Wound (torn, non-healing, cut) on the lip: how and what to treat

The labrum is a rim of fibrocartilaginous tissue around the glenoid fossa that enlarges the socket cavity and provides stability to the head of the humerus. The labrum also connects the capsular-ligamentous structures of the shoulder joint. Labral tears can occur due to repetitive motion of the shoulder or acute trauma. In athletes with repeated anterior subluxations of the shoulder, tears of the anterosuperior labrum may occur, leading to progressive instability.

Lip laceration: first aid

Pre-processing is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Stop bleeding - cold is applied to the lip, followed by hemostatic agents to reduce bleeding. It is recommended to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide to prevent inflammation.
  • Reassure the person and record the time of the wound formation - if there is a large loss of blood, hemorrhagic and painful shock can occur, so talk to the victim and maintain communication with him before coming to the hospital.
  • Reducing pain in the wound - the patient can be given any painkiller (Analgin, Nurofen), which will reduce pain symptoms and improve the general condition.

How to properly freeze a wound on the lip

In the absence of breathing and a threadlike pulse, it is necessary to carry out a series of resuscitation measures aimed at maintaining vital processes in the body. Artificial respiration is performed through the nose, as the wound site may become infected. Indirect cardiac massage allows you to avoid clinical death, but if performed incorrectly, complications can arise.

If the patient is unconscious, place him on his side so that if the wound bleeds, blood does not enter the stomach through the mouth. Severe painful shock can cause vomiting, so lying on your side minimizes the likelihood of vomit entering the respiratory system.


Symptoms of a labral tear resemble those of other shoulder injuries. Symptoms include:

  • Shoulder pain is usually associated with raising the arm
  • Clicking, crunching, or shoulder locking
  • Sometimes pain at night or pain when doing daily activities
  • Feeling of instability in the shoulder
  • Decreased range of motion in the shoulder
  • Decreased muscle strength

Patients with a labrum injury may describe their pain as intermittently interfering with normal shoulder function during certain activities. On examination, they may have discomfort with forced external rotation of 90 degrees, and the pain does not increase with further abduction. Often, a labral tear is manifested by a crunching or clicking sound during forced external rotation. The patient may also experience discomfort with forced horizontal shoulder adduction.

Lacerated wound of the lip: main stages of treatment

Wounds on the lips caused by a blow or other minor mechanical injury can be treated at home using special wound-healing creams and ointments. If the parting of the edges exceeds 1 cm, it will be necessary to apply sutures, which are performed by a doctor under sterile conditions.

Drug therapy

The healing time of a wound on the lip depends on the degree of its damage and the specifics of the body’s regeneration. On average, the entire process takes 2-3 weeks. To speed up healing and facilitate the entire process, the following groups of drugs are used:


Injuries to the tissues of the rim (labrum) surrounding the shoulder rosette can occur either as a result of acute trauma or as a consequence of repetitive movements of the shoulder. For example, damage to the labrum can occur in the following cases:

  • Falling on an outstretched arm
  • Direct hit to the shoulder
  • A sudden pull with the hand, for example, when trying to lift a heavy object
  • Excessive overhead movement of the arm

Labral tears can also occur in throwers or weightlifters and result from excessive repetitive stress on the shoulder. In weightlifters, labral tears can also occur as a result of overuse during exercises such as barbell, bench, or standing presses. Posterior rotator cuff weakness can contribute to labral tears. Labral tears can occur as a result of acute injuries such as a fall on an outstretched arm, but also occur in athletes where there is intense shoulder movement (eg, golfers).

Lip laceration: recommendations

The wound should be protected with a bandage, under which a tampon or bandage with ointment should be placed. Do dressings 2-3 times a day. Before applying a new layer of cream, the old one is removed by washing with hydrogen peroxide.

If the wound is infected and has become swollen and swollen, rinsing with furatsilin will help. If hardening occurs and pain increases, you will need to consult a specialist again, who will select suitable antibiotics that can stop the inflammatory process.

