How to treat a non-healing wound on the lips

Many people have encountered the phenomenon of a sore on the lip. This trouble can appear due to various reasons, regardless of age category. You should not ignore a wound on the lip, which takes a very long time to heal, as this is fraught with suppuration and further sepsis. If a wound on the lip does not heal, and a person does nothing to treat it, this can lead to the appearance of an unsightly scar on the skin.

Why does it appear

The causes of sores on the lips can be different. The most common factor is infection with the herpes virus. The virus can lie dormant in the human body for a long time, becoming more active under the influence of certain conditions. Symptoms of the development of the disease are ulcers or wounds on the lips; they can appear on both the outer and inner sides of the lip. If proper and timely treatment is not provided, the virus will spread further, affecting surrounding tissues.

Other causes of wounds:

  • abrasions;
  • development of stomatitis;
  • chronic dry skin of the lips;
  • mechanical damage, resulting in a laceration of the lip, cut, bruise;
  • pet or insect bites;
  • acute lack of B vitamins;
  • having a bad habit of licking your lips, which often results in painful cracks;
  • jams;
  • iron deficiency, chronic anemia;
  • dysfunctions in the metabolic process;
  • the wound may not heal for a long time or may fester after the piercing;
  • thermal or chemical burns;
  • allergic reactions to certain irritants (hygiene products, food products, cosmetics).

Damage to the upper or lower lip from the inside can occur due to trauma to the mucous membrane from a sharp tooth or a poorly placed filling. The most dangerous are lacerations. Such injuries usually do not heal for a long time, they are difficult to stitch, and there is a high risk of complications (for example, accumulation of purulent discharge). Also dangerous are animal bites on the lip, which may be infected with rabies. In such cases, you should immediately visit a medical facility and undergo appropriate examination and treatment.

A wound on the lip does not heal: why this happens and methods of treatment

Lip sores are very common and can appear on the upper or lower lip of a child, man or woman at any age. Such damage to the mouth area occurs for a variety of reasons, which the doctor must pay attention to when making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

You should not let the healing of a wound on your lips take its course, because it can fester and the pus will go into the blood. If a wound on the lip is left untreated, it will take longer to heal and an unsightly scar may form.

Causes and localization of wounds

Due to the sensitivity and thinness of the skin on the lips, which is easily susceptible to negative influences, sores of various types form. Often there are cracks, stomatitis, seizures, herpes, causing discomfort to the patient.

The emerging problem indicates the development of diseases:

  1. If your lips are cracked and wounds form in the corners, these are characteristic signs of jamming. The condition develops in childhood due to a lack of vitamin B2, which causes dryness. In older people, a thin film breaks due to malocclusion formed by the loss of teeth. Deep folds in the corners create favorable conditions for the formation of cracks. Patients with diabetes mellitus are at risk. Possible causes are fungal and streptococcal infections. Ulcers in the corners of the mouth cause pain when eating or talking.
  2. A wound on the inside of the lip is a sign of stomatitis, which affects the oral mucosa with small white sores. There is loss of appetite, fever, pain, and bleeding gums. The source can be viruses, poor oral hygiene, bad habits, parasites, lack of vitamins, dehydration, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Herpes is a rash in the form of small blisters that transform into ulcers. They cause pain and discomfort. The herpes virus resides in the human body in a dormant state and intensifies under certain conditions. People often call herpes lesions of the lips a cold, which can be localized on the oral mucosa, nasal cavity, cheeks and facial skin. When the virus is activated, a wet lump is formed, which becomes inflamed, itching and burning appear. As the wound develops, it expands in different directions, new ulcers are formed, which, when combined, form a large damaged surface.

Cracked lips occur for various reasons:

  • lack of B vitamin – lactofavin;
  • abuse of sweet foods;
  • constant licking;
  • neglect of the rules of oral hygiene;
  • nervous tension, stress;
  • imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • failure of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anemia;
  • allergy.

In medicine, according to the international classification, the ICD-10 code for wounds on the lip is encrypted under the number K13. The condition requires timely treatment to help avoid consequences.

Why does it appear

The causes of sores on the lips can be different. The most common factor is infection with the herpes virus. The virus can lie dormant in the human body for a long time, becoming more active under the influence of certain conditions.

