Cupid's bow or heart-shaped: what the shape of your lips can say about you

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand what makes a face beautiful. Almond-shaped eyes, a regular nose or prominent cheekbones...

To determine the degree of attractiveness of a face, we use a mathematical method. As part of the harmonizing approach developed by Andrei Iskornev, in our clinics we calculate the exact proportions between individual parts of the face that make us more attractive.

It turns out that the distance between the upper lip and the nose is of great importance. Ideally, it should be no more than a quarter of the distance from the nose to the chin and range from 12 to 18 millimeters.

Thin lips

Owners of thin lips are, as a rule, bright individualists. They cannot be classified as introverts, because such girls feel free in noisy companies, but at the same time, they do not allow anyone to violate their personal space. People with thin lips enjoy solitude and often prefer to travel or walk alone. Despite their outward isolation, they easily find a common language with new people. Their shyness and silence are also deceptive: the owners of this lip shape are very insightful and intelligent and carefully consider every word they say.

Numb lips due to diabetes

For patients with diabetes, it is important to control blood glucose levels and avoid sudden increases or decreases in sugar. Lips may become numb due to hypoglycemia - a decrease in glucose levels below 2.8 mmol/l. This happens when you take too high a dose of insulin or violate your diet or skip meals.

In addition to numbness of the lips, the patient experiences severe weakness, tremors in the limbs, rapid heartbeat, and excessive sweating. In severe cases, hypoglycemia leads to loss of consciousness and coma. To eliminate this dangerous condition, you need to eat something sweet with quickly doubling carbohydrates. If the patient is unconscious, intravenous glucose and glucagon injection are required.

The lower lip is larger than the upper lip

Girls with a plump lower lip and a thin upper lip are real adventurers. For them, life is a series of adventures full of emotions, passions and sometimes dangers. Such girls do not know how to stay in one place for a long time: a working day in the office makes them despondent, so they prefer project work, which involves constantly meeting new people and diverse tasks. These people are the soul and heart of any company; they are sociable, energetic, love to learn new things and take risks. It is believed that girls with such lips are a little flighty in relationships, but this is not entirely true: their chosen one will simply have to take into account that they cannot be forced to sit within four walls and need to constantly feed the fire of their feelings.

Statistics, golden ratio and science.

In cosmetology and plastic surgery, scientific and statistical parameters of the lips are accepted, which characterize the “ideal” shape - ratios, symmetry and numerical expressions of volume. However, you and I understand that some people like “plumpier”, some “elastic”, some with relief, and some with a clear contour. You can find a friend based on taste and color, but not right away.

Professional cosmetologists with experience try not to pay attention to numbers and ratios, because the attractiveness of the lips is assessed exclusively in the complex of the entire face, and the most important thing about them is naturalness. But when it is possible to bring the patient’s lips closer to ideal proportions, when the patient’s wishes and the possibilities of correction coincide, then there is no shame in the result of the correction.

Golden ratio principle

Approximate and average norms for the structure of the nasolabial triangle:

  • The proportion of the upper and lower lips is approximately 1:1.6 (size and width)
  • The volume (bulge) of the upper lip at the extreme point is literally 1-2 mm greater than the same parameter of the lower lip
  • The size and width of the upper lip is, on the contrary, 10-25% smaller than the lower lip
  • The distance from the lower part of the nose (septum) to the lower part of the philtrum (base of the upper lip in the middle) is 1.7-2.3 cm
  • The distance from the middle part of the contour of the lower lip to the contour of the chin is 3-4 cm
  • The width of the philtrum corresponds to the width of the two front teeth
  • Open smile: 2/3 exposure of the anterior incisors and complete or almost complete concealment of the lower incisors

By the way, a group of scientists from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons conducted an experiment with a survey of 6,000 people. They were shown an image of a girl whose lips were changed in a graphic editor - from very thin to very lush. Those surveyed unanimously chose the option of an increase of 50% from the original.

People also voiced the opinion that ideal lips make up approximately 10% of the area of ​​the lower third of the face. Now they plan to include these criteria in the advisory instructions for aesthetic surgeons and cosmetologists.

