Ketorol Express, 20 pcs., 10 mg, tablets dispersible in the oral cavity

Composition of the drug Ketorol

The active substance in tablet form is ketorolac tromethamine, and the main auxiliary elements are: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch.

The solution in ampoules is also based on ketorolac. But the excipients here are different: sodium chloride, ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol and octoxynol. About 1 ml is purified water for injection.

Gel for external use relieves pain thanks to the same main substance that is used in other dosage forms - ketorolac. Additional elements in the composition are: dimethyl sulfoxide, sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate, carbomer, tromethamine and water.

Absorbents and antihistamines

Enterosgel - used to treat acute gastritis.

Adsorbents are prescribed for acute gastritis. These substances collect toxins on their surface and remove them from the body. The treatment protocol includes the following drugs:

  • Activated carbon
  • Enterosgel
  • Polysorb
  • Polyphepan

For allergic gastritis, the use of antihistamines is indicated. For acute or chronic inflammation, these drugs are prescribed as a preventive measure. Some drugs are taken 3 times a day - suprastin, others - loratadine, cetrin, elcet - once a day is enough.

Pharmacological group

Ketorol belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which includes many drugs of different compositions, differing in their mechanisms of action, but with similar pharmacological effects. The main difference between this group is the lack of effect on the adrenal glands, that is, this group of medications is not hormonal.

There are three main areas in which non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs act:

  • relieving pain;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • normalization of body temperature.

Ketorol, being a representative of NVPS, performs all three functions.

Operating principle

The main component of Ketorol has the ability to be absorbed from the intestines into the blood. It quickly penetrates the internal organs and tissues, thereby providing a rapid therapeutic effect. Ketorolac (active ingredient) has the ability to suppress the activity of enzymes that cause the production of prostaglandins. The substances are responsible for the susceptibility of pain, the development of the inflammatory process and an increase in body temperature.

Not all prostaglandins affect the development of the inflammatory process; some of them are necessary to protect the mucous membranes of the stomach from external irritants. 1st generation NSAIDs, which include Ketorol, block all types of hormones, therefore, with long-term use, an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases is possible. Because of this, the patient may feel discomfort in the upper abdomen. NSAIDs of the latest generations selectively block only those substances that are responsible for pain receptors and increased temperature.

When is Ketorol prescribed?

Three main directions of the drug form the indications that become the reason for prescribing Ketorol:

  • soft tissue bruises;
  • bursitis;
  • ligament damage;
  • synovitis;
  • myalgia of any etiology;
  • neuralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • rheumatism.

It should be remembered that taking Ketorol is predominantly symptomatic. When pain appears from the list of indications, take the drug. If there is no pain, you do not need to drink Ketorol or use it as a course of injections.

The choice between tablets and injections is made after analyzing several factors:

  • if you have stomach diseases, the tablets are contraindicated;
  • for persistent vomiting or difficulty swallowing, Ketorol is administered intramuscularly;
  • a broken jaw is a reason to make a choice not in favor of pills;
  • acute pain from radiculitis is relieved faster after injection;
  • menstrual pain is relieved after taking Ketorol tablets;
  • in the postoperative period, they also often opt for tablets, especially if intramuscular administration is complicated by the consequences of the operation.

Despite the fact that Ketorol is prescribed as a NSAID, the main indication is pain. When body temperature rises, preference is given to other active ingredients.

Composition and release form

Ketorol is available in two pharmacological forms - tablets and injections. The active ingredient in its composition is ketorolac. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and is even used to relieve severe toothaches caused by pulpitis or maxillofacial injuries.

In addition to the active substance, the tablets contain lactose and starch. For people who are allergic to milk protein, it is better to give preference to the drug in the form of injections. The effect of Ketorol in the fight against pain is often equated to the therapeutic effect of narcotic medications. But adverse reactions from its use are observed much less frequently.


Any non-steroidal drugs, including Ketorol, are not prescribed for lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that NSAIDs increase the risk of gastric bleeding, especially in people aged 60+.

Other contraindications include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • renal failure;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • patient age under 16 years;
  • liver diseases;
  • cerebral hemorrhage.

In addition, simultaneous use with the following drugs is prohibited:

  • pentoxifylline;
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • lithium salts;
  • probenecid;
  • anticoagulants.

Take Ketorol with caution in case of thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus and severe somatic diseases.


Often - more than 3%; less often - 1–3%; rarely - less than 1%.

From the digestive system:

often (especially in elderly patients over 65 years of age with a history of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract) - gastralgia, diarrhea; less often - stomatitis, flatulence, constipation, vomiting, feeling of fullness in the stomach; rarely - nausea, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (including with perforation and/or bleeding - abdominal pain, spasm or burning in the epigastric region, melena, vomiting like “coffee grounds”, nausea, heartburn), cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis, hepatomegaly, acute pancreatitis.

From the urinary system:

rarely - acute renal failure, lower back pain with or without hematuria and/or azotemia, hemolytic uremic syndrome (hemolytic anemia, renal failure, thrombocytopenia, purpura), frequent urination, increased or decreased urine volume, nephritis, edema of renal origin.

From the senses:

rarely - hearing loss, ringing in the ears, visual impairment (including blurred vision).

