Aquasplint is an innovative method of treating and diagnosing TMJ abnormalities


Painful sensations in the temporal or occipital region, cervical region, difficulty swallowing, grinding of teeth, snoring and exposed necks of teeth are often not associated with dental and neurological diseases, but are a consequence of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.

The AquaSplint orthodontic mouthguard, which will be discussed in this article, helps to achieve the desired results in the treatment of such a disorder and relieve the patient from painful discomfort.

General overview

Aquasprint is a device (silicone splint) that relieves patients from pain in the TMJ area and is used to treat autonomic and movement disorders in the face and oral cavity, and facial pain.

The use of a water-based silicone splint in orthodontic practice was proposed by Dr. Sabbah. The maxillofacial surgeon, together with orthodontists, noted that the device greatly simplifies manual and differential diagnosis, and also provides effective and simple treatment.

Aquasplint is the only orthodontic device that can be individualized in a few minutes in the patient’s mouth. In this case, taking impressions of the jaws, the laboratory stage, registration and repeated visits to the doctor are not required.

Remarkable! When using a self-regulating splint, instant relief and rapid elimination of pain are noted. There is no need for grinding or adjustment. Treatment with the device leads to excellent clinical results.

Currently, the German company Raudentall, founded in 2001, is engaged in the production and supply of Aquasplint devices. In Russia, the manufacturer's representative offices are located in the capital and St. Petersburg. Partner organizations help distribute the product throughout all regions of the country.

System Features

The system consists of a right and left silicone pad. They are filled with water. It is important that after installation on the dentition, the pillows communicate with each other using a tube.

The device operates by providing a hydrostatic effect, which makes it possible to balance the position of the jaw. While wearing the splint, occlusal contacts are aligned and the position of both jaws is harmonized.

When pain develops in the TMJ area, treatment is aimed at providing decompression in the joints. It is important to change the position of the jaw and reduce the tone of the masticatory muscles, while the pressure should be distributed evenly on both sides.

The development of the Aquasplint splint is based on the technology of communicating vessels. Pillows with water, acting as the basis of the device, separate the rows in the area of ​​the chewing teeth, starting the process of decompression in the joints. Chewing pressure is equalized by the flow of water from one pad to another.

Important! The seating areas of the Aquasplint splint are individualized using a special corrective material, which significantly increases the strength of fixation of the orthodontic product on the jaw.

The system is successfully used not only to eliminate pain and discomfort during chewing food. With its help, specialists quickly perform differential diagnosis of anomalies of the dentoalveolar apparatus caused by impaired functioning of the cervical spine.

Doctors also have the opportunity to determine the connection between malocclusion and joint dysfunction and determine the causes of the development of pathology.

On the dental products market, the system is presented in 3 modifications:

  1. AquaSplint . The design feature of the product is the presence of standard seats suitable for any clinical case. Experts note poor fixation of the device on the moving jaw, which leads to the need for regular monitoring of the position of the system.
  2. AquaSplint Classic . The advantage of the device is the ability to adapt its occlusal surface to a specific dental unit through a self-polymerizing silicone composition. The product is firmly fixed on the jaw.
  3. AquaSplint Mini. Economical model of compact size. It has a low height and does not require relocation. The product is more often used in patients with open bite.

The action of all the above system models is aimed at the following actions:

  • alignment of occlusal contacts;
  • relieving pain in the muscular structures of the jaw;
  • change in the pathological position of the jaw arch;
  • reduction of muscle hypertonicity;
  • normalization of neuromuscular regulation;
  • increasing the functionality of the TMJ;
  • prevention of enamel wear;
  • prevention of malocclusions;
  • increasing the height of vertical occlusion.

Let's decide together how to care for the mouth guard in order to maintain performance characteristics for a long period.

Head here to check out the best types of sports mouth guards.

At this address we will look at the features of the Air Align mouth guard.

Operating principle

Thanks to the communication of the cavities, equal pressure is provided in them, which synchronizes the work of the left and right chewing muscles. Their efforts are equalized. This in turn ensures equal working conditions for the left and right temporomandibular joints.

Thus, the principle of operation of the device is to separate the bite and evenly distribute the chewing load between the right and left sides, thanks to communicating cavities. Separation of the dentition makes it possible to exclude the influence of pathological occlusion on the clinical picture (if it occurs).

In addition to its main purpose - eliminating pain and discomfort when chewing, the device is used in the differential diagnosis of dental pathologies in cases of dysfunction of the cervical spine, tinnitus, etc. It helps to establish cause-and-effect relationships between joint dysfunction and malocclusion.

As is known, there are different theories about the origin of orthodontic problems and the pain and discomfort supposedly associated with them.

Some experts see the reason in the incorrect location of the heads of the temporomandibular joints, others - in dysfunction (hypertonicity) of the masticatory and facial muscles, while others blame it all on the bite, a violation of the mutual position of the upper and lower jaws.

