There are benefits for pensioners for dental prosthetics

There is an opinion that treatment at the dentist is always paid for by the citizen. In fact, there are clear obligations of the state to citizens in the field of health care, including the provision of dental care. It is worth noting that free medical dental care is available to absolutely every insured person and it makes no difference which insurance company issued the policy.

Each region of the Russian Federation has its own Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Program, formed in accordance with the requirements of the unified program of state guarantees.

According to the compulsory medical insurance policy, only emergency medical care is provided throughout the country. The provision of planned medical care is possible only in the insurance territory - in the region of residence.

This means that if a citizen develops a disease of the oral cavity, salivary glands and jaw, he (she) has the right to receive the necessary dental care (in a clinic, hospital) from a medical organization at the district, regional, and, if there are medical indications, at the federal level. free of charge.

Compulsory medical insurance policy - is this document sufficient to receive the service?

A compulsory medical insurance policy or a compulsory health insurance policy gives the right to all citizens of our country to receive a certain list of free dental services at their place of registration or residence. Naturally, only government agencies provide services free of charge.

Experts say that in each region of our country the list of free services for patients may be different. Thus, in financially secure regions it can include up to 200 different positions, and in disadvantaged regions it may not exceed 20. In some regions, it is even difficult to obtain free assistance, which is associated with optimization and job cuts.

By appointment, upon presentation of a compulsory medical insurance policy, any patient can count on examination and diagnosis (only two-dimensional radiography), treatment of caries, pulpitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, free domestically produced anesthesia, and splinting of teeth. It is also possible to receive a number of surgical services: simple and complex tooth extraction, autopsy, drainage of abscesses, removal of benign tumors, treatment of alveolitis. According to the policy, you can undergo a course of physical procedures (for example, magnetic therapy).

Without a queue and without an appointment, you can be seen in emergency cases: when there is acute pain, bleeding, chills and high body temperature against the background of inflammation in the oral cavity and any dental disease.

On a note! In public medical institutions of the country, it is not possible to do dental implantation and install braces, whitening and strengthening of enamel, bone tissue augmentation, surgical treatment of periodontitis and periodontal disease, or professional oral hygiene. Also, you should not count on the use of imported fillings, pins and inlays in free medicine.

What about dental prosthetics? Not every citizen of Russia has the right to receive this service under the compulsory medical insurance policy, but only preferential categories of the population, which we will discuss further.


  1. Specialized (dental) medical care is provided to children in the treatment of dental pathology using removable equipment (orthodontic plates) using domestic materials, with the exception of the brace system
  2. The waiting period in an outpatient setting is no more than 14 working days (in Moscow 10 calendar days)
  3. Indications: correction of congenital dental pathologies (bite correction) in children

Patients who are entitled to preferential prosthetics

A quota for dental prosthetics is an opportunity to receive free treatment within the framework of various contracts and agreements designated by the state. Let's list who is entitled to the benefit:

  • veterans: labor, war,
  • adults and children with disabilities,
  • patients who have retired due to age and are unemployed,
  • low-income citizens: the state includes among them those whose income is several times lower than the subsistence level,
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.

It is worth understanding that in different regions of Russia the list of those who can qualify for free prosthetics differs: it can be expanded or, conversely, reduced. For example, in some regions, mothers with many children (when there are more than 5 children in the family), wives of WWII veterans, family members of disabled children, honorary donors and pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to a quota. Therefore, it is better to check the list of persons with the social security or local government authorities at your immediate place of residence and stay.

A military veteran is.

In Moscow, they often talk about the abolition of free travel for veterans and other categories of beneficiaries. So far, such changes have not come into force. This means that military veterans do not need to pay for using public transport.

Procedure for receiving benefits

  • application of the established form;
  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • veteran's certificate;
  • details of the account to which the money should be transferred;
  • tax payment documents (for tax payments);
  • car ownership certificates (transport tax);
  • pension certificate (if available);
  • work book.

The provision of orthopedic dental care to a preferential category of residents of the city of Moscow is regulated by the laws of the city of Moscow No. 70 of November 3, 2004 “On social support for a certain category of citizens of the city of Moscow”, No. 60 of November 23, 2005 “On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow” at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow.

Who is eligible to receive

A quota for free dental prosthetics is primarily provided to heroes, disabled people and war veterans, as well as children with disabilities - these patients receive the service ahead of others.

However, patients with oncology or those who have recently undergone a complex operation on the gastrointestinal tract, as well as people faced with the problem of missing teeth due to serious injuries to the maxillofacial apparatus, can also be served out of turn. Naturally, such patients must confirm their status with relevant documents, extracts and doctor’s prescriptions.