Symptoms of the development of the disease are ulcers or wounds on the lips; they can appear on both the outer and inner sides of the lip.

If proper and timely treatment is not provided, the virus will spread further, affecting surrounding tissues.

Other causes of wounds:

  • abrasions;
  • development of stomatitis;
  • chronic dry skin of the lips;
  • mechanical damage, resulting in a laceration of the lip, cut, bruise;
  • pet or insect bites;
  • acute lack of B vitamins;
  • having a bad habit of licking your lips, which often results in painful cracks;
  • jams;
  • iron deficiency, chronic anemia;
  • dysfunctions in the metabolic process;
  • the wound may not heal for a long time or may fester after the piercing;
  • thermal or chemical burns;
  • allergic reactions to certain irritants (hygiene products, food products, cosmetics).

Damage to the upper or lower lip from the inside can occur due to trauma to the mucous membrane from a sharp tooth or a poorly placed filling. The most dangerous are lacerations.

Such injuries usually do not heal for a long time, they are difficult to stitch, and there is a high risk of complications (for example, accumulation of purulent discharge). Also dangerous are animal bites on the lip, which may be infected with rabies.

In such cases, you should immediately visit a medical facility and undergo appropriate examination and treatment.

Features of the appearance of lacerated and cut wounds

Careless actions of a housewife who decided to try cooked food from a knife or a man who made a mistake while shaving and made a cut are the causes of the problem. Lacerated and cut wounds pose a danger to human health.

Ragged injuries can be caused by a bruise, blow or bite from an animal. Such injuries to the lips are a common occurrence among athletes involved in combat sports. Characteristic signs: swelling, bleeding, pain.

Timely treatment of an open wound will help stop bleeding and prevent the penetration of pathogenic microbes. Lack of quality care will lead to complications and a long-term non-healing surface. It is recommended to visit the hospital; sometimes severe bruises and deep cuts require surgical intervention - suturing.

Lacerations in adults who were treated following all the rules disappear within one month. Healing depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the speed of metabolic processes.

Treatment of wounds on the lip

A wound on the lip should be treated when the first symptoms are detected, without ignoring medical advice or the use of medications. For therapy to be beneficial, it is recommended to adhere to the following instructions:

  • maintaining oral hygiene;
  • excluding fried, salty, fatty, spicy foods from the diet will reduce irritation of the oral mucosa;
  • if there is itching, do not scratch or peel off the scab, the ulcer will begin to bleed and hurt;
  • It is recommended to dry wet wounds with streptocide ointment, which will help avoid the inflammatory process and speed up regeneration;
  • During therapy, it is recommended to provide support to the body, strengthening its protective properties through stimulants and vitamins.

Therapy is prescribed by a specialist. The main treatment is pharmaceutical drugs. Can be supplemented with folk recipes that facilitate the healing process.

You can alleviate the painful condition with medications:

Features of the appearance of lacerated and cut wounds

This problem needs to be described separately, since a lacerated or cut wound is dangerous. The reasons are trivial - for example, the housewife, while preparing dinner, tasted food from a knife, cut herself, or the man was shaving and made a careless move, resulting in a cut. Such damage is dangerous due to infection. A bruised, lacerated wound may also occur due to a fall or blow to the mouth. After a bruise, you need to provide first aid and see a doctor. Such damage is characterized by swelling, bleeding, severe pain, and it is difficult for a person to eat and talk.

Regardless of how the lip is injured, bleeding usually occurs. It can be abundant, since the lip is penetrated by a large number of capillaries and vessels. What to do first? First you need to stop the bleeding. For this purpose, hydrogen peroxide is used; this product also has a bactericidal effect, so that germs will not get into the wound. Using a folded bandage or cotton swab soaked in peroxide, carefully treat the damaged area.

To slightly reduce the severity of pain and prevent the development of severe swelling, it is recommended to apply ice wrapped in a clean towel to the damaged area. Such manipulations also help stop bleeding, since the blood vessels constrict under the influence of cold. If the pain is very severe, you can take a painkiller tablet once. After first aid has been provided, it is important to visit a medical facility, since after a deep bruise or cut it is necessary to have the lip stitched.

What is a laceration

Lacerations are a violation of the integrity of the skin and surrounding tissues. The mucous membranes may also be subject to injury as a result of excessive stretching or the influence of environmental objects.

