does not have any independent effect on teeth. Its activation occurs only under the influence of a special lamp.

Kits for home use of Opalescence technology must include:

  • Lightening component
  • Chemical activator
  • Instructions

For more convenient and safe application of the composition, the “syringe in a syringe” technology is used so that the chemical compound is well distributed.

How to save the result?

The amount of time for which the resulting effect will last primarily depends on what kind of system was used. The higher the concentration of perhydrol, the longer the result lasts, so you should not hope that the effect obtained by using home systems will please a person for several years. These are gentle techniques designed for a maximum of two years, and then only on the condition that the patient does not drink coffee or red wine, smoke or consume foods containing large amounts of coloring pigments.

Regardless of the conditions under which the procedure was carried out, experts recommend using Opalescence toothpaste and following a “colorless diet.” But what is it? The “colorless diet” is a diet that completely excludes the consumption of “colored” foods and drinks. Of course, no one is forcing anyone to give up coffee and chocolate for three years. It’s just that such things should not be consumed for two weeks from the moment the procedure was carried out. Of course, proper oral hygiene also greatly contributes to prolonging the effect obtained and preserving the teeth.

Indications and contraindications for the opalescence teeth whitening procedure

The main indication for a dental procedure is dissatisfaction with the natural shade of teeth, a desire to make it lighter. With the help of whitening, you can get rid of age spots and make your smile look like a Hollywood one.

Opalescence technology is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity
  • Dental caries
  • Pregnancy
  • Children under 18 years old
  • Lactation period
  • Multiple restorations on anterior teeth (risk of uneven lightening)
  • Allergic reactions to the components of the gel and activator

The safest use of Opalescence technology is in a dental clinic. This makes it possible to achieve high-quality and uniform whitening, as well as identify contraindications in time and avoid complications.

The Opalescence home whitening system, although considered the safest, nevertheless does not exclude allergic reactions that are difficult to stop without medical assistance.

What does color depend on?

The natural shade of most people's teeth is light, slightly yellowish. Healthy enamel itself is colorless and transparent. Accordingly, the color of teeth is primarily determined by the shade of dentin and can vary from beige-yellow to watery-gray. It is also significantly influenced by the state of health of the organs and the body as a whole. Shade may vary:

  • due to injuries;
  • removal of nerve tissue;
  • other treatment performed;
  • stress;
  • smoking;
  • drinking large amounts of tea, coffee, and other coloring foods;
  • age-related changes;
  • tetracycline effect;
  • fluorosis.

In these and many other cases, whitening with the Opalescence system will be most effective.

Opalescence: whitening technology in a dental clinic

Depending on the initial condition of the teeth and the desired result, several types of whitening can be used in a dental clinic:

  1. Opalescence boost

    This technology helps to get rid of pigment spots on one tooth and achieve a naturally light shade that will not differ from the rest of the surface. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the gel reaches 40%. This type of whitening can be carried out in a course to achieve the best effect. The minimum interval between procedures should be at least 3 days.

  2. Opalescence endo

    In dental clinics, this technology is used to lighten pulpless teeth. Teeth without pulp are more susceptible to darkening of the enamel compared to others, so the procedure itself is slightly different. Endo-technology allows for intracanal bleaching. And if necessary, a course of procedures can be carried out. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide in this product is about 35%. Allows intracoronal bleaching.

  3. Opalusture

    It can be used either as an independent method of whitening or as a preparation for other types of whitening. The technology has shown particular effectiveness in darkening teeth due to fluorosis and hypoplasia of tooth enamel. In addition to hydrogen peroxide, the drug contains hydrochloric acid and silicon carbide.

Advantages of the method

This type of whitening has been used for many years; dentists consider the materials of the Opalescence system to be absolutely reliable. Their use assumes that a person will receive a predictable, high-quality result, which is why the system is trusted by hundreds of specialists.

Despite the fact that the main whitening agent is a concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide, the composition, when used correctly, is completely safe for teeth - thanks to the microelements it contains. They protect tooth enamel from destruction, and they also help reduce the effect of tooth sensitivity that sometimes occurs after whitening. The main advantages of the Opalescence method include:

  • The ability to get excellent results with a single use
  • Special formula of the composition - in order to start the bleaching process, you do not need to use lamps, which means there is no danger of overheating, tissues and pulp do not suffer from thermal effects
  • Double effect: in addition to whitening, Opalescence helps solve other dental problems - in particular, it prevents the development of caries, since it is able to destroy harmful microbes and strengthen the enamel.