Chlorhexidine and miramistin can be applied to the inside of the wound, helping to prevent inflammation from spreading into the oral cavity. The use of drugs, their choice and duration of use directly depend on the degree of damage. Treatment at home is prescribed by a doctor, after which constant monitoring of the healing process is necessary.

If there are complex wounds on the face, hemorrhagic shock may require blood transfusions and the administration of solutions to replenish the volume of circulating fluid. In this case, before the procedure, a number of resuscitation measures are carried out to maintain the body in good condition.

What to do with a broken lip and its swelling from the inside: first aid and wound treatment

A split lip is an injury to the soft tissues and mucous membranes of the mouth, which causes a lot of discomfort. It is important that the consequences of the dissection are minimal.

First aid for cutting

Falling off a swing and hitting your lip and nose is a common occurrence. Soft tissues are easy to break, bite, and as a result they can swell and swell. The main condition when receiving an injury is to remain calm. As soon as the liquid has stopped oozing, you should begin treating the wound.

First aid when a child breaks his lip is to rinse the wound with warm water and treat it with an antiseptic. It is important to wash your face with soap to remove dirt and blood; dirty hands can easily introduce infection into the wound surface. If an injury occurs to a baby, you need to consult a doctor; any injury is dangerous for the child.

If a small amount of blood is released from the wound, you should rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine or miramistine. This is done if the child is an adult. Small children need to lubricate the outside of the lip with a cotton swab. Apply a cold compress (ice or a cold metal object covered with a towel) to relieve swelling. You need to remove the bandage after 15 minutes.

A small piece of bandage or cotton wool pressed between your lips and teeth will help stop blood seepage. It is necessary to ensure that the tampon only absorbs the liquid and does not stick to the wound.

Treating the damaged area with brilliant green or iodine is strictly prohibited to prevent burns.

An effective folk method is to apply cotton wool with aloe juice to the broken area. The plant leaf is cut lengthwise and applied to the wound. Aloe has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which you can heal the wound.

You should seek medical help if the bleeding cannot be stopped, the gums are damaged, a tooth is knocked out, or there is a high fever. If the internal cut is large, it will need to be stitched up in the hospital.

Processing agents

A split lip requires mandatory treatment with antiseptic drugs.

The first place is occupied by hydrogen peroxide - a solution for external use of 3%. The medicine is effective when the baby has broken his lip from the inside.

The main advantage is that (unlike iodine and brilliant green) peroxide can be anointed on open wound surfaces and will not cause burn damage to the skin.

The effect of the drug becomes noticeable: bubbles and hissing appear. The disinfection process occurs through the release of atomic oxygen.

It is forbidden to remove dried bandages and compresses so that the healing wound does not begin to fester. Peroxide is not applied to damaged mucous membranes.

Another broad-spectrum agent is chlorhexidine.

Available in the form of a solution, adhesive plaster, gel and cream. The substance disinfects the wound surface and removes pus. The price of the medicine is affordable for everyone.

The antiseptic is intended for healing ruptures and is capable of treating fungal diseases, sexually transmitted infections, and pathologies of the oral cavity.

If the cut is severe, the doctor will prescribe a regimen of using chlorhexidine solution. After applying the product to the skin or mucous membrane, allergic reactions in the form of contact dermatitis are rarely possible. Pregnant and lactating women and adolescents should use the solution with caution.

A modern disinfectant medicine is Miramistin. The main advantage of the drug is the complete absence of side effects. A solution for external use helps damaged areas heal without burning them.

The medicine kills harmful microorganisms, blocking the inflammatory process. Miramistin is used to treat burned skin areas, for candidal and gynecological diseases, and ENT pathologies.

Potassium permanganate solution is a home method for washing festering wounds. You can prepare weak potassium permanganate by adding a few crystals of permanganate to a glass of warm water. The cut should be treated several times a day, diluting a new mixture.

Furacilin solution is a simple remedy. The healing liquid is prepared by adding 10 furatsilin tablets per liter of hot water. After this, the medicine is cooled and the wound is washed.

An alternative option is a dry bandage applied to the torn corner of the lip. It is easy to remove and change. The prepared solution can be used for no more than 2 weeks.

