Teeth whitening with the Opalescence system

If you are unhappy with the color of your teeth, you can undergo a whitening procedure. First, you need to remove dental plaque, and then perform laser, photo or chemical lightening. The latter also includes Opalescence, a system for in-office and home whitening. It is very important to remove tartar first, otherwise the procedure will be useless.

Interesting fact! A slight yellowish tint of teeth is natural and indicates their strength, because it means that there is a sufficient amount of dentin in the teeth.

Indications for whitening

  1. Fluorosis, that is, a change in the shade of enamel in the form of spots of different colors that occurs when drinking water with a high fluoride content.
  2. Tetracycline teeth are observed after consuming the antibiotic tetracycline. Manifests itself in the coloration of enamel from light yellow to brown.
  3. Age-related changes in enamel - the surface layer of enamel becomes thinner and changes when consuming “coloring” foods, as a result, teeth darken. Teeth can also darken due to smoking and nerve removal. In all of the above cases, tooth enamel can be significantly brightened thanks to the use of Opalescence gel.
  4. Whitening with the Opalescence system is recommended before prosthetics, placing veneers on teeth or carrying out composite restorations. To achieve a stable shade, you need to wait about a week after the procedure.

Who is Opalescence suitable for?

The choice of the Opalescence line of drugs is considered optimal in the following situations:

  • deterioration of aesthetics under the influence of external factors (coloring foods and drinks, smoking, coffee and tea);
  • diseases of the enamel, and as a result, deterioration of its aesthetic appearance;
  • solution to lighten the natural tone of the enamel.

Please note that the service is not available if there are contraindications. These include childhood/adolescence, pregnancy and lactation, some types of chronic diseases (a full list is provided by the doctor during the consultation).


  • Long-lasting formula;
  • 20% water in the gel prevents overdrying;
  • a noticeable change in the shade of tooth enamel after the first session;
  • excellent results are achieved without the use of special lamps;
  • to prevent tooth hypersensitivity, the whitening gel contains potassium nitrate and fluoride;
  • the cost of such a service is an order of magnitude lower than, for example, ZOOM whitening;
  • Unlike other whitening gels, Opalescence, due to its sticky formula, does not leak from the tray;
  • the results of medical studies have shown that whitening with fluoride has remineralizing properties, and therefore this technology is effective and safe;
  • During the procedure, caries prevention is carried out;
  • there is a huge range of concentrations and flavors of whitening gel on the market;
  • thoughtful design of the Opalescence system - from convenient syringes and personal aligners to Opalescense sets;
  • The Opalescence system offers the procedure both in the dentist’s chair and self-whitening.

Professional whitening system Opalescence Xtra Boost

Opalescence Xtra Boost was originally created as a more convenient and effective method of teeth whitening compared to other known technologies. Its main component is an active gel, which is based on a 38% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Procedure for a whitening session:

  1. Before the procedure, the dentist applies a special protective gel OpalDam to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, which eliminates the possibility of damage and irritation.
  2. Then, using a special technique, the contents of two syringes are mixed (one of them contains hydrogen peroxide, the other contains the activator), pumping in both directions at least 5-6 times. The prepared mixture is squeezed into a red syringe, then a special black nozzle is put on it and the application of the prepared composition begins.
  3. The vestibular part of the teeth is covered with a layer of gel 0.5-1 mm thick. The dentist, using a nozzle with a brush, mixes the gel well directly on the surface of the teeth, thus achieving the maximum effect from the procedure.
  4. Opalescence Xtra Boost is removed after 10-15 minutes with a dental vacuum cleaner (in case of increased sensitivity - a little earlier).
  5. After preliminary cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, the teeth should be thoroughly rinsed with a stream of water. A vacuum cleaner is used at the same time. These manipulations are performed with extreme caution.
  6. If necessary, the whitening procedure can be repeated if the patient has no signs of tooth sensitivity. In this case, the doctor prepares a new portion of the mixture. The condition of the teeth is monitored every 10-15 minutes.