The tasks of harmonizing proportions can be diametrically opposed. And objectively, “small” lips do not always need additional volume - perhaps the defect is associated with the distance between the nose and the edge of the red border.

Ricketts line, S-line, line from nose to chin

Another test for determining the harmony of mouth proportions is called the “aesthetic Ricketts E-line.” It is conventionally drawn in profile from the tip of the nose to the most convex part of the chin, like the blue line in our illustrations.

You can often find a line that connects the extreme point of the chin, passes along the extreme points of the lips and rests on the nose.

You can estimate the required lip proportions using these diagrams yourself; it is believed that lips extending beyond the green line (or touching the blue line) look unnatural and are too dominant. The recommended profile is shown in Figure 2.

Only a cosmetologist with experience and a harmonious look can understand these minor features of symmetry. Look at the same profiles, but without the line tips.

The peculiarity of lip size corrections in profile is that the “ideal” depends not only on the size of the lips, but also on the size of the chin and nose!

See how the protruding, hyper-corrected lips from Fig. 3 can be brought back to normal by enlarging the chin with fillers (hover your mouse over Fig. 3).

The upper lip is larger than the lower lip

Such girls make natural-born actresses, and all thanks to their natural charm, charisma and artistry. They are emotional and cannot always control their feelings and impulses, so they often speak first and only then think. Owners of this lip shape are dreamy and romantic, their most important desire is to find the love of their life, like something out of a book novel. At the same time, they are incredibly flirtatious and love to be in the center of male attention, so their companion will have to try a lot to pacify his jealousy. But you won’t get bored with such a girl - she can always make you laugh and offer the most unexpected adventure.

The upper lip is very thin

A very thin upper lip may indicate that a real leader is standing in front of you. Owners of this lip shape are ambitious and purposeful individuals who always clearly know what they want and how to achieve it. Thanks to their honesty and desire for justice in disputes, they act as arbiters. In the company, they are the main ringleaders and team leaders who always reach the finish line first. However, due to the desire to always take the leading role in the family, it can be difficult for them to build equal partnerships. The other half may not always live up to strict ideals and standards and at some point may simply stop working on the relationship.

Large and plump

Plump lips have always been considered a symbol of femininity and sexuality, so their owners have gained the reputation of being the most spoiled beauties by male attention. Meanwhile, they do not at all strive to become the center of attraction of all views. These are very devoted, sensual girls who dream of big and bright love. They are faithful wives and caring mothers. Despite the fact that owners of this lip shape can show character and protect themselves, they are at the same time very merciful and compassionate: they are ready to take care of others and come to the aid of even unfamiliar people.

Regular, or Cupid's Bow

The symmetrical shape of the lips is also called Cupid's Bow: according to scientific research, this is the sexiest and most desirable shape that women strive for and men are delighted with. Happy owners of Cupid's Bow are characterized by prudence: they are calm and consistent, it is difficult to unbalance them and anger them. Such people are the best negotiators, partners and psychologists; they can easily put themselves in the shoes of their interlocutor, so they are always ready to compromise or give practical advice. Meanwhile, they can always stand up for themselves and defend their values. Owners of this lip shape are intellectuals and treat others with respect. It is also believed that they are characterized by healthy optimism and a sense of humor.

Drooping corners of the lips in women and men: character

In some people, you can see drooping corners of the lips, which give a certain frown to the face.

Drooping corners of the lips character in women and men, character:

  • The drooping corners are responsible for the triangular muscles, which extend from the lower jaw to the chin. In most cases, drooping corners are associated with a person’s frequent frustrations, his general dissatisfaction with life and work.
  • That is, a person often purses his lips and tenses these muscles. This is why corresponding facial wrinkles and folds form in this area. Thus, a person’s face looks sad almost all the time.
  • There is a way out of the situation; you need to train the triangular muscles, perform an appropriate facial massage, which will tighten them and move the corners a little higher.

Corners omitted

Upper lip with a sharp hollow

A sharp hollow on the upper lip may indicate that you have a creative and creative nature. These are born writers, singers, musicians and artists who are accustomed to expressing their feelings and emotions through creativity. Despite the fact that such girls are very sociable, not everyone can find a common language with them: such people tend to look down on others a little. Nevertheless, owners of this lip shape have a long list of contacts, they make excellent use of their connections and, thanks to this, are never left alone. Also, such girls are ambitious and always achieve what they want - it’s better not to stand in their way.

