Preferential dental prosthetics for military pensioners

Russian legislation provides various types of benefits to defenders of the Motherland. The list of the latter includes dental prosthetics for military pensioners, assistance from an orthopedic surgeon, and therapeutic procedures in sanatoriums and resort areas. For a person who has given the country the best years of his life, the state is obliged not only to compensate for moral losses in old age, but also by providing financial support to ensure a dignified old age.

Compensation payments for dental treatment - regulatory framework

An income tax refund of 13% of the amount paid can be provided to all citizens of the country who receive official income and are income tax payers. Some categories of citizens have the right to preferential prosthetics.

The legislative framework on the issue of compensation payments for dental services is as follows:

  • Art. 219 Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • PP No. 201 dated March 19, 2001;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 03-04-05/4878 dated January 29, 2018;
  • Federal Law No. 178 dated December 21, 2001;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 03-04-05/39799 dated September 25, 2013;
  • Federal Law No. 5 dated January 12, 1995.

Military pensioners benefit from dental prosthetics

  1. Pensioners who are labor veterans.
  2. Pensioners who are WWII veterans.
  3. Pensioners who are disabled during the Second World War.
  4. Pensioners who are rehabilitated victims of repression.
  5. Old age pensioners.
  6. Pensioners who are disabled people of group 1 or 2.
  7. Military pensioners.
  8. Pensioners who are liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  9. Pensioners who joined the waiting list for dentures before 2005.

Medical institutions provide a 1-year warranty on dental structures. Refund of spent funds In the event of a long queue for preferential treatment at a state dentist and the citizen wishes to pay for the treatment himself, the state provides for a refund of 13% of the funds. Before starting the procedure and paying money for it, the pensioner draws up an agreement with an officially employed family member.

Categories of citizens who can count on compensation

Every citizen who has spent money on the purchase of medicines, provision of medical care, or voluntary medical insurance has the right to apply to the tax or social authorities of the country, as well as at the place of work, to receive a social tax deduction.

Important conditions in this matter are:

  • medical care was received in a specialized clinic that is licensed and operates legally;
  • medical insurance was purchased from an organization operating within the framework of the laws of the Russian Federation and with a valid license;
  • purchased goods and services were paid for with their own money, which is confirmed in the form of checks.

You can receive a tax deduction not only for your own treatment or prosthetics, but also for the following relatives:

  • minor children (a working parent or official guardian can receive a deduction for this);
  • retired parents who have no income other than a pension (working children are entitled to receive a deduction for them);
  • wives or husbands (if one of the spouses does not work, then the working spouse can receive a deduction for him).

Pensioners who continue to work have the right to independently contact the tax office or write an application at their place of work and return 13% of the funds spent on dental treatment and prosthetics. There are no additional benefits or subsidies for persons of retirement age.

Preferential prosthetics are possible for the following categories of citizens:

  • officers who retired due to length of service, health conditions, reaching retirement age, as well as family members;
  • military and civilians taking part in military training;
  • customs officers;
  • firefighters;
  • employees of internal affairs bodies;
  • participants of the penal system;
  • persons who received the title of Hero of the USSR, Russia, Socialist Labor and Labor, full holder of the Order of Glory and the Order of Labor Glory;
  • military personnel and internal affairs officers who left the service due to becoming disabled while performing their duties.

Who is eligible for free dentures?

It is worth noting that in some situations, for example, if a privileged citizen has severe pathologies of the digestive system, it is possible to manufacture a clasp structure from metal ceramics and other expensive materials.

What is not included in the program?

The list of beneficiaries is established by regional authorities, and the conditions and terms for receiving benefits are determined by individual regions independently. In accordance with the state of the budget, the list of beneficiaries in the region can either expand or contract.

  1. 20 years of service or more.
  2. Not earlier than reaching 45 years of age and subject to 25 years of service, of which 12.5 were given to military or special service.
  • with 20 years of service, half of the person’s salary, and for service beyond the specified period, an increase of 3% annually with a limit of 85% ;
  • if you have a mixed experience of 25 years, half the salary and 1% for each year worked in excess of the norm.

