Antihomotoxic therapy for neurogenic bladder dysfunction

Why measure temperature?

The measurement has primarily diagnostic value. We approach conditions in which the temperature is above or below the conventional limit of 38 degrees Celsius a little differently. Since most fevers in our latitudes go away on their own within 3 days, in the absence of threatening symptoms, I recommend observation for 72 hours after the first rise in temperature above 38. If after this period it rises again above 38, a doctor’s examination is necessary to decide whether whether this is a lingering virus (and we continue to observe) or whether more aggressive intervention is required. Thus, we measure temperature to determine treatment tactics, but not to resolve the issue of antipyretic treatment.

What temperature should be lowered in a child with influenza and ARVI?

High temperature forces the child's body to turn on its protective function. In this case, there may be a general deterioration in the form of malaise and headaches. The child becomes lethargic and whiny, which brings a lot of anxiety to parents. Before bringing down a child’s high temperature, you need to clarify significant nuances.

A slight increase in temperature does not lead to serious consequences and does not require any measures to be taken. Parents need to have reliable information about what temperature should be lowered. Improper actions can cause weakened immunity. There is a risk of developing possible complications and the disease may become protracted.

Cases when you need to bring down the temperature in children:

  • 37.2-37.9°C (low-grade fever) – should be taken for newborns up to 2 months of age if indicated;
  • 38.0-38.9°C (febrile) – antipyretics must be given in all cases;
  • over 41.0°C (hyperthermic) - you need to call an ambulance if the drugs do not lower the readings on the thermometer.

It is necessary to call an ambulance if febrile spasms appear - this is intolerance to high temperature, an individual feature of the child’s body. This condition usually does not occur in children over 6 years of age (provided there are no pathologies in the central nervous system).

Chronic or acute diseases in cardiology, neurology or lung disease require lowering the temperature in children if the readings are above 38°C. Otherwise, complications from the heart, nervous system and respiratory organs cannot be ruled out.

If you have difficulty lowering your temperature, you should immediately seek medical help. If the thermometer has barely reached 37°C, and the child looks lethargic and his health is only getting worse, you should not expect a further increase in the readings on the thermometer.

How to decide whether to lower the temperature?

The answer is simple, regardless of the cause of the temperature. It doesn’t matter whether it is associated with an infection or a post-vaccination reaction, with teething or other reasons.

We lower the temperature when the child feels unwell.

There is nothing so beneficial about a rise in temperature that you have to endure it, and nothing so harmful that you need to take medicine while feeling normal. Therefore, when deciding on the issue of fever reduction, we look not at the thermometer, but at the child. If he feels bad, he’s breathing heavily, lethargic, his muscles or head hurt - you even lower 37.8. But if you can't get a child at 38.8 to get the medicine into him, then there's no need for the medicine.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, the drug "Viburkol" is effective in the following conditions:

  • fevers of various etiologies,
  • severe pain during the growth of the first teeth (recommended for children under 3 years of age),
  • viral, fungal and bacterial infections,
  • diseases of the genitourinary system,
  • childhood dyspepsia - disruptions in the digestive tract, stomach pain, cramps and flatulence,
  • mild disorders of the nervous system - anxiety syndrome, seizures and other symptoms.

Baby becomes restless when teething

How to reduce temperature?

Since this question is asked only by parents of young children, I will not write about medications for older children.

There are only three home remedies for kids to reduce their fever: the physical method, paracetamol (acetaminophen) and ibuprofen. If the child's arms and legs are warm, he needs to be undressed, you can hang him with wet towels, wipe him with water at room temperature, wrap his head in a wet scarf, or even put him in a cool shower. Whether or not to give medicine is your choice. Depends on your level of panic and your child's behavior. Small children cool down well on their own; sometimes it’s enough just to free them from their clothes. If your hands and feet are cold—vasospasm has begun—the physical method is not recommended, and the only option left is medication.

How to reduce a child's temperature?

Now let’s talk about the medications that should definitely be in your first aid kit if a baby is growing up in the family. Thus, pediatricians prohibit the use of drugs such as:

  • Aspirin;
  • Analgin;
  • Nise.

The baby can only be given medications that contain Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. Even if the child has no symptoms, they must be correctly calculated based on the baby’s weight and measured using a special syringe or measuring spoon. You should not use ordinary teaspoons for these purposes, and it is better to completely forget about the concept of “by eye”.

How to dose?

The easiest way to dose Nurofen is: syrup dose (ml) = 1/2 weight (kg). This is based on a single dosage of 10 mg/kg ibuprofen.

Paracetamol is dosed at 15 mg/kg. If you dose the most popular syrup - Panadol - you can multiply the child’s weight in kg by 0.625.

A single dose can be given no more than once every 4 hours, but preferably no more than 3 times a day.

You should not use the dosage according to age, which is often placed on the packaging of drugs. This is dangerous because children of the same age weigh very differently. Correctly dose medications by weight or body surface area, but not by age.


Homeopathic rectal suppositories1 sup.
active components:
Chamomilla recutita (Chamomilla) (Chamomilla recutita (Chamomilla) D11.1 mg
Atropa bella-donna (Belladonna) D21.1 mg
Solanum dulcamara (Dulcamara) D41.1 mg
Plantago major (Plantago) (plantago major (plantago) D31.1 mg
Pulsatilla pratensis (Pulsatilla) (Pulsatilla pratensis (Pulsatilla) D22.2 mg
Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni (Conchae) D84.4 mg
auxiliary component: solid fat (Adeps solidus) - 1089 mg, to obtain a suppository weighing 1.1 g

When to call an ambulance?