Using AquaSplint helps relieve pain and determine the true cause of the problem.


The use of the Aquasplint splint in orthodontic practice is justified in the following cases:

  • The need for emergency relief of pain due to displacement of the articular disc, clicking in the joints and painful opening of the mouth.
  • Muscle relaxation.
  • Grinding, squeezing during bruxism.
  • Elimination of hidden dysfunctions.
  • Preventing premature occlusal contacts.
  • Prevention of forced bite.
  • As a preparatory therapy before the start of total prosthetics.
  • To determine the severity of jaw displacement.
  • Auxiliary treatment for concomitant diseases (migraine, tinnitus, vertebrogenic disorders in cervico-occipital junction syndromes).
  • Physiotherapy after traumatic injury or surgery.
  • Supplement to osteopathy.
  • Obtaining comprehensive information during differential diagnostic studies.

Remember! The Aquasplint splint does not treat chronic bruxism.

Before using the system, the doctor must make sure that at least one tooth is preserved in each part of the patient’s oral cavity. Native units, bony organs protected by a crown or replaced by a bridge, are suitable.

Indications for use of the mouth guard:

  • quick relief of pain in emergency cases (if an articular disc is displaced - painful restriction of mouth opening, clicking in the joint;
  • muscle relaxation (hypertonicity), especially in cases of grinding/bruxism;
  • prevention of hidden functional disorders, premature occlusal contact, forced bite, etc.;
  • before starting orthopedic treatment;
  • as a stage of orthodontic diagnostics to determine jaw displacement;
  • maintenance therapy for concomitant diseases (cervical syndrome, tinnitus, headache, stress, etc.); • support for osteopathy;
  • physiotherapy after injury, surgery, joint restrictions and blockades.


If we compare the Aquasplint system with classic orthodontic aligners or other devices for the treatment of TMJ dysfunctions, it has a number of advantages, namely:

  • Saving treatment time and costs.
  • Quick and easy fixation on the lower jaw . The doctor does not need to take impressions, create a plaster model, conduct research on an occluder, or adjust and refine the finished structure.
  • Accelerated adaptability, versatility . This is possible due to the instantaneous perfect fit of the product to the chewing surface of a specific section of the row.
  • Precise fit of the product . The splint fits perfectly on the jaw, thanks to the unique adaptation technology.
  • Automatic activation of the relationship between the right and left pad. Synchronization is ensured by communicating cavities.
  • No need for constant wearing . It is enough to wear during night sleep (10-14 hours).
  • High efficiency rate . Precise positioning, no discomfort or pain.
  • Optimal aesthetics . Transparency makes the tire almost invisible to others.
  • Slow loss of fluid (on average 1-1.5 months). It is important to take into account that sharpened edges of the units and teeth grinding reduce the service life of the product.
  • Rapid adaptation of the patient to a foreign object in the mouth.
  • High precision fit.
  • Possibility of use in orthodontic treatment.
  • Safe to wear due to the elastic structure of the device.

For reference! When using the Aquasplint system, the patient has the opportunity to save money on expensive diagnostic procedures, such as electrophysiological studies (EMG), condylography, and cone-beam computed tomography.

Indications for use

Factors, the presence of which serves as the basis for orthodontic treatment using Aquasplint aligners, are:

  • The need to relieve pain and relax the muscles of the jaw;
  • Treatment of hidden pathologies and a course of physiotherapy;
  • Preparation for installation of prosthetic structures;
  • The need for differential diagnosis.

It is worth noting that the device is not intended to treat bruxism. In addition, a prerequisite for the installation of the device is the presence of at least several preserved elements in the dentition.


Among the advantages of Aquasplint mouthguards noted by orthodontists are:

  • Saving time and financial costs for treatment;
  • Simplicity and convenience of fixing the device;
  • Fast adaptation and versatility of use;
  • Accuracy of device landing and automatic activation;
  • Possibility of use at night;
  • Aesthetics and safety of the system.

Using the device allows you to avoid a number of expensive auxiliary procedures, including diagnostics using EMG and condylography.

Terms and wearing time

To achieve the maximum treatment effect, doctors recommend wearing the Aquasplint mouth guard at least 14 hours a day. The patient can independently distribute the time of therapeutic wearing. For example, wear it at night for 10 hours, and distribute the rest of the wearing time throughout the day.

The duration of the entire treatment depends on the complexity of the clinical picture. On average, a mouth guard is worn for 1-1.5 months. This is a sufficient period to eliminate the pronounced symptoms of the pathology.

If a patient experiences severe pain due to TMJ dysfunction, then after installation the Aquasplint system eliminates it instantly. Tension in the chewing muscles decreases already on the 2nd day of wearing. After 4 days, the pathological position of the jaw arch changes.

Remember! If there is no effectiveness during the first week of wearing the device, it means that the problem did not arise against the background of a stomatognathic factor. Most likely, the pain arose as a result of ENT diseases or neuropsychiatric disorders.