When examining a wound of this type, uneven edges, a wavy outline, and detached fibers are always noticeable. The damage is accompanied by profuse hemorrhage and sometimes damage to muscles and nerve nodes.


It is possible to receive such a wound in domestic conditions, at work, during falls, road accidents, as a result of being hit by piercing objects and other cases. The most common laceration is on the leg or arm, less often on the back and thighs. In isolated cases, adjacent damage to internal organs is observed.

According to medical statistics, skin tears, as a rule, occur together with open fractures, severe dislocations and ruptures of internal organs (an exception is a laceration of the lip). You can treat and treat the wound immediately after receiving it.

The fabric can completely tear off, peel off, or die. After this, you may notice uneven edges at the site of injury and scalping of the skin. The defective anatomy of the injury is provoked by the peculiarity of its receipt.

Many users are interested in which wound heals faster - a torn or cut one. Medical experts say it all depends on the size and depth of the damage. All other things being equal, chopped and cut types regenerate faster.


Lacerated wounds are classified into subgroups based on the principle of receipt:

  • multiplied - the most dangerous, capable of causing necrosis of soft tissues, takes a long time and is especially painful;
  • scalped - accompanied by complete or incomplete separation of a specific area of ​​skin (other organs are not affected);
  • bruised - described as injuries that can cause inflammation and extensive bleeding.

The regeneration process is divided into normal (secondary intention) and under stupor. In the first case, the injury is minor and heals on its own, without any pathologies or inflammation. In the second case, recovery is delayed for several weeks, sometimes requiring sutures and oral and external use of medications.


  • Acute pain.
  • Bleeding.
  • Skin separation.
  • Possible suppuration and hematomas.

Secondary manifestations: abnormal heart rhythm, sweating, pain shock, dizziness and nausea.

If the infection gets inside: fever, purulent discharge, swelling, exacerbation of pain symptoms, swelling.

First aid

Treatment begins immediately after injury. From the very beginning, it is necessary to disinfect the surface (treatment of lacerations) and stop the bleeding.

This can be easily done using hydrogen peroxide, or in extreme cases, iodine or rinsing with running water. Gauze, bandage or some piece of cloth should be tightly wrapped around the damaged area.

Severe blood loss is stopped with a tourniquet (apply for no longer than a quarter of an hour).

Next, qualified intervention by the attending physician will be required.

Remember, lacerations are open access for harmful microorganisms; try to protect yourself as much as possible from foreign objects getting into the problem area.


First of all, the specialist examines the wound (length, width, depth, presence of foreign objects). If blood poisoning is suspected, a general and complete analysis is performed. If there is a risk of injury to other areas, a CT scan or ultrasound is performed.

When treatment requires surgical intervention, a number of additional measures are prescribed: testing for HIV and hepatitis, percentage of glucose in the blood, urine test, electrocardiogram, medical history.


It is performed in two ways - conservative and surgical. The doctor himself decides how to treat the injury, based on the overall clinical picture and examination results. The conservative method includes treatment with antibacterial substances, applying ointments and taking painkillers.

Surgical treatment is prescribed for large areas of the rupture. Before any interventions, anti-shock therapy is carried out, after which general or local anesthesia is administered.

The site of the tear is drained, after which the muscle fibers are fastened (if necessary) and cosmetic sutures are applied.

Next, antibiotics, a course of vitamins and physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, UHF, laser irradiation) are prescribed.


Handle garden and household appliances carefully and follow safety rules when working with semi-mechanical and automatic machines. Avoid criminal proceedings and similar situations. Do not ignore the presence of an injury; contact a medical facility in a timely manner.

Treatment of lacerations and cuts

The healing process of such damage can take a very long time, especially if proper treatment is not available. A non-healing wound can cause a large number of consequences and complications. It is important to go to the hospital in time; the doctor must examine the wound, clean it if necessary, treat it with antiseptic solutions, and, if necessary, stitch it up. Next, the specialist gives recommendations on how to treat the damage so that the skin restoration process occurs faster. For these purposes, healing agents are used - ointments or gels, which promote tissue restoration and eliminate the inflammatory process.

