Preferential dental prosthetics for labor veterans. The right to preferential dental prosthetics

The normal functioning of the dental system is especially important for people with disabilities, as it improves the quality of life and creates conditions for the proper functioning of other body systems. Therefore, when dental problems arise, the state provides preferential dental prosthetics to disabled people of all groups.

If you are eligible for state support, treatment is financed from the regional budget. Moreover, recently it is possible to install dentures for free not only in state and municipal medical institutions, but also in some private clinics.

Dental prosthetics

The most common need among citizens of retirement age is the need for dentures. This dental service in the Russian Federation can be provided with some discounts or even absolutely free. The list of these persons is defined in the Federal Law “On Social Protection of the Population”, however, in some regions the procedure for obtaining such benefits is determined in a special manner. In this case, the terms and conditions are prescribed in the regulations of regional legislation.

In certain cases, the service may be provided to the patient out of turn. In addition, there are situations when, with the help of the local budget, preferential dental prosthetics are provided to labor veterans in full.

Which categories of citizens can count on treatment benefits?

Important! Not all regions of the Russian Federation provide benefits for dental prosthetics to labor veterans and other categories of citizens.
To find out whether the service operates in a particular territory, you need to contact your local government. The law on social protection of residents of the country implies that certain groups of people can take advantage of the right to receive free prosthetics, namely:

  • participants of the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans,
  • disabled minor children,
  • heroes of the home front and labor.

In second place, social protection places all other citizens who are entitled to benefits. These include:

  • labor veterans,
  • disabled people who have confirmed their health status with certificates and medical reports,
  • people who have no other source of livelihood other than a pension,
  • persons performing dangerous work as part of their service and who have taken a well-deserved rest ahead of time: law enforcement officers, military personnel,
  • liquidators of the accident that occurred at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl,
  • low-income groups of the population whose officially confirmed income is less than the subsistence level,
  • victims of political repression and those rehabilitated.

Note! There are patients who can receive preferential treatment out of turn. The medical facility will serve labor veterans without a long wait in the following cases: in the presence of malignant tumors in the digestive organs and on the face, in case of blood cancer, in case of tooth loss due to severe injuries, after severe operations in the stomach and intestines.

Who is entitled to such assistance from the state?

Dentures are made and inserted in every dental clinic, whether private or public, but exclusively on a paid basis. Restoring teeth is quite expensive, and not every patient can afford such a medical procedure at a high price. Therefore, the state, taking into account the analysis of socio-economic factors, decided to provide certain categories of people with preferential dental prosthetics. Labor veterans fall into this category.

Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Free treatment: types of services

Important! Free prosthetics in Moscow and other regions of Russia can be performed only in municipal clinics upon presentation of a medical insurance policy. You can count on treatment no more than once within five years.

Preferential dental prosthetics for labor veterans provides a strictly defined list of possible procedures:

  1. initial examination of the oral cavity and a specialist’s conclusion: the doctor gives recommendations on further treatment tactics,
  2. treatment of diseased teeth: eliminating caries and other dental damage, replacing damaged fillings, relieving gum inflammation,
  3. removal of hard dental deposits,
  4. fixation of a removable dental orthopedic structure made from free materials provided under the program - an acrylic base with a set of plastic teeth,
  5. free repair of the prosthesis if it is proven that it was poorly manufactured or became unusable due to the fault of a medical worker.

Note! Free prosthetics provided by the state have a guarantee that is valid for 12 months.

List of beneficiaries

The priority list of such citizens is as follows:

  • labor veterans of the Russian Federation;
  • disabled people of the Second World War;
  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • people with 1 or 2 disability groups;
  • non-working old-age pensioners;
  • disabled children under 18 years of age.

There is also a so-called second-order queue, which includes the following persons:

  • participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • low-income citizens with an income below the subsistence level in a certain region by 2 times;
  • military pensioners and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • patients who joined the queue before 2005.

This applies to the general list of beneficiaries, but full funding from the state budget is provided for:

  • disabled people and WWII veterans, home front workers;
  • disabled people with an officially confirmed group;
  • labor veterans;
  • rehabilitated and repressed persons;
  • old age pensioners.