Benefits of Opalescence whitening technology

Thanks to its high-quality and thoughtful composition, the whitening gel of this brand allows you not only to whiten your teeth without harming the enamel, but also to strengthen them. Among the components of the whitening agent you can find sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate, which will help make the enamel stronger.

Ease of use makes the procedure very popular both in dental clinics and at home. However, to achieve the most lasting results, it is recommended to carry out whitening in a dental clinic. There are several reasons for this:

  • Taking care of dental health

    A nearby doctor will notice in time if there is something wrong with the composition and will help in case of allergic reactions. It is much safer to carry out any manipulations with drugs in a hospital setting.

  • Long lasting results

    Teeth whitening is possible at home. However, the duration of the result is several times shorter. When whitening in dentistry, you will not overpay, but on the contrary, you will even save money compared to whitening at home.

What is technology

The basis of the technology is a bleaching agent, which includes an analogue of hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide. This substance contains components that soften the oral mucosa. The technology is safe to use, does not contain harmful ingredients, and rarely causes allergic reactions.

Opalescence technology is a professional system, but it is often used for teeth whitening at home because it is easy to use and has an affordable price.

Today, several types of restoration of teeth whiteness using this technique have been developed. They differ in composition and the way they act on enamel.

Home teeth whitening system: how to use the technology?

To make your smile snow-white at home, whitening pastes are not enough. Requires the use of specialized tools. One of them is Opalescence. For home use, mouth guards are made that are filled with gel.

One package of home teeth whitening system contains up to 10 drops. The method of using them is quite simple: just put them on your teeth and wait for the time indicated on the package. The exposure time may differ for different product lines, so be sure to first read the instructions for use. The results of home whitening last for a period of 2 to 6 months. However, it is recommended to follow a “white diet” for 14 days after the procedure. You should definitely exclude highly pigmented foods from your diet, which can give your teeth a colored tint. Smoking, drinking coffee, tea and wine are not recommended during this period.

Whitening at home is a fairly short-term option. At the same time, after professional teeth whitening in dentistry, teeth can remain snow-white for several years. If necessary, the whitening procedure can be repeated, but first you should consult a dentist and evaluate the condition of your oral cavity.

Another type of whitening, Opalescence, for home use is available in a syringe, and a tray is included separately. In this case, the contents of the syringe are squeezed out, applied to the inside of the tray and left in place. This formula may take up to several hours to work.

Description of the procedure

The whitening system and all the preparations and instruments necessary for this were developed by the well-known company Ultradent Products Inc (USA), which has been on the market since 1979. It has released the Boost PF line, intended exclusively for professional medical use. Its key feature is its high (40%) hydrogen peroxide content.

The procedure for changing the shade occurs in several stages:

  • preparation of the oral cavity - the teeth are thoroughly dried, the gums are isolated using a protective light-activated gel, and the lips, cheeks and tongue are isolated with special retractors;
  • activation of the composition - for this, three special syringes are included with Opalescence Boost, with the help of which all components of the material are quickly and easily mixed in the required proportions;
  • application - using a special attachment Black Micro FX, which is also supplied complete with the composition, the teeth are covered with a layer of 0.5-1 mm of the prepared mixture. For more noticeable results, it needs to be stirred every 3-5 minutes;
  • removing gel using a vacuum cleaner.

The special formula allows the composition to remain on the teeth for up to 20 minutes. The result can be seen immediately after the procedure is completed. If necessary, it can be repeated up to 3 times in a row, after which a break of at least 3 days should follow.

Ultradent Products Inc also produces a less concentrated (up to 15% hydrogen peroxide) line designed for home use. The mixture is applied to a comfortable thin tray.

Where to buy Opalescence home whitening?

You can purchase a composition for home whitening at various dental clinics that cooperate with the brand and offer the best prices. Depending on the number of tubes, the cost of the whitening composition can vary from 1,700 to 5,000 rubles. The cost is also affected by the technologies that were used during the production of the composition.