Whitening using the Opalescence Xtra Boost system is rationally carried out to enhance and restore whiteness, both of the entire dentition, and of one tooth and even part of it. Dentists use this technique for intracoronal bleaching.

Indications and contraindications

Teeth whitening in St. Petersburg using chemicals is used in the following cases:

  • age-related thinning and darkening of enamel;
  • pigmentation due to excessive consumption of tea, coffee, coloring products;
  • fluorosis;
  • taking antibiotics, pigmentation caused by such drugs;
  • tetracycline teeth;
  • preparatory stage for installing veneers, crowns, bridges.

There are not many contraindications, but they do exist:

  • age under 18 years;
  • presence of untreated caries;
  • hyperesthesia;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period.

Stages of a procedure in dentistry

To lighten, the following steps must be followed:

  • preliminary inspection, sanitation;
  • applying a protective rubber dam to the surface of the mucosa (included in the kit);
  • mixing components;
  • covering teeth with a brush;
  • removing the composition with a dental vacuum cleaner after completion of the procedure;
  • rinsing, thoroughly washing fabrics.

Duration of effect, post-procedure care

Using this method, you can achieve whitening by 2-10 shades, depending on the condition of the teeth, the causes of darkening, the state of oral hygiene and other factors. The duration of the result is 1-3 years, depending on how well the patient follows all the recommendations. If the initial condition is poor, the effect after the first session can last 6-12 months.

After completing the lightening procedure, the patient should adhere to recommendations that will help to properly care for the oral cavity and prolong the achieved effect:

  • daily cleaning, you can use whitening pastes that help cope with the beginning accumulations of plaque;
  • rinsing your mouth with antibacterial rinses after meals;
  • using brushes and irrigators to efficiently remove food debris, especially in hard-to-reach places.

In addition, the patient should regularly visit the doctor for preventive examinations. It should be borne in mind that excessive coffee consumption or smoking causes darkening of the enamel. This will require frequent whitening, which can be avoided by adjusting your diet and giving up certain habits, such as smoking.


Professional teeth whitening in a clinic using a chemical method costs from 7,000 rubles. The doctor will be able to tell you the exact price after an appointment and a series of examinations. The cost may be increased if it is necessary to treat tooth decay or replace some fillings. Therefore, to clarify prices, it is recommended to make an appointment.

About Us

Magenta Dental Clinic offers teeth whitening to the clinic using the Opalescence technique. We guarantee our patients:

  • comprehensive services, including in-office whitening, individual selection of dental care products and consultations with leading hygienists;
  • use of certified products that have proven effectiveness and safety;
  • prolonged result;
  • guarantee of quality and a healthy smile for a long time;
  • attractive prices for all services.

To register, leave a request on the website using the online form, indicating your name, contact phone number and email, and the reason for your application. You can also call us at +7 (812) 242-91-90, send a request by email

Professional whitening system Opalescence Boost PF

Teeth whitening using this system, which is based on 40% hydrogen peroxide, is also carried out in the dentist's chair.

The system has a PF formula (potassium nitrate plus fluoride), which reduces tooth sensitivity and is effective in preventing caries.

Instructions for Opalescence Boost:

  1. You should make sure that the syringes are tightly secured.
  2. First, gently press the plunger of the red syringe, then also gently press the plunger of the white one.
  3. To mix, make approximately 20-25 back-and-forth movements.
  4. After mixing, leave the whitening gel in the red syringe and put the brush attachment on it.

The system is very simple and easy to use, the gel is easy to apply and remove from the teeth.

Opalescence Endo Kit

The Opalescence Endo whitening system, based on 35% hydrogen peroxide, allows for intracanal and endodontic teeth whitening in a dental clinic.

Opalescence Endo instructions for use will not cause difficulties - the pre-mixed gel is easy to use and is indicated for the “whitening on the go” technique.

Opalescence is an at-home whitening system approved by the American Dental Association. Its patented formula allows you to achieve the desired results in a matter of days.