Conditions for the provision of public services

If we talk specifically about providing preferential dental prosthetics to labor veterans, then in this case it is necessary to take into account the features and procedure of this process in a particular region separately. A similar privilege in the territorial social protection body is assigned in different ways: in some places the list of such citizens is expanded taking into account additional items, and in some regions it is significantly reduced, often forced, which depends mainly on the state of the regional budget. But in certain regions of our country this program is not provided at all.

So, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory, labor veterans are reimbursed by the state for only half the cost of the procedure. That is, dental prosthetics are provided at a discount.

The budget of St. Petersburg is ready to pay for prosthetics only for certain categories of beneficiaries, including labor veterans and widows of WWII veterans. And in the legislative documents of Kamchatka, all members of families raising a disabled child are also added to the standard list of beneficiaries. In Moscow and the Moscow region, for example, only employed pensioners are entitled to benefits. Preferential dental prosthetics for certain categories of citizens are provided exclusively by state dental clinics. Some private medical institutions also provide such a service, but this must be clarified separately. In most cases, this implies a certain discount on medical services in an amount determined by the contractor.

What does it take to qualify for preferential dental prosthetics for labor veterans?

How to compensate for treatment costs if payment still becomes necessary

Important! There are situations when a patient cannot wait his turn or free services are not suitable for him. Then you have to pay for the treatment yourself. But benefits help to save significantly even in such cases.

  1. If the beneficiary has allergic reactions to the materials used to make free prostheses, or has oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then it is possible to install prostheses from other materials. More expensive and completely free. True, the decision is made by a special commission and you will first have to undergo a series of examinations.
  2. Those veterans who have received the right to preferential treatment, but do not have allergies, are also not prohibited from choosing designs from other materials. If you are not satisfied with acrylic and plastic prostheses, you can pay extra for more expensive materials yourself. For example, ceramics or zirconium dioxide. They are not included in the free list, however, neither are dental implants. However, when choosing these treatment methods, you can simply get a certain discount equal to the cost of manufacturing and installing a prosthesis, which is paid for by the state.
  3. Also, a patient for whom payment for services was not cheap (if paid independently) can return part of the money spent, namely, receive a tax deduction in the amount of 13 percent of the entire amount. True, there is a limitation here: a veteran cannot independently process this tax refund, since he belongs to a preferential category of citizens and does not pay income tax (naturally, provided that he does not work and does not receive an official salary). Therefore, if the treatment was paid for at your own expense, it is better to issue all documents to working child taxpayers. In this case, they will be able to return 13% of the treatment amount.


To get on the waiting list for free dental prosthetics, you should contact the social welfare department at your place of residence. The labor veteran must provide the following documentation to this government agency:

  • relevant statement;
  • passport;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a certificate of income for each family member for the past 3 months (form 2NDFL);
  • health insurance policy;
  • a medical certificate confirming the need for dental prosthetics;
  • SNILS.

In cases where it is necessary to register a person who is unable to move independently, then close relatives, or guardians and trustees, or social workers are allowed to handle all matters.

How to take advantage of government support

Due to the peculiarities of legislative regulation of this issue, you should contact the social security department directly. The allocation of service coupons is the responsibility of this body.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Get a certificate from your doctor about the need for prosthetics.
  2. Attach photocopies of:
  3. certificates: pension or preferential (if available);
  4. compulsory health insurance policy (CHI);
  5. birth certificate (for a child with disabilities);
  6. You must fill out an application at the social security department. Specialists will suggest its form and also examine the documents.
  7. If you receive a positive decision, take advantage of preferential preferences.

The list of required documents may vary depending on the region. The preference coupon is valid for a certain period of time and then becomes invalid. Specific deadlines are determined by regional legislation. They range from 2 weeks to six months.

The nuances of the preferential queue

The budget pays only for certain manipulations, namely:

  • dentures made from conventional materials;
  • their repair.

A person can take advantage of the right to free dental installation (denture repair) once every few years. For example, in Moscow this period is 3 years (in the case of prosthetics made from conventional materials) or 6 years (in the case of using expensive materials) (five years). In St. Petersburg, the service is provided free of charge.

Many regions stipulate that they do not provide the possibility of prosthetics using expensive materials or precious metals.

Restrictions on the use of budget money

Citizens who want to take advantage of government support need to know some of the features of this type of assistance.