Simple recommendations

  • Do contouring only in a licensed clinic, where experienced doctors with specialized education work.
  • Choose a specialist you will trust. The result largely depends on this. Take the time to get to know the doctor in advance and make sure you understand each other. Read reviews from other patients, including on third-party sites.
  • Answer your doctor's questions frankly regarding contraindications, allergic reactions and previous experiences with lip augmentation.
  • Entrust the choice of filler to a specialist. You just need to tell what result you want to achieve, and the doctor will offer the optimal solution to the problem. There are softer and denser fillers; the volume may also vary (although it is not recommended to use more than 1 ml). A good doctor will definitely explain his choice to you and give reasons for it.
  • The cosmetologist will definitely answer all your questions before and during the procedure. He won’t leave you later either - you can always go to the clinic for advice.

Following these simple rules will help you make no mistakes in your choice and avoid the risks that you may encounter in the pursuit of savings.

Upper lip with a rounded hollow

The owners of this lip shape are the complete opposite of the previous type. These are gentle, sensual and incredibly vulnerable natures. Soft and dreamy, they cannot always stand up for themselves, but their inner strength lies elsewhere. Such girls always come to the aid of strangers: if you suddenly have trouble, then you can be sure that a girl with such a lip shape will do everything in her power to support you. Sometimes they are ready to help others even to their detriment, so they need a strong partner who will not allow others to abuse their kindness.

What problems can be solved?

By nature, lips can be too thin, asymmetrical, disproportionate, and dry. It often happens that girls want to enlarge a completely normal mouth, make it larger, more fashionable, spectacular and expressive. In such situations, aesthetic medicine comes to the rescue.

In the arsenal of cosmetologists there are various means for non-surgical solution of the tasks. Most often, contour plastic surgery is used to add volume to the lips - injections of fillers based on cross-linked hyaluronic acid. (Hyaluronic acid fillers in the lip augmentation procedure: clinical and histological study) Previously, other fillers were used, for example, polymer-based ones, but they were abandoned long ago due to the huge number of complications (deformation, migration, allergic reactions). Modern fillers are safe, provided, of course, that you purchase products from trusted companies and perform the injections correctly.

Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronate) is actively used in cosmetology. This is an unrivaled humidifier with the unique ability to attract and bind water molecules. Hyaluronate is used for “beauty injections” - mesotherapy, biorevitalization, bioreparation - due to its ability to moisturize the deep layers of the skin. After special processing (“firmware”), the substance is also used for the manufacture of fillers (subcutaneous fillers). Cross-linked hyaluronic acid is a unique biological product that is compatible with skin tissue.

Over time, fillers dissolve and are eliminated from the body naturally. However, cross-linked hyaluronate is stable enough to remain unchanged for 1-2 years.

Contour plastic surgery allows you to give your lips the required volume and attractive shape, and get rid of asymmetry and disproportion. At the same time, thin skin is smoothed and filled with moisture, the mouth becomes tender, juicy, and sensual.

Upper lip without hollow

If you meet a girl with this lip shape, rest assured: this is a perfectionist. These people can be safely entrusted with even an impossible task - they will turn the world upside down, but will find a solution to the problem. Those with an upper lip without a hollow are careerists: in the office they feel like fish in water, they are not afraid of annual reports and pressing deadlines - everything will be done in the best possible way at the right time. And they are the best and most loyal friends you could ever dream of - they will always listen, help with advice and protect you, even if you are not entirely right.

Doll lips

Puppet lips with a bow give the deceptive impression that in front of you stands a delicate flower that needs to be protected from the dangers of the big world. Don't be naive: girls with this lip shape can always stand up for themselves. They make strict but fair leaders who demand iron discipline from their subordinates. At the first meeting, the owners of doll lips may seem stern, selfish and withdrawn, but you should definitely get to know them better. Such girls are simply accustomed to keeping their experiences to themselves. They are not iron ladies, they are characterized by compassion and self-sacrifice, and if you earn their trust, you will find reliable support and a devoted friend in them.

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