Often after an injury, to prevent a deep wound from festering, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs. In case of wounds, a sterile bandage is applied to the area of ​​the sutures, onto which a wound-healing agent is first applied. How quickly does damage heal? The process of tissue regeneration depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the speed of metabolic processes. On average, such recovery occurs for at least a month. In some cases, the healing process can take several months, especially if the damage was sutured, in which case regeneration takes much longer.

Lacerated lip: first aid and further treatment

A labral laceration is an injury to soft tissues with a violation of their integrity, which is characterized by bleeding, pain and separation of the edges. The danger of the wound is that in the absence of qualified assistance, the damaged tissues grow together chaotically, forming a scar. This reduces the sensitivity of the lips, presenting an aesthetic problem.

Lip laceration: first aid

First aid is provided in the following order:

  • To stop the bleeding - cold is applied to the lip, after which hemostatic agents are applied to reduce bleeding. It is recommended to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide to prevent the inflammatory process from occurring.
  • Reassure the person and record the time of the wound - with large blood losses, hemorrhagic and painful shock can develop, so before arriving at the hospital, they talk with the victim and maintain contact.
  • To anesthetize a wound - you can give a person any analgesic (Analgin, Nurofen), which will reduce painful manifestations and improve the general condition.

How to properly apply ice to a lip wound

In the absence of breathing and a threadlike pulse, it is necessary to perform a series of resuscitation measures aimed at maintaining vital processes in the body.

Artificial respiration is performed through the nose, since contact with the site of injury may cause infection.

Indirect cardiac massage allows you to avoid the development of clinical death, but if it is performed incorrectly, complications can develop.

If the patient is unconscious, he should be placed on his side so that bleeding from the wound does not cause blood to enter the stomach through the mouth. With severe painful shock, vomiting can develop, so in the side position, the likelihood of vomit getting into the respiratory system is minimal.

Lacerated wound of the lip: main stages of treatment

A lacerated wound on the lip from a blow or other minor mechanical damage can be treated at home using special wound-healing creams and ointments. If there is a discrepancy between the edges of more than 1 cm, suturing will be required, which is carried out by a doctor under sterile conditions.

Drug therapy

The healing time of a lip laceration depends on the degree of damage and the characteristics of the body’s regeneration. On average, the entire process takes 2-3 weeks. The following groups of medications will help speed up recovery and facilitate the entire process:

  • 1. Complex analgesics – have a strong analgesic effect and help improve the general condition of the body.
    • 2. Hemostatic drugs (Dicynon, Vikasol) - prescribed for heavy bleeding that does not stop for more than 1 hour. Help prevent large blood losses by activating the coagulation process.
    • 3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen) - reduce pain, eliminate swelling and swelling of the lip.
    • 4. Wound healing ointments and creams - ointments based on zinc and heparin are used to treat wounds. You need to make sure that the medicine does not get on the oral mucosa, which can cause a burn.
  • Lip laceration: recommendations

    The wound should be sealed with a plaster, under which a bandage tampon with ointment is placed. Dressings are done 2-3 times a day. Before applying a new layer of cream, the old one is removed by rinsing with hydrogen peroxide.

    If an infection has entered the wound, it has become swollen and hyperemic, rinsing with Furacilin will help. If suppuration occurs and pain increases, you will need to consult a specialist again, who will select the appropriate antibiotics that can suppress the inflammatory process.

    Chlorhexidine and Miramistin can be applied to the inside of the wound surface, which helps prevent the spread of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity. The use of medications, their selection and duration of treatment directly depends on the degree of damage. Treatment at home is prescribed by a doctor, after which constant monitoring of the healing process is necessary.

    In the presence of complex wounds of the entire face and the development of hemorrhagic shock, blood transfusions and the introduction of solutions that replenish the volume of circulating fluid may be required. In this case, before the operation, a number of resuscitation measures are carried out aimed at maintaining the body.

    Surgical intervention

    A lacerated wound of the lip with separation of the edges requires sutures. The wound site is injected with a local anesthetic, after which the edges are sutured. The suture is treated with an antiseptic, after which a sterile bandage is applied.

    Putting stitches on a lacerated lip wound

    The suture site is examined daily for the presence of an inflammatory process. If the healing process is successful, the sutures can be removed on the 10th day. If there are large complex wounds and a large number of stitches, the assistance of a plastic surgeon may be required in the future.