  1. Budget services are provided only by state clinics (the address is indicated on the coupon). In another hospital you will have to pay for the services out of your own pocket. That is, the patient has no choice.
  2. It is prohibited to use ceramics and precious metals in the manufacture of prostheses. Only the cheapest prostheses are installed at government expense.
  3. In some cases, it is allowed to use expensive materials. But you will have to pay extra for them out of your own pocket.
  4. The list of free services does not include:
      dental implantation;
  5. creation of structures used in the treatment of abrasion;
  6. prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.

In case of allergic intolerance to conventional materials, a more expensive material (porcelain, for example) can be used on the doctor’s recommendation.

Mechanism for receiving social services

The mechanism for carrying out such a documentary procedure is as follows: a labor veteran receives a coupon and is sent to a designated dental clinic to provide medical services. For prosthetics, materials are used that are financed from the regional budget. If a patient is allergic to prescribed medications and materials, then he has the right to pay the difference in cost between the supplies provided and those specifically needed by him.

One year warranty

A dental structure in the form of a removable denture is subject to an annual warranty, that is, if a malfunction of the denture occurs during this period, it will be replaced or repaired. For such a procedure, as a rule, the first priority is provided. At the same time, there is no monetary investment for a labor veteran, but a very important condition here is proof that only the dental clinic is to blame for the breakdown of the removable denture. Each case is assessed by a special commission.

So, what benefits are provided under a veteran of labor certificate?

The procedure for obtaining benefits for dental prosthetics for labor veterans

The law allows you to receive compensation for dental prosthetics through a tax deduction if a citizen is employed and his employer makes personal income tax contributions to the tax service for him.

Labor veterans who decide to exercise their right to free installation of dentures need:

  1. Contact the social security authorities with a full set of documents to be placed in the queue.
  2. Receive a voucher for discounted prosthetics when it’s a labor veteran’s turn.
  3. Contact the public dentistry, to which the USZN will refer you.
  4. Pay the difference in cost between the selected consumables and those offered according to the benefit if the recipient of the benefit is allergic to any of the prescribed drugs or materials.
  5. Monitor the quality of the installed denture throughout the year and seek its replacement or repair if a defect is discovered. It also happens that wearing a denture is not comfortable, in which case the dental technician must grind it down until wearing becomes comfortable.
  6. Wait for the decision of a special commission that will determine whose fault the prosthesis broke. If the clinic is at fault, repairs and replacements will be made at the expense of dentistry. If it is proven that the defect appeared due to the fault of a labor veteran, he will have to pay extra for the repair.

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Types of services under the program

You can use the state service for dental prosthetics once every five years. After this period has expired and the procedure needs to be performed again, you must join the queue again.

In addition to dental prosthetics, labor veterans can count on other dental services free of charge:

  • examination by a dentist and receiving recommendations for upcoming therapy;
  • sanitation and diagnostics of the oral cavity;
  • treatment of caries, restoration of damage and filling of teeth;
  • cleaning the oral cavity from dental plaque;
  • therapy of inflammatory processes and pathologies of the mucous membrane;
  • surgical manipulations to remove tumors in the jaw area;
  • installation of removable dentures of any degree of complexity.

The legislation states that the provision of the following services free of charge is not provided:

  • installation of ceramic and metal-ceramic prostheses;
  • dental implantation;
  • production and repair of orthodontic equipment for the treatment of periodontal disease and the prevention of intensive tooth decay;
  • manufacturing, subsequent installation, as well as maintenance of prostheses made of precious and other expensive metals.

How is subsidized dental prosthetics carried out in Moscow?

What dental services can a person with disabilities receive for free?

When exercising the right to social preferences, you can receive services such as:

  • examination and consultation with a dentist;
  • treatment of identified caries and pulpitis, with the installation of fillings;
  • treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa;
  • removal of dental plaque;
  • production and installation of orthopedic structures;
  • repair of previously installed dentures.

When planning free prosthetics, it is worth considering that the state will only finance the installation of structures made from the simplest inexpensive materials, excluding precious metals and ceramics. You can deviate from this provision only if the patient is allergic to budget materials. Government support is also not provided for the installation of implants.

Providing services in Moscow

In the capital, as in other cities, in addition to the standard promotion of labor veterans one by one, there are some exceptions. In cases where there are any additional factors affecting the health status of a working veteran, he is moved to the very beginning of the queue automatically. Today in Moscow, many private dental clinics offer a preferential program of therapy and dental prosthetics for labor veterans, both on credit and in installments.

