Damon braces (Daimon): features, types, advantages, prices in St. Petersburg

Braces are worn for a long time: from 6-8 months to 2-3 years. Towards the end of treatment, many people wonder whether it is difficult to remove braces and whether it can be done independently at home, without contacting an orthodontist. We will tell you how orthodontic structures are dismantled and what will happen if you try to remove braces at home.

In this article

  • How are braces installed?
  • When are braces removed?
  • How to remove braces
  • What happens if you remove braces at home?
  • Why is it dangerous to remove braces early?
  • How to avoid complications
  • Can braces be removed by another orthodontist?

Braces are installed to eliminate bite pathology. It is impossible to cure it in a short time - in a few visits to the doctor. Orthodontic treatment is quite long. In some patients, it begins at 3-4 years of age, when all the baby teeth erupt. First, the child wears plates, and at 12-13 years old he is fitted with orthodontic structures.

Children have to wear them for at least 6-12 months, and adults - from 1 to 3 years, depending on the disease. Throughout this time, the patient regularly visits the dentist to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment and tighten the braces and increase their pressure on the jaws. The doctor makes a decision about the need to remove braces based on the results of a follow-up examination. It also allows you to outline a plan for further therapy.

During treatment, the patient gets used to orthodontic braces, but towards the end of treatment, the desire to remove braces arises more and more often. Many people are interested in whether it is painful to do this and whether it is permissible to dismantle the structure at home. To answer these questions, you need to understand how braces work, what determines the duration of orthodontic treatment, and how the procedure for removing braces takes place in the orthodontist's office.

How are braces installed?

To understand whether it is possible to remove braces yourself, without resorting to the services of a specialist, you should find out how the installation process itself goes. Orthodontic braces are a complex system of clasps, screws and an archwire that are secured to the teeth using dental cement and a special adhesive. There are two ways to fix braces: direct and indirect. In the first case, the locks of the structure are glued to each tooth. The installation process lasts about 1.5-2 hours. Each lock is attached to a separate dental unit. After this, an arc is passed through them.

The indirect method involves creating a structure on a jaw model. After this, the finished system is transferred to the patient’s oral cavity. This procedure lasts only 30-60 minutes, but it is also fixed to the teeth using cement and glue.

Regardless of the type of braces and the material from which they are made, orthodontic systems operate in the same way. They put pressure on the jaws and teeth, changing their position. This is achieved due to the tight fixation of the locks and the arc, which has a memory effect. It gradually returns to a predetermined shape, turning the teeth in the desired direction. The arch is periodically tightened to increase the pressure. This continues for several months or years.

Braces are attached to the teeth so tightly that it becomes almost impossible to move them. This can only happen as a result of injury or improper installation. This is accompanied by displacement of the system and injury to the enamel and gums. After this, you have to reinstall the braces. We'll talk about how braces are removed later. We will find out what affects the duration of wearing them and how to understand that it is time to dismantle the system.

Disadvantages of non-ligature products

With such a variety of advantages, it is very difficult to find weak points in Damon braces. However, among them we can highlight factors such as:

  • Price. Installing a self-ligating system of this level requires the presence of certain skills and experience in this specific area. The high quality of products manufactured by Ormco also shows that the price of a custom design does not fall into the category of budget options. Of course, braces with ceramic elements will cost the consumer more than similar metal devices.
  • Visibility of individual elements. The mechanism is attached to the front of the teeth. Therefore, during a conversation or with a wide smile, an attentive interlocutor can see some parts of the structure.
  • Duration of wearing. As you know, the strength of ceramic and plastic products is lower than metal ones. In this regard, individual parts of the bracket system wear out faster and must be replaced.

When are braces removed?

Braces are removed after the planned result is achieved, and the likelihood of relapse is minimal. How long the structures will have to be worn depends on the following factors:

  • The complexity of the pathology. It is possible to change the position of several units in 6-12 months, but multiple anomalies have to be corrected within 1-3 years.
  • Age. In childhood, the tissues are more pliable, and the teeth quickly take the position specified by braces. Adult patients need to prepare for longer treatment.
  • Type of orthodontic braces. Metal and sapphire braces cope more effectively with malocclusion pathologies, ceramic braces work a little slower, and you have to wear plastic products the longest.
  • Compliance with the rules of therapy. The patient needs to periodically visit the dentist to tighten the arch of the structure. It is also necessary to follow diet and hygiene rules. If a person does not follow the doctor’s recommendations, treatment becomes more complicated and delayed.
  • Target. It is not always necessary to wear braces until the bite is completely corrected. In some cases, it is enough to eliminate the aesthetic defect. If deviations do not cause inconvenience, and the smile has become beautiful, the doctor may suggest removing braces earlier than planned.

You won’t be able to determine that the treatment has come to an end and it’s time to remove braces on your own. You will need to undergo an examination and take pictures of your jaws. After this, the doctor prescribes a time for removal of the structure. Dismantling is carried out in one procedure.

A few words about prices

How much do Damon braces cost? The exact answer to this question will depend on a number of factors, including the choice of a specific system model and the pricing policy of the dental clinic. Installing metal braces on one jaw will cost approximately 35 thousand rubles. Fixing an aesthetic design will cost from 45 thousand rubles per row. Ormco products are quite expensive, but, on the other hand, they are distinguished by their impeccable quality, efficiency, comfort during treatment and many other significant advantages.