Who is not entitled to monetary compensation?

Reimbursement for treatment and prosthetics is not available for the following categories of individuals:

  • Pensioners who do not have any other income subject to personal income tax cannot apply for a social refund. According to the law, only persons who are officially citizens of the country and carry out activities subject to personal income tax can count on monetary compensation. Pensions are not subject to this tax.
  • Persons under 18 years of age cannot claim financial compensation due to age restrictions and lack of wages.
  • Unemployed citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Persons who do not have Russian citizenship.
  • Individual entrepreneurs operating under UTII and simplified taxation system.

Dentist services and calculation examples

You can receive compensation for the following types of dental services:

  • treatment of teeth, bleeding gums, caries and other oral health problems;
  • filling;
  • prosthetics;
  • installation of braces;
  • teeth whitening procedure;
  • oral hygiene procedures, including teeth cleaning;
  • implantation.

When preparing a package of documents for the tax authority and for the accounting department at your place of work, you should request a certificate from the dentistry where the treatment was carried out. The document specifies what type of service is provided - ordinary or expensive.

Example of tax deduction calculation:

Russian citizen Olga Petrova paid income tax in the amount of 78,000 rubles for 2022. In the same year, she was in a dental clinic, where she received dental treatment at a total cost of 80,000 rubles and implantation of dentures at a cost of 600,000 rubles.

  • 80,000 * 13% = 10,400 – funds available for reimbursement for treatment;
  • 600,000 * 13% = 78,000 – tax refund for expensive treatment;
  • 120,000 * 13% = 15,600 – the limit available by law.

Olga has every right to reimburse personal income tax for routine treatment, because the amount to be reimbursed does not exceed the established limit.

78,000 – 10,400 = 67,600 is the balance of income tax paid by Olga for 2022.

Having a balance of 67,600 rubles, Olga will no longer be able to return the entire amount of income tax (78,000 rubles). In this situation, Olga’s husband could receive a refund, whose salary last year was 120,000 rubles, and the amount of income tax paid was 187,200 rubles. But for this it is important that it is the husband who pays for the implantation of Olga’s dentures. He should have done this from his own account and received payment documents from the clinic in his name.

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Discount dental prosthetics

Unfortunately, dental services are among the most expensive medical services. This is especially true for the installation of dentures and cosmetic dental surgeries. In this regard, the Russian Government has launched a social program that allows privileged categories of the population to receive dentures absolutely free of charge.

However, since reimbursement of costs is carried out from the state budget, benefits are provided only on a first-come, first-served basis and in small quantities. Knowledge of the legal requirements will allow you to become a member of the preferential queue and receive long-awaited dental services.

Transactions to which benefits do not apply

Categories of beneficiaries can have free dental treatment and prosthetics, but only if the following conditions are met:

  • all medical procedures must be carried out by specialists only in public dentistry and public medical institutions;
  • prosthetics are made from ordinary, most affordable Russian materials, without using precious metals, ceramics, expensive foreign materials, etc.;
  • The list of free services is limited; it can be obtained additionally from a social service worker, but it does not include implantation and other types of expensive treatment.

If during filling or making a prosthesis the patient wants to use expensive materials, then he will have to pay extra for them from his own resources. Choosing private dentistry deprives the recipient of the opportunity to take advantage of state subsidies.

Categories of pensioners who have received the right to free dentures

  1. Manufacturing of dentures for the treatment of tooth wear.
  2. Manufacturing and installation of implants.
  3. The use of orthodontic appliances used to achieve teeth straightening.
  4. Prevention and treatment of the mouth. For example, treatment of periodontitis.

What will you have to pay extra for?

  • A referral or certificate from an orthopedic doctor stating that it is necessary to undergo dental prosthetics;
  • A document confirming the citizen’s identity and registration;
  • Pensioner's ID;
  • Compulsory medical insurance policy of the established form;
  • SNILS card.