Old-age pensioners, people with disabilities and labor veterans can receive benefits on a first-come, first-served basis.

The statistics are inexorable

According to dental statistics, 50-year-old women who have all their teeth lose about 50% of their teeth after ten years. The most intense process of tooth loss due to osteoporosis is observed in women.

The statistics are deplorable, but these are the realities of life.
YuliSTOM dental clinics in St. Petersburg invite all elderly people for consultations and treatment. Our clinics are equipped with modern effective methods of preventing tooth loss. Moscow metro station Zvezdnaya, Danube Avenue, 23

Package of documents that need to be collected

First of all, you need to contact a dentist, who will confirm on an official form that you need a service such as dental prosthetics and issue a certificate or referral. Remember that the benefit is provided solely for medical reasons, and not simply at the request of the patient.

Next, you will need to attach a passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, pension certificate to the received document - copies are needed, but when going with social security, it is better to play it safe and take the originals of these documents with you.

Important! We strongly recommend that you contact local government and social security authorities to find out in detail what list of documents needs to be collected for citizens living in your region, because everywhere it may differ slightly.

The collection of documents does not end there. You need to contact the housing office at your place of residence and request a certificate of family composition. Also, depending on your social status, for example, if the service is needed because your income is less than the subsistence level, you may be asked to provide a certificate of income in form 2NDFL for each family member for the last three months.

If you are seeking to obtain a quota for a disabled minor child, then a birth certificate and a copy of the passport of one of the parents/guardians must also be added to the package of documents.

After this package of documents has been collected, you need to go to social security, where you will also have to fill out an application for a quota in the form established by the state.

Implantation: arguments “FOR”

Advantages of installing implants for an elderly person:

  • aesthetics of a smile - dentures installed on implants are difficult to distinguish from natural teeth;
  • natural recovery - the implant replaces the tooth root, so the bone tissue receives the necessary load and does not atrophy;
  • the need for grinding is insignificant or completely absent;
  • dentures fixed on implants do not rub the gums or irritate the mucous membranes;
  • convenient, since there is no need to remove dentures before going to bed;
  • fixed dentures on implants do not fall out during eating, when speaking and do not interfere with speech;
  • provide quick addiction;
  • The service life of implants is more than 20 years and fixed dentures are more than 10 years.

How long will you have to wait

We have already told you how to get a quota for dental prosthetics - you need to apply with a package of collected documents to the social security authorities, where you will be put on a waiting list.

Unfortunately, more and more people want to receive this service every year, because not only many pensioners, but also a large number of young people need it. Massive loss of teeth is associated with environmental degradation and poor nutrition, lack of time and money for the treatment of dental diseases, and stress. In this regard, no one can say for sure how long you will have to wait in line.

“We applied for a quota for my grandfather and waited eighteen months to receive it!!!! It's just awful. Everything is easy and beautiful only on paper, but in reality, not all people, and especially socially vulnerable sections of the population, have the opportunity and strength to endlessly knock on the thresholds of social services. Yes, and wait a year and a half!!! Imagine the standard of living of those old people without teeth who wait so long. Today it’s better to take out a loan or installment plan and go and do everything for a fee - it’s quick and not so humiliating.”

Lion, review from

After the patient receives a quota, he will be issued a coupon with a limited validity period. That is, the service will need to be used for a certain time - in different regions of Russia the period can range from 2 weeks to 6 months. If you do not take advantage of the benefit within the designated period, you will have to stand in line again. It should not be forgotten that the right to free dental prosthetics or repair of dentures is granted to citizens of the country only once every 5 years.

What consumables can be obtained under the medical policy?

A number of medicines and medical materials are provided to pensioners free of charge

A pensioner can not only receive free treatment, but also receive some types of consumables that are needed for therapeutic procedures:

  • Cleaning brushes;
  • Cotton wool, bandage;
  • Dental burs;
  • Surgical threads, dressing materials;
  • X-ray film;
  • Silicate, glass ionomer filling compounds;
  • Phosphate cements;
  • Arsenic;
  • Russian-made disinfectants and painkillers (Lidocaine, Novocaine, Trimecaine).

If the patient suffers from individual intolerance to the proposed painkiller injection or simply wants to receive better anesthesia, he can ask the doctor for another drug, for which he will have to pay separately.

A doctor can use a medicine for a fee only with the consent of the patient.

Free prosthetics: what you can count on under the quota

If there is a quota for dental prosthetics, then, first of all, you can count on an examination before treatment. It will include not only a visual examination and history taking, but also an OPTG (orthopantomogram) - these are two-dimensional photographs of both jaws, which will allow us to judge the hidden processes occurring in the jaw. They are much less informative than three-dimensional computed tomography, but unfortunately, one cannot expect anything more from free medicine these days.