Store in a dark glass container at a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees.

Traumeel ointment will help your lip heal - a homeopathic medicine that helps relieve swelling and eliminate inflammation. The product should be applied to the skin in a thin layer 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. You can use gauze bandages.

If the frenulum is torn, Panthenol cream will help. It promotes rapid healing of damaged areas without scar formation. Before applying the medicine, you need to disinfect the wound. The drug has no side effects, with the exception of intolerance to the components. Apply the cream twice a day until the wound surface heals and the swelling and thickening disappear.

How to remove swelling after a blow

The affected lip may darken and swell. The following types of damage to the labial border are distinguished:

  1. Bruise (can be caused by being hit by an object, resulting in internal swelling). The bruise or hematoma will go away within a few weeks.
  2. An abrasion is a minor tissue injury that does not need to be stitched.
  3. The wounds appear when the labial border is bitten or cut. The main symptom is a violation of the integrity of the skin. The wound surface may be damaged through and through.

Treatment provides assistance in restoring normal shape and allows the natural color to return. If the lip is swollen from the inside, lotions based on bee honey are useful. The mass is applied to cotton wool and applied to the lower or upper swollen area for 30 minutes.

It is forbidden to apply warm compresses to the wound; the area will swell and swell even more.

Wound care

In order for the wound surface to heal quickly, proper care is necessary. There are several recommendations:

  1. The painful area should be treated regularly and treated with recommended remedies.
  2. You need to be careful not to accidentally tear the scabs near the wound.
  3. To avoid injury to the labial border, it is recommended to lubricate it with protective agents.

In most cases, the wound will go away on its own. Such injuries heal on their own with proper care. But if pimples or pus appear on your lip, the pain does not go away and prevents you from living fully, you need to consult a doctor.

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Surgical intervention

Lip wounds with radiating edges require sutures. A local anesthetic is injected into the wound site and the edges are then sutured. The suture is treated with an antiseptic, and then a sterile bandage is applied.

Stitching a wound on the lip

The suture site is checked daily for inflammation. If the healing process is successful, the sutures are removed on the 10th day. Large complex wounds and multiple stitches may require additional assistance from a plastic surgeon.

After suturing, the patient is prescribed medications such as:

After the sutures are removed, the wound is treated with an antiseptic without a sterile dressing. To prevent the development of inflammation in the mouth, rinsing with herbal decoctions, furatsilin and treatment with hydrogen peroxide are recommended.

Stitching outside a medical facility is prohibited. Even with experience, there is a high probability of infection, since it is impossible to achieve infertility at home, which is possible in the operating room.

A wound on the lip does not heal: why this happens and methods of treatment

Lip sores are very common and can appear on the upper or lower lip of a child, man or woman at any age. Such damage to the mouth area occurs for a variety of reasons, which the doctor must pay attention to when making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

You should not let the healing of a wound on your lips take its course, because it can fester and the pus will go into the blood. If a wound on the lip is left untreated, it will take longer to heal and an unsightly scar may form.

Causes and localization of wounds

Due to the sensitivity and thinness of the skin on the lips, which is easily susceptible to negative influences, sores of various types form. Often there are cracks, stomatitis, seizures, herpes, causing discomfort to the patient.

The emerging problem indicates the development of diseases:

  1. If your lips are cracked and wounds form in the corners, these are characteristic signs of jamming. The condition develops in childhood due to a lack of vitamin B2, which causes dryness. In older people, a thin film breaks due to malocclusion formed by the loss of teeth. Deep folds in the corners create favorable conditions for the formation of cracks. Patients with diabetes mellitus are at risk. Possible causes are fungal and streptococcal infections. Ulcers in the corners of the mouth cause pain when eating or talking.
  2. A wound on the inside of the lip is a sign of stomatitis, which affects the oral mucosa with small white sores. There is loss of appetite, fever, pain, and bleeding gums. The source can be viruses, poor oral hygiene, bad habits, parasites, lack of vitamins, dehydration, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Herpes is a rash in the form of small blisters that transform into ulcers. They cause pain and discomfort. The herpes virus resides in the human body in a dormant state and intensifies under certain conditions. People often call herpes lesions of the lips a cold, which can be localized on the oral mucosa, nasal cavity, cheeks and facial skin. When the virus is activated, a wet lump is formed, which becomes inflamed, itching and burning appear. As the wound develops, it expands in different directions, new ulcers are formed, which, when combined, form a large damaged surface.