Having a full set of teeth is the key to normal physical and psychological health. With a long-term absence of one or more molars, a person may develop pathologies of the digestive system and a number of other problems, so it is important to eliminate the problem as soon as possible.

Regional features of public services

Municipal authorities, by their own decision, can create benefits for citizens of their region.

In some cities, social services provide special conditions for receiving dental services to the following categories of citizens:

  • WWII participants;
  • pensioners;
  • honored workers;
  • labor veterans;
  • disabled people;
  • low-income;
  • large families;
  • military pensioners;
  • honorary donors;
  • home front workers;
  • participants in the liquidation of a local disaster or an important event for the region.

For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, pensioners living on only one pension have the right to receive preferential dental care.

Example for military veterans

Errors and corrections are not allowed in the certificate. If an error is made at the time of entering data, then such a document must be destroyed and a new certificate is issued to the person. In this case, a special act is drawn up for destruction.

Where are the forms kept?

The name of the ID is always present on the front side of the ID. On the inside of the veteran's ID there are typographical inscriptions that indicate the main points that need to be filled out.

  • residents of Leningrad during the siege;
  • WWII veterans;
  • veterans who took part in direct combat operations;
  • widows of WWII participants;
  • victims of radiation;
  • disabled people;
  • family members of deceased servicemen.

Design rules

Regulatory documents allow receiving the due amount for the past year, but it is also possible to receive a deduction in the current year if the treatment was also received before the end of the reporting period.

Where to contact

To receive an income tax refund, you can contact the Federal Tax Service at your place of residence or resolve the issue at work. If the dental service was provided in the current year, then you don’t have to wait for the end of the year and apply for a deduction from your employer, so that the very next month from the moment of application you receive wages without a 13% deduction (and so on until the entire amount billed for reimbursement will not be repaid).

Is compensation possible for treatment already performed?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation (clause 7 of Article 78 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), you can apply for an income tax refund to the Federal Tax Service or take advantage of the personal income tax credit at your place of work within three years from the date of receipt of the service. For example, in 2022 you can file a return for 2022, 2022, 2022.

It is worth postponing this issue for three years only if there is an objective need. During this time, amendments to laws may be made, the personal income tax rate, the situation with the employer may change, and other events may occur that will further complicate the process of returning the money due.

How to get money back for dental prosthetics for pensioners

The policies of different regions of the Russian Federation in terms of defining such norms vary greatly. Among the common points in the structure of legislative norms that regulate preferential dental prosthetics for elderly people in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is the establishment of groups of persons entitled to preferences.

Thus, the maximum compensation that a taxpayer can count on will be 15,600 rubles. The above restriction does not apply to expensive treatment methods or medications from the list approved by the government decree mentioned above. In such cases, compensation is calculated based on the full amount.

18 Jun 2022 polrostov 116

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Legitimate reasons for refusal

After four months, instead of the expected amount, a refusal may come. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • errors when filling out 3-NDFL;
  • the information provided in the declaration is false;
  • incompleteness of the submitted information.

For example, if a husband paid for his wife’s treatment, then it is important to provide proof of payment from the husband’s account (current account statement). It should be assumed that if the document necessary to make a decision is not available, the applicant may be refused.

Every working citizen of the country can receive a tax deduction for dental services. For certain categories of citizens there are preferential conditions for prosthetics and dental treatment. The procedure for returning money from the state is simple: it is important to fill out 3-NDFL correctly and submit a complete list of documents. You are allowed to contact either your employer or the tax authority.

If your health condition does not allow you to wait in line

The law describes exceptional cases when teeth are installed free of charge and urgently. This rule applies to people with serious illnesses.

These include:

  • malignant changes in some organs (hematopoietic, for example);
  • oncological lesions of the digestive system, jaw;
  • complex surgical intervention in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • trauma resulting in complete or severe loss of teeth.

In order to have teeth inserted urgently and free of charge, you must provide certificates and extracts from the hospital proving the exceptional circumstances.

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