From the respiratory system:

rarely - bronchospasm, shortness of breath, rhinitis, laryngeal edema.

From the side of the central nervous system:

often - headache, dizziness, drowsiness; rarely - aseptic meningitis (fever, severe headache, convulsions, stiffness of the neck and/or back muscles), hyperactivity (mood changes, anxiety), hallucinations, depression, psychosis.

From the cardiovascular system:

less often - increased blood pressure; rarely - pulmonary edema, fainting.

From the hematopoietic organs:

rarely - anemia, eosinophilia, leukopenia.

From the hemostasis system:

rarely - bleeding from a postoperative wound, nosebleeds, rectal bleeding.

From the skin:

less often - skin rash (including maculopapular rash), purpura; rarely - exfoliative dermatitis (fever with or without chills, redness, thickening or flaking of the skin, swelling and/or tenderness of the tonsils), urticaria, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Lyell's syndrome.

Allergic reactions:

rarely - anaphylaxis or anaphylactoid reactions (change in facial skin color, skin rash, urticaria, skin itching, tachypnea or dyspnea, swelling of the eyelids, periorbital edema, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, heaviness in the chest, wheezing).


often - swelling (face, legs, ankles, fingers, feet, weight gain); less often - increased sweating; rarely - swelling of the tongue, fever.

How to take Ketorol

Regarding the oral form, two schemes are used, differing in the type of tablets:

  • for resorption;
  • To be swallowed with water.

Lozenges contain 10 mg of active substance. If moderate pain occurs, place 1 tablet on the tongue until it is completely dissolved. No need to drink water. If the pain returns after a while, you can repeat the dose. The maximum daily dose is 4 tablets (40 mg ketorolac).

Tablets, intended to be swallowed with water, contain 10 mg of ketorolac. Daily intake should not exceed 40 mg of the drug. Adults can take Ketorol tablets every 4-6 hours. For elderly patients aged 60+, it is necessary to increase the interval between doses to 6-8 hours.

Injections for intramuscular administration can be repeated no more often than after 4 hours. The first analgesic effect is noted within half an hour after administration of the solution. The maximum analgesic effect occurs after 1.5 hours.

Therapeutic effect

Ketorol can only relieve the symptoms of dental diseases, but not treat them. It is only suitable for temporary relief when it is not possible to urgently consult a doctor. Patients who took potent medications for a long time and did not turn to specialists ended up completely losing problem units without the possibility of restoring them using conservative methods.

Ketorol does not cause addiction in the body, unlike other NSAID drugs, but this does not mean that you can exceed its dosage established in the instructions.

It is not advisable to take Ketorol tablets on your own without first consulting a doctor. Any medication can cause unpredictable reactions from the body. This is especially true for people with severe chronic diseases.


Drugs similar in therapeutic effect to Ketorol - Ketorolac, Ketanov, Nise. What's best to drink for toothaches? Ketarolac and Ketorol have the same active ingredient, so the effect of their use is the same. Both medications are used not only to relieve toothaches. They are an excellent help in eliminating discomfort caused by neuralgia, myalgia, injuries and oncology.

Nise contains nimesulide as an active ingredient. Nimesulide selectively affects the production of hormones. due to this, it has fewer side effects than Ketorol. It is recommended to use Nise to relieve severe inflammation. Ketorol copes better with severe pain.

Nise, in addition to the tablet form, is available in the form of a suspension and gel for topical use

Interaction with other drugs

Ketorol should not be taken with the following types of medications:

  • with acetylsalicylic acid;
  • other NSAIDs;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • calcium supplements;
  • ethyl alcohol.

A combination of Ketorol with the following dosage forms can cause dysfunction of other organs and systems:

  • Vazolapril, Captopril - kidney problems occur.
  • Fluoxent, heparin, thrombolytics - increases the likelihood of internal bleeding;
  • Pipecuronium, Tubocurarine - cause shortness of breath;
  • Antiepileptic drugs – increase the risk of hallucinations.

The effect of Ketorol is significantly reduced when combined with hydrocortisone and morphine. The approximate cost of a package with 20 tablets is 50 rubles. Ampoules with a solution for intramuscular administration (10 pieces) cost 150 rubles.


Anna, Kirov. “I always took Ketorol for toothaches. After using it I do not experience any side effects. While after its analogue Ketanov I felt very sick. However, I do not recommend drinking Ketoroll often, because it is a powerful drug. It is only suitable for emergency use, when there is no time or opportunity to see a doctor and the tooth hurts badly. The instructions also say that drinking Ketorol is not recommended during exacerbation of chronic diseases.”

Larisa, Saratov. “I have sensitive enamel by nature. Even with superficial caries, they feel very strong throbbing pain. In such cases, Nise or Ketorol helps me out. I don’t try to take pills for every occasion. Still, it is better to endure the pain and consult a doctor as soon as possible. I take these medications only if I can’t sleep or I understand that I won’t be able to see a doctor anytime soon.”

Andrey, Lipetsk. “I won’t take Ketorol even if my leg is broken. I bought it for a toothache and read the instructions before using it. It contained such a large list of side effects that I was afraid to take the pills. After taking Ketorol, a friend’s gastroduodenitis worsened so much that he was urgently hospitalized. I advise you to look for milder painkillers.”

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