Cracked lips occur for various reasons:

  • lack of B vitamin – lactofavin;
  • abuse of sweet foods;
  • constant licking;
  • neglect of the rules of oral hygiene;
  • nervous tension, stress;
  • imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • failure of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anemia;
  • allergy.

In medicine, according to the international classification, the ICD-10 code for wounds on the lip is encrypted under the number K13. The condition requires timely treatment to help avoid consequences.

Why does it appear

The causes of sores on the lips can be different. The most common factor is infection with the herpes virus. The virus can lie dormant in the human body for a long time, becoming more active under the influence of certain conditions.

Symptoms of the development of the disease are ulcers or wounds on the lips; they can appear on both the outer and inner sides of the lip.

If proper and timely treatment is not provided, the virus will spread further, affecting surrounding tissues.

Other causes of wounds:

  • abrasions;
  • development of stomatitis;
  • chronic dry skin of the lips;
  • mechanical damage, resulting in a laceration of the lip, cut, bruise;
  • pet or insect bites;
  • acute lack of B vitamins;
  • having a bad habit of licking your lips, which often results in painful cracks;
  • jams;
  • iron deficiency, chronic anemia;
  • dysfunctions in the metabolic process;
  • the wound may not heal for a long time or may fester after the piercing;
  • thermal or chemical burns;
  • allergic reactions to certain irritants (hygiene products, food products, cosmetics).

Damage to the upper or lower lip from the inside can occur due to trauma to the mucous membrane from a sharp tooth or a poorly placed filling. The most dangerous are lacerations.

Such injuries usually do not heal for a long time, they are difficult to stitch, and there is a high risk of complications (for example, accumulation of purulent discharge). Also dangerous are animal bites on the lip, which may be infected with rabies.

In such cases, you should immediately visit a medical facility and undergo appropriate examination and treatment.

Features of the appearance of lacerated and cut wounds

Careless actions of a housewife who decided to try cooked food from a knife or a man who made a mistake while shaving and made a cut are the causes of the problem. Lacerated and cut wounds pose a danger to human health.

Ragged injuries can be caused by a bruise, blow or bite from an animal. Such injuries to the lips are a common occurrence among athletes involved in combat sports. Characteristic signs: swelling, bleeding, pain.

Timely treatment of an open wound will help stop bleeding and prevent the penetration of pathogenic microbes. Lack of quality care will lead to complications and a long-term non-healing surface. It is recommended to visit the hospital; sometimes severe bruises and deep cuts require surgical intervention - suturing.

Lacerations in adults who were treated following all the rules disappear within one month. Healing depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the speed of metabolic processes.

Treatment of wounds on the lip

A wound on the lip should be treated when the first symptoms are detected, without ignoring medical advice or the use of medications. For therapy to be beneficial, it is recommended to adhere to the following instructions:

  • maintaining oral hygiene;
  • excluding fried, salty, fatty, spicy foods from the diet will reduce irritation of the oral mucosa;
  • if there is itching, do not scratch or peel off the scab, the ulcer will begin to bleed and hurt;
  • It is recommended to dry wet wounds with streptocide ointment, which will help avoid the inflammatory process and speed up regeneration;
  • During therapy, it is recommended to provide support to the body, strengthening its protective properties through stimulants and vitamins.

Therapy is prescribed by a specialist. The main treatment is pharmaceutical drugs. Can be supplemented with folk recipes that facilitate the healing process.

You can alleviate the painful condition with medications:

Treating a torn lip at home

Treatment of a wound on the lip, if it is small, can be done at home. The following provisions apply for this:

If redness of the wound, swelling of the skin around it and an increase in temperature appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate the addition of an infection that provokes the development of an inflammatory process.