Professional whitening Opalescence can be easily stored at home. To ensure a longer shelf life, it is recommended to place the composition in the refrigerator. If you store the drug without refrigeration, its shelf life will be only 6 months. At the same time, cool conditions will extend the shelf life to 1 year. Use after violation of storage conditions or after the expiration date is strictly prohibited.


MIG-DENT clinics are the best choice for the prevention and solution of dental problems for the whole family. Among our advantages:

  • competent specialists who take on the most complex cases and regularly improve their skills;
  • a wide range of services, from orthopedics and orthodontics to aesthetic dentistry;
  • the most modern equipment;
  • high-quality tools, materials, preparations;
  • use of binoculars, platelet-rich plasma and other innovations for treatment;
  • comfortable conditions;
  • convenient location;
  • flexible work schedule.

Another important advantage is that prices for aesthetic dentistry, including Opalescence whitening, are more than affordable.

Professional whitening Opalescence: price

The NovaDent dental clinic offers a wide variety of whitening procedures. During an individual consultation, our specialists will help you choose the best option that suits you. And all this is absolutely free. The NovaDent Clinic offers a free consultation service for everyone. The dentist will tell you about the methods of whitening, and also tell you about those that are right for you.

The dream of a Hollywood smile is getting closer, thanks to the affordable prices of modern dental clinics in Moscow.

Types of Opalescence for home use

If you want to lighten your enamel on your own, or want to maintain the results obtained in dentistry for a long time, then you can try Opalescence teeth whitening at home. Moreover, the manufacturer offers a lot of options for these purposes. However, before using the remedies listed below, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor.

Opalescence PF

There are several options for brightening gel here - with 10%, 15% and 20% carbamide peroxide in the composition. The manufacturer recommends the product for those whose enamel darkening is caused by consuming “colored” foods and drinks (coffee, berries, wine, sauces).

Suitable for use in mouth guards only! The consistency of the gel is viscous, it applies well and does not leak out of the trays. Before use, consultation with a doctor is necessary, since depending on the clinical situation, the manufacturer recommends that each patient have a different time for the gel to remain on the teeth - for some it can be 1-2 hours a day, for others - 8-10 hours (the product is left for the entire night).

On a note! The manufacturer offers different sets of Opalescence PF. The first one includes only four syringes with gel; it has a low price - about 1800 rubles. The second, costing about 3,800 rubles, includes eight syringes with gel, a case for mouth guards, a travel bag and specialized toothpaste. But there is no talk anywhere about the mouth guards themselves, so be careful. Mouth guards for these kits must be purchased separately. For example, you can order individual ones in dentistry.

The composition for home use should be stored in the refrigerator, but before use, it must be warmed to room temperature.

“I decided to have opalescence whitening after I saw my friend’s photos before and after the procedure on Instagram. I was very impressed! She had a set with 20%, and I bought the same, and also ordered mouth guards on the Internet. After some time, I regretted my decision, because for me the remedy turned out to be powerful. I couldn’t sit for more than an hour a day, because... It stung my gums and hurt my teeth. I had pain in my teeth at night, too, and took painkillers. The result - the lightening effect was really quite good, but the pain and aches persisted for a very long time, appearing even from cold air. I conclude that before this I should have gone to the dentist and gotten a consultation. Next time I’m going to do that.”

Natali, fragment of a review from the site irecommend.ru

Opalescence TresWhite Supreme

This kit contains a ready-made kit - trays filled with Opalescence teeth whitening gel. The composition contains a 10% concentration of hydrogen peroxide, potassium nitrite and sodium fluoride to strengthen enamel, peach, melon or mint flavors (optional) for fresh breath.

The kit is intended for use within 5–10 days. You need to wear the mouth guards every day for 30–60 minutes, but if discomfort and pain occur, you should stop using the product and consult a doctor.

The cost of the kit is about 5,500 rubles.

TresWhite Ortho Mint

This set again includes ready-made mouth guards in the amount of 10 pieces for the lower and upper jaws, which are already filled with gel. However, teeth whitening with the Opalescence TresWhite Ortho System is not for everyone, but only for people who are undergoing orthodontic treatment with braces. The gel contains 8% carbamide peroxide, strengthening and antibacterial components. The taste is mint.

The price of the Opalescence TresWhite Ortho teeth whitening kit is approximately the same as for the previous one - about 5,600 rubles.

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