Rhinestones and skyces on teeth - making your smile unique

Aesthetic dentistry enjoys great success among visitors, along with the therapeutic and surgical fields of science.

In addition to the usual teeth whitening and installation of veneers and lumineers, decorating elements included in the smile area with rhinestones is becoming increasingly popular.

This procedure allows not only to emphasize the individuality of the owner, but also to hide some enamel defects.

Varieties and analogues

Teeth rhinestones are small decorative items that are attached to the enamel without disturbing its integrity using special glue.

These elements are made from different materials - processed glass, amethyst, precious metals and stones.

The shape and size of the products are also very different from each other, so we can distinguish the following types of jewelry:

  1. Rhinestones are the most affordable option for dental inlay. They are made from transparent or colored glass. The shape of such products can be quite varied, and the surface can be ribbed or smooth.
  2. Skies are round or oval items made from precious stones. Thanks to high-quality processing, they are securely fixed to the teeth, without causing discomfort during communication and eating.
  3. Twinkles are flat stones, which are often made of precious metals (gold or platinum), and are also inlaid with precious stones. The shape of the product depends on the wishes of the patient. These can be hearts, flowers, stars, animals.
  4. Grills are special overlays for the front teeth, made in the form of grilles. They can be made of medical chromium-nickel alloy or precious metals. These products are fixed to the enamel using silicone suction cups and special micro-clips, due to which the jewelry does not damage the surface of the incisors and can also be easily removed from the oral cavity.
  5. Stickers are a budget decoration option that can be used even by children. A special film is attached to the selected element of the row, on the inner surface of which a pattern is applied. The duration of preservation on the teeth does not exceed 2-3 weeks.

Main differences

Patients often confuse two concepts - rhinestones and skyes, believing that these are the same products.

However, there are several differences between these products, the main one of which is the material of manufacture:

  1. Various compositions can be used to make dental rhinestones. Most often it is ordinary or lead glass, which has high refractive indices of light, due to which rhinestones imitate precious stones.
    No less rarely, in the manufacture of rhinestones, rock crystal is used, the main characteristics of which are high strength and light reflectivity. In addition, dental rhinestones can consist of two materials - crystal and precious stone, from which the upper part of the product is made.
  2. Skyces are made exclusively from precious stones : emeralds, rubies, diamonds.
    Their size often does not exceed 2.5 mm. The stones are processed in such a way that the product is securely fixed to the tooth surface. It should be understood that in order to attach a natural diamond or other precious stone to the incisor, it may be necessary to grind off the enamel or drill a hole in the tooth. For this reason, skyces are most often installed on artificial crowns.

Another significant difference between skyes and rhinestones is the duration of their use.

With careful care, skyces can be worn for about 1-2 years, while rhinestones will have to be changed after a few weeks or months.

An important point is the cost of jewelry. The average price for glass rhinestones is about one thousand rubles, while for skyces you will have to pay several times more, depending on the type of stone used.


The main goal pursued by fans of rhinestones is to improve the appearance of their teeth.

Most often, such decoration is preferred by teenagers who want to express themselves, public figures and people who, due to their occupation, have to communicate a lot.

In addition to the desire to attract attention, rhinestones, skyces and other dental products are often used to hide visible enamel defects in the smile area - cracks, chips, pigment spots.

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What is tartar?

Tartar is hard deposits on the surface of teeth. At its core, it is plaque that has hardened and darkened over time. Regardless of the reasons for its formation, it is a specific mixture consisting of food debris, bacteria and minerals.

Forms of tartar

Based on their location, it is customary to distinguish between two forms of tartar.

  • Supragingival - stone accumulates on the surface of the tooth crown, i.e. above the gum.
  • Subgingival – a stone located on the root surface of the tooth, i.e. under the gum.

Important! Over time, the supragingival form becomes subgingival - growing, the stone covers not only the visible surface of the tooth, but also its root part


Despite the high-quality processing of stones used to make rhinestones and the absence of the need to grind off the enamel, the products have several significant contraindications:

  • significant carious lesions on the tooth surface;
  • presence of tartar;
  • pathologies of the structure of the jaw row;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • thinning of enamel;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • allergic reaction to the materials from which rhinestones are made;
  • inflammatory periodontal diseases.

How does the installation work?

Fixing dental rhinestones is carried out quite quickly - the whole procedure takes about 15-20 minutes.