To reduce wound trauma, it is recommended to refrain from eating solid foods that require careful chewing and jaw movement. You can use a blender to puree your food to make it easier to swallow. It is best to eat through a smoothie straw to prevent food from getting into the wound.

Leftover food can cause tooth decay, so you should rinse your mouth after every meal and protect the wound from the inside with a disinfectant.

In the absence of comprehensive treatment, after 2-3 days the wound begins to fester and the body temperature rises. The patient's condition deteriorates sharply and requires immediate medical attention. Refusal of medical care and suturing leads to irregular and uneven fusion of the ends of the wound, which provokes the appearance of a lip. The bite is disrupted and sensitivity is reduced. As a result, the skin becomes thinner and prone to flaking and dryness.


If you have shoulder pain, your doctor will first take a medical history. Often the patient remembers a specific traumatic episode followed by the onset of symptoms. The doctor will perform functional tests to determine range of motion, shoulder stability, and pain symptoms. If there is suspicion of damage to bone tissue, radiography may be prescribed. Due to the fact that radiography does not visualize the soft tissue of the articular cavity, MRI or CT is prescribed to diagnose its rupture. Both methods of examination use contrast, which makes it possible to diagnose even minor damage to the integrity of the articular labrum. In some cases, diagnostic arthroscopy is required. The tears may be located above or below the center of the glenoid cavity.

SLAP injury (tear of the labrum, front to back, with damage to the biceps tendon).

A tear below the middle of the glenoid cavity, with simultaneous damage to the inferior ligament of the shoulder, is called a Bankart injury.

Labral tears are often accompanied by other shoulder injuries such as shoulder dislocation (subluxation or dislocation).

What to do if wounds appear on the lip and hurt: treatment features


A sore on the lip is a painful injury to the delicate skin on the outside or inside. May be caused by mechanical damage or infection. If the injury does not heal for a long time, you should consult a doctor.


You can alleviate the painful condition with medications:

  1. Metrogil Denta.
  2. Zovirax.
  3. Acyclovir.
  4. Miramistin.
  5. Oxolinic ointment.
  6. Zinc ointment.
  7. Clotrimazole.
  8. Tetracycline.
  9. Fukartzin.

The affected areas should be treated with ointment or cream regularly, which will speed up the healing process, reduce the risk of inflammatory complications, and eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as burning, itching, dryness, pain, and tightness of the skin.

Folk remedies

You can supplement the treatment and accelerate the regenerative abilities of the thin coverings on the lips using effective traditional healing methods, after consulting with your doctor.

Some components of native drugs have contraindications for use.

To fix the problem, use the following recipes:

  1. Juice squeezed from garlic or plantain helps speed up the healing of small cracks.
  2. Wounds in the corners of the mouth can be lubricated with earwax, which has healing properties.
  3. Fish oil is an effective medicine that prolongs damage.
  4. You can smear cracks and wounds in the mouth area with rosehip, flax or avocado oils.
  5. The oral cavity can be lubricated or rinsed with decoctions of chamomile, sage, string, and celandine. Herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerate tightening.
  6. You can chew wax with propolis, clearing your mouth of food debris and bacteria and speeding up the healing process of the mucous membrane.
  7. To treat stomatitis, baking soda diluted in water is often used - 1 tsp of the product per 1 glass of warm water.
  8. Apple cider vinegar has an inhibitory effect on bacteria and microbes.

To achieve a good result, drug and traditional therapy are combined.

What to do if an open wound on the lip does not heal for a long time

If the damaged surface does not heal within two weeks, you should visit a doctor. There is a risk of developing purulent complications and tissue death. In some cases, treatment does not help. The damage does not have smooth edges and constantly bleeds - symptoms of malignant transformation of the wound.

Cancer develops under the influence of sunlight, abuse of tanning beds, and constant lip biting. Smoking can provoke cell degeneration. The main alarming sign of an oncological process is enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.

It is recommended to immediately visit the clinic and undergo a full examination.

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