This helps to obtain fixed and removable dentures that are not available free of charge in public clinics. As you know, the most significant costs that arise during dental therapy are incurred by labor veterans during prosthetics. Accordingly, the relevance of such discounts on dentures is most obvious. In private clinics operating under preferential programs in Moscow, this category of citizens has higher quality prostheses than in ordinary government institutions. There are special requirements for such dentures:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • increased hygiene;
  • less weight compared to other dental structures.

Particularly popular are different options for removable dentures, such as nylon, acrylic and clasp. Taking into account the processes of bone tissue resorption, which often occurs due to periodontitis and the mobility of remaining teeth, all prosthetic structures must be hygienic and lightweight.

The volume and parameters of free services in public clinics in Moscow are determined by the Department of Social Protection and the Department of Health of the Government, based on the annual budget of this city.

What prostheses are installed free of charge?

When dental prosthetics are performed for pensioners, special requirements are imposed on dentures that are installed for military and civilian pensioners and other privileged categories of the population: after all, these are usually elderly people or those with certain diseases. Based on this, the structures are made from hypoallergenic and hygienic materials, which are also lightweight. As a rule, various removable dentures are used: clasp, acrylic, nylon.

It is also important that the number of teeth in older people often does not allow the installation of bridges, as well as the lower price of removable structures. In addition, usually only such structures are made in municipal clinics.



How much does dental prosthetics cost in a clinic?

Prices for dentures in Russia can vary very widely; they depend on several factors, such as the type of material, features of the manufacture of the prosthesis and its installation. The lowest price is for plastic options - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. From 20,000 to 30,000 rubles. you will have to pay for nylon prostheses.

The most expensive are clasp structures; they will cost the customer 30,000-80,000 rubles, and the specific price depends on the method of fixing the prosthesis.

What types of fixed prosthetics can we offer?

Let's talk about permanent prosthetics for pensioners. Among the older generation there are fans of this type of prosthetics.

First of all, it is worth mentioning bridges. A bridge is a structure that is attached to two of the patient’s own teeth and fills in the missing teeth like a bridge. Crowns are attached to the bridge itself. Such a bridge can replace 2 or more missing teeth.

One of the most popular types of fixed prosthetics is crowns. Among the variety of dental crowns (zirconium, metal-ceramic, all-ceramic, plastic), metal-ceramic can be classified in the middle price category. Metal-ceramic crowns are a metal frame of a tooth, which is made from an impression of your own tooth and is put on the ground down tooth like a cap. With proper installation and care, a metal-ceramic crown can last up to 20 years. But the average service life is 7 years.

Due to the low cost, pensioners often ask for plastic crowns. It should be said that plastic crowns were initially introduced into dentistry as temporary. They quickly lose color and wear out.

Queuing Features

In addition to the general order of priority, there are also some additional factors that contribute to faster advancement in the queue of labor veterans, disabled people and pensioners. Sometimes the following movement is noted at the beginning of the queue:

  • for jaw deformities caused by serious trauma to the facial area;
  • for oncological diseases of the hematopoietic organs;
  • for malignant pathologies of the digestive organs;
  • in the presence of a malignant formation of the maxillofacial system;
  • after severe surgical interventions on any of the digestive organs.

State compensation for dental prosthetics is possible in accordance with the terms of the tax deduction. To do this, it is necessary to regularly pay personal income tax to the state budget. In this case, the need to install a removable denture must be confirmed. Benefits for prosthetics and the installation of specialized structures make life much easier for labor veterans who need such procedures, because the oral cavity must be in order, since the condition of the internal organs depends on this. State protection of certain categories of citizens is a guarantee of providing the population with necessary services.

We looked at who is entitled to preferential dental prosthetics.

In what cases is prosthetics performed without a queue?

To receive free prosthetics, you must stand in line. First of all, according to the law, the service is provided for such categories as labor veterans, veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of groups 1 and 2, and disabled children.

They receive this service as soon as funding becomes available and they are issued a coupon or certificate.

However, factors are taken into account that may lead to prosthetics being provided to a pensioner out of turn.

These include:

  • Receiving a facial injury that led to facial deformation.
  • Oncological disease of the blood-forming organs (leukemia).
  • Pathologies of a malignant nature of the digestive organs.
  • Malignant formations in the maxillofacial region.
  • Undergoing complex surgery on the digestive organs.

In such situations, the installation of a prosthesis is vital.

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