There is no need to call an ambulance. No isolated increase in temperature is a reason for this. Isolated means that there are no other threatening symptoms, such as an unclear rash, severe shortness of breath or a bulging fontanel. Yes, an ambulance can always lower the temperature - with a lytic mixture or a hormone. But this is not necessary and may cause harm. The drug that forms the basis of the lytic mixture - analgin (metamizole) - is prohibited in children throughout the civilized world. In addition, the ambulance is more likely to offer hospitalization.

Fever is not an emergency condition. If it worries you, lower your temperature and go to the doctor. Or call a doctor at home as planned.


What to do if your child has a fever?

Does your baby have a fever? Then you can’t hesitate - you need to urgently consult a doctor. Especially if it is accompanied by:

  • rash;
  • neck muscle tension;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomiting.

But don’t panic: fever is typical for most common viral respiratory infections and high temperatures - about 40 degrees. This is how our body responds to infection. The pediatrician will simply examine the child and select the right treatment for him, taking into account the severity of the disease.

Diagnosis of coronavirus in children

The main method for diagnosing Covid in children, as in adults, is the PCR test. Also, if necessary, the doctor prescribes:

  • general blood analysis;
  • biochemical blood test and additional tests to detect blood clotting disorders and changes in some covid-specific markers (C-reactive protein, D-dimer, etc.);
  • X-ray or CT scan to determine the condition of the lungs;
  • consultation with specialized specialists, for example, a pulmonologist.

At home, it is advisable to use a pulse oximeter to monitor your breathing status. This is an inexpensive, compact device that measures saturation - the oxygen content in the blood. Normal values ​​are 96 units and above.

Is it necessary to bring down a child’s temperature to 36.6?

If, after using antipyretics, the readings decrease by 0.5°C within an hour, then the process is normal. Do not aim to reach 36.6°C immediately. This can cause serious overload of the child’s body, which can lead to a deterioration in overall well-being.

The ideal temperature would be 37-37.5 degrees. After some time, a jump may occur again. This occurs because the active component of the medicine is excreted from the body and ceases its effect. If several hours have passed after taking the drug, you can give the child another dose. It is very important to observe time intervals between doses and monitor temperature readings.

With an effective fight of the immune system against pathogenic microbes and with a competent approach to treatment, recovery, as a rule, is 3-5 days.

BCG and SARS-CoV-2

During the pandemic, information about whether the BCG vaccination can protect against Covid has changed several times. The BCG hypothesis was first put forward in March 2022. New York and Texas researchers have published observations that in countries where infants are massively vaccinated against tuberculosis with the BCG vaccine, Covid spreads more slowly, and vaccinated people tolerate it more easily.

Unfortunately, to date, morbidity statistics do not support this theory. Coronavirus epidemics also raged in countries with mass immunization against tuberculosis. Moreover, the mortality rate from Covid, for example, in Russia even exceeded the same figure in countries without BCG vaccination.

However, scientific research in this direction is still underway. In August 2022, a study by Indian scientists appeared that the BCG vaccine still has a positive effect on how a person suffers a coronavirus infection. Let us note, however, that the sample for the study was extremely small: only 82 people took part in the experiment, and only elderly people. The results suggest that people vaccinated against tuberculosis vaccine develop cytokine storm to a much lesser extent and less frequently. Namely, this terrible complication in many cases is the cause of death from COVID-19.

How to help a child’s body fight infection?

Regardless of whether you follow the recommendations on what temperature to lower in children, you must take care to create the necessary conditions for the patient. All family members should improve the quality of personal hygiene: wash their hands, wear disposable gauze bandages, etc. You also need to provide the child with separate cutlery and dishes.

Recommendations for a speedy recovery:

1. A sick child must remain in bed.

2. It is necessary to ventilate the room in which the baby is located (the influenza virus and other microorganisms are concentrated in musty air).

3. Care should be taken to humidify the air (at the same time, the mucous membranes of the nose and larynx do not dry out; this improves local immunity and promotes well-being).

4. You should ensure that you drink plenty of fluids (virus breakdown products are eliminated through the kidneys, which reduces the load on the body).

5. The baby’s clothes should be light, preferably made from natural fabrics.

6. It is considered normal for a baby to have no appetite. You should avoid spices, citrus fruits, and dairy products, which can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. A hot bath at a high temperature is not the most pleasant feeling, but cool (not cold) water can help normalize the indicators.

7. It is recommended to use the bath together with antipyretics, and not instead of them. You can also get some relief by applying a cool compress to your forehead.

Vaccination against coronavirus

JSC "Medicine" (Clinic of Academician Roitberg) provides vaccination against coronavirus infection (COVID-19). You can undergo the procedure in comfortable conditions. The service is available to all citizens of the Russian Federation.

Find out more

Although coronavirus can now be quite a dangerous disease for children, in most cases they still have a mild or asymptomatic form without complications. Compared to the overall toll during the pandemic, child mortality accounts for just 0.4% of all coronavirus deaths. No one yet knows for sure why children’s bodies are better protected. But there are several hypotheses:

  • children's bodies are generally healthier: at this age, chronic pathologies (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases) are less common, the lungs are not damaged by smoking and working in hazardous industries;
  • Children have faster immunity than adults. They still don’t have enough clumsy “heavy artillery” in the form of a specific immune response. The child’s body very quickly produces many universal antibodies, which are also used to fight coronavirus;
  • Children's lungs are thought to have fewer ACE2 cells that attack SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the lung tissue is less damaged.
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