How to remove braces

The process of dismantling the structure is carried out without preliminary preparation, not counting the control examination. The duration of the procedure is on average 30 minutes. The orthodontist acts in stages:

  • Installs a dental retractor - an elastic device that can be used to fix the patient’s oral cavity in a comfortable position and prevent tissue damage from instruments.
  • Removes the metal arch and uses pliers to open the lock on each tooth.
  • Removes adhesive residues with a solvent and polishes the enamel, removing plaque and tartar.
  • Covers the tooth surface with a composition that ensures remineralization of enamel.

This is how any braces are removed, regardless of their type. It is easier to dismantle metal structures, more difficult to dismantle ceramic and plastic ones, as they can crumble.

The difficulty of removal also depends on the location of the staples. Lingual braces, which are located on the inside of the teeth, take longer to remove than vestibular braces, which are installed on the outside of the teeth. In general, the procedure is painless and without severe discomfort for the patient.

Examples of work “Before” and “After”

Correction of bite with Invisalign aligners
Problem: the patient is not satisfied with the aesthetics of the teeth in the front row, narrowing of the upper and lower jaws, after examination, caries and the presence of dental deposits were revealed Work: the Invisalign method was chosen for treatment (dental guards on both jaws), comprehensive cleaning of plaque and stone, caries treatment Time: 36 weeks Cost: treatment with invisalign aligners - 160,000 rubles.

Overbite correction with Aspire ceramic braces

Problem: the patient complained of gaps between teeth.

Overbite correction with Damon Clear braces

Problem: a 27-year-old patient complained of severe crooked teeth in both jaws.

What happens if you remove braces at home?

You will not be able to remove the structure yourself. Most likely, you will damage your enamel or gums. However, this is not the most dangerous complication that can arise if you remove braces yourself. Wearing braces is one of the stages of orthodontic treatment, which does not end after they are removed. Next, the patient must wear a special plate - a retainer, which helps secure the result. Moreover, you will have to use it for a long time: the same as braces.

If the retainer is not used after the system is removed, the teeth may return to their original position. This will happen within a few months. Because of this, you will have to put on braces again or select aligners, which is associated with new expenses. In some cases, when a very severe malocclusion pathology is corrected, mouth guards have to be used for the rest of your life; you just need to wear them not all the time, but a certain number of hours a day.

Why is it dangerous to remove braces early?

Early removal of braces is possible, but only for medical reasons. Dismantling is carried out in the following cases:

  • incorrect installation of the system;
  • allergic reaction caused by braces;
  • lack of result and the need for surgery;
  • achieving an intermediate result that suits the patient.

The teeth change their position immediately after the installation of the structure, so at the very beginning of treatment the patient may feel discomfort or even pain in the oral cavity. Adaptation lasts 5-15 days, so you need to be patient and not try to influence the staples, move them to the side or pick the locks with various objects. If the mechanism is damaged, it will have to be reinstalled.

In addition, removing braces early is dangerous to your health. Incomplete treatment can lead to:

  • dysfunction of the mandibular joint;
  • pathological abrasion of enamel;
  • destruction of individual dental units.

The orthodontist may temporarily stop treatment and remove braces to eliminate a sudden problem, such as caries or gingivitis. After this, the staples are installed again.

How to avoid complications

Many patients note that removing braces does not hurt, except that the process of unsticking the locks causes slight discomfort. This is especially felt with increased sensitivity of the enamel. However, complications after wearing structures still occur. They are often associated with non-compliance with hygiene rules during orthodontic treatment. Immediately after installing braces, a person should change their diet and spend more time brushing their teeth and braces. To do this, use special brushes, brushes, dental floss and mouthwash.

Doctors also recommend cleaning your mouth 2-3 times a week with an irrigator. It allows you to eliminate food debris and bacteria even from hard-to-reach places: interdental spaces, under the arch, around locks, etc. When buying an irrigator, choose a model with attachments that are compatible with orthodontic structures, for example, Donfeel Donfeel OR-820D Compact, Revyline RL 100, Panasonic EW-1411 or Revyline RL 200XL. Please consult your dentist before purchasing such devices.

Damon product lines

Depending on their design and materials of manufacture, Ormco products are divided into the following categories:

During your initial examination, your orthodontist will explain which braces are best for you and how long you will need to wear them. Please note that of all the methods of bite correction available today, Damon is recognized as the most physiological - it is unlikely that you will be able to find a more aesthetic and less traumatic option.


Damon sapphire braces are called that not because they are made of precious stone. The system is made from ceramic, but since it is transparent and invisible in the mouth, it is figuratively compared to sapphire.

Can braces be removed by another orthodontist?

Any orthodontist can dismantle an orthodontic structure, but it is better to have this procedure done by the doctor who installed the braces. Firstly, he knows exactly all the nuances of the treatment process, and secondly, the cost of treatment, as a rule, includes the removal of the structure. Another clinic will have to pay for examination and dismantling of the system. You will also need to pay separately for fitting retainers. In any case, when going to another dentist, take your medical record, which describes the pathology and all stages of treatment.

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