Primary fixation of the mouth guard is carried out in a dental clinic. The procedure lasts no more than 25 minutes. The algorithm for carrying it out is as follows:

  1. Adjusting the splint size in the patient's mouth . This manipulation is carried out by compressing, narrowing or trimming the product.
  2. Treating the inside of the mouthguard with adhesive . For optimal thickening of the glue, it is important to wait 60 seconds.
  3. Treatment of two saddles with a special silicone mass . To facilitate the process, the specialist uses a dispenser.
  4. Positioning the splint on the jaw . The placement of the saddles on the teeth must be precise. An arrow marking helps you place the mouth guard correctly.
  5. Monitoring the contact between the tube and the gum tissue . There should not be a tight fit, which will help prevent injury.
  6. Elimination of excess silicone mass. After 5 min. After installing the device, the silicone that has escaped along the edge lines of the product is removed.

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In this publication we will consider the final price of splint therapy.

Here all the most important things about the Flexiligner aligners.

Dentistry Atlantis Dental

Atlantis Dental is an international network of clinics, the first one opened in Yerevan 15 years ago. In Moscow, modern, cozy dentistry is located within walking distance from the Vodny Stadium metro station. When creating our clinic, first of all, we wanted to organize a comfortable place where the patient can relax and entrust their health to professionals. Our main goal is to give people what they need to improve their health and appearance. We do not work according to a template, we do not exaggerate problems. The key to the clinic’s success and the secret of flawless smiles created by our specialists is an attentive approach to each patient: we help identify complaints and shortcomings that we would like to correct, and we have an individual approach to each one.

  • Attentive attitude . Our doctors know how to listen and hear the patient, ask the right questions and select the treatment that is appropriate for him. We will not offer you services that are not related to solving the problem with which you contacted us, and we will always explain in detail the meaning of each manipulation.
  • Respect for the client's financial situation . All services offered by us must be agreed upon with the patient before the start of treatment. When contacting us, you can be sure that the bill will only include those items that were discussed when drawing up the treatment plan, which is also included in the free consultation. No surprises at the payment stage! If the cost of treatment turns out to be unacceptable for you, we will offer an alternative without loss of quality, as well as pleasant discounts and promotions that are valid in our clinic.
  • Effective treatment . There are no random people in dentistry on Leningradskoye Shosse Atlantis Dental: before joining the staff, all specialists undergo a thorough selection; the clinic requires employees to constantly improve their skills and promotes their professional growth and promotion. We encourage participation in industry conferences, exchange of experience and internships abroad.
  • Qualified doctors with extensive experience . Our specialists are able to make any dream of a perfect smile come true. They will always listen carefully to the patient and also offer their own options for solving the problem. Trust between doctor and patient comes from open communication. We motivate our patients to lead a healthy lifestyle so that they look great and feel confident.
  • Advanced technology and high-quality consumables . A professional approach ensures that the clinic is equipped with innovative equipment. — Dental unit STERN WEBER S280 — Dental unit STERN WEBER s300 — B FUTURA 28 with vacuum drying for sterilization — IMPLANTMED physiodispenser + WI-75 E/KM handpiece for implantation
  • Physical and mental comfort of clients . We are warm and cozy, and our administrators know first-hand what care and good service mean. The convenient location of the dentistry near the Vodny Stadium metro station will reduce travel time, and parking is provided for those who travel by car.

Our clinic has a luxurious interior, but this does not mean that only people with a certain level of income can contact us. Inflated prices for services are often hidden behind a beautiful façade. In this regard, the Atlantis Dental clinic is a pleasant exception. Allow yourself affordable luxury! Don’t be afraid that you will have to pay extra for comfort and stylish interior. A comfortable atmosphere is a good motivation to always look great and smile.

Don’t put off visiting a doctor; a dazzling smile is a guarantee of a good mood, success in work and personal life. The first consultation is free. Waiting for you! The specialists of the Atlantis-dental dental clinic are always ready to provide highly qualified assistance.

Sincerely, the chief physician of the Atlantis Dental clinic, Ruben Sergeevich Khorotyan.

Recommendations for use

To achieve the desired result when treating with Aquasplint mouth guard, it is important to follow several rules:

  • Before use and after removal, the device must be thoroughly cleaned of bacteria and food particles using a soft bristle brush and toothpaste. In this case, rotational cleaning movements must be performed with gentle pressure.
  • It is necessary to refuse treatment with the device if after a month of wearing the doctor does not reveal any positive changes.
  • Do not wear the device during the day for more than the recommended time. 10-14 hours a day is enough.
  • Aquasplint is not a permanent orthodontic device. Its use is justified as a preparation for prosthetic and orthodontic treatment.

The video presents the operating principle of Aquasplint.


Innovative developments in dental practice in the treatment of dental anomalies have allowed many patients to get rid of long-standing problems after repeated attempts at unsuccessful treatment.

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Tags: mouthguard bite correction

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