As for the prosthetics itself, patients have little choice according to the quota. For them, only removable structures made of acrylic or nylon, or permanent crowns made of metal or metal-plastic can be created - these materials are cheap and are not suitable for all people.

Constructions made of plastic and nylon are short-lived, because... materials absorb dyes and pigments and quickly become unusable. In addition, they are low-functional, it is almost impossible to fully restore chewing function in them, and the patient has to limit himself in nutrition, for example, refuse to eat hard and favorite foods, giving preference to the softest ones.

On a note! Independent researchers have found that there are many times more cases of poor-quality treatment and prosthetics in patients who received free treatment than in those who received paid services.

Metal and acrylic can cause an allergic reaction. However, if the patient proves and documents that these materials are really not suitable for him due to his health, then the clinic may offer to install prostheses made from other materials. Will I then need to pay anything? Yes, you will have to pay the difference in price.

What about service? If your installed prostheses are damaged, then, by decision of the medical commission, they can be replaced with new ones or repaired within a year from the date of application. Moreover, if the doctor or clinic is to blame for the breakdown of the structure (for example, due to poor quality manufacturing or installation), then replacement or repair work will be carried out out of turn.

Installation of photopolymer fillings for pensioners

A pensioner can be given a free photopolymer filling at a municipal dentistry only if it is indicated by a doctor.

If prescribed by a doctor, a pensioner can have a photopolymer filling placed on his front teeth free of charge.

The fact is that modern filling materials are expensive, so not all insurance companies want to cover the costs of them. Typically, doctors use such fillings only when treating anterior units or cervical caries.

If a patient wants to have a high-quality filling made from modern material, he can pay its cost separately. The doctor's work will continue to be free.

Elderly people with taxable income can receive a tax deduction for installing a paid seal. To do this, you must have a receipt for payment for the used filling material.

Actions in case of refusal

Knowledge of the legal requirements will allow you to become a member of the preferential queue and receive long-awaited dental services. Legislative regulation of the issue The rights to receive various types of social benefits are fixed in state and regional bills.

Dentures for Combat Veterans

Considering the number of people wishing to receive such benefits, there is a waiting list for dental services. Veterans and disabled people of combat and the Great Patriotic War take first place in this queue.

  • It must contain elements of special technological protection, by which the authenticity of the ID can be judged.
  • The material from which this document is made must be specialized, which is used for the production of only these certificates.
  • The ID (the paper from which it is made) should not glow or show signs of luminescence.

If, when filling out a document, an authorized person of a government body makes a mistake by entering incorrect or inaccurate information into the document, then the certificate should be destroyed, since it is considered damaged.

How to apply for a title?

The standard ID form always contains information that this document has an unlimited validity period. The certificate is valid throughout Russia, regardless of the place of issue.

Citizens of Moscow who belong to the categories of persons who are entitled (according to the norms of the current legislation in the field of health care) to free installation of dentures can receive free medical services in our dental clinic if these citizens provide a passport and the entire package of documents confirming the right to provide them corresponding benefits. These documents include a pensioner's certificate, a social card for a resident of the capital, a certificate of disability, and a document confirming the presence of dependent children.

How to use the program

The benefits provided depend on the category of the beneficiary and the circumstances of the assignment of special status. However, regardless of who initiates medical assistance, it is necessary to contact the Social Security Administration at the place of registration.

Support for combat veterans is allowed only at their place of permanent residence and apartment registration address. This is due to the need to eliminate fraudulent activities on the part of citizens.

In order to receive the benefit, the interested person will have to perform the following procedure:

  • undergo a medical examination by any dentist in order to obtain an opinion on the need to install dentures;
  • collect additional documents;
  • contact the local social security department, where a handwritten statement is added to the list of collected papers;
  • wait for a decision to be made.

As a rule, it takes about 30 days to review the application. This time is required to eliminate fraud, as well as to verify submitted papers. The applicant is notified by an official letter of a satisfactory or rejected decision.

If the decision is positive, a coupon is issued in the citizen’s name, allowing him to receive free prosthetic services. The validity period of such a coupon depends on the region, but hardly exceeds 6 months, so it is advisable to use the benefit received as soon as possible.


As follows from discussions in articles and on thematic platforms, many citizens, including those of retirement age, turn to free dentistry, but this creates long queues and an excessively long wait for an appointment.

Many pensioners complain that even when prosthetics services are provided to them, only part of the service is provided free of charge. You still have to pay for the rest.

Others simply prefer paid dental centers to free ones. You can most often receive a ticket for registration on the same day.

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