However, for high-quality fastening and long-term wear, preliminary sanitation of the oral cavity may be required - teeth whitening, removal of mineralized deposits, treatment of caries.

If there are no contraindications to the installation of rhinestones, the patient chooses the type, the type of fixation will depend on this.

When using thin rhinestones made of artificial material, they are glued; the use of products made of precious stones requires inlay.

Application or gluing is carried out as follows:

  • The area of ​​enamel on which the stone will be fixed is cleaned with a fluoride-free paste and dried.
  • A special gel is applied to the prepared area of ​​the tooth, increasing its porosity, thereby increasing the degree of adhesion.
  • After the gel has dried, a drop of Bond glue is applied to the location where the rhinestone will be located.
  • The decoration is placed on the selected area of ​​the tooth and is fixed thanks to the polymerization process, which is triggered when the adhesive composition is exposed to a special lamp.
  • At the end of the manipulation, the incisor is polished around the attached decoration.

When installing jewelry that includes precious stones, they are inlaid. This is required due to the significant weight of the jewelry and its more convex shape due to specific cutting.

Dentists recommend installing skyces with precious stones when fixing crowns or, if necessary, decorating a damaged tooth.

The inlay procedure is carried out as follows:

  • A hole is made in the selected tooth, the size of which exactly matches the bottom of the jewelry.
  • The recess is disinfected and dried, after which a composite material is applied to it. The selected skyline is installed on top.
  • The tooth with decoration is exposed to a special lamp, thanks to which the polymer composition hardens, reliably fixing the skye.

Dentists note that preparing your own tooth to install jewelry can lead to a further increase in its sensitivity, so such a procedure should be meaningful.

Find out from the video whether inlays can damage tooth enamel.

Wearing and care

After installing a dental rhinestone, it is necessary to pay special attention to hygiene procedures.

The area around the rhinestone needs careful care to avoid the formation of mineralized plaque and the development of carious lesions.

Dentists recommend following these rules during daily oral care:

  1. When performing hygiene procedures, it is necessary to use additional means and items - irrigator, rinse aid.
  2. Teeth brushing should be done at least twice a day. There is no need to worry about the decoration - the brush is unable to damage it, but it will help eliminate bacteriological plaque that accumulates in the uneven enamel.
  3. While wearing rhinestones, it is advisable to refrain from eating solid foods, biting nuts, seeds, and crackers. When chewing, the load should be evenly distributed throughout the entire jaw row, relieving excess stress on the front teeth.
  4. Every six months it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations at the dentist to timely identify problems and carry out professional dental cleaning.

Life time

Decorating your smile is a temporary measure. According to statistics, such stones last from one to four years. After removing the element, you need to make sure that no caries has formed under it.

It is also advisable to undergo professional oral hygiene. After all, while wearing a rhinestone, you have to very carefully clean the decorated unit and its neighbors, which means that tartar forms faster at their bases.


The main advantage of installing dental rhinestones is that it gives the smile additional aesthetic appeal, as well as masking some enamel defects that cause a person to feel insecure.

The variety of materials and shapes allows you to choose the best option, taking into account a person’s age, his financial status and existing enamel defects.

Thanks to the use of precious metals and biologically inert materials, the occurrence of an allergic reaction is observed in exceptional cases, with increased human sensitivity.

Another important point is the reliable fixation of jewelry on the tooth surface. If you follow the rules of oral care, the stone will not fall out; a visit to the dentist is necessary to remove it.

How do regular rhinestones differ from skyces for teeth?

Ordinary rhinestones, which are glued to various surfaces and clothing, are not suitable for use in dentistry. They are less durable and are not suitable for constant exposure to the humid environment of the oral cavity. At any moment, the top part of the rhinestone can peel off, leaving a gray mark on the tooth. It can be removed without problems, but a spoiled mood is guaranteed. In addition, ordinary rhinestones are made using a different technology and do not have that special shine and tints of color for which people use such jewelry on their teeth. Therefore, it is very important, when contacting a clinic for such a procedure, to make sure that the rhinestones that are offered to you are actually intended for use in dentistry.


In addition to the undoubted advantages, there is also a serious disadvantage that arises when using precious stones.

When a diamond or other stone is inlaid into the tooth surface, the integrity of the enamel is damaged, which can subsequently lead to increased sensitivity of the incisors, especially when eating cold and hot foods.