    After suturing, the patient is prescribed medications such as:

      1. 1. Antibiotics – prevent the development of the inflammatory process by destroying bacterial microflora in the body.
      1. 2. Analgesics - make the healing process less painful.
      1. 3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - reduce swelling and hyperemia of the skin.

    After the sutures are removed, the wound is treated with an antiseptic without the need to apply a sterile dressing.

    To eliminate the development of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs, Furacilin, and treatment with hydrogen peroxide are prescribed.

    It is strictly forbidden to apply stitches outside a medical facility. Even with experience, the likelihood of infection is high, since it is not possible to achieve sterility at home, as is possible in the operating room.

    Treating a torn lip at home

    A lacerated wound on the lip, if it is small in size, can be treated at home. The following recipes are suitable for this:

      1. 1. Stop bleeding with ice cubes or any frozen product from the freezer - cold constricts blood vessels, so bleeding will stop quickly.
      1. 2. Disinfecting the wound with any antiseptic (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide) will help avoid infection of the wound.
      1. 3. Applying wound healing creams - Bepanten, Solcoseryl will help speed up the regeneration processes of damaged areas of soft tissue, but they should be applied with extreme caution, avoiding getting into the oral cavity.
      1. 4. Rinsing your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and nettle helps reduce the inflammatory process.

    If there is redness of the wound, swelling of the skin around it and an increase in temperature, you should immediately see a doctor. Such symptoms indicate the addition of an infection that provoked the development of the inflammatory process.

    To reduce wound trauma, it is recommended to avoid eating solid foods that require careful chewing and jaw movement. Products can be ground in a blender until pureed, which makes them easier to swallow. It is best to feed through a drinking straw to avoid food getting into the inside of the wound.

    Leftover food can provoke rotting processes on the teeth, so after each meal you should rinse your mouth and treat the wound from the inside with a disinfectant solution.

    In the absence of comprehensive treatment, after 2-3 days, suppuration begins in the wound, and body temperature increases. The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating, which requires immediate medical examination.

    Refusal of medical care and suturing leads to incorrect and uneven fusion of the torn ends of the wound, which provokes modification of the lip. The bite is disrupted and sensitivity is reduced.

    In the future, the skin becomes thinner and susceptible to peeling and dryness.

    Treatment of lacerations and cuts

    The healing process of such damage can take a very long time, especially if proper treatment is not available. A non-healing wound can cause a large number of consequences and complications.

    It is important to go to the hospital in time; the doctor must examine the wound, clean it if necessary, treat it with antiseptic solutions, and, if necessary, stitch it up. Next, the specialist gives recommendations on how to treat the damage so that the skin restoration process occurs faster.

    For these purposes, healing agents are used - ointments or gels, which promote tissue restoration and eliminate the inflammatory process.

    Often after an injury, to prevent a deep wound from festering, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs. In case of wounds, a sterile bandage is applied to the area of ​​the sutures, onto which a wound-healing agent is first applied.

    How quickly does damage heal? The process of tissue regeneration depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the speed of metabolic processes. On average, such recovery occurs for at least a month.

    In some cases, the healing process can take several months, especially if the damage was sutured, in which case regeneration takes much longer.

    Therapy for other types of injuries

    Wounds on the surface of the lip epithelium can appear at any time, so it is important to know how to treat the lip in such situations. In case of exacerbation of herpes, it is recommended to lubricate the mouth with special antiviral ointments (herpevir, acyclovir). The doctor also prescribes multivitamins and immunomodulators that will help cure the disease.

    If the cause of the wound is stomatitis, it should be treated with soda gruel, sea buckthorn oil, and vitamin A. If there is a thermal burn, the injury site should be cooled and treated with a healing ointment.

    You cannot puncture the blister, as this can lead to an infection. If there are chemical burns, the chemical must first be neutralized.

    If an acid burn occurs, you need to use alkali, after neutralizing the substance, treat with an antiseptic solution and apply ointment on top.

    If you have constantly dry mucous membranes and, as a result, cracks on your lips, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins A and E, so that new wounds will not appear.

    Before going outside, especially in windy or frosty weather, it is recommended to treat the skin with hygienic protective products - lipstick or balm. Treatment of ulcers from stomatitis is carried out only after determining its nature and cause.