Operating principle of Opalescence technology

When they talk about “Opalescence”, we are talking about chemical teeth whitening, or rather, one of the types of chemical whitening. To activate the brightening gel, the doctor or the patient himself (if the procedure is performed at home) does not need to use a lamp, heat or light. A chemical composition is used as an activator.

All Opalescence kits include a hydrogen peroxide-based brightening gel and a chemical activator. You must first mix them, and for convenience and accuracy of dosage, the manufacturer has come up with a special “syringe in a syringe” system.

Home whitening system Opalescence Patient Kit

Opalescence effectively eliminates complete or partial darkening of tooth enamel as a result of systemic, congenital, age-related, natural, traumatic and pharmacological factors. Good results are achieved when working with tetracycline staining and fluorescent stains. Opalescence Patient Kit is used in trays.

Instructions for use:

  1. Rinse the mouthguard and wipe dry, brush your teeth with any toothpaste.
  2. Squeeze out the required amount of gel evenly from a plastic syringe onto the front side of the mouthguard (but not more than a third of the total volume of one syringe).
  3. Distribute the gel evenly and place the mouthguard on your teeth. Press firmly with your fingers, then use a napkin to remove any excess gel that has come out beyond the tray.
  4. The time for teeth whitening depends on the concentration of the gel. To achieve ideal results, keep Opalescence at: 35% for approximately 30 minutes. 20% - from 2 to 4 hours. 15% - from 4 to 6 hours. 10% - from 6 to 10 hours (it is recommended to use it overnight).
  5. Take out the mouth guard, rinse it under water, and rinse your mouth thoroughly with slightly warm water.

How it works?

Opalescence is a colorless gel with a prolonged action.
It was developed quite recently, and the first to test its effect on their own teeth were the Americans. Which is not surprising, since this product was released by the American company Ultradent, which is a recognized leader in the production of whitening products. The whitening product is packaged in syringes, and this is done for the convenience of filling a tray, the use of which is implied when carrying out the procedure yourself. The drug contains an activator, which “forces” hydrogen or carbamide peroxide to disintegrate into individual elements. During the chemical reaction, oxygen molecules are released, which, in turn, interact with the pigments. As a result, they are lightened and removed, and the enamel is not damaged at all, since the drug only affects the pigments. Thanks to this, you can lighten the enamel by 10 tones, and the most important thing is that the result can last up to three years, and here a lot depends on the concentration of perhydrol.

Opalescence Whitening Toothpaste

For patients who wish to maintain the shade of already whitened teeth, Opalescence toothpaste is perfect.

Features of toothpaste:

  1. The unique Opalescence formula makes it possible to quickly and effectively release fluoride ions, maximizing their enrichment of tooth enamel.
  2. The paste has low abrasiveness.
  3. Protects teeth from re-staining after whitening.
  4. Removes deposits from the enamel surface, making teeth several shades lighter in just 1 month.
  5. Reduces gum inflammation.

Opalescence's fresh scent and unique features make toothpaste the best alternative for those who want to maintain a healthy mouth.

Why patients trust us

The quality and safety of the results of our center’s specialists is associated with compliance with the regulations when executing the order. We practice step-by-step work in which we perform:

  • Consultation. The oral cavity is examined and contraindications are identified. An action plan is drawn up.
  • Preparation. The optimal color is selected taking into account the natural characteristics of the enamel. The Vita scale is used.
  • Main part. The oral cavity is prepared (protection is applied to the gums, the working area is allocated with a rubber dam). Mixing the composition and applying it. Next, remove the gel. Usually the operation takes no more than 20-30 minutes.

The final procedure is washing and drying the teeth. Treatment is carried out with drugs that reduce the sensitivity of tooth surfaces. Products that restore enamel are applied. If necessary, a repeat procedure is prescribed.

You can find out more about the possibilities of the service, prices and times of visiting doctors on the official website of our center. We schedule procedures at a time convenient for the client. Detailed information on questions, as well as making an appointment, is carried out by phone or a personal visit to our dental center in Maryino.

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