In addition, after removing the jewelry from the tooth, a hole will remain in its place, which will have to be covered with a composite material in order to avoid the development of caries and restore its aesthetic appearance.

Recommendations and tips on how to properly care for teeth for adults and children. Read here about the diagnosis and treatment methods of pericoronitis.

At this address you will find real reviews about laser dental treatment.

Tips for parents

The desire to stand out among the crowd and emphasize individuality is inherent not only in adults, but also in children.

Parents should not dissuade their children from the new dental trend. Installing rhinestones in a good clinic will not only not cause harm, but will also bring several positive aspects:

  • Before installing the decorative stone, the dentist will sanitize the child’s oral cavity, which makes it possible to identify and treat existing diseases.
  • To maintain shine for a long time, the child will have to more carefully monitor the condition of the dentition and regularly perform hygiene procedures.

Where can I buy

The duration of operation of the dental inlay depends on the quality of the skyce. You can purchase any type of jewelry at the following retail outlets:

  • Specialized dental stores.
  • Pharmacy supermarkets.
  • Online stores.
  • Medical equipment stores.
  • Directly dental clinics.
  • Representatives of medical companies.

Such retail outlets offer certified products that do not harm health. Also, the safety of products is ensured by compliance with all delivery and storage conditions.

There is a misconception that you can insert skyces yourself at home. With such manipulations, there is a high probability of damage to tooth enamel and gums. You can only apply a sticker at home, which is intended for one-time use.

Important! If you want to decorate your teeth with sky, you should give preference to specialized clinics and certified products. This will preserve the beauty and shine of your smile for a long time.

Popular questions and answers

Decorating teeth with rhinestones is a fairly old area of ​​dentistry, however, not everyone knows the details of the procedure.

Patients have many questions, the answers to which are provided by specialists:

  • How long does a rhinestone stay on a tooth surface? The duration of wear depends on its type and method of fixation. When using temporary glue, the service life of the decorative element will not exceed 1-2 weeks. Permanent glue allows you to wear the jewelry for about a year. When inlaying a precious stone, this period increases to several years.
  • How to remove the rhinestone? The removal procedure is carried out in a dental clinic and takes no more than 10 minutes. The dentist applies a special agent to the adhesive, then removes the stone and polishes the enamel.
  • Will there be a hole after removing the skyce? If the gemstone was inlaid into the tooth surface, the hole left after its removal is filled with a composite material. When fixing the rhinestone using the appliqué method, no traces will remain after its removal.
  • Is it painful to install rhinestones? The procedure is carried out absolutely painlessly, since there is no violation of the integrity of the enamel.
  • Does rhinestone interfere with communication and eating? The first time after installation you may feel slight discomfort, however, after 7-10 days the unpleasant feelings disappear.

Oral Care After Dental Jewelry Installation

Decorative dental jewelry will look beautiful for a long time if you take proper care of your teeth. In order for them to decorate your smile for the entire period stated by the manufacturer - about 3-5 years - you must follow the following recommendations:

  • You should brush your teeth thoroughly and regularly, using a gentle cleaning paste that does not contain abrasive particles.
  • You need to rinse your mouth with a special mouthwash after each meal.
  • The decorative stones themselves must be cleaned using a special product for caring for skyes.
  • The use of aggressive pastes, whitening compounds and tooth powder is prohibited. Such products will make stickers, rhinestones or skyes matte and unaesthetic.
  • You should not eat excessively hard foods and crack seeds. Such nutrition can lead to premature loss of the sky.

If you need to remove or replace jewelry, or if it falls out, you should contact your dentist. The doctor will remove the sky using ultrasound, without causing harm to the tooth, and properly treat the tooth surface.


The cost of dental jewelry can vary greatly. It depends on the type and shape of the stone used:

  1. Glass rhinestones will cost 1000-1500 rubles.
  2. The cost of a sticker on teeth is 500-1000 rubles.
  3. When using rhinestones from Swarovski, the price rises to 3000-5000 rubles.
  4. Skyes with precious stones and metals can cost up to 10,000 rubles.

The video goes into more detail about installing and wearing dental jewelry.

Who set the fashion

It is believed that pop singer Madonna gave life to the fashion trend. After she appeared in public with a radiant smile, many Hollywood stars adopted the fashion for beautiful enamel stones. At the moment, this method of decoration is no longer uncommon among ordinary people. Photos of skyce on teeth can be seen everywhere, and even other types of jewelry do not compete with rhinestones that have become classics.

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