    Stomatitis that is limited to the mouth can be aphthous, viral, fungal, or allergic.

    Knowing the cause of the disease, the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.


    If there is no purulent content and if the damage is small, it can be treated independently. For this purpose, ointments or creams are used: acyclovir, tetracycline, oxolinic ointment, metrogil denta.

    Products such as fucorcin, brilliant green or iodine are also used, but when using them you need to remember that they dry the skin. For quick healing, it is necessary to treat your lips as often as possible.

    If suppuration occurs, you should immediately visit a doctor who will decide what to do next.

    The most common folk remedies that are used for speedy healing include: garlic juice, plantain juice, earwax, fish oil, cucumber juice, decoction of medicinal plants (chamomile, celandine, white string).

    Therapeutic measures also include treatment with baked apple mush. The maximum effect can be obtained from the therapy performed by using medications and folk remedies.

    Additionally, you can treat with oil solutions of sea buckthorn and vitamin A.

    When can a wound be dangerous?

    If the ulcer on the surface of the lip does not heal within seven days, and the patient’s condition worsens, there is a danger of the wound becoming malignant. Dangerous symptoms are: lack of smooth edges, constant bleeding.

    The causes of this disease can be: abuse of solariums, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, bad habits - constantly biting your lips, frequent consumption of hot drinks - tea, coffee, excessive abuse of cigarettes.

    Additional warning signs are enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. In such a situation, you must immediately visit a doctor and undergo appropriate examinations. Such symptoms may indicate the development of oncological processes.

    Chief author and editor-in-chief: Makarskaya S.E., 29 years of experience.

    Last revision: 09/11/2017

    Therapy for other types of injuries

    Wounds on the surface of the lip epithelium can appear at any time, so it is important to know how to treat the lip in such situations. In case of exacerbation of herpes, it is recommended to lubricate the mouth with special antiviral ointments (herpevir, acyclovir). The doctor also prescribes multivitamins and immunomodulators that will help cure the disease.

    If the cause of the wound is stomatitis, it should be treated with soda gruel, sea buckthorn oil, and vitamin A. If there is a thermal burn, the injury site should be cooled and treated with a healing ointment. You cannot puncture the blister, as this can lead to an infection. If there are chemical burns, the chemical must first be neutralized. If an acid burn occurs, you need to use alkali, after neutralizing the substance, treat with an antiseptic solution and apply ointment on top.

    If you have constantly dry mucous membranes and, as a result, cracks on your lips, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins A and E, so that new wounds will not appear. Before going outside, especially in windy or frosty weather, it is recommended to treat the skin with hygienic protective products - lipstick or balm. Treatment of ulcers from stomatitis is carried out only after determining its nature and cause. Stomatitis that is limited to the mouth can be aphthous, viral, fungal, or allergic.

    Knowing the cause of the disease, the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.


    If there is no purulent content and if the damage is small, it can be treated independently. For this purpose, ointments or creams are used: acyclovir, tetracycline, oxolinic ointment, metrogil denta. Products such as fucorcin, brilliant green or iodine are also used, but when using them you need to remember that they dry the skin. For quick healing, it is necessary to treat your lips as often as possible. If suppuration occurs, you should immediately visit a doctor who will decide what to do next.

    The most common folk remedies that are used for speedy healing include: garlic juice, plantain juice, earwax, fish oil, cucumber juice, decoction of medicinal plants (chamomile, celandine, white string). Therapeutic measures also include treatment with baked apple mush. The maximum effect can be obtained from the therapy performed by using medications and folk remedies. Additionally, you can treat with oil solutions of sea buckthorn and vitamin A.

    When can a wound be dangerous?

    If the ulcer on the surface of the lip does not heal within seven days, and the patient’s condition worsens, there is a danger of the wound becoming malignant. Dangerous symptoms are: lack of smooth edges, constant bleeding. The causes of this disease can be: abuse of solariums, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, bad habits - constantly biting your lips, frequent consumption of hot drinks - tea, coffee, excessive abuse of cigarettes.

    Additional warning signs are enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. In such a situation, you must immediately visit a doctor and undergo appropriate examinations. Such symptoms may indicate the development of oncological processes.

    Chief author and editor-in-chief: Makarskaya S.E., 29 years of experience.

    Last revision: 09/11/2017

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